Discussion: Joystiq Interviews Positron




all the new stuff is nice ...but come on ...what we need is a new lvl cap

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Not no, but Hells no.

make a new zone ..outerspace or under water.

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Great idea, been mentioned, and everyone loves it.

..take us to lvl 60...or atleast lvl 55....
you hit lvl 50 and its forced retirement.....welcome to lvl 50 now you get to move to Florida and get temp power lawn chair

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Horrible idea, the greater majority rejects it and most of us HATE that it keeps coming up. Not to mention many MANY of the Devs have said on more than one occasion, that they were not going to do it. Give it a rest.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



So uh....about that coming storm.....is that still coming....ever?

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Who's to say the Fifth Column isn't part of the storm or the storm itself? Remember they have timewarped back to Cimerora to work with Romulus to change things.

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I don't know how many of you guys know what about Nazi's and Hitler, but I just thought i'd throw in to this idea that the Nazi's elite force was known as the "Storm Troopers" and that there are lots of occasions where Hitler used not only Norse Mythology (which we all know that Thor is the Thunder god (storms) as well as many different "storm" themed assaults. i.e. Blitzkreig = Lightning War.

Just some ideas I'd throw out there at you guys.

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Only 5 missions in length for our own Story Arcs??? That stinks!

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If your story arc needs to be longer, make a part 1 and a part 2 they said you would be able to "publish" 3 arcs.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




Issue 15 will be CENTERed around the FIFTH... Anniversary of City of Heroes.

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Read this way, it has a slightly different twist. A sly reference to the Center. Around the Fifth? A reference to conflict, or a foreshadowing of a Center victory?



Issue 15 will be centered around the Fifth... Anniversary of City of Heroes.

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Not-so-subtle hint at Fifth Column?

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I agree

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Only 5 missions in length for our own Story Arcs??? That stinks!

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If your story arc needs to be longer, make a part 1 and a part 2 they said you would be able to "publish" 3 arcs.


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Wait, what? I thought we could publish 5 arcs at one time, not 3.



I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at this from the linked article...

"In WoW if you wanted to get a specific item, you would just end up farming the same boss over and over again. It doesn't work that way in City of Heroes."

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I guess it is true. CoX players don't really farm the same boss over-and-over for specific drops; the farmers in CoX just farm the same mission/enemy-type over-and-over again for specific drops.

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Farmers farm behemoths because they're the easiest to kill, and thus produce the most salvage/hour. Point is, you don't *have* to. You can get a Pangean Soil drop from any Behemoth, any council soldier, any Cimeroran traitor, or any other number of Arcane enemies. You don't even need the Pangean Soil in the first place, because you can just buy a set of SOs with your Influence and still play the game.

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