Base Builders Tour: Introducing Sunstorm

Ad Astra



Ok Builders, I know I am not the spokes person or anything remotely close for us. But, we might have a chance to organize a tour for our new red name Sunstorm.

Obviously the list should show ALL size bases from the soloist, to the small to the WHAT THE FRAK sized plots.

Time/Date: Per Developer Schedule, TBD

Sign up here with your:

<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name[*] Server[*] Side[*] Approximate Size/Cost[*] Anything else peritnent[/list]

<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: The Guardian Force[*] Server: Virtue[*] Side: Blue[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 20x24 37 Million[*] Anything else peritnent: Welcome aboard sunstorm![/list]

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Group Name: The Avant Guards
Server: Liberty
Side: Blue
Approximate size/cost: 30ish million, currently 16x20
Anything else: HAI SUNSTORM! Very nice to meet you, at least over a forum. The Guard Tower is the main base I work on, but I also have access to seven others on Liberty blue and red side, ranging from raid capable bases to five-alt two-player personal storage bins.

@Pulsaria - As seen on Liberty and Virtue
50s - Energy/Kin, Gravity/Energy, Ill/Emp, Claws/SR (50+3), Kin/Psy, Spines/Fire, SS/Shield (50+3), Arch/Storm
Upcoming Projects: DB/Nin, Sonic/PainDom, AR/Rad, Ill/Time, Widow
For the Avant-Guards!



yay! time to show off!

- Group: Mildly Heroic Evildoers
- Server: Liberty
- Side: Villain
- Cost: um... dunno. many millions.
- etc: I warn you, it looks a bit patchwork, because many different people contribute different rooms.



But.....but....I've already deleted my armory

* Group Name: SinnerSaint's Lair
* Server: Guardian
* Side: Hero
* Approximate Size/Cost: 8x12 / +9,000,000
* Anything else pertinent: My sad, so sad
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442



Group: The Infinity Legion

Server: Freedom

Side: Heroes

Size/Value: 20x20 hidden plot, somewhere around 30 million prestige

Anything else: I'm not big into the magic desks/floating thing, although I have done some of this. My design philosophy is that a base has to look like a place where someone would want to work, live, and play. I'm into details.

Welcome to the base building community, Sunstorm. If you are game I'd be happy to give you a tour.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



When are we looking to do this? Soon(tm) or after I13 hits?



Group Name
Rogue's Bane



Approximate Size/Cost

Anything else peritnent
i would say after 13 if we could. I kinda deleted some of my main things in prep for 13...the prison and bar still stand though



<ul type="square">[*]Club Dub[*]Infinity[*]Heros[*]8x12 plot valued at approx 6mil iirc[*]A nightclub to rival Pocket D, or so it has been said.[/list]I would be honored to be included in the tour and would be happy to throw a party in Club Dub for the occasion. I'm sure I can muster up the ranks on Infinity to show everyone a good time with DJs, dancing, etc.



Group Name: The Majestics

Server: Virtue

Side: Villain

Approximate Size/Cost: 8x8 Around 6 million

Anything else peritnent: A small base for my one man group (+alts). Designed with function over form so no fancy floating like what will be seen in other bases. Of course that will likely change after I13 when I can upgrade and have more room to be more creative in.



<ul type="square">[*] Zenith Force[*] Justice[*] Hero[*] 8x12 plot, 3.5 mil (prstg. on hand)[*] approx. 8 semi-active players, design includes a secret vault[/list]

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



<ul type="square">[*] Group Name: Ars Heroica[*] Server: Virtue[*] Side: Heroes[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 16x16 ~22M[*] Anything else peritnent: The base is a good example of what you risk breaking for your customers when you take away "unsanctioned" features (magic $FOO) before providing a viable alternative.[/list]



The Technocratic Union
Virtue Server
12x16 currently, will probably increase to 20x20 in I13. 15 million Prestige.

I'd prefer this to be at least a couple of weeks after I13's release, as I'm going to be adding some additional rooms and would like time to decorate them properly.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."



New Red Name and for bases no less, sweet. I'm going to have a talk with him too.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name : The Crimson Order[*] Server: Liberty[*] Side: Hero[*] Approximate Size/Cost : Will edit later not sure[*] Anything else pertinent: N/A[/list]
Sucks though we just removed most of our pretties to redesign with bigger plot and double doors.... Although I'm sure I have some screenies somewhere....

Edit: Better info below



<ul type="square">[*] Group Name: The Crimson Order[*] Server: Liberty[*]Side: HERO and proud of it![*]Approximate Size/Cost: 20x24 / 40 million prestige[*]Anything Else Pertinent: Three of the four leaders of the Crimson Order are veteran base builders and every time a member walks into the base, there are additions/changes. We are always making improvements and tweaking here and there. Our philosophy is that a base is never truly finished. And we, like many others, are anxious to see what additions the base editing system itself will offer in the future. We are all looking forward to picking your brain Sunstorm and making sure that we can get these additions looking as sweet as possible and as soon as possible. Welcome! [/list]



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: League of Extraordinary Superheroes[*] Server: Champion[*] Side: Blue![*] Approximate Size/Cost: 16x20/approx 50 mil pre-i13 (subject to change once post-)[*] Anything else peritnent: LES is a fairly large hero group with a strong core playerbase and an awesome Base to go with it! We have teleporters to all zones, Fusion Gen, AES, completely automated med-bay, copious amounts of storage, and a full bar. We've recently added a bumpin' nightclub, a small study, as well as a small living quarters for on-site base engineers and maintenance crew.

We are fully base-raid ready and well fortified. We are actively looking for raiding matches, though it has died down quite a bit with the impending DOOM! of i13. =/ and it looks like we'll be quite inactive for the time being, but we'll be back rough and ready once they're back! I look forward to your work in the bases area and eagerly anticipate the changes to CoP and raiding that are (hopefully!) coming down the pipeline. [/list]
For the tour, please contact myself @Major Tom, or @CriticalKat.

Cheers, and welcome aboard, Sunstorm!

[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage
Blueskin, Inc. ~ Champion
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle



Group: Paragon Arcanum
Server: Infinity
Side: Heroside
Approximate Size/Cost: 8X12, just over 3 million (estimated because of the Prestige grant last year)
Other Stuff: Small SG, no magic desks, a little bit of stacking, pics in the thread of pics.


Group: Alliance of Mayhem
Server: Triumph
Side: Villainside
Approx. Size/Cost: 8X8, under 3 million (didn't get this group as padded unfortunately)
Other Stuff: Smallest plot, packed with stuff, what can be done with a relatively low budget.

Both groups are 2 players with all their alts.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



<ul type="square">[*] Group Name: Spring Knights[*] Server: Virtue[*] Side: Blue[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 8x8 / ~2 million prestige (Issue 12 pricing)[*] Anything else peritnent: Featured in the City Scoop, extensive use of Magic Desks for 3D design[/list]

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Group Name: Commedia dell'Arte
Server: Virtue
Side: RED
Approximate Size/Cost: No idea, not the builder (that would be @Spectral Daisy)
Anything else pertinent: One of the better "RP" themed bases, and amazingly, done without stacking.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Depending on when the tour is, I may or may not be finished with my base.

It's been in the works for about 2 months (minus 1month of account inactivity)... and I'm having difficulty making magic desks on live currently.

IF I can manage to finish it before this happens:

Group name: The Adjudicators
Server: Guardian
Side: Blue
Size/Cost: 8X12 / 3.5-4.5million Prestige
Other Info: Extensive use of magic desks and stacking. Two person Super Group.

Once a date is settled upon I'll let you know if I'll be ready in time.

Erm, oh yeah... I'm also the designer of a small Villain side base for a friend of mine...

Server: Guardian
Side: Red
Size/Cost: 8x8 / maybe 2million
Other Info: Another small group. Maybe 4 or 5 active members (accounts).
This one has been finished for a long time so It'll definitely be available for touring.

(I keep editing the post to add other info I think of after i think I'm finished)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



* Group Name: National Defence League
* Server: Infinity
* Side: Blue
* Approximate Size/Cost: 12 x 12 / 10 million prestige
* Anything else peritnent: Small SG 3 rl friends fully functioning base. Planned expansion to 20 x 20 plot when I13 is released.



# Group Name: The Elite Guardsmen
# Server: Champion
# Side: Blue
# Approximate Size/Cost: 16x20 (17 million)

Only has a few regulars, most of the members log in infrequently at best. I've provided about 2/3 of the total prestige (if you count the sg padding for one-time prestige grant).

I'll be doing major upgrades once i13 launches, so it might be best to visit a few weeks after release.



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: Flying Stilettos Sorority[*] Server: Infinity[*] Side: Blue-side[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 8x12 / aprox. 2M prestige put into base, including decorations.[*] Anything else peritnent: Small fun SG, set up as personal SG but includes at least one other player who is still around.[/list]
The one alt I have in this group will probably get more love from me once I pull All-American Teen to 50. Then you'll probably see more.

For now, there's not that much to see, as it's more or less a straightforeward functionairy base. Once i13 goes live, I'll probably expand the base and add in a few more rooms for decoration - we have plenty of prestige banked from the prestige bonus last year.

And while I might redo the hottub completely in a new room, the wood-panel pub is staying more or less as it is.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



Count me in and Welcome Sunstorm!!!

Group Name: Hellstorm

Server: Protector

Side: Red-Side

Approximate Size/Cost: 20x12 / aprox. 15M prestige

Still reworking the base to get ready for I-13 but some of my fav rooms are still up and ready!


"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"