Test: Announce Your Latest Creation Here!




This thread is the official Announce your Mission Architect story arc on Test Server, Training Room!

Please use this thread instead of creating new threads so that discussions taking place don't get bounced out of view.

Posting the following information should be enough for interested players to find your mission easily within the system. Only the top two items are necessary for a player to find your arc.

Arc Name:
Arc ID:
Creator Global/Forum Name:
Difficulty Level:
Estimated Time to Play:
Link to More Details or Feedback:

Please note this thread is not a place to comment on missions you have tried, please see the author or existing threads to deliver this type of feedback and commentary!



Arc Name: A Super Team Is Born

Arc ID: 8662

Faction: Custom, Crey

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Yumii5 on Test, @Yumii on live; forumname is mistformsquirrel

Difficulty Level: Low/Moderate; EB at the end

Synopsis: Ninja Catpeople Turbo is a brand new team of heroes in Paragon City... they don't seem to quite have their footing just yet.

Can you help them find their place, even if that place might actually be the mall foodcourt?

((The arc is comedy with light drama, based on Sentai (Power Rangers) type stuff. It's what you'd call an affectionate parody with a slice of drama.))

Estimated Time to Play: ~1hr - Primary variable is stealth and your damage type.

Link to More Details or Feedback:

Link to the Mission Critique thread so you can give me feedback, good or ill! - Linky

*Notation* Arc ID has changed - I republished it earlier, it is no longer 4998, but rather 8662.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Arc Name: Welcome to Architect Entertainment
Arc ID: 4019
Faction: 5th Column (Corrupted)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Acid Zero/DeviousMe
Difficulty Level: Not sure (been told too easy to really hard ...medium?)
Synopsis: A tour of Architect Entertainment, presented to the player by Dr Aeon, is cast into chaos by an unexpected visitor.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-20 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback: Link

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Arc Name: City without Taxis
Arc ID: 6447

Faction: Heroes, yay! (Oh, you mean enemies? It varies from mission to mission, but all standard enemies.)

Creator Global/Forum Name: @Taxibot Belle/Taxibot_Belle (that's me!)

Difficulty Level: Medium, no Archvillains or Elite bosses

Synopsis: What would Paragon City be like without the Taxibots? Help us to not find out in this soloable arc. No Elite Bosses or Archvillains; just you helping the Taxibots get started and protecting them from those who would see them destroyed. Enjoy!

Estimated Time to Play: One hour or so on heroic. Maybe a little longer with a large team, maybe a little shorter if you're sneaky in some of the missions.

Link to More Details or Feedback: Hmm, our site is at CoHTaxis.com, feel free to send me feedback via PM here or at Belle@CoHTaxis.com. I tried to create these missions in the style of existing missions in Paragon City, so hopefully you won't run across anything too terribly outlandish. I really appreciate any feedback, and if you try out the missions, thanks in advance!

Yay, Infinity Taxis!!!
Try my City without Taxis story (1679) if you get a chance and let me know what you think!



Arc Name: Mind F**k
Arc ID: 9498
Faction: Sanity (Custom)
Creator Global: @Ghoul Slayer
Difficulty Level: uber hard (Lvl 3 or higher diff)
Synopsis: You have been suffering from psychotic outbursts lately. Judge Worm has ordered that you be sent to the Twin Plains Medical Research Center under the supervision of Dr. Barrett a renowned neurosurgeon. Dr. Barrett has asked that you undergo an experimental procedure which will help you to release your inner child and either cure you or drive you further down the road to insanity.
Link: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat....&PHPSESSID=
Estimated time to play: 1hr. or more (depending on difficulty)

Recommendation: Play this on the lowest difficulty with at least one teammate.

P.S. I toned this one down a little to the point where I could solo it on villainous (lvl 1 diff) with my 36 fire/wp brute (has all available wp skills and fighting pool 3 slotted for def.). It took awhile but I was able to take down the bots/emp EB at the end (she's an AV if you have a team). Also watch out for the claws/ninjitsu EB in the middle (shows up as a Lt. when you solo on lvl 1 diff.). Upon mission completion I recieved several badges and 86 tickets along with all the clues and souvenirs which I created (not bad for one mish). I used 95.74% of my alloted memory to create this. I would have liked to have made this into a complete story arc but my custom characters take up too much space to allow me more than one mish.



Arc Name: Likely Enemies, Unlikely Allies
Arc ID: 2559
Faction: Malta, WSGC(custom group)
Creator Global/Forum Name: <-- @LtZerge
Difficulty Level: Hard, but very doable.
Synopsis: You'll be investigating a rising power with a KoA member, named Kathrine Laurel. What seems like heavy competition unravels into something much bigger, involving family ties and bitter pasts.
Estimated Time to Play: 1.5-3hrs (5 missions)
Link to More Details or Feedback: ---

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



Arc Name: Dimension U-1192
Arc ID: 6566
Faction: Heroes.
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Aliana_Blue, Aliana_Blue
Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard (due to a current bug)
Synopsis: A portal Corp techie has been kidnapped and taken to another dimension, help us find him! You may find some surprises as you do.
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 minutes, depending on how much you spend going after optional objectives and such.
Link to More Details or Feedback: PM Meh! Or in-game E-mail me I guess, to the same character name that published the mission

Beware of Mission 3... (I warn in the Description that it's a good idea to bring friends, but I'm not sure if it'll actually make things worse) . It turned out a bit harder than I tought, but it seems to be due to a current bug with one powerset.

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Arc Name: Walking with Demons
[color= yellow] Arc ID: 7000 [/color]
Faction: Neutral (though more villainous then heroic)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @sharkopath (on test only) @Mr_Squid (on live)/ Mr_Squid
Difficulty Level: Hard
Synopsis: Team up with an enigmatic scientific group to investigate the biology and sociology of demons, and help orchestrate a plot to trick three of the most powerful archdemons.
Estimated Time to Play: Around an hour if you complete all objectives. Could be done in a fraction of the time if you stealthed everything, but would be much harder.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Check my global name above or send a PM.



Arc Name: The Do-It-Yourself Laser Moonbase Project
ArcID: 2897
Morality: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Twoflower / Twoflower
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: Tired of being a hired thug running errands to help the schemes of other villains? Let Igor Underhench, classically trained lackey to the stars, help you ransom Paragon City for ONE MILLION DOLLARS with a newly built lunar death ray platform!
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours.

Arc Name: Me, Myself & My Other Selves
ArcID: 5159
Morality: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Twoflower / Twoflower
Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard
Synopsis: Young heroine KopyKatt has a bit of a problem with herselves. Her mutant power to generate self duplicates recently went a bit nuts, and her clones are running wild all over Paragon! Rustle up this herd of teenage girls and figure out the cause of this incident before the whole world is overrun!
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours.

Arc Name: The Hydroponic Psychotropic Freak Out!
ArcID: 6265
Morality: Villain
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Twoflower / Twoflower
Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard
Synopsis: Arachnos asks so little of you -- other than your complete obedience. When drafted to war to defend your proud homeland, serve with pride! But these damn dirty hippies don't seem to care about patriotism. They just want peace, goodwill, and free love. We can't have that! Go pound those treehuggers!
Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



Arc Name: David and Goliath, the David Wincott Task Force
Arc ID: 6568
Faction: Council (minor), custom Trolls (major)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Dispari / Dispari
Difficulty Level: Challenging; soloable on lower difficulties with some ATs. Regular enemies aren't too hard but EBs/AVs are.
Level Range: 1-54
Suggested Team Size:: Low diff: 2-4, High diff: 6-8
Synopsis: The Trolls are back! Help David Wincott stop a new generation of Trolls from taking over Skyway City. Fight new Trolls, including new gang leaders! Designed for heroes, but villains encouraged to play too.
Estimated Time to Play: 15-45 minutes (depending on amount of ghosting)
Link to More Details or Feedback: Official thread

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Arc Name: Capture Black-Thorn
Arc ID: 5839
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name:Black-Thorn
Difficulty Level: Hard (although a Brute buddy of mine soloed it)
Synopsis: The assassin Black-Thorn has returned to Paragon City. Capture her before she leaves town again.
Estimated Time to Play: 30 minutes



Arc Name:Santa's Helper
Creator Global/Forum Name:Kohei
Difficulty Level:medium
Synopsis:Inspired by a recent Viewing of a Christmas Carol Freakshow boss No0bCrsHR is here to bring joy to all-as he understands it.
Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes
Link to More Details or Feedback:PM me please or leave feedback in comments section of M.A.

Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder

"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare

AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil



The three I have so far are:

Arc Name: Secret Weapons
Arc ID: 1080
Faction: Custom/Crey/CoT (Note: critters temporarily removed/changed to work around level-range bug, hopefully fixed next patch)
Creator Global/Forum Name: Arcanaville
Difficulty Level: Medium/High
Synopsis: Ashley McKnight investigates a crime that dates back to the Rikti War.
Estimated Time to Play: 30-60 minutes

Arc Name: Bug Hunt
Arc ID: 1644
Faction: Uh, hard to explain
Creator Global/Forum Name: Arcanaville
Difficulty Level: Easy
Synopsis: Architect Entertainment is looking for volunteers to test their new virtual entertainment system.
Estimated Time to Play: 10-20 minutes

Edit: this arc now has a feedback thread also: Bug Hunt Feedback thread.

Arc Name: Scrapper (or Anything Else) Challenge Mission 3.0
Arc ID: 1117
Faction: Evil Personified
Creator Global/Forum Name: Arcanaville
Difficulty Level: Suicidal
Synopsis: Kill, kill, kill you all.
Estimated Time to Play: the rest of your life, all three minutes of it.

Note: this mission contains only minions, Lts, and Bosses. Its not an AV-fest. I'd still suggest wearing a helmet though. Discussion thread here.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Arc Name: mind games part one
Arc ID: 7573
Creator Global/Forum Name: bzald1
Difficulty Level: low
Synopsis: can you tell what is real and what is not
Estimated Time to Play: 15mins tops
Link to More Details or Feedback:

sincerly yours:
Bzald of TopTen



Arc Name: Nobody of Consequence
Arc ID: 8835
Creator Global/Forum Name: Havoc Hunter1/Jbrass
Difficulty Level: Dunno yet.
Synopsis: "A typical case of Rogue Isles industrial subterfuge escalates into something completely unexpected when some start to realize that crime only pays for certain people."
Estimated Time to Play: Four missions, medium-sized

Level 30 up -- particularly looking for folks levels 30-40 to analyze balance of the custom heroes in mission 3. Theres one EB and one AV. I plan to use these guys for future arcs if I get good responses. I posted the arc last night but nobody has played yet. If it helps, the AV at the end is really sexy!

Edit: After some self-testing, I shortened the first map and republished. It was a little too long for that mission.



Arc Name: Heroism Is Good Business
Arc ID: 3361
Faction: Crey
Creator Global/Forum Name: @SoulTrain
Difficulty Level: Medium (soloable)
Synopsis: The world of high-tech is cut-throat in Paragon. Sometimes literally. When you're called in to lend a hand with a burglary of a startup research firm, it leads to takeover maneuvers of a hostile nature. (Based on "Heroism Is Good Business", an RP thread/story posted to the Roleplay forums in 2006 and 2007.)
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours
Link to More Details or Feedback: soultrain0217@gmail.com - critiques welcomed

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Arc Name: Reflection of Spirit
Arc ID: 7666
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Radionuclide
Difficulty Level: easy to medium
Synopsis: Help Mirror Spirit recover something very close to her.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour or so
Link to More Details or Feedback: Feedback





Arc Name: The Pale Horizon
Arc ID: 6859
Faction: Hero
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Lovelife (I think that it has Like Flames as the creator.)
Difficulty Level: medium - I found it easy on heroic solo, but cranking the difficulty can make some of the mobs pretty nasty. I haven't done a team run with bosses, but they may be a bit of a challenge if they work how I mean them to!
Synopsis: A new villain group has been amassing magical artifacts and you need to look into it before it gets out of hand.
Estimated Time to Play: Stealthing 3/4 missions solo, it took me about 15 minutes. There is only one defeat all (on a small map) and the others are on medium maps with an objective at the end.

I just published it this afternoon after working on it for only a few hours, so there is almost definitely room for improvement. I haven't had a chance for extensive testing, just a few runs through solo, so I never encountered one of my custom bosses, so I'm hoping that they work out fine! Overall, I like how it turned out.
Comments more than welcome here, the critique thread or pm me

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you

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