And then...

Ad Astra



I woke up, strapped to an operating table. An attractive, red-haired nurse entered the room and said, "Good morning; Dr. Vahzilok will be here shortly."

*over-the-top evil music*

And then...



...he walked in and some rats followed. He walked to the table where I was strapped and moved a bright light overhead...I couldn't see anything and then....



he began to sew meat onto my was meat from a badger, an armadillo and a tapeworm. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I became the Frankimal, the moon was full...I heard howling and then....



I realized it was ME!. A talent agent heard me and wanted me to sing lead for a heavy metal band. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I Accepted. It was called Living Death. And then...



After one song we got booed off the stage and disbanded. I went to see a plastic surgeon to correct my skin problem. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



The plastic surgeon made it worse. And then ...



I joined a circus as a sideshow to make money. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I met the bearded lady and then....



she ironed the wrinkles out of my skin and I shaved off her beard. We both left the circus and started a business together. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



she left me for someone else. I packed up and sold shop and then..



Someone made an AE arc about this. And then ...



I realized that this forum started off fun, but has been ridiculously stupid since page 10 or so. So instead, I left this forum and entered this one . And then...



I blew out my birthday candles which lit the curtains on fire and then...



The Kool-Aid man came crashing through the wall screaming "OH YEAH!", and then...



My wish was corrupted and then....



Came the Balrog of Morgoth! and then...



I blurred the lines of some more games. And then...



I got a totally awesome idea and then ......



I went back to the Chinese restaurant to grab my spoincloth and some orange chicken. I told the head cook, Wun Hung Lo, about my adventures. Soon, the midgets gathered around and attacked me again! And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



The midgets chopped me up and served me their chinese dishes. And then ...



Everyone raved that I was the best orange chicken they ever ate! After travelling through many septic systems, I rejoined myself and emerged near the ocean. There, I was confronted by a sea creature! And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Michael Jackson had a heart attack, the poor guy died. And then



his loyal fans paid tribute for eternity and then...