Friday TFs




We can do the STF then.



What time? Would like to bring a scrapper, but this TF actually needs buffs/debuffs, so can bring something else if needed.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I'm probably down.



9 at the very earliest. I work this Friday.



I have a bunch of toons that need STF badges: Fire Tank, Scrapper, Kheld. I'll be there.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I'll be sure to stock grab some oranges and purples in my SG for that last mission, so Grey Pilgrim will be able to take the heat those AVs dish out- especially Recluse with the towers. Do I need to stock breakfree thingies for Ghost Widow, or what?

I had her drop the "hold of love" on me in the new Daedelus arc, so I know it's not fun. Though I did get to nuke her and her spawn with RoTP, so there was some fun to it, at least.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Wait, Pol, Voodoo, Mental (and someone will leak this to the furry one I bet) on the STF!!!! I would like to announce the sudden retirement of my emp def!

GP, if I bring my kin, I will have ID or if someone brings an emp def/contr or /therm contr, you should have enough status protection. If we were going for MSTF, then a few big BF's would be good as backup. Couple of points in that you can stock up at your base any extra inspirations or get some more via O portal.



I didn't really think that ITF was bad at all. Sure, there were lots of deaths, but, who cares? We still moved through spawns pretty quickly. And I think, just a couple team wipes?

We did quite a number on the AV's too.



Currently looking these folks for the STF on Friday:




STF is still the only TF I haven't done, and while I have heard a lot about it, it would be fun to experience it.

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I'll be sure to stock grab some oranges and purples in my SG for that last mission, so Grey Pilgrim will be able to take the heat those AVs dish out- especially Recluse with the towers. Do I need to stock breakfree thingies for Ghost Widow, or what?

I had her drop the "hold of love" on me in the new Daedelus arc, so I know it's not fun. Though I did get to nuke her and her spawn with RoTP, so there was some fun to it, at least.

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A few tips if you're going to be tanking the STF:

*) Ghost Widow - Don't bother with break frees. Her hold is MAG100, so you'd need to eat roughly half a tray of breakfrees to escape. (An Emp, Thermal, or Sonic spamming CM/Thaw/Clarity will prevent it (stacked 8-9 times).) Other than that, it's best to stay at 45% defense to floor her chance of landing with it.

*) When tanking Recluse, you'll want to keep yourself at 75% def while the Blue Tower is up, and res cap to s/l while the Ret Tower is up. T2 inspirations are your friend! They really stretch out the 'ole insp tray. You may be able to slack on def a bit after the Red Tower drops, but not too much. Recluse can break your status protection if he Jabs you too many times in a row. (That was a rude awakening, let me tell you.)

[edit: Oh, apologies for giving unsolicited advice. I probably shouldn't just butt in like that.]



Wait, Pol, Voodoo, Mental (and someone will leak this to the furry one I bet) on the STF!!!! I would like to announce the sudden retirement of my emp def!

[/ QUOTE ]

What's that supposed to mean?



Nope, I wasn't saying it was bad, I was just wondering what made some of the deaths happen, since they were heavier than previous ITFs we've done. Not sure if we ever had a team wipe. Well, depends on your opinion of "team wipe." I think I was the only one or two surviving at the end of that first mission, since Psyche takes FREAKING FOREVER to do her little prophecy thing on that altar. Yeesh.

AVs were quite easy, I would agree, though we were helped by the 2nd ambush getting clogged in the doorway instead of coming out to us.

Sarrate, the advice is appreciated, though I still think that Ghost Widow hold is stupid, not matter how "intended" it is. I guess I don't have to worry about oranges TOO much, since I have Tough as well with GP, so I'm already sitting at 70% resists, so I don't have to add too much.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Currently looking these folks for the STF on Friday:


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You can add KT with his Blapper to that list, please.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Certainly! Could everyone please state what they will be playing?

Currently looking these folks for the STF on Friday:

Myself - blaster
Grey - tank
Kobolt - blapper



Fire/ Tankers can successfully tank LR, but it requires major support. I've done it a few times with my Fire/EM tank, but it's not easy.

If we don't get another tank, I'll bring Polaris on to buff/heal the [censored] out of GP.



I'll bring my Scrapper.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Oh, you're making me feel all weak.

Does Recluse have any odd-hitting attacks? I have Grey at roughly 20% to pscyhic and all positional defense, so I'm just wondering if Recluse has any of those annoying untyped or non-positional attack thingies. I thought they were all psychic, but I just wanted to be sure, since I had never heard anything on the subject.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Oh, you're making me feel all weak.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not you, Recluse is simply a beast with his towers up. (I believe Arcanaville said he was strong enough to take on, and defeat, the old Hamidon and all its mitos.)

Does Recluse have any odd-hitting attacks? I have Grey at roughly 20% to pscyhic and all positional defense, so I'm just wondering if Recluse has any of those annoying untyped or non-positional attack thingies. I thought they were all psychic, but I just wanted to be sure, since I had never heard anything on the subject.

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While the Red Tower is up, his KO Blow clone deals somewhere in the ballpark of 5800 damage (not a typo) before resists. So a Fire Tank with Tough would take ~1740 damage, and he can (and will) spam it - especially with the Blue Tower up. (His energy attacks hurt too, but thankfully he doesn't use them as often once you've closed to melee range.) The Blue Tower offers +30% tohit, so by yourself, he will still hit 95% of the time, hence the suggestion to get to 75% defense. (Your 20% def + PBU Fort + 1 t2 luck should peg you above 75%.)

I don't think they have any weird typing (they should all have a positional component), but you may want to double check in game. Go to ParagonWiki to get the attack names, then plug them into chat like this:

[Lord Recluse.Channelgun]

And you can look at things like recharge, etc. (The damage numbers will be way off, since they'll be using player AT mods, not AV mods.)



Hmmm, so any tanking thoughts? I understand you're supposed to kite with GW, but what about the other three big boys? Just make sure the AOEs are pointed away from the team? How about Recluse, just stand toe to toe with him so you know he won't be using energy attacks?

I probably don't need all of this, but I like knowing how things work and responding in kind, so thanks for the feedback.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I'd be interested in bringing my AR/Dev Blaster. (assuming start time isn't past 9PM EST).

Those who think Truth is relative haven't had a Tank land on their car.



Two other issues that a fire tanker is susceptible to with LR is knockback and end drains. The 8pts of KB protection (2 KB IO's) my fire tanker has was not enough to keep from getting knocked back. And once he does knock you back he'll start using his ranged attacks, one of which has a pretty major end drain - resulting in your toggles dropping and not being able to spam healing flames.

I don't know what the mag is on his KB attack, but if you don't have enough protection, you'll want blues in addition to the purples, greens and oranges you should have. Tier 3 inspirations if at all possible.



Well, tactics will vary from team to team (depending members, ATs/sets present, etc). As for the one you're describing, the Tanker will Taunt from range (and use any ranged attacks they have to maintain aggro) while being buffed with +mez prot abilities (CM, Clarity, Thaw). The reason is GW has Dark Regen, which is a PBAoE that will give her a large heal per target hit. If she can repeatedly hit players with it, she is immortal. By Taunting her from range, she will resort only to ranged attacks - which Dark Regen is not - bypassing the large heal. Sometmes she'll try to close to melee, and it's at this time you'd have to back away. (Note: She has an ability to turn you intangible for ~30s, preventing you from effecting others. It's quite possible to lose aggro if you're hit by this. If you don't have many melee characters or you have a lot of +def buffers, you can avoid this and her hold, as well as engage her in melee. If she can't hit, she can't heal off you.)

Of the Patrons, Scirocco is the second most lethal. He has tornadoes that apply heavy -def, lots of energy damage, -recovery, and brutal cones. Keep these pointed away from squishies.

Black Scorpion and Mako are pretty standard melee fights. Mako has a couple cones, but nothing like Scirocco.

Recluse I generally taunt and run behind a pillar directly behind him and keep him there. Until the Orange Tower is down, just put Taunt on auto and keep an eye on your combat numbers. He'll have too much def (+100% to +150%) for you to reliably hit him. When the towers your team is taking down are almost destroyed, I pull Recluse into one of the corners. This way, when he spawns Banes they're nice and clumped, susceptible to things like Bonfire, Hurricane, Force Bubble, etc.

Medi Pow brings up a good point, you may get knocked around by Recluse is you don't have enough kb protection. (I'm not sure the MAG on his attacks, so I don't know how much is enough. (12 isn't enough either, my Fire Tanker with that much got knocked back by Recluse.) One of the towers provides +knockback, too, but I don't remember which.) The endurance drain on his ranged attacks are nasty, but again, in melee range he'll rarely use them. I generally bring a blue or two just in case.

Now I'm starting to ramble, so I'll stop there.



The dwarfs were cutting right through me, not sure why. The Alpha was managable, the slows were finally catching up after a bit and could not get my heal off in time. Don't remember them being that bad, and I got 40% slow resist now so I am not sure what was going on.

The romans are easy to manage, I just was off my game until later on. At least the AVs went smooth, I dont think any of them dented me.

I take full blame for that run.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope Calash hasn't suffered any long term dammage from Andr'ka pushing the fallout button on his dead tush over and over?

Also, is it a bad thing that I got all six heal badges during that TF on my RAD defedner?

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm



Certainly! Could everyone please state what they will be playing?

Currently looking these folks for the STF on Friday:

Myself - blaster
Grey - tank
Kobolt - blapper

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I'd bring a troller that'll make up for Mental and Pol. Will need more Debuff IMO regardless with 2 - 3 blaster and a scrapper already in the thread.

And I can't do it unless 930 start time *shrug* But as usual, don't hold off cuz of me.

I've already forgotten about most of you



The dwarfs were cutting right through me, not sure why. The Alpha was managable, the slows were finally catching up after a bit and could not get my heal off in time. Don't remember them being that bad, and I got 40% slow resist now so I am not sure what was going on.

The romans are easy to manage, I just was off my game until later on. At least the AVs went smooth, I dont think any of them dented me.

I take full blame for that run.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope Calash hasn't suffered any long term dammage from Andr'ka pushing the fallout button on his dead tush over and over?

Also, is it a bad thing that I got all six heal badges during that TF on my RAD defedner?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that was my plan....

I have no buff/debuffers at 50 Hero side, and I don't think a second tank would help that much, so I will pass on this Friday run.