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  1. Haha.... I don't really know you, but who cares! It's your B-day, so happy B-day Early Girl!!! =D

    [u]iiiiii [u]

    Blow out the candles! =D
    (I know, its a crappy-looking cake, but I can't cook!)
  2. TPAM is really Ghost Widow in disguise
  3. Myuzik_Man_63

    And then...

    I realized that this forum started off fun, but has been ridiculously stupid since page 10 or so. So instead, I left this forum and entered this one . And then...
  4. In spite of the obvious redundancy, I would have to say TPAM was snipe'd by TPAT
  5. Mercy Island 3
    Port Oakes 24
    Cap Au Diable 24
    Sharkhead Isle 27 +
    Nerva Archipelago 21-
    St. Martial 23
    Grandville 18
  6. What sort of fake disease can be googled to learn that it is found in a book called 'Polgara the Sorceress?

    Tongue-tied toads.
  7. TPAM enjoys being the center of attention!
  8. Once upon a Positron there was a bug. It's purple Mankey liked saving walruses deaths. Until a green shoe fell off a pretty cloud of root beer fluff cleaving off seven little toes while chewing Bubblegum. After seeing the drunk Pinnacle-ite puke chunky bits of magnets, it stumbled into a garbage carafe. Feeling pretty depressed, it died a Lonely death.

    Elsewhere, there were some hungry hippos dancing on me for every time one slurps from the fountain of Wayne. In the early dawn, sirens wailed under a pale little moon made of nothing. People thought they saw Ghost Widow munching on Doritos with Valerie. But
  9. TPAM's location is ajoke that I didn't get until just now! Buzz Lightyear! To Infinity and Beyond!

    haha, I feel like an idiot!
  10. TPAM looks sort of like the TPAT
  11. TPAM is correct, and it scares him!
  12. Once upon a Positron there was a bug. It's purple Mankey liked saving walruses deaths. Until a green shoe fell off a pretty cloud of root beer fluff cleaving off seven little toes while chewing Bubblegum. After seeing the drunk Pinnacle-ite puke chunky bits of magnets, it stumbled into a garbage carafe. Feeling pretty depressed, it died a Lonely death.

    Elsewhere, there were some hungry hippos dancing on me for every time one slurps from the fountain of Wayne. In
  13. What's that on your shoe?

    Dihydrogen Monoxide
  14. what IS a karma meter anyway? lol
  15. [ QUOTE ] kinda don't wanna make fun of this guy, cause he's down with the Father and all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    (Lol, I'm fine with being made fun of just as long is it's clean humor. )

    TPAM has gone through 3 different avatars since I've joined the forums! And still I can make no sense of him!
  16. TPAM has fulfilled WarWitch's 2008 New Years Resolution for her.
  17. TPAM is plotting to overthrow the CoX forums
  18. TPAM is confused by the person above her