Base Builders Tour: Introducing Sunstorm

Ad Astra



- Group Name: Affliction
- Server: Guardian
- Side: Villain
- Approximate Size/Cost: 24x28; 35 million projected cost
- Anything else peritnent: Going to be scrapped and totally reworked in i13




<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name Order of the Champion[*] Server Champion[*] Side Hero[*] Approximate Size/Cost 16x16 we have over 50 million prestige for the sg.[*] Anything else peritnent Our base is still in the building stage, I have just recently been given leadership and the task of building the base. Our base very basic at this point but functional. You can contact me in-game anytime @KianaMarie or @KianaMarieII. [/list]

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Group: Esoteric Singularity
Server: Triumph
Side: Hero
Size: 12x12, apx 11 million prestige



What, he's not busy is he?



Sure, sounds like it could be fun

Group name: The Midnight Sentinals

Server: Liberty

Side: Villain

Approx size/Cost: smallest size, less than 2 million prestige

Anything else: Another solo-ish VG (open to recruits, but not very active on seeking recruits) And mostly function over form with porters, insp storage, Oracle, and a handful of decorative items. Probably will do some revamping after the i13 bump along with the bit of prestige I've earned since last updating.

Contact: @Bubbawheat



Has there been any response to this? Any hopes it will actually happen?

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



woops... posted on teh wrong thread.... suppose that's what i get for having multiple threads open in multiple tabs...

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



<ul type="square"> [*] Group Name - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels[*] Server - Freedom[*] Side - Villlains[*] Approximate Size/Cost - 8 by 8 until 13 hits live[*] Anything else peritnent - I have taken over this SG from the founder a friend I met in game and have redone the base about 5 times always after learning new stuff. I also discovered a much easier and faster way to make the magic desk (from the posted guides I have read and initially tried) but decided I would not need to post as issue 13 was nearing. Can't wait for the no raid pathing to straighten up a few small compromises in the base.[/list]



Pulling this from the depths. We have a good long list of bases here.

Considering the 'free time' developers get for community events tends to be limited on the best of days. There's no reasonable way they can have the time to check everyone out.

Is there an equitable way to help the devs pick which bases to tour?

Lottery perhaps? Everyones base goes into a hat? I dunno

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Pulling this from the depths. We have a good long list of bases here.

Considering the 'free time' developers get for community events tends to be limited on the best of days. There's no reasonable way they can have the time to check everyone out.

Is there an equitable way to help the devs pick which bases to tour?

Lottery perhaps? Everyones base goes into a hat? I dunno

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How about doing a "pre base tour" ourselves and letting that help decide which ones to show to Devs?

Might be a way to show off some creative stuff to give them ideas and show off bases that best illustrate "wish lists".



Seperately, will there be any just normal base tours coming up. I would love to check out a few myself.

I still need to figure out what to do with my 7x7 room in my tech base.



I defer to others in deciding what bases, if any, are seen. I would like one of them to be mine, but think it is more important that bases are looked at than "mine" is looked at.

A pre tour seems like a nice idea. It could give everyone that posted here an opportunity to choose their top picks from the list to represent the whole group.

What elements of PvE/RP bases do we want to highlight to the devs? The ability to create realism with stacking (now merging) objects, facets of base building that currently prevent this realism (doorways)? I'm not exactly sure what's top of this list.



A pre-tour is a splendid idea. I will deffer the decision as to which bases get selected for the Dev tour up to the unofficial leaders of this community (you know who you all are). GHOST Squad's base is still under construction, but is open for the pre-tour. PM me in game @Az'rial.



I'm certainly all for touring each others' bases, seeing the pretties and finding new ideas to steal...err...incorporate into our own bases.

Heck, I'd be curious to know just what others think about what I've been doing with the Warren and the new rooms. Club Lapine needs patrons!



Group: Crimson Island Avengers
Server: Liberty
Side: Hero
Size: 20x24, approx 20 million prestige

Contact @alyiah1



I'm afraid I may have to remove Zenith Force from the list, since, well, uhmm,..... *sigh*..... I deleted the secret attic in order to expand and renovate.

I may toss in Mischievous Urchins, if I can get the TP room done in good time.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Plasma, set a date and time for this pre-screening and I'd be happy to help. I'm not sure who you'll want for screeners though. Would it be more organized to hop from server to server with a small group of people? Or maybe have each base post their pics on a 3rd party image hosting site? Or have each builder edit their posts to contain links to the images? I know there are already several threads full of base pics, but how many of those are pertinent to these particular SGs?

Having links to your base images within this thread might be easier for Sunstorm, but server hoping and seeing these bases in all of their majesty would definately be more enjoyable for the community, imho.



* Group Name: Phoenix Dragoons
* Server: Champion
* Side: Blue
* Approximate Size/Cost:20x20 about 20 mill
* Anything else pertinent: part time SG of 6(home of our alts)



server hoping and seeing these bases in all of their majesty would definitely be more enjoyable for the community, imho.

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As well as give the preview panel more of a true feel of the base that pictures just can't get across. I'm sure that the panel will want to pick not only the bases that will blow away the Dev team that will be touring (hopefully Pos will participate if only looking over Sunstorm's shoulder while he can hope) but also bases that will benefit greatly from some of the suggestions in this forum.



8x12, approx 6 Mil

I'm currently redesigning the entire base to be an underwater haven for our small (just me and the hubby and all our toons) group:

After Unrelenting's base was destroyed by the Temple Sinistratus (our VG. RP-reason for redesign), The ENG1NEER admitted to Tekka he owns an underwater research facility, and has offered to share it with the group. It boasts hardwood floors, domed ceilings looking up into the vast ocean depths, and an underwater arborium that supplies all the oxygen the base needs.

Now if i can just keep from crashing every 15 minutes in base editor mode to make some decent headway at it. At least it's currently functional, even if the aesthetics aren't wholly finished yet.



If there is anything I can do to help with the organization of the tours or any part of the process please count me in. I Love to see what people come up with and the detail that can be made with what little we have to work with. The details are what make our bases fun to build and what drives our creativity. That’s where I get my drive to try to bring a room to the next level. I am excited to get around the community and see the amazing work that everyone is doing



If there is anything I can do to help with the organization of the tours or any part of the process please count me in. I Love to see what people come up with and the detail that can be made with what little we have to work with. The details are what make our bases fun to build and what drives our creativity. That’s where I get my drive to try to bring a room to the next level. I am excited to get around the community and see the amazing work that everyone is doing

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I was thinking the same thing, I would love to go around and see first hand all these amazing bases. Then I thought that since we really would like to be as organized and concise as as possible for Sunstorm's tour (his time is probably very limited), that we should plan for a community base tour either before or after the pre-view committee viewing. This way the committee can see as many bases as possible in as short amount of time as possible without having an entire gaggle of people traveling with them.....just a thought.



The Legion of Heroes

Virtue Server

24X28 approx 40 million

Recently upgraded thanks to i13. Welcome Sunstorm

Thunderess - The Legion of Heroes

Thunderess - 50 Blaster
Thunderous Roar - 50 Scrapper
Blue Thunderer - 50 Controller
Thunderess of War - 50 Warshade
Thundar Star - 50 Controller
Thunder-Struck - 50 Defender
Thunder-Thighs - 50 Tank



Sadly, not being able to log into the game for the past 48 hours - and having to reboot my computer every time I've tried since the hotfix yesterday morning - it is looking more and more likely that I may have to take The Flying Stilettos Sorority off of this list.

I have an active ticket with support, but have only heard once today, almost 12 hours ago - as opposed to 4 times in 4 hours last night - I don't know when if ever I'll be getting back on.

I have all these great ideas for the newly expanded base, and have all the rooms in place waiting for me to decorate, patiently sitting empty. If I'm able to do anything by the time tours are put together I'll update you as to my base's status.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind