And then...

Ad Astra



*calls time out*

For those of you keeping score at home, "And then" is supposed to be a first-person narrative of an anonymous character.

*restarts clock*

after soaring through space for 3.5 Earth years, I was sucked into a black hole, and then...



I realized the black hole was actually a worm hole that ended on a completly new planet I've never seen before. And then ...



little aliens welcomed my arrival and i wondered if they might have thought I was a god and then.....



they wet themselves. And then...



I wet myself. And then ...



I realize that we are all standing it wetting inducing bushes, and then...



I saw a white rabbit jump in a hole behind the bushes. and then ...



I went to take a closer look and then...



I little blonde girl leapt out from the bush and kicked me in the crotch.

"If you even think about calling me Alice, I'll gut ya!", she snapped.

I also snapped, mentally, and then...



I found out that I was a cousin to the Mad Hatter, and jumped into the hole. I fell, and fell and fell till I landed in a most unusual place. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I saw the little blonde girl and she kicked me in the crotch again. And then ...



carried me away into a forest and then ....



I was beheaded by a queen that looked like a playing card. And then ...



A seamstress appeared in a poof and sowed it back on, and then...



I took an aspirin for my sore throat and went out to explore the forest. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I saw a smiling striped cat that was smiling at me, and then ...


Posted was gone! ....and then....



it was back! and then ...



The cat was gone, and I spotted someone coming toward me on the road. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I realized the guy coming towards me was being chased by hundreds of pastries yelling "Eat Me!". And then ...



I opened up a donut store and invited the hundreds of pastries inside. And then...

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?
Mr. Blonde 'Reservoir Dogs'



I realized they were flesh-eating zombie pastries. They had me surrounded. So I reached into my pocket, and then...



I threw flour in their eyes and made a hasty exit through the rear and then...



the flesh-eating zombie pastries caught me, and ate all my flesh. And then ...



I looked like Kate Moss!!!! I got so scared I started running and fell between the spaces in a street grate. I tumbled down, and down till I hit bottom. And then...

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�