Friday TFs




Where were all those unique bosses in the Thorn Tree mission? Did we teleport past them? I thought they were in the Tree room itself, but I guess that's wrong?

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The bosses are supposed to represent a villain team doing their respec. They are in the room before the Thorn Tree Room. I stealthed past them and tp'd the team so we never saw them.

It was a good run, and good tanking, GP!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Great run all. Thanks for putting it on Viv.

GP - Glad you had a good time. I still believe pulling all the patrons is the best way to go. I feel it is easier just to prepare for all and then get them. I take a little fault on Aeon in that I should have said be careful on your position and not get aggro. I have seen a number of tanks taken down in the first few moments. He hits very hard. My only comment on running around with GW was that you were going out of my range and my only travel power for now on my emp def is TP. I was worried I would be able to keep you buffed and healed. And those named bosses are down the hall from the tree room, so we did skip by them.

I think with some more buffing like from ice or therm, a MSTF run would very doable. A therm would be great since we switch out the emp def and bring in another debuffer like a dark def.



Taking on all 4 AVs is the best? That seems like it would make things more difficult, but being able to handle more than one is certainly a good idea, too.

Funnily enough, I had never understood that when fighting Aeon, he makes many copies of himself. Somehow after all my reading, I had never understood that. Makes that fight pretty nifty and rememberable, though.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Well here is my take (in a simplified version - I know the Patrons have other attacks).

BS - Not much too him really. Just heavy bashing AV.
Mako - A little insane and runs alot. Has that Elude that makes him different. But, in short he is like BS.
Scir - Has very nasty AOEs and can wipe out a number of players in one hit. Plus those tornado pets of his. Personally, I feel he should be first because of that.
GW - Has the dreaded hold and her AOE heals

So if you buff the tank with status protection and he keeps GW taunted at range, GW is covered. Taunting covers Mako and BS, which leaves Scir. He can be taunted too, but the team has to watch his AOEs. In the end, pulling 4 Patrons get you GW at range trying to heal/hold, BS & Mako punching on the tank, and Scir getting taken down. Plus there is no "worry" component. They are coming and that is that - no need to worry about if so-and-so is coming or not, they are.

As for Aeon, I like the flavor the EBs. I wish more AVs had some form of EB reinforcement to spice up the fights.

Edited for horrible typing



As for Aeon, I like the flavor the EBs. I wish more AVs had some form of EB reinforcement to spice up the fights.

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Yeah, that was pretty neat all the different EB Aeons with different powers. And it was a definite "Oh crap!!!" moment when the came down the elevator after us.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



My only problem was the they all seem to want to stay at range but GW (well, Mako too, but Scir and BS stayed at range when I moved from them)... so getting them close together so Taunt hits more than one is tricky, since only having one of those hallways clear didn't offer any ways to get out of LOS (the walls didn't seem to have any good points for that, but maybe I'm recalling incorrectly), and with the team around, there are only so many ways I could move them around safely.

I'll probably get better at it if I do it again, but it still is tricky.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I'll probably get better at it if I do it again, but it still is tricky.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think that is the key. Once you find a comfortable spot, it should smooth.



BS - Not much too him really. Just heavy bashing AV.
Mako - A little insane and runs alot. Has that Elude that makes him different. But, in short he is like BS.
Scir - Has very nasty AOEs and can wipe out a number of players in one hit. Plus those tornado pets of his. Personally, I feel he should be first because of that.
GW - Has the dreaded hold and her AOE heals

So if you buff the tank with status protection and he keeps GW taunted at range, GW is covered. Taunting covers Mako and BS, which leaves Scir. He can be taunted too, but the team has to watch his AOEs. In the end, pulling 4 Patrons get you GW at range trying to heal/hold, BS & Mako punching on the tank, and Scir getting taken down. Plus there is no "worry" component. They are coming and that is that - no need to worry about if so-and-so is coming or not, they are.

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Yeah, my experience mimics that pretty well with a couple exceptions. First, I bring GW into melee range with the other AVs. This allows me to hit all four with one Taunt and gets her debuffed by aoes (like Rad Infection). We normally take GW out first simply because, as annoying as Scirocco's Tornadoes are, they can't cause a Tank to go belly up in one hit. (While the hold itself may not kill you, the hold plus 4 AVs attacking? Very likely!) If it wasn't for that, I'd take Scirocco out first too.

Oh btw, Mako only has pseudo-Elude. It has a 30s duration and 60s recharge. [Mako.Elude], iirc.



My only problem was the they all seem to want to stay at range but GW (well, Mako too, but Scir and BS stayed at range when I moved from them)... so getting them close together so Taunt hits more than one is tricky, since only having one of those hallways clear didn't offer any ways to get out of LOS (the walls didn't seem to have any good points for that, but maybe I'm recalling incorrectly), and with the team around, there are only so many ways I could move them around safely.

I'll probably get better at it if I do it again, but it still is tricky.

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Heres the gist of how I clump the four AVs (you don't even need the top ramp cleared). You herd them up at the bottom of the ramp, near where they're originally standing:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
| |

1 2 3 4

___ _____ __
X | | | |
| | | |
| | | |

X - Starting point

1 - Ghost Widow
2 - Scirroco
3 - Mako
4 - Black Scorpion</pre><hr />

I run a line West to East across the AVs, taunting or just hitting them with a melee attack, followed by a quick run to the East side of the middle barrier on the ramp:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> | |

1 2 3 4
X ---&gt; ---&gt; Y

___ _____ __
| | |Z |
| | | |
| | | |

X - Starting the pull by taunting GW
Y - Finished tagging all the AVs
Z - Where I end up.</pre><hr />

This will break LOS from the two AVs that can attack most from range (GW and Scir), forcing them to converge by location Z. (Mako and BS will generally close to melee by their own, but you can coax them with Taunt's -range debuff.)

They're generally not clumped tight enough by this point, so I move to the West side of the divider:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> | |

___ _____ __
| Y| |X |
| | | |
| | | |

X - Starting position
Y - Finishing position</pre><hr />

After you move to Y, the AVs will should be pretty well clumped together.



Thanks for the write up Sarrate.

And clarification on the Elude. Always heard as "his Elude", but didn't think it was a specific power to him.



How do you keep out of GW's heal range with that approach? My problem was that she kept moving, so then I had to, as well (we sometimes managed to hold her in place, but not always). Scirocco and BS kept attacking from range, too, and I didn't want to move around too much and screw up the buffers, the team's attacks, or get the team in range of some attacks.

Also... wouldn't your approach get you in pretty close to the Flier? Or is that just out if its range (seems like the flier would be away from Recluse's range, too, if that's the case, but people say to take it out)?

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



How do you keep out of GW's heal range with that approach? My problem was that she kept moving, so then I had to, as well (we sometimes managed to hold her in place, but not always). Scirocco and BS kept attacking from range, too, and I didn't want to move around too much and screw up the buffers, the team's attacks, or get the team in range of some attacks.

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When I do the STF, I keep her in melee range (all of them actually). Her heals have an acc check, so as long as your at or above 45% def, she won't hit very often. Then again, WP has a decent chunk of exotic def, so it's fairly easy for me to soft cap my defense. (Until Scirocco drops his tornadoes, of course.) It'd be considerably more difficult for you as Fiery Aura.

I rarely have that problem with BS and Mako - I hit them with a melee attack when pulling them, so they tend to go right to melee mode. If they start to go range happy, I drop a Taunt on them. Breaking their LoS twice also usually does the trick. (Since I don't move around after getting them set at the beginning, I don't have to worry about them switching to range.)

Also... wouldn't your approach get you in pretty close to the Flier? Or is that just out if its range (seems like the flier would be away from Recluse's range, too, if that's the case, but people say to take it out)?

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You'd think so, right? I've never seen the Flier aggro when doing the above.

[edit: It definitely can aggro while fighting the Towers, though. I can't explain why it doesn't aggro when fighting the Patrons. Maybe our timing is such that we setup and kill them while the Flier is outside of aggro range. Not sure.]



Anyone up for another TF this week? You guys can choose, or put forth suggestions and I choose.



Any villain-side SF works for me...

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Any villain-side SF works for me...

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I'd be more inclined for one that my widow can get in on for xp &gt;.&gt;

But I guess my attendance hasn't been great

I've already forgotten about most of you



Whatchoo talking 'bout, foo? Villains are EVIL, we don't play those!

If you guys want to run an SF, go for it, but I have zero villains on Victory. I'd be up for a Lady Grey, Hess, or Moonfire TF since Grey Pilgrim needs all of those, but the majority rules I can find something else to do if you run an SF.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I am game for a TF/SF, whatever works for people. I have 2 50s on Red side and one on Blue.



I think my post got eaten by the Thanks Beta Testers monster, but I just said that anything is fine with me, I just have a lot of villains who need SFs.

An ITF/LGTF would work fine as well.

I'm not even sure I will make tonight. Are we starting at 9 or 9:30PM EST?

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I should really get another one of my heroes into ITF range. I have a 34 WP/DB tanker that will want to make use of all that Roman costume stuff. Tulkyas could use some of it too, I guess.

As for what TF, we'll have to make a call at some point, though. Heh.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



An ITF would be fine for me with my ViV WS who is also behind (glares at Mental ).

But up for reside too. Don't have the 2 badges from the 20's to 30 SFs on my widow. Just say the word in VF.



Just got out of work.

Maybe a LGTF at 9?



Sounds peachy to me. I should be able to make that unless my wife has something planned I don't know about.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I'll be there with either the blapper or the brute, probably the blapper (it's not like I have anything else )

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Okay, will be on my widow at 9 PM. Or will bring a kin def if needed to balance out. (sorry my 2 merit toons).
Catch ya then.



I'll be bringing my Brute. Time to level her a bit.