Live Feedback: Issue 13 : Day Jobs




I would like to see time bonuses (such as bonus prestige for X minutes, or salvage drop from mission for X minutes) changed to number of defeats/completions. As it is now the benefit seems to be wasted by simply playing, looking for groups, or traveling.

For things like bonus prestige, maybe every 20 minutes you are logged out, you get bonus prestige on one defeated mob. Similar for mission complete bonuses, maybe every hour logged out you get an extra reward on completion of one mission. For travel rewards, maybe only count time while travel powers (including sprint) are active.

This way we don't feel like we are loosing our rewards while trying to find/build teams while the reward timers are counting down.



I'm going to repost my opinion on Day Job badges from another thread.

It's not that they take a while to get that bothers me, it's that you get them for doing nothing. Wow, that's worthy of a reward. Badges should represent what you've done, not what you haven't done. Like the Master of Statesman's Task Force. That's a good badge; it takes work and effort, and once you've got it people can appreciate that you went the distance to earn that badge. Meanwhile, Day Job badges require you to do nothing. They say to you, "Go away for a month and we'll give you a badge." And the second you decide not to play a character you want to play because you want the progress on the Day Job badges, you're paying money to NCSoft to NOT play their game. How is that a good thing? I don't pay restaurants to not give me food, I don't pay a gym to not exercise there, and I shouldn't pay a video game company to not play their game.

I don't really have a problem with the other Day Job rewards, but I think the badges just take way too long to get. I don't think the requirements for one Day Job badge should be more than a week of time.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.




Market teleporters wear off too quick to be useful. I would also make it so that when you the badge you just have the market teleporter power permanently.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Day Jobs feel incomplete because you are missing some iconic day jobs (Reporter, Wealthy Playboy, Soldier), some which would make sense in the setting (Librarian, Construction worker / Dockworker, Firefighter) and some which folks want but there are no logical places to put said jobs (Priest, Astronaut).

I realize that Day Jobs can't be all things to everyone, but when the jobs of Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and Captain America aren't on the list, something is decidedly wrong.



Soldier - we have Vanguard Recruit/Vet

I see Astronaut later down the line if they ever fall through w/ the space ports they've been "building" forever...

Wealthy Playboy isn't really a job and Reporter would be Villains only I'd think...don't all current Day Jobs have at least a counterpart on the other side of the game? *co-op zones aside*



I have to agree that the bonuses are way to short for the time you spend logged off. This became very obvious yesterday.

I had a toon I kept logged off in the Midnighter Club for well over 16 hours before playing her again. I logged in and immediately joined a SG team that was going to run Steel Canyon, so no transportation issues involved really.

By the time I checked out of the club, moved to the other end of Steel Canyon to the mission site, and TP'd the rest of the team to the site, and entered the mission site, the bonus was already gone. This is after 16 hours of logged off, and I can't even get a team into a mission before the bonus disappears, with using TP on top of it.

The concept is great, but the implementation is simply not all that. By the time I get the day job badge, I'll already be at 50, and the bonusses will mean less to me as I'll already be outfitted with top level IOs or better.



I'm going to repost my opinion on Day Job badges from another thread.

It's not that they take a while to get that bothers me, it's that you get them for doing nothing. Wow, that's worthy of a reward. Badges should represent what you've done, not what you haven't done. Like the Master of Statesman's Task Force. That's a good badge; it takes work and effort, and once you've got it people can appreciate that you went the distance to earn that badge. Meanwhile, Day Job badges require you to do nothing. They say to you, "Go away for a month and we'll give you a badge." And the second you decide not to play a character you want to play because you want the progress on the Day Job badges, you're paying money to NCSoft to NOT play their game. How is that a good thing? I don't pay restaurants to not give me food, I don't pay a gym to not exercise there, and I shouldn't pay a video game company to not play their game.

I don't really have a problem with the other Day Job rewards, but I think the badges just take way too long to get. I don't think the requirements for one Day Job badge should be more than a week of time.

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You are thinking of it in the wrong way. Don't think that you are doing little work for it, your characters are working their butt off to get some slight advantage. I find it rather funny that either our characters stand in the same place when we are logged off or do their own thing and then somehow get back to where we logged off. Day Jobs actually give our characters a life. They go to work, have lunch with their fellow heroes/villains, and go to sleep when they are finished for the day. My characters would try to hit me over the head, if I didn't give some time away from villainy and heroics. I wonder about some of them and think that when I log off my villains do extremely heroic acts and my heroes do extremely villainous acts. With day jobs, my characters are kept too busy to do such actions that are contrary to their normal behavior.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



What I have noticed...

Ojective: 2 hours is not enough time for some of the Day Job Temp benifits. Example the Wentworths/Blackmarket teleporter. I got the badge and got the temp power, when out and ran several missions. By the time I had filled my Enhancements, Salvage, or recipes the temp power expired. This didn't seem worth the time waiting to get a power that I didn't get to use. I would suggest making the power a X number of uses say 1 after 10 days, 2 after 15 days, 4 after 20days.

The Vanguard benifit is also not worth the time spent 1 extra merit after a mission means you get about 2 to 6 extra merits for spending 21 days in the vanguard base. This doesn't help very much with several of the costume items cost over 200 merits each. I would suggest doubling the merits you get, instead of 1 for a minion you get 2, 4 for a luie, and 6 for a boss. This would make spend ing the time in the base helpful.

Subjective: The travel bonus from the tram is amazing... almost too fast lol.



Day Jobs feel incomplete because you are missing some iconic day jobs (Reporter, Wealthy Playboy, Soldier), some which would make sense in the setting (Librarian, Construction worker / Dockworker, Firefighter) and some which folks want but there are no logical places to put said jobs (Priest, Astronaut).

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Also, a number of landmarks that seem to cry out for associated Day Jobs are lacking them ATM.

To name a few Redside alone: WSPDR building, Giza, Pit/Hellforge, Carnie camp. Mercy Clocktower...

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



Thanks for coming up with a novel idea. I know bugs have to be worked out and there are a lot of good ideas here, like having the temp powers according to use not timed. It's also good to be able to work on more than one at a time since you are not always able to get back to a certain spot when you log.



Subjective: I like the idea of day jobs and getting something extra depending on where I log out of the game. It's not something I count on and think the idea adds flavor to the game. I don't like how short the duration is if you haven't been logged out for long enough time.

I had one character able to use the Wentworth's Teleporter to cross Steel Canyon instead of travelling to a contact who I couldn't call yet. After that, it was gone. Another character got arcane salvage drops for one mission before it expired, and that was after almost 3 days off.

Objective: I the time on some powers should be changed to either charges on a temp power or X number of missions per day off with some sort of reasonable limit. If you're logged out for a day in the Midnighter Club you should get a missions worth of extra arcane salvage drops or whatever it is. If you're logged out at Wentworths you should get one charge on a Wentworth's Teleporter. If logged in Cimerora you get a +res toggle similar to the ring granted by the first Striga Isle contact. That way we the players can choose when to use a power that has a combat effect. Or, in the case of rewards, be able to know that we get at least one mission or more of extra prestige, salvage or whatever.



Badges and temp powers earned for where you log out, and for staying logged out simply does nothing for me. I think dev time would have been better spent getting mission architect into i13 or creating a new powerset or making more new content like a new tf.



Hey is there a guide somewhere for Day Jobs? I tried searching but couldn't find it could someone give me a link for it please?

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Hey is there a guide somewhere for Day Jobs? I tried searching but couldn't find it could someone give me a link for it please?

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I've been using this one at gameamp, I'm sure there is a better one out there but maybe this one will do you in the mean time.



Hey is there a guide somewhere for Day Jobs? I tried searching but couldn't find it could someone give me a link for it please?

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I've been using this one at gameamp, I'm sure there is a better one out there but maybe this one will do you in the mean time.

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Thanks, didn't think they updated Gameamp anymore because in the powers section they didn't add any of the ones from i13 but thanks again.

Another thing I want to know is like how long do you have to be logged and what do you get for being logged out that long?

For example logging out in Ouroboros gives you Enhancement recipe upon mission complete, but what I want to know is if I am logged out for 24 hours how long does that effect last?

Thank you.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Subjective: Wow, I'm seeing so much stuff here that's generally negative or really wanting to alter the issue before three weeks have passed on it that I feel I must chime in. For the first time in four years of playing.

Day Jobs as implemented is pretty close to perfect for a player like me. I like playing with a great many alts, and shuffling through them based on who's been offline the longest. I'm also in a line of work that keeps me from playing both long hours or during peak hours (W/Es and evenings, and often during holidays) so I play very steadily only a mission or two every morning. As a consequence, I'm always playing a toon who's been offline for a couple of weeks at least, I'm just now starting to rotate through the toons that've been day jobbing since I13 came out. It feels great-- finally the devs have thrown players like me a bone to help me keep up with my friends who play the more "normal" way, which I had assumed was the point here. Between this and pact leveling I don't feel so left out anymore.

Yeah, if you generally play only one toon -->LVL 50 OR BUST--> and 16 hours seems like a long time to be logged off, then sure, day jobs will never be a big enough deal to justify altering your play. But it surprises me that a lot of players here think that should be the point....? I had imagined it was for the more causual but nonetheless steadily loyal player...

I agree that we could stand to see more types, at least iconic types of day jobs: filthy rich playboy, newshound, etc.

Just my $.02



Day Jobs overall, while providing a reward for essentially nothing aside from patience, have the rewards so small and difficult to use that they seem almost worthless.

Three days of being logged out netted me enough time to finish all of two missions for Vanguard merits.

With so many jobs offering so little reward for such a log time being logged out, it seems to me that either the rewards ought to be permanent (end mission bonuses) or every single day job badge ought to recharge when you're logged out.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Positron once made a statement against players racing thru missions to only kill the boss at the end.
Many day job effects make me want to run thru missions to only kill the boss at the end because I feel the need to finish a mission while the buff power is still active.

A related problem is that I often log in and get no benefit whatsoever from some day job effects because I can't actually complete a mission within the timeframe. This is particularly noticable on lower level characters, but also seen often with characters who play better on teams.

These buffs should not be based on a timer. They should accumulate charges that fire when you complete a mission.



Day jobs are a neat concept but in order to use them effectively please set them as "number of uses" instead of a timer. I've received like 2 enhancements from day jobs and I got both doing speed newspapers I wouldn't have done otherwise just to experiment with it.

I suggest that the powers that grant mission complete bonuses should be either X number of missions or a click power that can be activated just before completing a mission.

The stat bonuses such as clubber could be toggles.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



I like the Day Jobs feature overall, since it adds flavor to the game. I am mostly concerned with the badges for my main character, and based on that I feel 21 days is too long for the badge. Even when it was set at 30 days, I was lobbying for 14 days. Since the bonuses from these jobs are charged up before you even get the badge, it seems to me that there is little harm in rewarding the badge sooner.

Overall, cool idea and I think it's a nice addition.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



...when is that color change for us colorblinds mentioned during Open Beta coming? It's still difficult to see the difference between the blue and the pink.

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What he said.
I'm having a heckofa time with this!

For those who have fought for it
Has a meaning the protected will never know.



Since the bonuses from these jobs are charged up before you even get the badge, it seems to me that there is little harm in rewarding the badge sooner.

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good point.

Adding to that is this:
In order to get a day job badge, you have to forgo charging up day job powers you have previously earned. this means badge chasers get less use out of the buff aspect of the system. If the badges came quicker, it would encourage using the buffs more.
In simpler terms: a requirement of any one badge is to *not use* the rest of the day job system. This is odd and should be minimized.




I'd like to see a day job added for working on ships (logging out on any of the cargo ships at the port, and another for working the docks.

This'd make it better for those of us who are leveling in IP and similar areas, and would make sense in a game perspective; it makes the city more well-rounded, I think.

You could call it dockworker, warehouse worker, merchant marine, and work your way to bonus/combinations, like Captain (of ships), Foreman (of warehousing), Forklift Driver (combo with transit employee?), Ship's Doctor, Marine (combo with something military?), and so on.

As a possibility, you could have something associated with the private sailboats, too; plenty of people do sailing or yachting.

And construction sites should have construction worker day job possibilities.




I still think that the dockworker is an important job, since this is a PORT CITY, after all; major income comes from that industry. If it's not represented in the heroes, that's just sick and wrong.

In addition, I would be very upset if Private Investigator is a badge that you couldn't earn. Very iconic.

As far as the standard newspaper reporter, there are newsies around; perhaps logging out near them gets you started on the whole newspaper thing? Then, once you've earned your Paper Route badge, you can go to University to become a Reporter, and then, hmmm....something else for Ace Reporter...maybe working in the Mayor's office? dunno.

I agree that the bonuses are too short; I run a defender, and have to run my missions conservatively. The bonus expired before I got to the end of the mission. And that's with starting immediately. Perhaps, as has been suggested, it's a total of up to 2 hours, starting from an activation initiated by the player....or 2 hours, or the first 1/2/3 mission.

Next, for office worker, there are several office buildings that could have a "vestibule," sort of an abbreviated area to log out in....

The magic store is basically a big library; you could make logging out there make you a fact, why not differentiate all the stores, different bonuses for each?
The "Store" stores (non-specific), including the NPC's in open areas, could be what you have now; the Science store could be "scientist," Tech = Mechanic? Mutation = uh...something....Natural = ...oh, gym instructor, maybe, or fitness guru...maybe start with physical trainer, work up to the others...and combine with hospitals for Physical Therapist...

As for clerical/religious, there's a slippery slope, there; which religions do you include? Perhaps a school of divinity? I don't know.

I'd also like to see people logging near statues (the big ones) get something; work up to sculptor from City Maintenance?

Also, I'd like to see park employees; work toward druid, perhaps, for those fantasy characters, or Forest Creature, whatever....maybe have a combo librarian/something else for magician, and so about something for logging out near gates (in Vangard, and all the others, except for the base gates), that allows you to accrue Gate Attendant, which can be combined to other badges for Extra-Planar Entity, and so on....gate/librarian for wizard? anyway, I'd love to see some for the Magic origin guys.

I like the idea of sewer workers.



My only concern is about the temporary jet pack situation. A villain can both purchase and earn (through day jobs) a temporary jet pack by visiting grandville (which is relatively easy with a high level friend or a good SG teleporter), but a Hero absolutely cannot gain one until level 40. This seems highly imbalanced.

I also agree that for the temporary powers a number of charges, or a times per use thing would be preferable to the current system.