Friday TFs




Ok. I have a sore throat, ear infection, and sinus infection. My daughter has a double ear infection. I'll update a little later if this is still a go. Feeling pretty blah right now.



Originally Posted by Shayla View Post
Oooh.. this sounds like fun. I should be on by then on Friday. (fingers crossed)

Really doubtful I will be there. (big shocker, right?) I may be on shuttle/oversight duty to my daughter heading to a HS football game with friends. I am hoping it rains to push their desire to go way down. It's not like they watch the game at all. They just meander with the massive student body pack that circles the fied. But its a good safe social event, so I don't mind and besides I watch the game. I like football.



Get better Viv! And will look for your update.

And depending on Viv's statis, still willing to run (even lead) tonight if people are still interested.



Looking right now:

Me - blaster
Ravenous - blaster
DC - tank
Penny - emp/corr
Voo - something (probably scrapper?)
Flux - controller

Leaves 2 spots.



If there is still room, I'll bring something. If you want, I can bring the /kin corr or the ill/rad troller.

The troller is more durable than the kin. I'm still trying to break myself of making suicide runs to get fs buffs on the /kin.. : (

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Well, I can't say I want suicidal characters on the team, so bring on the Phantom Army!



I still feel a little icky, but I'm saying we're on for tonight.

EDIT: Starting to gather. Taking names from here first, and then will be broadcasting on VF.



We were very close. One death in the last mission. DAMN YOU, ROMANS!

We'll get em next time.



I still feel absolutely awful on that. I thought I got away from Rommie's stun, but obvoiusly didn't. And while trying to get a couple of BF's popped, the Romans jumped in. There are some better spots I plan to be in for any future attempts.

Now back to banging my head on the wall.



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
I still feel absolutely awful on that. I thought I got away from Rommie's stun, but obvoiusly didn't. And while trying to get a couple of BF's popped, the Romans jumped in. There are some better spots I plan to be in for any future attempts.

Now back to banging my head on the wall.
Like I said, it's ok! Learning experience. We'll get em next time.



It got pretty ugly in the back there and i'm not suprised that we didnt pull it off. The squishies were left running from three roman ambushes while rommie was going down. I'm up for another try, we got close.

Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster



Honestly, its the one time I would want to have a FF running that repel bubble. The Traitors ranged attacks lack the -def debuff that makes them so deadly in melee.



It's my thread and I can jack it if I want to...





You're jacking what?!

Oh, thread...Just checking ; )

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Flux beat me too it.

TT boo.



Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
It's my thread and I can jack it if I want to...

LOL, you actually thought they would win? Hook Em!



Originally Posted by ir0x0r View Post
LOL, you actually thought they would win? Hook Em!
They could have last year with...Graham *swoon*.

Oh well. Michigan won, and that's what really counts.



Going for a Masters of ITF tomorrow night at 9. Be there 10 minutes early please. I don't know what I'll be running it with, so we'll figure everything out at the time.

(Brain is frazzled...first day of online classes. They expect me to be constructive. HAH.)



Hi Viv,

Just FYI'ing that Hamster is running an all blaster ITF at roughly the same time. So some competition. I mentioned that I would gives your run preference over his run, but didn't know if you would be interested or not.

And get unfrazzled!



Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Hi Viv,

Just FYI'ing that Hamster is running an all blaster ITF at roughly the same time. So some competition. I mentioned that I would gives your run preference over his run, but didn't know if you would be interested or not.

And get unfrazzled!
Yeah, I saw. We'll see what happens.



Any update Viv if you still want to run this? Still giving your MITF my first choice if it is on and will remove myself from Hamster's ITF.



Yea, I still want to run it. Don't know what I'll bring, because I found yesterday that my scrapper sucks really bad. Might bring my kin though.



Thanks Viv. I promised last week to run it again, so sticking with that. Will put myself on backup to Hamster's since his is an hour later.

Voo ran a MITF on Wednesday, so I am done with my emp def (why, oh why!, did I choose an emp def for my blue masters toon???). So up next would be my ice/cold corruptor.

After that corruptor, wide open for ATs. Just want to get that MBSF for the ice/cold corr and be done with the new masters for now.



I have to check and see if I got the MITF on my energy blaster. If not, I'll play her. If so, I'll be on my kin.



If there is still room, I can bring something. Not sure what at this point.

Don't recall if the ill/rad still needs this. If not, I'll find something.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.