14 -
Quote:Unfortunately, respecs don't work that way. If you want to change your secondary powerset, the only option you have is to (delete and) reroll.I'm willing to respec my main from fire/fire to fire/"something else" if that "something else" would work better.
You can only swap out pool powers and ancillary power pools with a respec.
Quote:Email your global name however many breakfrees you want up to the limit. Any level 10 character can send emails.
One other thing: don't mind if anyone laughs when you say you have a fire/fire blaster. If you are having fun with him, that's all that really matters. -
/pow_exec_name Resurrect
As an avid (if somewhat amateur) .mnu file dabbler, I decided to see if I could update TUN's opus for issue 20.5. After a bit of searching around, I unearthed badges.bin and worked in all the latest badges.
I did reorganize the listing structure a bit for my own tastes - however, the essential structure is unchanged. I hope this fills in acceptably until @MG completes her other work.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/q35k19...geReporter.mnu -
I would also like to be notified as to a new time/date for this event. My global is @zehntaur and I check in at least once a day, so about a day's advance warning would be ace.
Quote:I demorecorded myself using the energy morph costume emote from the costume selection window, then fired up my text editor and looked through the recorded file.was wondering if this is what was going on for me. would love to know what energy morph's prompt is then.
Cue headdesk. Very hard.
I verified this by manually typing in the costume change command, so I know it's correct.
The prompt for the Energy Morph costume change emote is ...
Go figure. -
Quote:This. For an arc written by an author I enjoy and respect, this was considerably more disappointing for me than it would have been otherwise. I heartily allow that the clues, dialogue, bios and blurbs were brilliantly conceived, that the plot was solid and that the story was greatly amusing; but I'd rather delude myself that Mrs. Lackey wrote the arc details and handed them off to someone else to implement. Otherwise this is a rather poor showing of an author's skill, and the only reason it knocked the 5th star off my rating.Typos/text errors. If I was noticing them, there were lots. My partner's first comment on picking the MArc was about the typos. She tends to notice things like that and I don't, but I was picking up even more on the second run.
Also vaguely disappointed - though not altogether surprised, this being a guest author arc after all- to have written a feedback comment to this effect just to have it routed directly into the electronic void ("@Dr. Aeon is offline, and their mailbox is full. Your message will not be delivered.") so, many thanks to the OP for starting this thread.
I also fail to see how SSK in any way obviates the purpose of level pacts. If my level 33 friend SSKs my level 18 character to level 32, I'm still going to have 7 fewer powers than he and have no access to SOs. Furthermore, my level 33 friend can SSK my level 18 character to level 32 only if he's online at the same time I am, which real life may (and probably will) conspire to keep from happening as often as we'd both like.
So while SSK is (in my opinion) one of the best things that have happened to this game, bar none, it's a friendly, complementary feature to level pacts - which, I wholeheartedly agree, I would love to see expanded beyond 2.
(At that, I would like to see team sizes expanded above 8, but that's probably a topic for a different thread.) -
Quote:... ouch. I think I'll quit whining about the $70 I spent on character transfers the week prior to this being announced, now.Wow, 200.00 dollars too late. Guess I can finally move my scragglers.
That's what I get for having a birthday just enough days before Christmas to keep from having the two lumped together, I suppose.
Edit: Also like Ohsirus, I have a few more characters I intend to move with the free transfers ... as soon as the charges wear off my 30-day purchase limit and I can buy more slots! -
I haven't seen this noted elsewhere in this thread, so ... (and I don't want to seem like I'm complaining when the animations are already so awesome; they're just already so close to perfect) ...
The Ninja Run animation definitely has one minor issue, possibly two. I'll start with the possibly-WAI one.
1. Activate Ninja Run and draw any implement (such as a Blackwand, Nemesis Staff, Lost Curing Wand, Dual Blades, Broadsword* - it has been observed with all of these, so I deduce it repros with any implement) - this may be done in either order
2. Move forward, observe Ninja Run animation
3. Stop
4. Move forward again, observe normal run animation
5. Stop
6. repeat from #2
Now the definitely-is-an-issue issue.
1. Activate Ninja Run
2. Observe ready stance's forward toe: when the character shifts his/her weight back (true for all 3 models), the forward toe lifts up slightly, then snaps back down to the ground when the animation loop resets.
*EDIT: not bows. -
How about your global friends list remembering the column widths you set for each column, in both collapsed and expanded modes? And perhaps even remembering which column you're sorting by when switching between modes?
(Or even better, the ability to auto-set column widths to the widest element by double-clicking on the dividers? If I could do that now, I wouldn't mind so much having the column widths reset every time I switched characters ...)
Maybe revisit some old costume textures and give them a high-res treatment, to bring them up to par of the newest batch of hairdos and shiny costume textures we've received. I'm all for adding new options to the lineup, but why leave the older, existing options as they are, right? -
One of my bases has gotten some good reviews; I'll open it up to tours for anyone interested.
Group Name - The Elements of Foundation
Server - Virtue
Side - Hero
Approximate Size/Cost - 12x16/3.3 million
Anything else pertinent - An arcane-themed base, so there's a bit of unintentional Oranbega-ish vibe to it, but hopefully not so much that it's distracting.
Take the lightning tour -
Crafting planner update!!
- Bad formulas that would not calculate the appropriate amount of salvage You Need from your existing stock have been corrected.
- Increment/decrement spinners have been added to the salvage You Have fields for easier bookkeeping.
- The old version has been deleted and the link is now BROKEN! Use this version instead please. -
Look here at the Salvage Planner, although it does not have the newer IO sets yet.
Also, you can reference ParagonWiki for the information by enhancement.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just so we're clear:
What this utility is NOT meant to do:
- Aid in planning Set IO crafting or slotting.
Also, I believe Mid's has a function where it will export a shopping list of the Salvage needed to generate the IOs in your planning.
[/ QUOTE ]
By golly, so it does, and I'd never have found it if you hadn't pointed it out. Still, I go one further step on the laziness scale and actually set up formulas to subtract your existing stock from the salvage requirements, which you'd have to do by hand on the export from Mid's. No offense to you or Mid, I'm just lazy. -
Hi folks,
I'm not sure if this is the best board to post, and my search fu turned up nothing like it, so here goes.
I slapped together a little "utility" (read: Excel file) to help me plan for crafting common IOs, because it was driving me crazy manually typing out all the salvage requirements for each and every IO type I needed every time I went to craft and figuring out how much of what salvage I needed ... so.
The crafting planner came to be.
Hope you get some use out of it, and if anyone knows a better way to implement it, take it away.
... oh yeah.
This utility is provided as is blah blah.
What this utility is meant to do:
- Provide an at-a-glance comprehensive summary of what salvage and how much is required to craft a given number of Common IOs.
- Spot compare your salvage inventory to the crafting requirements, giving the difference between one and the other (so you know how much of what salvage to buy at the market).
- Save your fingers a lot of typing.
What this utility IS NOT meant to do:
- Aid in planning Set IO crafting or slotting.
--- Garthalus kindly linked a Salvage Planner for Set IO planning.
--- Mid's wonderful Hero Designer can help you with the slotting.
- Tell you what salvage you have in your personal vs. vault vs. market inventories.
- Suggest prices to bid on recipes (but there might be some way to display how much individual recipes cost to purchase from the crafting table, so you don't bid more than that).
There you go, enjoy! -
Well, you can work hard now and be lazy later, or work a little all the time ...
My solution would be to create keybind files, like so (assumes you are saving bind files in your <installdir>/data folder):
sj.txt ---
J "powexec_toggleon Super Jump$$autorun 1$$++up$$bindloadfile nsj.txt"
nsj.txt ---
J "powexec_toggleoff Super Jump$$autorun 0$$-+up$$bindloadfile sj.txt"
One caveat to using bind files like these is that they don't play nice with mezzes. But YMMV.