Discussion: Joystiq Interviews Positron




New booster and the Mac goodies... hurry up! My credit card is waiting!



Issue 15 will be centered around the Fifth... Anniversary of City of Heroes.

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Not-so-subtle hint at Fifth Column?

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Yep. Had enough setup with Ouroboros and Cimerora. Bring on the Column.



Nothing really to comment on other than, I will certainly buy the Super Pack II



Very disappointed that it seems that bases will be getting the "pointy end of the stick" for the foreseeable future.

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That's exactly what the scant amount of info in the article said.



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Oh and look at the mess that the lack of information caused with Issue 13... They really hit the player satisfaction out of the ballpark with the Base and PVP changes...

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Don't put a strawman in front of me, tell me where the update for bases is in the article. I'm squinting my eyes really hard and I still don't see anything, and even unfocused my eyes like trying to look at one of those 3D pictures. Perhaps I don't have the EIC skills required to decipher it

Aside: I'm digging the base changes BTW. First thing I'm fiddling with tomorrow actually. Sorry you disagree. Perhaps you see something in the article because of a foregone conclusion?



I really wish I could at all optimistic about the future changes of the game, but sadly the actions never quite seem to mesh with the words.

The article mentions what we already know: Next issue will be "all about the Mission Architect". The Issue after that will likely be about the 5th.

Issue 13 initially was hinted at being about bases, and then we were told that base issues were going to be addressed "sometime in the future".

Given that bases are likely not to be a focus until Issue 16 (likely 2nd half of the year), I'm guessing that we might finally see something tangible next year.

Some of the bases I look after will not be negatively affected by the salvage change, others will be getting it in the teeth.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Who's to say the Fifth Column isn't part of the storm or the storm itself? Remember they have timewarped back to Cimerora to work with Romulus to change things.

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Let's do the Timewarp AGAIN!

My mind is like a badger with a water gun. It makes no sense, but it sure is entertaining.

@Striggoi(Heroes Unlimited/Villains Unlimited)
21 50s on Guardian and counting



I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at this from the linked article...

"In WoW if you wanted to get a specific item, you would just end up farming the same boss over and over again. It doesn't work that way in City of Heroes."

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I guess it is true. CoX players don't really farm the same boss over-and-over for specific drops; the farmers in CoX just farm the same mission/enemy-type over-and-over again for specific drops.



So uh....about that coming storm.....is that still coming....ever?

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I always thought that was just some cute pop culture tie-in. Dont the daleks call him the coming storm?



Posi said...
"Super Booster II will be a magic-themed pack that will sit alongside the Cyborg pack very well. It will have costume pieces and other goodies that are themed for both stage magicians as well as your more traditional fantasy mages."

sounds like new info, I thought the next booster was the "Mac" Valkyrie stuff.....

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Hopefully the traditional wizard hat that is tall and has stars, etc on it. Perhaps the special power will involve use of a magic wand to cast it? Also Wizard capes that include the overly high collar that characters like Dr. Strange, Golden Age GL: Alan Scott and even Dracula have been known to wear.

Wouldn't mind a horror movie themed one where we can get some nice traditional horror movied themed costume parts.

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Well, they have said they will do some things that were thought to be impossible before. Could that and this pack point to the previously thought not possible robes? After all, it's hard to not think of long flowing robes when you think of traditional fantasy mages.



Finally, looking beyond Issue 13, we're interested to know what concrete plans you have in place for the following Issue.
Issue 14 is all about the Mission Architect. Issue 15 will be centered around the Fifth... Anniversary of City of Heroes. [Note: The MMO's 5th anniversary will be April 28, 2009.]

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I hope, I really, really hope, that this also marks the return of the Fifth Column!!!

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It looks to me like they are going to hold to the promise that i14 will be released in the 1st quarter of the new year. So i'm thinking end of january begining to mid febuary. Then as pointed out i15 obviously going to be release in April.

Weapon Alpha/Logan Omega - Scrapper/Stalker - Lvl 50(+3)/23
Dont under estimate a stalker - "What you can't see will kill you ..." SnakeSniper
Thanatos Omega - Stalker - Lvl 50(+1)



Oh, you will also be able to choose what Contact hands out your story arc, or create your own Contact in the same manner as you would create a character or a boss.

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Create new contacts to hand out missions? I wonder if the streets will be lined with these. Seems like potential to have 'too many' contacts.

Super Booster II will be a magic-themed pack that will sit alongside the Cyborg pack very well. It will have costume pieces and other goodies that are themed for both stage magicians as well as your more traditional fantasy mages.

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very cool! Seems funny though concidering he said

NCsoft is stressing what makes City of Heroes different. First, it's a superhero game, not sword and sorcery. If players are really looking for something different, they can find it here.

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Issue 15 will be centered around the Fifth... Anniversary of City of Heroes. [Note: The MMO's 5th anniversary will be April 28, 2009.]

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A timeline? Sweet! Todat I13, Jan(ish) for I14, and April for I15!! Line 'em up boys!



So uh....about that coming storm.....is that still coming....ever?

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I remember reading in a post or another interview that the coming storm story wasnt going to be address until i15 or i16 when they do more story stuff, because they were going to do more with the rikti invation story too.

Weapon Alpha/Logan Omega - Scrapper/Stalker - Lvl 50(+3)/23
Dont under estimate a stalker - "What you can't see will kill you ..." SnakeSniper
Thanatos Omega - Stalker - Lvl 50(+1)



I hope when the 5th will be back for good, they'll get the whole paramilitary group theme with them and leave the council with a more traditional villains in tights theme.

@Asymptot :
- Asymptot : 50 Invul/SS Tanker
- Extremum : 25 SS/Nrg Brute
- Many alts



Oh, you will also be able to choose what Contact hands out your story arc, or create your own Contact in the same manner as you would create a character or a boss.

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Create new contacts to hand out missions? I wonder if the streets will be lined with these. Seems like potential to have 'too many' contacts.

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Based on what they've said elsewhere, Mission Architect arcs won't be gotten from a contact on a street, but you go to a special arcade/communications center and talk via a panel of some sort.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Maybe your contact will be a NPC that you get to place in your base :-D . I really hope they extend the mission creater to bases and allow you to add you own trainers , taylor , store ( like enhancement and inspiration storage ) , and Doctors . That would be really sweet .

I Hope they add a witches hat with hair like Katie Hannons . Ive asked for a million times and said i would pay for it LOL . Also you cant get witches hats on the villian side . so this would be awesome news for villians . Just please make it where the hair is one color and the hat is all the same . I dont want my hat excessories to match my hair LOL .



So uh....about that coming storm.....is that still coming....ever?

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I remember reading in a post or another interview that the coming storm story wasnt going to be address until i15 or i16 when they do more story stuff, because they were going to do more with the rikti invation story too.

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Perhaps the Fifth shall return and defeat the Rikti?? /e hmmm...

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Oh, you will also be able to choose what Contact hands out your story arc, or create your own Contact in the same manner as you would create a character or a boss.

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Create new contacts to hand out missions? I wonder if the streets will be lined with these. Seems like potential to have 'too many' contacts.

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Based on what they've said elsewhere, Mission Architect arcs won't be gotten from a contact on a street, but you go to a special arcade/communications center and talk via a panel of some sort.

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That's not what is implied in the response given. Created in the same way as you'd create a character or boss is what got my attention.



Oh, you will also be able to choose what Contact hands out your story arc, or create your own Contact in the same manner as you would create a character or a boss.

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Create new contacts to hand out missions? I wonder if the streets will be lined with these. Seems like potential to have 'too many' contacts.

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Based on what they've said elsewhere, Mission Architect arcs won't be gotten from a contact on a street, but you go to a special arcade/communications center and talk via a panel of some sort.

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That's not what is implied in the response given. Created in the same way as you'd create a character or boss is what got my attention.

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Of course, that might just mean you get to customize the little head that pops up when you call them on the computer.

EDIT: I'm REALLY glad to hear custom contacts are a part of the MA now instead of a stretch goal. It was going to be rather awkward trying to write every story into something Azuria would care about.



I'm stoked to see new stuff for stage magician types, but I hope it comes with a new powerset. Perhaps that's asking too much for a Super Booster Pack, but really, a power set that lets you shoot playing cards, hold people in magic rings or scarves, and do other magical things would really make a couple of my character ideas go from ideas to reality.
Pretty please?
For a good idea of what a "magic" set could do, check out Zatanna's powers in Justice League Heroes - the turning of enemies into bunnies was hysterical!



Hopefully the magic pack will have some Dr. Strange/Spawn high collar full flowing cloaks. I wonder what kind of bonus power there gonna have for it.



I really hope it's not anything to do with the 5th Column. Enough of them already. Let's get some super hero stuff in the mix.

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I agree! Unless this update features giant mutant Nazi experiments, new tech and weird science gadgets, human-sized mutant Nazi experiments, strange occult connections, evil Nazi super-villains, or tiny-sized mutant Nazi experiments, then I don't want to play.

Oh yeah. And Hitler's brain in a jar controlling a giant killer robot. That better be in it too. And you won't fool me if you use the Clockwork King instead of Hitler. Not unless it comes with a new non-rusty texture map 'cause that's the sort of sneaky thing that WOW would do.



What was I saying? My train of thought derailed...




Hopefully the magic pack will have some Dr. Strange/Spawn high collar full flowing cloaks. I wonder what kind of bonus power there gonna have for it.

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I am almost willing to bet on it. High collars that is.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Only 5 missions in length for our own Story Arcs??? That stinks!



Lots to do, now after I came back to CoH after 2 yrs out.

Great comunity and big world and things to figure out, feel much more like an MMO should be now, great job keep it up.

and now even greater stories to get into from players and knowing this comunity I can't wait, but I will.



all the new stuff is nice ...but come on ...what we need is a new lvl cap
make a new zone ..outerspace or under water...take us to lvl 60...or atleast lvl 55....
you hit lvl 50 and its forced retirement.....welcome to lvl 50 now you get to move to Florida and get temp power lawn chair