And then...

Ad Astra



Mr. Smee tied me up and I was whisked off to Nevernever Land. Fortunately, Michael Jackson was at the hospital for another nose job, but I was still in danger. Hook prepared me to walk the plank. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



..I realized I had forgotten my swimming suit. and asked if that would be a problem. Everyone was laughing so hard, I was able to sneak away safely. and then...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



aome short, stumpy looking crew member came up to me and said "here i found your bathers sir, there's a bathroom downstairs." And then...



Someone rat tailed my butt with a wet towel. It was my momma. She said I was embarrassing her. I started sucking my thumb, and then...



The Kraken attacked the ship!!! And then...



I woke up in my bathtub, with my toy Kraken and little rubber squeaky boat!

So there I was: A rub-a-dub, just relaxing in the tub, thinking everything was alright. And then...



I was dropped out in the sewers below Kings Row. In the distance I saw the ugliest, slimiest, most foul smelling creature I ever saw in my life. It spotted me. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I screamed like a little school girl as i tried to find my awesome button. And then...



I watched a break dancing bear. and then...



The creature slithered over to the bear ans swallowed him whole. Then it turned and headed toward me, slime oozing from it's orifices. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Out of no where Mr. Clean showed up and scrubbed the slime off the creature. It turned out to be that freshman kid that sat alone at the cafeteria. After Mr. Clean finished, he asked the kid if he was doing anything this saturday night and then...

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



They skipped off, hand in hand to go make plans. I was left all alone in the sewer...or so I thought. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



It grabbed me and threw me against the wall. As I faded into unconsciousness another figure appeared. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I woke up in a hospital, face to face with a fat, ugly nurse who was holding a catheter. And then...



I screamed a little. I peed a lot. The nurse slapped me and asked if I was single. And then...



She went to clean the barf off, so I made my escape. I ran down the halls but made a wrong turn into the basement. It was dark and creepy there. I looked for a way out. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I was dragged along hallways and through doors by a figure covered in bloody bandages. It was so dark I couldn't see the face, but soon we enterd a lit room. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



IT WAS STATESMAN!!!! And then....



He pinched my left butt cheek. And then...