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  1. Gratz to everyone above and below.

    While I play on pinn alot, but try to stay hidden (I know they are looking for me), I did manage to get my 3rd 50(first native to pinn) yesterday retaliating against Rikti forces in the war zone. Etheline Gerber, now a lvl 50 Claws/Dark Armor/Weap mostly done solo.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    With the release of i15:

    Rikti Drones play the death animation over and over until they do the fadeout. They explode, re-appear, explode and repeat this until the normal dead body fade out. Each explosion leaves the normal amount of debris, so the floor is covered with metal chunks after this behavior . This was on the Ashley McKnight arc, June 29th, Pinnacle (redside obviously).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can second this not only in the MA but also in the RWZ just in the zone and in missions.
  3. Issue 15: Best laid plans of mice.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    How has Pinnacle changed my life? It hasn't. In fact I think you bastards made it worse!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kinda the same here, because of pinn, I slack off more at work, and have the urge to try and play my 3 accounts all at once.

    *Edited to note I didn't have these problems when I played on Guardian, only AFTER I moved to Pinnacle.
  5. Maledious

    giant monster?

    The only GM that I know of that is available in MA is Quarry. The others aren't in MA due to physical sizes. I believe that there was a rumor that there were trying to get maps that could have the GMs in them, but I'm not to sure right now, way too early in the morning for my brain to wake up.
  6. It is mostly to prevent people from abusing the ma system to use only for farming badges. This is why the infamy/influencce, defeats, and other badge types are not progressed through ma.
  7. Nuclear Launch base
    Neighborhood w/ tradional Japanese style housing
    Large oil drilling platform
    WW2 Style bases
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Then there's the kind of REALLY BAD I like to play, which I guess you could define as TOTALLY RUTHLESS. I am bad, I want to take over the world and rule it with an iron fist, and I will squish any insignificant peon who gets in my way. That's the kind of bad I want to see more of, because there is practically none in dev-created content.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm this gives me an idea on where to take one of the arcs I'm working on. (runs to a corner to scribble down the new idea..)
  9. It may be possibly that the surrounding mob is set to the same as the captive.
  10. The arc is named "Welcome to the Dimensional Security Forces - Academy Training Simulator" Arc ID is 111152, it's only a one liner on the final boss of the final mish, but if you have watched the newer seasons you should be able to spot it fairly easily.
  11. I have one of the hellion leaders in my arc quote a phrase from an episode of Dr. Who.
  12. This arc is currently in testing, hoping to get some help and feedback.
    Mission name: Welcome to the Dimensional Security Forces - Academy Training Simulator
    Arc ID: 11152
    Morality: Heroic
    Length: Long (4 Missions; 2 small, 1 tiny, 1 unique maps)
    Description: You have been chosen to join the Dimensional Security Forces. As one of the requirements, you must complete the training simulator
    What you were drinking when this was created?: Still nothing strong enough.
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    In this mission the characters I have are:E-Walk, Spaced Trooper, Martian, Gismo, Predatory, Wooky, Cling On, Bork, Dark Invader, Dark Mauler, Puke Litetalker, Yogurt and Ridicule.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think that would get you as in Space Balls there was a character named Yogurt.
  14. Mission name : Dusk of Arachnos - Act 1
    Arc ID: 3670
    Morality: Heroic
    Length: Long
    Description: You have been reassigned from your normal heroic duties to help the Dimensional Defense Forces to investigate Arachnos' recent success within Paragon City.
    What you were drinking when this was created?: Nothing strong enough.