Leveling Pact Upgrade
as of right now, nobody really knows what they will do about it. as far as i know this hasnt been commented on by a redname yet.
honestly, they should allow a pact of up to 8 people because thats the team size, but when your group is offline, you would get horribly low xp because it would divide all the xp by 8.

They are most likely concerned with it being used to powerlevel characters by "shady characters". Not so much the regular customers. You know what I mean. Probably, anyway.*wink*
They are most likely concerned with it being used to powerlevel characters by "shady characters". Not so much the regular customers. You know what I mean. Probably, anyway.*wink*
now if they just largened it a little, like say make pacts up to 4, that wouldnt really break anything, but i do think they need to have more information from a redname on this subject

With SSK and the opening of the hazard zones, I honestly don't even see the point of level pacts anymore.

my case for example. One friend works at a warehouse so has a funky 4 days on 3 days off schedule, usually sun/mon/tues, so the rest of the time he is to tired to even log on. The other friend has an even funkier schedule. Some times only 2 days off but still able to log on at least 2-3 hours a night. My schedule is a lot more open as I do independent contract labor. So having the potential to have at the least a 3-man pack would not hurt a 2-man team and keeping 3rd man even par for the days that they can actually play for 6-8 hours a day. Doing a 2-man with him and normal grouping with the third even though my exp is halved his wouldn't and he would slowly out level us over time.
I think the SSK system really made level pacts unnecessary.
But the developers have stated that they will some time in the future possibly implement many-people-pacts. It is my firm belief that these will appear right after base raids and the moon zone.
I also fail to see how SSK in any way obviates the purpose of level pacts. If my level 33 friend SSKs my level 18 character to level 32, I'm still going to have 7 fewer powers than he and have no access to SOs. Furthermore, my level 33 friend can SSK my level 18 character to level 32 only if he's online at the same time I am, which real life may (and probably will) conspire to keep from happening as often as we'd both like.
So while SSK is (in my opinion) one of the best things that have happened to this game, bar none, it's a friendly, complementary feature to level pacts - which, I wholeheartedly agree, I would love to see expanded beyond 2.
(At that, I would like to see team sizes expanded above 8, but that's probably a topic for a different thread.)

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With SSK and the opening of the hazard zones, I honestly don't even see the point of level pacts anymore.
Now I start felling really guilty if I play the character, which I liked, because my buddy is a serious badger Sure I am getting him XP and influence but now as I level I'd be forcing him to time travel and even beg lower level teams to let him join to pivk up badges he'd missed while I was moving him along while off line. And when I say serious I mean serious .. this guy didn't have ONE character that was his badge toon he went after every badge on every toon he owned. This was also before SSK so to get those Task Forces and Bank Mission badges he's be playing for NO XP.. and spending even more time NOT helping me level at all. This doesn't even begin to touch all the recipe and salvage drops he wasn't getting because he was being leveled off line and the man loved to craft and play the market.
Finally when weeks rolled into months before he returned I sent him an email and just told him I was breaking the pact. I explained why and told him I'd love to team with him when he was able to return but I had to start making better XP and NOT feeling bad about what I was making him miss out on. Fact is now with SSK my tanker, now in her early 40s, could easily team with his Controller without any leveling pact required and I could even drop back and do HIS missions and still make good XP and INF. Hey with the level restrictions gone on most zones he could even do my missions no matter where they took us and pick up some defeat and other badges he'd normally have had to wait to even think about... As proof I tested this recently since I have 2 accounts and took a 15 level blaster to Striga to team with one of my 50 levels. I wasn't looking for XP, INF, salvage or recipes.. I hunted Warwolves and Vamprii with the low level in tow and in under an hour the low level 15 LEVEL blaster had the Atlas Medallion and a 5% increase in END. who is to say I couldn't do the same thing with him in TV for Freakshow Bosses and the Shard or Fake Nemis and get that same 15 level the Freedom Phalanx Accolade as well?
Multiple Pacts? up to 8 players? Hey I don't want to be the one player that can get on line a lot and painfully slowly earn XP taking 8 times the number of missions to accomplish it while the other 7 level at the same rate doing nothing. Sure I could take say a 10 level character and hook up with a 50 level team and make decent XP but then I'd be powerleveling and not just myself but 7 other players as well. And that's if I can find a 50 level team that wants my few low level ttacks when there are 30 and 40 levels out there looking for those same 50 level teams and they offer a lot better team support than I would. No I think the Pact is a dead issue I am sure ome people made it work but with what we have in place now who needs it? I can team with anyone at any level and earn everything I want or need at a normal rate so why plug along at 50%?
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
SSK doesn't help people who want to run TFs together, if the lower level character doesn't meet the TF requirements.
Also, the thing I like most about lvl pacts in a duo is really the way it coordinates things like IOing the characters. When we both ding 22, we can both make up the lvl 25 IOs we wanted to slot without feeling like we're making each other hang around pointlessly. Plus, sharing nice recipe drops. It also means we can get the same contacts, so we can run arcs together and both get the arc merits.
SSK has probably made pacting less important, but there are still a lot of nice little benefits from it.
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Personally, I love pacts and wouldn't mind seeing 3 or 4-man pacts, but more would be a little much. All of my kids' characters are pacted with mine, so it makes it really easy to help them get that last little bit to 20 or whatever. They're always excited when they log on and see that they have a new level.
What I'd like to see is an increase in the LEVEL allowed for pacting. I accidentally broke a pact of a level 14 and wish I could get it back. Either allowing previously pacted characters to re-pact, or allowing a higher-level pact if the characters were within, say, 4-5 levels to prevent abuse, would make me happy.
Personally, I love pacts and wouldn't mind seeing 3 or 4-man pacts, but more would be a little much.
What I'd like to see is an increase in the LEVEL allowed for pacting. I accidentally broke a pact of a level 14 and wish I could get it back. Either allowing previously pacted characters to re-pact, or allowing a higher-level pact if the characters were within, say, 4-5 levels to prevent abuse, would make me happy. |
Ana and I were just discussing last night how much fun it would be if my level 3 could pact with her level 11, since that's the lowest level character she has on our regular server, and all her character slots are full.
It'd really help people with different playstyles (like the two of us have) a lot. She makes and plays characters as she's inspired, if I get an idea for a character I make it, but I don't play it until my current project character is capped.
With SSK and the opening of the hazard zones, I honestly don't even see the point of level pacts anymore.

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Agreed. For quite a while I was upset that level pacts didn't allow for 3 characters because I have 2 kids and it seemed like the perfect mechanism for teaming with both of them and not having to find a 4th teammate just to SK one of them. But with SSK I can easily SK both of them and not be penalized when they're not online. It's a far better solution for me than SSK, frankly. I don't want to PL them while they're playing Rock Band.
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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Neither does a level pact, per se. You're either high enough level for a TF or you're not. SSK and pacts don't change that.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Does anyone know if they will increase the number of members to a Leveling Pact?
I rather enjoy not having to wait for my 2 friends to keep up with me in levels, but with the auto-exemplar/sidekicking based on mission level the pact does become semi-redundant.
For a 3-man static group a 3-man pact would be great.