Pinnacle Mission Architect Advertisement
You forgot one. What were you drinking when you made this up.
Mission name: Foil DJ Otto's Nefarious Broadcast Day!
Arc ID: 1639 on Live / 8704 on Test
Length: Very Long
Morality: Neutral
Description: DJ Otto Plair, the custodian at w00t Radio, has planted portable transmitters across Paragon City and the Rogue Isles and has taken over! Help DJ Mindscythe stop Otto and his "All-Hasslehoff, All-The-Time" broadcasting and return control of w00t Radio to the listeners!
What were you drinking when you created this? Captain Morgan's Tattoo, of course.

Thread has been stickied and marked to save.
Please note Arcs transferred from test to live may be published under a new ID, please check this information once live. Any user that needs their post updated can contact any member of the moderation team, please include links and content to edit.
Thank you.
Mission name: The Nictus Storm
Arc ID: 22424
Morality: Neutral
Length: Very Long
Description: Life is easy, but today is not just any day of the week. A rising storm has entered the atmosphere and is preparing to strike down in Paragon City. Could this be the Nictus invasion predicted by Kheldians of Ouroboros?
What you were drinking when this was created?: Bud Light
Mission name: The Coral-Encrusted Sword
Arc ID: 3321 (now live!)
Morality: Villainous
Length: Very Long
Description: Operative Vargas has let you in on a deal to become filthy rich by helping him steal an artifact from the losers at Cage Consortium. Of course, these sorts of things never turn out as planned. 1 EB, 2 AVs (one optional). Special guest appearance by one of my villains that you get to beat the tar out of! Yay!
What you were drinking when this was created?: Jones Root Beer
4/09/09: made some updates based on feedback
Mission name: Trouble Brewing!
Arc ID: Live ID TBD
Morality: Heroic
Length: Long (3 missions)
Description: Featuring Italian fascists, killer robots, a hero who speaks in phonetically spelled Jamaican proverbs, and an espresso machine that transforms into... you'll have to play it to find out!
Tanker Blue Mountain has received his tax refund and ordered the most amazing commercial espresso machine, the Steam-O-Tron 3000. Unfortunately he missed the delivery person. If you offer to pick it up for him maybe he'll brew you a shot. Enjoy a relaxing espresso with Jamaica's premier super hero.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Mexican organically grown coffee
Mission name: Time's New Roman
Arc ID: Live ID TBD
Morality: Heroic
Length: Long (3 missions)
Description: Featuring colorful lingerie, disappearing detectives, and one of history's greatest strategists screaming profanities in ancient Latin.
Decorated PPD Detective Marc Scipio left an earlier press conference, went into his office, and simply disappeared. When detectives entered his office they observed that it appeared the room's contents had simply been erased. The Midnight Squad needs your help!
What you were drinking when this was created?: Bawls Guarana Soda
Mission name: Everybody's a Critic
Arc ID: Live ID TBD
Morality: Villainous
Length: Short (2 missions)
Description: Featuring a confrontation with The Golden Gadfly, whose fearsome powers of Super-Criticism will make you feel blue before he layers on the black and-!
It began with hushed comments and snickering teammates in the hall's of Animosity's villain base. Then that Ballista cracked wise and a whole room full of Longbow doubled over with laughter. Why are you suddenly the butt of everyone's jokes? Hey - there's a link to a Spewtube video on the Supergroup Computer with your name on it. Maybe the answer lies there...
What you were drinking when this was created?: Real Iced Tea
Meet my characters: Marqaha's Managerie
Adversity/Animosity: Strength through Diversity. Respect and Fun.
Mission name: The Perfect Brew
Arc ID: 2007
Morality: Neutral
Length: Very Long
Description: After all these years, Green Dwarf has finally found a way to recreate the Perfect Brew! Using the technology of the Mission Architect, he has discovered that ingredients recovered in this virtual world actually have magical essence and if combined as per the recipe will create the fabled elixir.
What you were drinking when this was created?: What wasn't I drinking?
Green Dwarf 50 Stone/Axe Tanker
Time Traveller 50 Rad/Rad Defender
Mission name: New Arrivals
Arc ID: 1052
Morality: Heroic
Length: Long (4 Missions)
Description: The Winds have blown, the Fires have burned, the Ice has bitten once more. Paragon City has a new threat and with your assistance we can put an end to it before it begins. We have a new order of chaos that needs our attention, the Elementals have risen.
What you were drinking when this was created?: anything, I have too much blood in my alcohol content.
Mission name: Rumble with Beef Cake
Arc ID: 1070
Morality: Heroic
Length: Very Short (1 Mission)
Description: Have you ever wanted to touch fists with Beef Cake? Well here is your chance!
What you were drinking when this was created?: same as above
[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]
[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]
Mission name: The Powers That May Not Be
Arc ID: 2425
Length: Long 3 Missions
Description: The twilight of superpowers and extra abilities is upon us. Three different factions are attempting to destroy one power origin type or another. It is up to you to stop this before Earth is left defenseless from the various threats that would destroy this little mud ball planet of ours. Note: NPCs to help you battle end bosses in last two missions.
What you were drinking when this was created?: More like smokin'
The Powers That May Not Be
@Dyre Knight
Radion-50 rad/rad
Dyre Knight-50 ill/storm
Shadow-Fall-50 kat/reg
Iceomatrix-50 ice/nrg tank
Goth-Chylde-50 dark/dark scpr
Stealth Man-50 fire/dev blas
Old Dirty Blaster-50 Rad/Rad
Vampiro-50 SS/Nrg
Repo Man-50 EM/Nin
Under Boss-50 Thugs/Dark
Violet Burn-50 Fire/Psi
(54 other lvl 50 toons)
Mission name: Positron Revisited
Arc ID: Live ID# - 1671
Morality: Heroic
Length: Long (3 Missions)
Description: A new take on the Positron TF.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Probably coffee.
Mission name: High School Reunion
Arc ID: Live ID# - 1427
Morality: Heroic
Length: Very Short (1 Mission)
Description: You're a hero now. Those high school bullies can't hurt you anymore. Here's your chance to rewrite the memories you've tried so hard to forget.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Grape juice (I was sick)
*edited to add Live ID #s
Pinnacle -- Titans of Paragon
Blue 50s: 4 controllers, 3 defenders, 2 blasters, 2 scrappers, 1 tanker
Red 50s: 4 corruptors, 2 brutes, 1 dominator, 1 VEAT
Arc ID# 1427: High School Reunion
Arc ID#: 1671: Positron Revisited
Mission name: Cat-tastrophe
Arc ID: 1141
Morality: Nuetral
Length: Medium
Description: Natures' Furry is looking for some help. A couple of her cat-girl friends have been kidnapped, and she is worried what would happen if she attempted to save them.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Margaritas!
edited to add arc ID
Mission name: Temper, Temper
Arc ID: 1091
Length: Very Long
Morality: Heroic
Description: A mysterious old monk recruits you to go back in time to the Rikti War. Someone has altered the course of history and you must save a young man from the Rikti, a meddling Time Traveler and himself as you guide him to the path of becoming a hero.
What were you drinking when you created this? Coke.
EBs, AVs and Allies are present.
Mission name: Temptation
Arc ID: 2089
Length: Very Long
Morality: Neutral
Description: A case of sibling rivalry taken to the next level but things go awry when Arachnos steps in.
What were you drinking when you created this? Water.
Bosses are tough.
@Chilling Temper - L50 B
Candela - L50 PB
Caustic - L50 C
Crystallizing - L50 T
Crippling - L43 D
Caex - L50 B
Psilencer - L37 F
Cooldown - L35 C
Q.Q - L19 S
Mission name: Gnolls
Morality: Heroic
Length: 3 missions
Description: Stop the Gnoll raids.
According to the I14 release notes, parodies are not allowed. That will really throw a wrench into one of my planned arcs
Well, assuming that NCNC interprets characters from a fictional video game called "Hyper Batali Bros" to be parodies.
Yes, this may be true. Don't break the cardinal rule.
Mission name:
Arc ID:
What you were drinking when this was created?:
Mission name: Villainous Values
Arc ID: 1288 (on Live)
Morality: Villain
Length: Medium (1 small, 2 medium maps)
Description: An Arachnos Fortunata comes begging the aid of the Destined One, but not out of wholly evil intent. Can you take time out of a busy schedule of making the world weep to change a life or two for better... or worse?
What you were drinking when this was created? Coffee and Argentine wine
Mission name: Discovering Doctor Dabble
Arc ID: 3042
Morality: Heroic
Length: Medium
Description: A series of events beginning with a little girl's peril introduce you to Doctor Dabble; this is the first of the Doctor Dabble stories (#2 coming "Soon")
Mission name: Adventure of the Ghost Generator
Arc ID: 3054
Morality: Heroic
Length: Very Long (which works out to be about "Medium")
Description: Ghosts. What more do you need? Ghosts with some story? Done. This is the tale of a haunted factory, and the loss that this brings to a young couple in love.
Both of my arcs are story-heavy and farming-light. Solo-friendly.
Creator of Arcs:
- Discovering Doctor Dabble
- Adventure of the Ghost Generator
Mission name: Secret Cow Level
Arc ID: Live ID# - 1815
Morality: Neutral
Length: 1 mission
Description: This is a VERY HARD homage to the old Diablo 2 Cow level.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Mountain Dew
This mission made XFunk mad at me.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Mission name: Matchstick Women
Arc ID: 3369
Morality: Heroic
Length: 3 missions
Description: A mysterious flame tells you a story about a group of women arsonists and their strange leader.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Pepsi
Mission name: To Conquer a Thousand Worlds
Arc ID: 6644
Morality: Villainous
Length: Very Long
Description: "Qubit enlists your aid in using Portal Corp technology to extend itself to infinity. Qubit has promised you a dimensional niche of your own to rule...but can it be trusted? Author's Note: First arc but spent a while on it, let me know what can be fixed."
What you were drinking when this was created?: Test server juice. It was very...laggy.
Notes: I just ran this on my DB/WP Brute on Ruthless. First two missions and most of mission 3 went smoothly enough. A custom boss in mission 3, however, is a rather nasty endurance drainer, at least against melee toons. Make sure you die against the boss in mission 4 at least once. Mission 5 may have balance issues regarding allies, particularly against the final boss. Final ticket total: 778, beginning to end. I plan to extend this story into a second arc in the future, expanding on the middle of the story.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Quick comment.
So many missions sooo little time!
Mission name : Dusk of Arachnos - Act 1
Arc ID: 3670
Morality: Heroic
Length: Long
Description: You have been reassigned from your normal heroic duties to help the Dimensional Defense Forces to investigate Arachnos' recent success within Paragon City.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Nothing strong enough.
Mission name: Freak Occurence
Arc ID: 6595 (Thank you NF! *hug hug hug *)
Morality: Heroic
Length: Medium; 3 missions
Description: A mysterious build up of Freakshow is occurring at an abandoned warehouse in Brickstown. Sister Psyche asks you to investigate.
What you were drinking when this was created?: Pepsi while eating Soft Batch Chocolate Chip cookies!!
I will be adding more custom bosses to the last mission, which currently has two. I would like to change the last mission map to something similar to Monkey Isle or the Talos DE island map that some missions use.
Thank you NF for telling me about this thread in the 'whee' (Jade-like whee) hours of the morning!
FriendlyHelper, your ArcID is 6595.
I looked it up last night before I logged.
Ok, I totally stole this from Virtue, but I think it's a good idea. This way we can have a source of finding stories by Pinnacle-ites once I-14 goes live tomorrow.
this is the thread you can list
Mission name:
Arc ID:
What you were drinking when this was created?:
and also give postive feedback
please keep negative feedback to minimum unless critical thinking.
edited to add the most important question