Base Builders Tour: Introducing Sunstorm

Ad Astra




<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: Champions of the Arcane[*] Server: Virtue[*] Side: Hero[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 8x8 Base, 7 rooms (all 2x2), Approx. 2 mil?[*] Anything else pertinent: Basic Functionality[/list]

<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: League of Mayhem[*] Server: Virtue[*] Side: Villian[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 8x8 base, 6 rooms, Approx. 3 mil?[*] Anything else pertinent: Basic Functionality[/list]

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"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



<ul type="square"> Group Name: Eternals
Server: Virtue
Side: Blue
Approximate Size/Cost: 20x24/12 million[/list]

@Mr Mirage

Become more, become Eternal.



[color=pink]<ul type="square">[*] Group Name: SHENANIGANS INC[*] Server: Infinity[*] Side: Blue[*] Approximate Size/Cost: Medium to large approx 40+ mil[*] Anything else peritnent: I'm a n00b at base building. Just really getting into it after I learned how to float items. So, our base has several floating items.[/list]WELCOME ABOARD, SUNSTORM!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: Birds of Prey[*] Server: Triumph [*] Side: Hero [*] Approximate Size/Cost: ~ 12 million prestige [*] Hurry before we upgrade again after i13! [/list]

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



Interesting idea. My heroic base will be in flux once I13 hits, but for now:

Group name: The Warren
Server: Pinnacle
Side: Blue
Approximate size/cost: 8x12, 8-9 million
Anything else pertinent: Expect to see lots of bunnies and other critters. Base builder is the Alice every rabbit hole needs



<ul type="square">[*] Group Name: Unbidden[*] Server: Triumph[*] Side: Hero[*] Approximate Size/Cost: about 7 million prestige, on an 8x12[*] Anything else peritnent: featured in the City Scoop, also have a base on test with some interesting features...[/list]



Welcome Sunstorm

Group Name: Hami Hounds of Protector

Server: Protector

Side: Hero

Approximate Size/Cost: 8x8 / 3-4 Million

Anything else peritnent: 2-3 members, fairly inactive right now, but the base is there when needed.



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: Paragons Privateers[*] Server: Protector[*] Side: Blue[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 24x24, 61.7 mil total, 17.7 available[*] Anything else peritnent: Home of the Coliseum [/list]



Group Name: Warriors of Oz
Server: Justice
Side: Blue
Size: 28x28 (After I13) - 37 mil
Anything else pertinent: This Sg was formed 1 year ago. One of my alts is in it and I am the main Architect. I am hoping that I will be done with design and build one week after I13 goes live.

Welcome Sunstorm, I am glad to see that we have someone that we can directly relay our concerns and ideas to.



I would love to show Sunstorm our little Family base. I'm on almost all evenings from 4-11pm EST and my global is @FixR

[*] Group Name Nomad Alliance
[*] Server Infinity
[*] Side Blue
[*] Approximate Size/Cost 8x12, about 3 million (with about 3.6 mil saved for upgrades)
[*] Anything else peritnent Mostly a single SG with remaining members all in family (myself &amp; 3 sons)
Was almost ready to upgrade to next plot size but now with new costs It will happen

Its always nice to show someone our base as we don't get many visiters lol we'll even put the coffee on

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



Group Name: Sentinels United

Server: Virtue

Side: Hero

Approximate Size/Cost: 16x16, I've lost count, well over 200 hours in building

Anything else peritnent: Been in a past issue of the Scoop; Tag me on @darkskye or @darkskies for a tour


My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



Welcome again SunStorm,

Group Name: Furie's End

Server: Truimph

Side: Villain!!!!!

Approximate Size/Cost: Currently 12x12, expanding to 20x24 with I13. 12Mil.

Anything Else Pertinent: Prefer tour to be post I13, after I have had time to make the changes I have planned.


Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: War Crows[*] Server: Champions[*] Side: Redside and misunderstood[*] Approximate Size/Cost: 12x12 base, but 20x20 when I13 hits.[*] Anything else pertinent: Base will see major upheaval with I13. Contact is @battleknight[/list]



I'll throw my hat into this ring also.

Group Name: Desperado

Server: Freedom

Side: Villain

Approximate Size/Cost: 8x12, 11million prestige

Anything else peritnent: This is a solo VG. It is well done even though there is no stacking at all (I normally have all 18 bins near full at all times). It has many luxury items (including an auto-doc).



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name: G.H.O.S.T. Squad[*] Server: Triumph[*] Side: Blue[*] Approximate Size/Cost: I'll fill this in later, @ work and can't remember[*] Anything else pertinent: Simple base no floaters (cause I can't bloody get the hang of it). Very much of a non-PvP base. SG consists of 5-6 accounts and their alts. We were already planning on overhauling the base when the first version of i13 was all about bases. Still planing on redoing it for organizational/aesthetic reasons. We are going to up the plot size significantly in order to do what we're planning.[/list]
Sunstorm you're more than welcome to come and take a tour and have a drink at the GS officer's lounge



[*] Group Name: Flying Stilettos Sorority

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LOOOOOVE the name!!!



# Paladins of the Night
# Virtue
# Heroic
# 8x12, not sure of cost. We've got every porter except 1, a Ley Tap, and Orbits.
# Themed as a mystical dojo, designed with the principles of Feng Shui For Bases in mind. Welcome, Sunfire!




[*] Group Name: Flying Stilettos Sorority

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LOOOOOVE the name!!!

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It just came to me, and I just didn't have the heart to turn it away into the cold dark night.

Oh, and sorry for forgetting earlier, welcome to the mayhem Sunstorm.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



We dismantled the FUSION base in preparation for I13 They pyramids are gone.

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Aww, man...I'm sorry to hear that, MCG. Those pyramids were awesome.



Group name: Shadow Souls
Server: Triumph
Side: Red
Size/Cost: 16x16.. approx 35M.
Other Info: My main SG , for which I also am the SG lead; Casual Raiders, full 150 SG; Top 40 in Triumph
An earlier version of our base was featured in the City Scoop a while ago at:
The City Scoop - Base Showcase -Shadow Souls - May 16th

Group name: Shadow Souls-Illuminati
Server: Triumph
Side: BLue
Size/Cost: 8x8.. approx 1.5M.
Other Info: Secondary/offshoot of our main redside SG, young Sg in heroside, around 4 months young, apx 20 member toons so far.

Group name: Elven Tree
Server: Virtue
Side: Blue
Size/Cost: 8X12 apx 9M
Other Info: SG from a friend of mine; While I am not the formal lead there, I am the base architect for that.
This base was also featured in the City Scoop at
The City Scoop - Base Showcase - Elven Tree - May 23d

Available for Tours usually every day between 7 pm-ish to around 1 am-ish - Eastern time

P.S: Plasma: thanks for putting this up!



Group Name - The Captain Mako Appreciation Society and Scrapbooking Club

Server - Virtue

Side - Villains

Approximate Size/Cost - Around 3.5 million, currently on the default plot, expanding greatly the moment I13 goes live.

Anything else peritnent - In game contact is @Eisenzahn. Base leader (and sole active member) is Lunaticia. I'll probably need a few days to get it back looking nice... I preemptively disassembled the darn thing down to just essential components, before they announced the automatic refund. Anyway, I'd need extra time to expand into the full new plot size even if I hadn't impatiently torn everything else down. At least now, it'll go quicker with the new stacking rules.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Group: Mayhem Inc.

Server: Victory

Side: Villains

Size: 8x8, approx. 1/2 mill invested. 1.5 mill banked

I am the leader and designer for our small VG, maybe half a dozen causal PVE players. Not a lot of function in the base, a cpl TP's and enough juice to run them. I have been playing with floating stuff, and have a few that I am happy with.

Welcome aboard Sunstorm!

@Battle Priest, main server: Victory. Alt overflow on Protector and Virtue

Luck is Probability taken Personally