Kheldian Issue January 2009 post issue 13




Yup, more likely the way they'll handle this.
If kheldians are even datamined ...
Ok, I'm not really fair in regard to the recent work done to kheldians, but I'm still biased to the "re-engineering" work on them when it's only the tip of the iceberg.

On the other hand, there are some changes necessary to the dwarf form anyway. If this form has to be a viable option, currently aside the mez protection and the high resistance interesting for a low level kheldian, it's only utility is taking alpha strikes.
Aside of this, you don't have the tool to manage aggro correctly. And having the same threat level than a scrapper, you can't even keep them safe when they're running taunt auras.

In this, AddamsFamily got it right, the real question is why many players don't see taking Dwarf From as a viable power choice. When this will be addressed, addressing the human form will be more easier.



the real question is why many players don't see taking Dwarf From as a viable power choice.

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My biggest problem with dwarf is the recharge and animation
time of its attacks.

It only has three, they're all slow to go through, and two of
them are tremendously slow to come back up, unless you
have Hasten. Even more than dwarf's comparatively low
damage output, the amount of time you spend sitting there
doing NOTHING(Except maybe taunting), is the worst thing
I find about the form. The attack times simply aren't well
balanced at all.

I think taking a look at this would be the best place to start
in making Dwarf more desirable.

[EDIT]: Speaking of PB White Dwarf. No opinion on Black.



You might want to bear in mind which dwarf you're talking about. I am honestly worried that black dwarf is going to get nerfed.



That's true. I should've noted I speak from the perspective of
a PB.

I don't play WS much.



Pulsar is a lot like Flash. I mean, if Mr and Mrs Pulsar were talking about how miraculous their little bundle of joy was, I'd be checking to see what Mr Flash was doing a few months earlier.

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Major difference being stun versus hold, and mag 2 versus mag 3, but I did think of Flash when I put that in the list.

[/ QUOTE ]Oddly enough, i thought Pulsar was basically a clone of Storm Summoning's Thunderclap. Was i wrong?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



QOL suggestion: The shapeshift animations are a bit slow and clunky. Speed them up a bit and get rid of the screen shaking.



QOL suggestion: The shapeshift animations are a bit slow and clunky. Speed them up a bit and get rid of the screen shaking.

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i'd agree with this, but then what would i do if half of my PB's Build Up wasn't spent shifting?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I'd really like to see a change with cosmic balance. The bonus we get from other kheldians is kinda a joke. Very situational compared to other bonuses. Could be intresting if it gave a regen/recovery boost instead for each Kheldian on team.

Technoid - Lvl 50 Ice/Device Blaster
Mind-Render Lvl 47 Illusion/Forcefield
Hot-Pants - Lvl 37 Fire/Fire Tanker
Mr Pointy - Lvl 33 Spines/Regen



I'd really like to see a change with cosmic balance. The bonus we get from other kheldians is kinda a joke. Very situational compared to other bonuses. Could be intresting if it gave a regen/recovery boost instead for each Kheldian on team.

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The kheld bonus for khelds is less desireable when compared to the usefulness of the others.

A regen/recovery bonus would be nice as said, or maybe a recharge bonus instead of a recharge debuff resistance.



Whoa... lots of grammar errors there...
Aside, I agree with all of that.
What's more, I think Kheldians should get an extra power pool or two (which would make sense, considering they're so 'special' as is). This would compensate for lack of Flight/Teleport access. For example, the PB pool might include a Recall Friend power, but not a Self Teleport power. Warshades, conversely, might get a hover power. They would be normal, four power pools. Maybe they could be... Kheldian epics?
Next, I think Kheldians should have power choices incorporated into their forms. For example, when you level up, you get to pick a power from the human pool, then one from a form pool. It'd probably be fair for the form pool to be a combined Nova/Dwarf choice. This gives a realistic feel to leveling up your forms, as if your character is getting used to using them. This would give you only one power upon selecting a form, then you'd have to choose the rest, plus get some extra options.
One final thing, I didn't read over much of this thread. Therefore, I apologize for repeating anyone's ideas.



QOL suggestion: The shapeshift animations are a bit slow and clunky. Speed them up a bit and get rid of the screen shaking.

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I've got no problem with the screen shaking but the animations are quite long and that can make shapeshifting cumbersome in combat.

Also, the bug that cancels the activation of a shapeshifting toggle if you're mezzed during the animation persists.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



...the animations are quite long and that can make shapeshifting cumbersome in combat.

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I think that's the whole idea of providing some challenge for Tri-Formers.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



...the animations are quite long and that can make shapeshifting cumbersome in combat.

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I think that's the whole idea of providing some challenge for Tri-Formers.

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I can see the value in that. I wouldn't have a problem with it if getting mezzed during the animation didn't keep you from changing forms.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



I can see the value in that. I wouldn't have a problem with it if getting mezzed during the animation didn't keep you from changing forms.

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I definitely agree, although all I do is just tap my Dwarf-up key again... or take a BF and switch to whichever form I want to use next... it's definitely annoying, but I don't think it's AT-breaking.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I can see the value in that. I wouldn't have a problem with it if getting mezzed during the animation didn't keep you from changing forms.

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I definitely agree, although all I do is just tap my Dwarf-up key again... or take a BF and switch to whichever form I want to use next... it's definitely annoying, but I don't think it's AT-breaking.

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It can cause serious problems depending on what you're up against. Rikti Mentalists have a tendency to use their hold and then hit you with sleep as you try to go Dwarf. Combine that with a Chief Soldier or two in melee range and...well, I'm glad I took Restore Essence and Stygian Return

Any mob with multiple mezzes, or a group with multiple mezzers, can cause you problems in that scenario. Unfortunately I can't think of a fix for the bug without giving the forms instant activation.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



I simply hit the button again till it takes and I'm in Dwarf... or it doesn't and I'm defeated.

The only fix to this, would be to change some coding around the Dwarf form toggle poewrs, I can see no other way.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



On last mission of the ITF, Dark Extraction succeeds creating a pet when used on Romulus, but, the pet is destroyed when Romulus rezzes.



My biggest problem with my PB is that I run out of slots. I wish Squid and Lobster form had atleast 3 inherent slots for each power.



My biggest problem with my PB is that I run out of slots. I wish Squid and Lobster form had atleast 3 inherent slots for each power.

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Don't we all?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



From Castle :

I tested giving a couple points protection to Human form and, honestly, there was NO REASON to take Dwarf form with human for protection.

Human form has such strong flexibility, control, heal and protective benefits with mez protection that giving up those benefits for the minute bonus to mez resist and/resistance that Dwarf form provided under these circumstances simply was not worth the power, slot and animation time costs. Why would you give up a better attack chain, access to Stamina, Hasten, Tough and Weave for a small benefit? Almost no one would.

In order to maintain Dwarf Form as a viable option I pretty much have to disallow self status protection in human form.

I'm willing to be shown that I am wrong, though. If you can provide compelling evidence that my conclusions are incorrect, I will happily revisit this topic.

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This said, giving the facts :
- nova and dwarf forms are exclusives to all other powers
- All powers aren't allowed to work or be usable while one of the form is activated (except the signature passive power, accolades, click powers and set bonuses)
- original design was meant to allow pure human build as viable solutions (thus, with a lot of power incompatible with dwarf and nova forms)

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As a possible suggestion (which I'm debating PMing to Castle to make sure he sees it after some feedback from more experienced Kheld players) to solve both the human-form mez protection conundrum and still provide a reason (beyond concept) why one would still want to take dwarf, try this.

Step 1: Mez protection in human form shields. This will be standard scrapper mag, divided between the three shields, either by magnitudes, or similarly to Fire's. No KB protection for human-form in this suggestion (point 1 to take dwarf if one doesn't want to use KC/Karma/Steadfast/Zephyr). If done by magnitudes, 3/3/3 for each shield. If done by effects, Hold in the S/L, Stun/Immob in the F/C, Sleep in the E/N. Finally, as a partial differentiation between Warshades and Peacebringers, they each get one exotic mez protection in their E/N shield. PBs get confuse protection (due to gestalt mind and Kheldians being more proficient at it than Nicti), and Warshades get fear protection (due to Nicti already dealing in darkness and negative energy, not much of a stretch).

Step 2: Emphasize Dwarf forms as "tanker form". Dwarf Antagonize is now Autohit, but carries a lesser range debuff than Tanker/Scrapper/Brute taunts. In addition, provide a taunt aura for both versions of Dwarf form, preferably between the strength of Invincibility and Rise to the Challenge. Effects to attach to this aura are something I haven't really thought of, however they are secondary to the purpose of this aura, which is literally to taunt. Perhaps -def on the PB aura, and -speed on the WS.

The purpose of this change is twofold. For one, it gives Khelds human-form mez protection, thus providing a boost to the potential of a human-only Kheld, and still provides a reason for both Nova and Dwarf, by shifting the role of Dwarf from "oh, crap, these guys spam mezzes!" to "Hey, this is a group that will be easier with a tank-type person." To use terms from Other MMOs, it turns the Dwarf into a solid "off-tank", or even full tanking capabilities.

(posted here rather than S&I because it pertains directly to this list, and I figured I'd get better feedback from Kheld players here than there.)

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



I would completely agree with your suggestion, ArcticFahx. I prefer to play on my human-only forms on all 3 of my Khelds, so anything added to shields would be great.

However, if they just dropped some of the animation change time for the form changes, I might go back to my tri-form builds again and play on them regularly... I think the Magic Booster pack "cast" costume change animation is a GREAT example of how quickly a form change could be accomplished without looking silly, and it would certainly help in combat to be able to change that quickly. As it stands, I prefer to stay in just one of the forms... If the team wants me to play in nova form, I'll switch to that build, but I won't do much form changing out of it, because I hate the time it takes to go back and forth. Granted, I'm an "ADD-type" who hates waiting for anything, but mid-battle, it would help a lot to have a bit quicker change.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



A few of my observations on powers, built mainly on the posts in this thread. I consider some of these to be "no-brainer quick fix' items and others may need to be revised, tested, revisied, tossed, revised, revisited, etc.

Cosmic Balance/Dark Sustenance: The controller bonus is not very useful with one controller on a team. Suggestion: Is there any way to have the first controller grant 2 points of protection and each additional controller to add another point?

Umbral Blast/Gravimetric Snare: With theme of this power being that you're holding them down with gravitational forces it doesn't make sense for it to lack -Fly. Directly comparable powers are Gravity Control/Crush, Devices/Web Grenade, Traps/Web Grenade and Trick Arrow/Entangling Arrow. Other similarly themed powers are Arachnos Soldier/Wide Area Web Grenade and Mace Mastery/Web Envelope. Suggestion: Add -Fly.

Umbral Blast/Starless Step: Has no benefits over Teleportation/Teleport Foe despite being a primary power. Is the paradigm still Primary better than Secondary better than Pool/Ancillary? Suggestion: Could this be revised into a single target version of Gravity Control/Wormhole?

Umbral Blast/Sunless Mire: Unable to slot To-Hit Buff enhancements and IO sets and Accurate To-Hit buff IO sets. Suggestion: Add enhancements and sets.

Umbral Blast/Unchain Essence: Unable to slot Slow enhancements and IO sets. Suggestion: Add enhancements and sets.

Umbral Blast/Unchain Essence: Damage, recharge, cast time, and other effects do not correctly match the end cost and the requirement of a dead foe. Suggestion: Revisit power and rebalance.

Umbral Aura/Black Dwarf/Black Dwarf Mire: Unable to slot To-Hit Buff enhancements and IO sets and Accurate To-Hit buff IO sets. Suggestion: Add enhancements and sets.

Umbral Aura/Nebulous Form: Activation not normalized as of Phase Shift I11 change. Invisibility/Phase Shift powers activation time got reduced in I11 from 3 seconds to .5 seconds. Nebulous Form is the only power still with a 3 second activation time. Suggestion: Normalize activation time.

Umbral Aura/Nebulous Form: Jump component is not consistent with Luminous Aura/Quantum Flight which has a significant speed upgrade from regular Fly. Suggestion: Boost jump components or reduce flight speed of Luminous Aura/Quantum Flight.

Luminous Blast/Glowing Touch: Power has a range of 30. All other ranged single-target heals have a range of 80. See Empathy/Heal Other, Storm Summoning/O2 Boost, Thermal Radiation/Cauterize, Pain Domination/Soothe and Poison/Alkaloid. Suggestion: Range of 60 matches the range of Kinetics/Transfusion and Dark Blast/Life Drain. Range 40 and below feels too restricting.

Luminous Blast/Photon Seekers: Recharge of 300 and duration of 60 doesn't feel balanced against other similar powers. Traps/Seeker Drones has recharge of 90 and duration of 240. Umbral Blast/Dark Extraction has a recharge of 240 and duration of 200. Controller pets have a recharge of 240 and they don't expire or self-destruct. Villain patron pets recharge in 900 and have duration of 240. VEAT pets, from their secondary, recharge in 600 and 900 both lasting 240. Even quasi-pets such as Dark Miasma/Dark Servant (500/240), Devices/Gun Drone (180/90), Storm Summoning/Tornado (60/30) and Storm Summoning/Lightning Storm (90/60) seem more balanced. Suggestion: Reduce recharge time.

Luminous Blast/Photon Seekers: AOE radius of 10 and max target cap of 10. Suggestion: If other aspects of the power remain the same, consider increasing the AOE radius to 20 and the max targets to 16.

Luminous Aura/Conserve Energy: This power grants a greater endurance discount (134.1% vs. 119.2%) than the Energy Manipulation, Electric Armor and Energy Aura versions of the power. The only power of this type that has a greater effect is Power Mastery version for Defenders (149%). Suggestion: Have this power match the 'standard version' of this power.

Luminous Blast/Build Up: Build Up only buffs damage 72%. This is in comparison to 100% for Blasters and Scrappers and 80% for Tankers. Suggestion: Increase it to 80%.

Thoughts and discussion?

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Well after finally getting to make a VEAT, I would add Mez protection to the list. After all, there is nothing special (i.e. changing forms) a VEAT has to do. They get mez protection. Switching to Dwarf is cool, but I have a human only PB. Nope... After seeing my Spider in action, I will have to say mez protection is a must to balance the AT with it's villain counterpart...


Liberty Server
@Energy Aura and @Ill Conceived on Global
Han Solo: [laughs] Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good BLASTER at your side, kid.



New item to add to the list in the wake of Flight's buffs in I14.

Kheldian flights (Energy Flight and Combat Flight) are now slower than pool powers Fly and Hover.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Well after finally getting to make a VEAT, I would add Mez protection to the list. After all, there is nothing special (i.e. changing forms) a VEAT has to do. They get mez protection. Switching to Dwarf is cool, but I have a human only PB. Nope... After seeing my Spider in action, I will have to say mez protection is a must to balance the AT with it's villain counterpart...


[/ QUOTE ]

WHOLEHEARTEDLY agreed. I love my human-only forms WAY more than my tri-forms, and I would have to say this is (for me) a higher priority than ANY other change they could possibly make for Khelds...

New item to add to the list in the wake of Flight's buffs in I14.

Kheldian flights (Energy Flight and Combat Flight) are now slower than pool powers Fly and Hover.

[/ QUOTE ]

Although I would consider this change not as important as Mez protection, I'd have to agree with this one too... Doesn't seem fair that a PB's fly and hover is slower than the power pool versions.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)