Base Builders Tour: Introducing Sunstorm

Ad Astra




Okay, it looks like it was my firewall program. (I swear, if I could find a better and more reliable firewall then ZoneAlarm, I'd swap it in in a heartbeat.)

So, I'm putting the sorority house back in - provided I can actually get something built in there.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



One of my bases has gotten some good reviews; I'll open it up to tours for anyone interested.

Group Name - The Elements of Foundation
Server - Virtue
Side - Hero
Approximate Size/Cost - 12x16/3.3 million
Anything else pertinent - An arcane-themed base, so there's a bit of unintentional Oranbega-ish vibe to it, but hopefully not so much that it's distracting.

Take the lightning tour

The Luciphasic Diapause (#176747) Learn about the Peacebringers' answer to Shadow Cyst Crystals
Golden Opportunity (#239322) Take your frustrations out on those pesky RMTers



Group Name: The Duur
Server: Virtue
Side: Hero
Approximate Size/Cost: 12x12/1.5 mil.
Anything else pertinent: Entirely decorative base that was completely redesigned after I13. Designed for a race of tunnel-dwelling alien-supersoldier-things.

Grul Doctor Pinnacle Swarm Caller Pity Fist Smashdozer Dhuuln