Kheldian Issue January 2009 post issue 13




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... strangely I've been able to solo both with no issues for years. Even when Voids were an actual threat.
You can also solo a wet noodle if you are masochistic enough. There has been a vocal group here that has been discussing this matter for years.

I think the last time I really brought it up, I asked why do scrappers/tanks/brutes *need* the level of mezz protection they have 'solo'.

They basically played fairly similarly to human form. You *can* solo them, it is not fun.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
At which point mezz is rendered pointless. Or at which point the NPCs get THEIR mez protection jacked up (screwing over control powers) even more, and we're back where we started.
No, adding 1 or 2 points of mezz protection does not 'negate' mezz. It merely makes it far less annoying.

Played human-form on teams with one and two controllers. Still got mezzed. Call BS on that 'fact'.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Please review "Powerset" vs "AT." My FF defender is happy at range. My Kin is going to be in melee quite a bit. My /Storm Controller is going to be in melee as well, as will my fire/ controller or dom. My Mind/Fire Dom doesn't have to get anywhere near melee to be exceptionally effective. My /Electric blaster's hold as well as some of the heavier hitting attacks (and END recovery) require melee range.

None of them have mez protection (except Doms in Domination.)

Saying "X AT lives/doesn't live in melee" is incorrect. The AT doesn't determine it. The powerset and the player's choices in that set do.
True and untrue all at once. My Robot/FF lived in melee (because I'd be in there knocking things around.)

It was also almost 100% safe while doing so because I had the Mezz Protection bubble.

The point is, the developers have basically taken away the choice of any hope of mezz protection in human form so that Dwarf isn't ignored (even though it has its own benefits.)

Their 'balance' trumps my human-form fun.

Still here, even after all this time!



If khelds do ever get buffed again, I'd rather not see it be by providing further mez protection in human form than they already get. Its not a significant barrier to playing an effective kheld, and not even a significant barrier for an effective human only kheld.

There are *lots* of other and more creative options, such as finding ways to allow players to customize the forms, to buff khelds if the devs ever come to the conclusion that they need further buffing.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
You can also solo a wet noodle if you are masochistic enough. There has been a vocal group here that has been discussing this matter for years.
They basically played fairly similarly to human form. You *can* solo them, it is not fun.
Kind of an annoying argument, to be honest...even if it does have some semblance of truth.

"I soloed fine with mine."
--"Of course it's *possible*, but you must've HATED it!"
", no, it went fairly normally..."



Originally Posted by Square_One View Post
Kind of an annoying argument, to be honest...even if it does have some semblance of truth.

"I soloed fine with mine."
--"Of course it's *possible*, but you must've HATED it!"
", no, it went fairly normally..."
The problem is more that 'what's fine' is subjective and rarely covers variables like 'from what level to what level', or 'at what difficulty level' - let alone things like 'how much money did your other chars invest into your kheld' or 'what kind of IO build are you playing.'

That's why I find it a bit more persuasive to argue 'relative to other ATs performance.' If the devs (and other players) find it acceptable for other ATs to perform at a certain level, they should also find it acceptable for kheldians to perform at that same level. Otherwise I'd like to hear a rationale for why they should not that isn't self-contradictory or hypocritical.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



I'm still finding the animation times on the form changes far too long.

On my Peacbringer I pretty much abandoned forms after the mid 20s, occasionally dwarfing up if I got mezzed or into trouble.

On my Warshade (now 27), form switching feels more required - there's always a Dwarf Mire followed by a Nova double AoE waiting to happen, and the human damage is lower.

The whole experience feels very laggy and glue-y. The main offenders are:

- Animation times on form switches
- Form switch bugs where I get mezzed or the switch to human fails because of a power going off, leaving me with the wrong tray. Trying an emergency Stygian Circle has killed me a couple of times if I stayed in Dwarf.
- The flight drift and inertia on Nova form

I've been practicing switching, and getting the hang of a few good rhythms. Gravitic Emnation, run in and Mire, Gravity Well the lieutenant. Dwarf up and Mire. Retreat and Nova and take the minions down.

But it all feels very slow and buggy. In many ways it feels easier to just slug it out in human form.

I don't find the animation times on the form shifts challenging as much as offputting. On my second Kheldian I'm already favouring a playstyle that ignores the main feature of the archetype - the shapeshifting.



Change the dang knockback in the Kheld Detonations and Solar Flare to knockDOWN.

Honestly, apart from a few thematic powers where knockback is key to the intent, there isn't any reason for KB not to be KD on most powers.

Wanna do KB instead of KD? Slot a Knockback set. Folks might actually use those then. As we can't do the reverse (i.e. make KB into KD) that ought to be the starting point.

I guess it just pisses me off that my only other reliable AoE in Human form as a Warshade knocks stuff out of my Orbiting Death. There's not much reason to take both right now.

"I'm flying free with my beautiful butterfly wings!" ~ Randy Marsh



I would kill a whole lot of Malta/Carnies/Knives for inf if there was an IO that REDUCED power knockback to a nice 0.67.

I like big AoEs, I dislike targeted AoEs because they are very hard to shoot off in the heat of battle and not piss off your tank. I find myself blasting away in Nova form form less often because to do high damage I need my AoE and my cone, and my AoE screws everything up by hurling mobs in 360 degrees of direction. Changing the Detonations to knockdown would be a fantastic start.



My main problem with Khelds is the lack of slots due to each Shapeshift form's powers requiring its own slotting. It'd be akin to Masterminds having to slot each of their pets' powers individually. Why can't we just slot the Nova/Dwarf forms with acc/dam/rech enhancements and be done with it, or even allow Pet sets (or shapeshift sets, whatever) to be slotted directly into the forms?

Also, I subscribe the motion to surpress toggles when shapeshifted, speed up animation changes and give mez prot to human form (even as a simple buff to Cosmic Balance, i.e. give mag 4 mez prot if you're soloing, lose it if you're in a group). I want to play my peacebringer because I love the backstory, but they feel so pathetic that right now I'd much rather play anything else, even windows solitaire



With the i21 changes, and Hover providing +def to all, and Solar Flare working with Hover, I've taken to using Hover in combat much, much more than I used to. However, some animations, esp. Incadescent Strike, don't always work when hovering. This has been the case for a long time prior to i21, but now that I hover alot more, it's more noticeable...and more irritating.

Any chance this could get looked at?



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
With the i21 changes, and Hover providing +def to all, and Solar Flare working with Hover, I've taken to using Hover in combat much, much more than I used to. However, some animations, esp. Incadescent Strike, don't always work when hovering. This has been the case for a long time prior to i21, but now that I hover alot more, it's more noticeable...and more irritating.

Any chance this could get looked at?

Interestingly, while I agree it is irritating, have you noticed that the Rooting time for such attacks is also not occuring?

Also, with the Light Form changes are people basically satisfied that human form now has it's mez protection?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I made my first PB in July of 2009. It was rough, yes, especially since I'd decided to do a humanform only peacebringer. Took the better part of a year, because I'm a casual gamer...but I got her to 50. I've never respecced her from the time when fitness became inherent, either.

I like it a lot. I've incarnated her, to T3's except for the hybrid one. Haven't unlocked that yet.

My question is this.....sometime in the last issue or three....Solar Flare's animation changed for her. From a foot stomp one to a hand clap one. Can we have the old animation back? Flavor text from the power itself lends one to believe it's a foot stomp kind of attack. Here, I'll copy/pasta it.

"You channel the might of your Kheldian energy into the very Earth itself. The ground erupts and cracks with luminous energy, blasting all nearby foes, knocking them back and reducing their Defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Slow"

I can't recall exactly when the animation change occurred...but I do know it was after incarnate content. I -think- around the time the Underground trial came out, but I'm not sure.

PLEASE, please please? Old footstompy goodness back?



It was changed from the Footstomp animation so that you could use it in the air.



Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
It was changed from the Footstomp animation so that you could use it in the air.

Yay. So all the "must have highest possible defense rating" players put the ax on that, eh? Pff. I'd rather have the footstomp back. Or better yet...some means of having an alternate animation for the power. Let us choose.



I didn't read through this entire thread so if this has already been posted I apologize.

Leprechaun pet is extremely annoying on my Peace Bringer as it is shut off every time I change forms.

Can something be done to fix that please?

Thanks in advance.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.