Live Feedback: Issue 13 : Day Jobs




I have a couple feelings on the day jobs and badges.

1) I disagree that you're getting a badge for doing nothing. I have to go out of my way to log off in certain areas. To actually get a badge on a popular character of mine, I have to do that a lot.

2) I disagree that it encourages you to not play the game. I can't play for 24 hours a day anyway. I have to log off at some point every day, this makes it so that even when I can't play, there's still some productivity.

3) I dislike the timer on the these badges. I've been going out of my way to log my character out in Cimerora. I see no resistance bonus showing up. Once, I did, but not lately (I think it's bugged). But the timers aren't very effective. If I log a character on deciding to run a task force, it generally takes a bit of time to put that task force together. It's annoying to log on, know that you have an influence bonus or experience bonus, and as brief as it is, it's ticking away because you're looking for a group. At times, it may be a half hour to an hour before I can get into a group or task force (depending upon the character I play). I'd much rather see influence/experience bonuses be non-time based, and things like resistances and buffs clicks that you activate.

We have the holiday powers like debt protection that are clickable. They only activate once you click them, and then last for a certain amount of time. I think quite a few of those day job powers should be like that. When you log on, you get a click power. If you already have one of the same type, it just gets replaced with the updated one or stays the same (whichever is longer/better). We can click them when we're ready to start missions and play the game, rather than watch them expire while we're looking for groups.

Arc ID#30821, A Clean Break

The only problem with defeating the Tsoo is that an hour later, you want to defeat them again!
"Life is just better boosted!" -- LadyMage
"I'm a big believer in Personal Force Field on a blaster. ... It's your happy place." -- Fulmens



I was going to comment again on the timers for day job accolades but after looking through the entire thread it seems that this is (like most of these thread it seems) just another dev trash can thread



What is the point of the Traveler accolade? It gives you the exact same power as the Dimensional Explorer day job. It's utterly redundant that the power for the accolade is the same thing as the power given by one of the requirements for that accolade. I mean, shouldn't it at least be a different jet pack, like a faster one or something? As it is it's rather pointless.

Two wrongs don't make a right. However, three rights make a left.

L00k, w3'r3 r3f0rmed! W3'v3 g0t l1v3s n0w, 4nd 1'm 4 buz1n3ss Pwnz0r! -Reformed Freak Proprieter

Seek. Find. Rularuu.
Target. Destroy. Rularuu.
Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. Rularuu.



Well, I do realize I'm not the first person to say this but give me a break, I don't get to the forums often :P

Add another tick to the opinion counter that says the day job powers do not last long enough. I'm referring specifically the base teleporter power you get from the Rapid Response Member accolade. I've had it for eh...maybe a couple of weeks. I've yet to have it charge up for more than 10 mins of usage. Admittedly, it's on my main character and thusly the one I play the most. By the same logic, it's the one this power would be most valuable to me on.

I was really excited when I got it. My base is ever changing - whenever I have an idea flash, I pop over to the base and make it happen. The idea of having a power that I could hit and be there in seconds was very appealing. So far, I've used it once...the day it first popped up in my tray...right after I logged in...when I was testing it out....since then, it's always been timed out by the time I want to use it.

Then...what if I want other day job badges? I don't even get my 5 mins lol

Suggestion: Instead of building up time....maybe build up uses? Honestly, 3-5 mins is pretty useless. I realize it's not like I had to do any real work to get this power....but....if it's barely usable....what's the point?



So far, the most useful seem to be the ones with a number of charges. The best I've had so far is the Socialite power Beguile. When I'm tooling around on my alts, it's pretty easy to have 20 uses built up on my Stalkers. A second Placate is amazingly useful on a Stalker, even if it is a little bit weaker. Also there's the frag grenade and the jetpack. Both gems amidst the Day Job rubble.

All that is planned fails. All that is born dies.
All that is built crumbles. This will always be true.

But memories remain, And that is beautiful.