How Has Pinnacle Changed Your Life?
I met Tree in PinnacleBadges and married him.
details in some city scoop article that I'm far too lazy to find at the moment
Before hooking up with my wife (no she doesn't game at all) I was barfly. A really bad one. As soon as I bought a house for my wife, her son and I, I stopped being a barfly. Literally overnight.
But my comfort level remained geared toward the drunks. It's by nothing but chance that my brother and two other players chose Pinnacle to create our supergroup and it was only out of boredom that I let him talk me into playing this, my first and only MMO.
It was all the drunk freaks that kept me comfortable, kept me amused and kept me around.
Life changing? No, I gave up one addiction for another. Healthier lifestyle? Yes.
Be well, people of CoH.

Ahhh a moment of sanity.
City of Heroes life changing? Well, yes.
Granted, most people that play an MMORPG, at least from what I've heard on the norm, but most people have nothing but bad things to say. It sounds almost like a stereotypical country song, "I lost my wife, my dog, and mah truck cuz i got fat and spent all my time and money sittin in front of a computer". But in all reality, we sit in front of the TV watching our favorite sitcom, or playing other video games.
On the other hand, one such as I, who is a very.. well.. shy, and hermit like in my life, and very reserved on my opinion, I find this to be an outlet of sorts. Normally I dont like to share, I dont like to socialize, and i dont like to meet new people, but, in CoX, i tend to function differently. I dont know if it has to do with being behind an avatar, not having to be face to face with one another, but I know for a fact that Im more open when logged in. Call it strange, call it what you will, but its the truth.
My friends and I do use vent, and even though I am now talking to live people, actually speaking with them, I dont feel the reservations that i would if we were sitting next to eachother. I feel I can be myslef with no consequences. I guess you can say thats what I am afraid of the most, is what the outcome of my actions are, and prohibiting myself from doing anything "fun" I keep myself safe from what judgement others may have. Be it shy or scared, its what I used to do.
Now, in my day to day ventures of life, I find myself talking to random strangers, the ones I fear the most, and being comfortable with their opinions. I find myself being far more open in conversation, and being the center of attention in a crowd.. and not in a bad way lol. My friends have always told me that I am a funny person, and very prone to enlightening the day when I really get into it, that used to be only around my friends, close friends. Now granted, I still get a little stage fright when being a goofball in front of others, but I surely dont hold myself back any longer.
All in all, i guess im trying say that yes, playing on CoX and especially playing on Pinn has changed my life, my lifestyle, for the better. If I hadnt joined this community, I would probably still be playing my beat up XBOX and not associating with anyone. Looking back.. I dont like the sound of that.
And as for General Knowledge, well. he has been an enlighteneing experience. We chat just about everyday on vent, and getting to know him has been a pleasure. You should try talking to him sometime..... The crap he comes up with will make you pee yourself. For some reason he has an unquestionable knowledge of 80's cartoons.
Anyhow, there it is. I did it.
your turn........
I owe thanks to my wife, Ennvee, for helping me come out of my shell, and for introducing me to this game. if it wasnt for her, I would still be the quiet guy that sits in the back of the room, unnoticed, silent, and not making any difference in life.
Hunny, I love you.
Pinnacle and Life changing o.O
Well Key, was on this server. Key taught me how to build and how to PvP, and with him leaving the game I felt like someone should pick up in his place, so kinda chaged me.
Key has returned, but the trader is on Virtue with those damn RPers...
Anyway... Pinnicale made my 23rd birthday last monday. When almost everyone in RL forgot (including parents) it was these bums on pinnacle that stayed up all night on Vent me, all of us taking shots of vodka, hennesy, or Jack. They made My B-day, so thankyou......for the hangover......j/k.
Thanks all.
What??? I missed your birthday? Wait... was THAT why you were drunk? Darn it Ninja! Post more so that we can see the birthday cake next to your name so we can wish you a happy birthday!!!!!
Belated HAU'OLI LA HANAU!!!!!!

I don't think Pinnacle has changed my life, it's something i do to keep myself entertained because the thought of settling down with some nagging wife, listening to pop music and watching american idol makes me want to rip my eyes out.
All of my friends fall into two categories, married and boring, or single and obnoxious.
I read about people's lives going to crap from playing mmo's. Hell i knew exactly what i was getting into when i installed the game. If i stopped playing video games, then i would get bored, and let me tell you, me being bored out in the "RL" is not a good thing. I won't get into details, but trust me, the world is a better place with me indoors lmao. I'm looking at you, maker's mark.
I don't think of playing on Pinnacle as withdrawing from RL friends. I look at it like i'm having a good time with friends who don't bum smokes, spill beer on your carpet, borrow money, c***block you at the bar, smoke the roaches in your ashtray when you go to sleep,or drink your last beer. And the best part, with a single button press, they all go away for a little while
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Join my fan club today!
How Has Pinnacle Changed Your Life?
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The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
It's been a hell of a ride for me, that's for sure.
Sherman, set the wayback machine for 1990 - I found MUDs. Played on them for years, joined what became my home MUD in '93, took it over in '97. Things were good until about 2001, when MMOs started to gain traction with online gamers, and MUDs lost it.
In 2004, my best friend introduced me to CoH while I was staying with him for the summer before starting my current job. I'd never been interested in the Fantasy MMOs, was burnt out on that genre from the MUD, but loved CoH instantly. Joined in August of 2004. It was a great way to still get to hang out and do stuff with friends downstate.
In early 2006, the bulk of the group left for WoW. I didn't. (Fantasy genre = ugh) Played with the remaining group members until they left for SWG. Tried that, no traction there either.
Played alone for many months. Thought about quitting. Then, I found PinnacleBadges. Mostly just watched, didn't talk much. Then I heard about w00t Radio. Started DJing with them, which forced me to talk.
Then I met Ancient Tree. We became friends. He introduced me to GP (now Flame Enchantress). We became friends too.
Simply put, Tree & GP changed my life, but since they were on Pinnacle, Pinnacle gets the credit. And through them I got to know and become friends with some truly cool folks like Evie, Dark Lu, Red Crow, Aldrazar, Jimmy, Gawdzilla, Sexy Sultan, Natures' Fury, and others.
Thanks to Pinnacle, I have a new group of friends, and I'm heading toward five straight years in CoH. They've even helped me get my wife started on playing (she's a sucker for being social, even if she's not really a video-gamer).
Ok, so I drink more than I used to before playing here, but there's nothing wrong with that. It's not like I have to drive home after a night of drunken ITF-ing with the Pinnacle on Tap crew! I have learned, however, not to drink and DJ. Major embarrassment ensues when I try that.

Aw I feel so warm and fuzzy now Mind... I'm giving you an extra big hug next month. I hope Annette won't mind.
Pinnacle hasn't really changed my life, but it has been an interesting layer within it. The game gives me some space for some personal interests that most of the people I know don't otherwise share. I've made and lost various friends and enemies on the server, many of whom tend to fight with each other in ways I have barely any idea how to resolve. So basically it's not all that different from real life.
5 years of Pinnacle. And I don't even drink. Definitely a hard-earned experience you can't get anywhere else.
CoH has kept me from losing my house and car...
Strange but true. I've been playing for 5 years. Before I would spend lots of money buying games and what not. After I bought this game, I stop spending it and started to save it. I recently lost my job and have been living off the 5 years of money I have saved. I currently have about 6 to 7 months worth of money left. So spending money in this game has helped me save :P
Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
I don't think Pinnacle has changed my life, it's something i do to keep myself entertained because the thought of settling down with some nagging wife, listening to pop music and watching american idol makes me want to rip my eyes out.
All of my friends fall into two categories, married and boring, or single and obnoxious.
I read about people's lives going to crap from playing mmo's. Hell i knew exactly what i was getting into when i installed the game. If i stopped playing video games, then i would get bored, and let me tell you, me being bored out in the "RL" is not a good thing. I won't get into details, but trust me, the world is a better place with me indoors lmao. I'm looking at you, maker's mark.
I don't think of playing on Pinnacle as withdrawing from RL friends. I look at it like i'm having a good time with friends who don't bum smokes, spill beer on your carpet, borrow money, c***block you at the bar, smoke the roaches in your ashtray when you go to sleep,or drink your last beer. And the best part, with a single button press, they all go away for a little while
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count me into this category as well...
How has Pinnacle changed my life? It hasn't. In fact I think you bastards made it worse!
youre welcome
All of my friends fall into two categories, married and boring, or single and obnoxious.
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I laughed. I can relate.
How has Pinnacle changed my life? It hasn't. In fact I think you bastards made it worse!
[/ QUOTE ]
Kinda the same here, because of pinn, I slack off more at work, and have the urge to try and play my 3 accounts all at once.
*Edited to note I didn't have these problems when I played on Guardian, only AFTER I moved to Pinnacle.
Pinnacle made me learn to use my left hand.
EnnVee is your "beacon"? and i don't even get props as your "guidance counselor"? i see how it is. when i'm handing out gay "fun" to the members of the SG you get no gay "fun". and i'm taking away your princess points.
stop telling me reasons why you "can't" and start giving me reasons why you "can".
E is for Pants.
Pinnacle made me learn to use my left hand.
[/ QUOTE ]
let's not pursue this one any further
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Join my fan club today!
It's actually changed my life in a lot of ways.
I joined CoX on my own account back around i5 - I think I rolled my first toon towards the end of i5 so I could get the free respec at i6...something like that anyway. Prior to that, I played here and there on friends' accounts - because all my RL friends played, and they were desperate to get me to play too.
I'm a horribly shy person - at least until you get to know me. I'm not the type that speaks up in conversations (just look at my post count and how often I speak up in channels lol). But I did manage to find a few friends on Pinnacle, friends that didn't care that I was shy, they were going to see that I had fun anyway - they didn't care that I rarely spoke up in team or SG chat.
Over the span of the last couple of years, most of my friends that got me into the game have left the game. That forced me to seek out other teams and make new friends - which was, and is, hard for me with my introverted personality, but good for me as well.
And, during the course of all of this, I hooked up with Claws and Effect. Our relationship started as really good friends and SG mates and progressed from there. I had gone through a messy divorce, and he and Scott Wild were both there for me in times when I would have normally pulled my hair out and retired to solitude. They kept me sane. Claws and I started dating after a time - a 600+ mile long distance relationship to boot. I took the biggest step an introvert such as myself could ever take and moved to be with him. Though, we did end up moving back to my neck of the woods when the job market in Toledo proved to be more of a hassle than it was worth. We got married 3 weeks ago this Saturday.
So, all in all, Pinnacle has given me good times, a husband, and many wonderful friends. And for that, I say "Thank You."
MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
Feedback & Rating Trades Welcome!

I started playing the game because it gave me an online version of the Champions PnP that I had always wanted to play. That kept me occupied for the first few months.
Then I got into a great SG and had a blast with those people and realized that I was still here because of their friendship. As is often the case, that SG split up. I quickly put together the resources we needed to keep a core of the people I enjoyed playing with together and we have had a great run for the past couple years. I also have come to consider many people here on the boards friends.
While I may not have had as great a life-changing experience here that some have had, I still appreciate the experience I have had and continue to have.
Ctrl - Awesome is all mine, baby!
He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. - Sir Winston Churchill
Write a wise saying and your name will live forever. - Anonymous
I lost a bunch of weight and then had a surgery. Pinnacle, booze and twinkies helped me gain some of that weight back. Thanks Pinnacle!
Just kidding. I hate Twinkies.
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
It's been good and bad for me. I now know how to download MP3s and that you can always freak people out with a wtf moment.

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
Hello Pinnacle,
I decided it was about time that someone made something a little serious in all this randomness. so here goes.
After seeing the article in the scoop about how City of Heroes has changed your life, I decided I should tell my story.
I started playing CoX in June of 2007 at the reccomendation of my thereapist, I have trouble communicating with people in real life due to a mental condition. Hanging out with the people did indeed help me with social communication, but it served a greater purpose soon enough. Due to not being allowed into the theater program at my high school anymore because the director didn't feel like dealing with my condition anymore I lost all of my freinds but was able to keep socializing the same in CoX. Pathetic, yes, but it kept me going while I graduated early and headed off to college.
For a while things were good and then they got better when I left my inactive SG for Explicit Content with my freind Nightmare Hound in January of 2009. There I met EnnVee and Barron who to this day are some of the nicest people I have ever met. these people became like a second parents to me and especially supported me in a case my real parents didn't when I told them that I was homosexual. Through guidance from EnnVee, Hound, and Barron, I was able to force myself to confront my parents about my sexuality and since then we have become much closer. EnnVee has continued to be a supportive person and a guiding beacon in times when I am not sure on things. This all happened because I started playing city of Heroes and my life has gotten substantially better because of it.
That's my story, but I want to hear yours. How has anybody from Pinnacle affected your lives? For better or for worse. Everyone should have a chance to tell their story.