Clarifying MA Tickets
Thanks for the clarification.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
What about this then, as sort of a compromise? How about letting us finally get account based storage like all the other MMO's have. Do this for salvage, enhancements, recipes so we dont have to form personal super groups or get a second account to get the most out of the invention system. Because of the scarcity of how things are now on the market that pretty much what you have to do to complete some builds in a timely manner. I am not complaining about merits or tickets its just the account based storage for other things is long over due for us. Also I know the technology to do this isnt here yet but how about letting us select the level of the random roll for tickets (if there is a random roll for this) and merits so we dont have to park characters indefinately to get stuff at the right levels. I know you guys addressed this type of behavior once before when we had the issue of exemplaring and accolades. Any chance we can get this?
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Ahhhhh...I see.
Kind of like the vacation time I earn at my job is mine and not my brothers. My brother being the equivalent of my mothers second character.
I would consider him to be a villain.
Thanks Positron.
Will Badges related to MA wortk the same way? I.e. a badge that was for playing through x amount of MA arcs would be just for the character you played through the arcs with, but a badge which was for having X amount of people play through your arcs would be account wide (all your characters get them)?
Not asking exact details on what badges are going to be in there, just as to is there will be some account wide badges associated with account wide things, or if there will only be character specific badges?
Always remember, we were Heroes.
/Other people . . .
So, if I make a team up and take them into an arc I built do I get tickets for them playing through it?
Or do the tickets get nullified if the arc builder is on the team?
/hoho I knows nothing at all
//also hohoho . . . as if people would actually team with me =p
Thanks. I actually kind of like that.
Being that the tickets for the MA arcs we creater are account based, they can be used on other servers too, correct?
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
Ahhhhh...I see.
Kind of like the vacation time I earn at my job is mine and not my brothers. My brother being the equivalent of my mothers second character.
I would consider him to be a villain.
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NICE. An extra Internets for you!
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
What about this then, as sort of a compromise? How about letting us finally get account based storage like all the other MMO's have. Do this for salvage, enhancements, recipes so we dont have to form personal super groups or get a second account to get the most out of the invention system. Any chance we can get this?
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You already have it, it is called a Solo Base. (well except for the recipies but you just build those into IOs)
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
Thank you, i feel better about merits and the tickets now that u explained them both.
Merits are supposed to streamline the reward process for that character
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How so? By killing the supply on the market?
What about this then, as sort of a compromise? How about letting us finally get account based storage like all the other MMO's have. Do this for salvage, enhancements, recipes so we dont have to form personal super groups or get a second account to get the most out of the invention system. Any chance we can get this?
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You already have it, it is called a Solo Base. (well except for the recipies but you just build those into IOs)
[/ QUOTE ]Didnt you read where I said personal SG. People shouldnt have to do this to get IOs.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Merits are supposed to streamline the reward process for that character
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How so? By killing the supply on the market?
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You have to admit, it's streamlined...
Posi, if a mission gets marked for Hall of Fame or Dev's Choice, it's no longer "our" mission, and moved out of our slots. Will we still get tickets for people playing through it?
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
The idea is that, since creating MA content is account-wide (anything you write can be "published from" any character on your account), that the tickets generated from other people go into a pool. You can then claim tickets out of that pool on any character on your account.
HOWEVER, when you PLAY Mission Architect content, tickets you earn are exactly like Merits. They are earned ON that character, and can not be traded.
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That certainly makes sense, and I think I understood it. The Mission Architect itself is sort of a global thing, attached to your account. (Probably you as the author are identified by your global name) So it's not connected to any individual character or even server.
There has to be some means for your rewards to be earned for your account for that. I don't know if there are tickets for actual mission creation actions, but I believe you mentioned some badges would be global to the account. So tickets are the same way, some are per character, some are global to the account. (At least until you pull them out of the pool)
Can you pay for Mission Architect features out of the pool, or do you have to pull them out on the character you will be using to go into the editor?
What about this then, as sort of a compromise? How about letting us finally get account based storage like all the other MMO's have. Do this for salvage, enhancements, recipes so we dont have to form personal super groups or get a second account to get the most out of the invention system. Any chance we can get this?
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You already have it, it is called a Solo Base. (well except for the recipies but you just build those into IOs)
[/ QUOTE ]Didnt you read where I said personal SG. People shouldnt have to do this to get IOs.
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While I can understand that you already pointed out the workaround, it seems to me it's more of the way the feature is supposed to work than a workaround. In other words, I kind of see what you're saying as "I want to be able to use the Internet without buying a computer." That's sort of what a computer is FOR.
Sure, it could be easier to create a personal SG than it currently is, but obviously the devs make that fairly difficult because they DON'T want inter-account trading. Questioning whether or not that's easy with the tools available doesn't address the simple fact that the devs don't want you to do it.
And I don't believe anyone has said that it is impossible to craft IOs without trading between characters on your account.
That certainly makes sense, and I think I understood it. The Mission Architect itself is sort of a global thing, attached to your account. (Probably you as the author are identified by your global name) So it's not connected to any individual character or even server.
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Make sens but then again.. Am I not some sort of global things attached to my account? Should I not decide where I want to spend the reward I got form the merits? So if it makes sens for the MA to have the reward be global, why can't the time spent getting the merit while playing on my account be put into a pool that I can then decide where on which character ( from my account) I spend them?
I can only play 1 character of 1 account at 1 specific time. If I could play all my character of my account at the same time then I couldn't care less, i'd just get them all in 1 TF and finish it with the toon that can do it and get the reward on all Toons ( which would be the same has getting the reward on 1 but having it be global or available on all toons). But since we are locked into the 1 toon at 1 time on 1 account, then I have to do the same TF 8 time on all toons to have the same number of merits available (that they could possibly use) to each individual toon.
So once again, explain to me why the merits can't be global?? you want us to play the content yes, but in the end I ( the account owner, player.... etc) is the one playing the content, why would have have to play the same couple TF/arc 300 times on EACH of my toon to be able to possibly IO them?
ok I know what your next answer will be, IO are not needed, no maybe but they are a goal, and a goal that can only be done 2 ways, get a [censored] load of cash (playing the market, farming or doing normal content for years) or getting enough merits ( doing the same TFs or arcs over and over and over again).
There are some MA badges that are account wide, usually ones that are tied to publishing arcs and the arcs themselves (such as getting an Arc to be Dev Choiced, that badge is granted to all your characters).
If you spend tickets to unlock features in MA, such as a variant enemy, costume pieces, or a set of maps, then that is unlocked account wide as well.
If you spend tickets on a specific reward, like an Inspiration or Recipe Roll, then that is only given to the character spending the tickets.
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Merits are supposed to streamline the reward process for that character, and that's not going to be changing any time soon.
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So I guess being forced to play as limited a pool of characters as possible if you want anything more expensive than a random roll is Working As Intended?
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes
Merits are supposed to streamline the reward process for that character, and that's not going to be changing any time soon.
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So I guess being forced to play as limited a pool of characters as possible if you want anything more expensive than a random roll is Working As Intended?
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... I may be misremembering/misunderstanding, but don't you typically get Merits only from situations where previously the only option was random rolls..?
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
There are some MA badges that are account wide, usually ones that are tied to publishing arcs and the arcs themselves (such as getting an Arc to be Dev Choiced, that badge is granted to all your characters).
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Sounds great, thanks for answering
Always remember, we were Heroes.
Ahhhhh...I see.
Kind of like the vacation time I earn at my job is mine and not my brothers. My brother being the equivalent of my mothers second character.
I would consider him to be a villain.
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Feihung, I just may save this and throw this at every whiner i see complaining about merit pools.
So if it makes sens for the MA to have the reward be global, why can't the time spent getting the merit while playing on my account be put into a pool that I can then decide where on which character ( from my account) I spend them?.
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I think I can answer this. Because YOU the PLAYER designed the mission, while you the CHARACTER go through it. You are not a character when you are designing a mission, your character is just the interface into it.
Theoretically speaking, you could go into the logon screen and select to edit a mission straight from there, and upload it to the game, without selecting a character. You're only selecting a character and going to where the MA exists in the game world for convenience.
When you earn Merits, though, you're earning them as the character. You spend time on that character. While you can say, "Yes, but I'm still the player", that's kind of the opposite. You are basically expected to be a character unless you can't be a character. (Because there's no way to associate the MA with a specific character) Not expected to be the player except when you decide to give something to a character.
So I guess being forced to play as limited a pool of characters as possible if you want anything more expensive than a random roll is Working As Intended?
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... I may be misremembering/misunderstanding, but don't you typically get Merits only from situations where previously the only option was random rolls..?
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That's true, but entirely irrelevant to my point.
What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?
PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes
So I guess being forced to play as limited a pool of characters as possible if you want anything more expensive than a random roll is Working As Intended?
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... I may be misremembering/misunderstanding, but don't you typically get Merits only from situations where previously the only option was random rolls..?
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That's true, but entirely irrelevant to my point.
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Uhm, actually it's fairly relevant. It is player choice that has made the market distintegrate; there are just as many opportunities for random rolls as before (actually more, if you consider the merits for mission arc completion). If people are not choosing to take that opportunity, it's hardly the dev's responsibility, now is it?
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
Merits are supposed to streamline the reward process for that character, and that's not going to be changing any time soon.
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So I guess being forced to play as limited a pool of characters as possible if you want anything more expensive than a random roll is Working As Intended?
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... I may be misremembering/misunderstanding, but don't you typically get Merits only from situations where previously the only option was random rolls..?
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Yeah, that's how it was. But people would Quick Katie or farm something else to get as many as possible, thereby making a glut on the market of what they didn't want.
Now they can do the same thing and get what they want specifically doing the same thing they had before (only now they need to spread out what they do, like speed running each TF in order rather than just one) and they choose a specific reward; thereby eliminating the glut of unwanted IOs.
Heck, they can take a Random Roll for IOs at less than the Merit reward for most TFs, so they'll have MORE Random Rolls than the old system with the same number of TFs.
I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
Over the weekend I posted:
When people play your arcs, tickets earned that way go into a pool.
You can then claim tickets out of that pool onto any character.
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And a few of you said "Please let Merits work the same way".
I don't think a few of you understood me correctly the first time.
>>When other people play your arcs.<<
The idea is that, since creating MA content is account-wide (anything you write can be "published from" any character on your account), that the tickets generated from other people go into a pool. You can then claim tickets out of that pool on any character on your account.
HOWEVER, when you PLAY Mission Architect content, tickets you earn are exactly like Merits. They are earned ON that character, and can not be traded.
Merits already work like this, and there is no correlation to the account-based publishing for Merits to "work the same way" for.
Now if you are simply asking that Merits be a tradable resource, or even trade-within-account, I am sorry, but that's not going to happen. Characters of different levels earn Merits at different rates. Merits are supposed to streamline the reward process for that character, and that's not going to be changing any time soon.
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