Discussion: Good vs. Evil Coming to the Mac!




There's no reason to use SecuRom for an MMO (not that there's ever a justifiable reason to use it for anything), so I hope that this announcement is something they can use, not something they will use on everything, and specifically this client. Because it will, at best, be a big warning in recommendations I make.

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From that announcement, it seems that the piece of software that is under the SecureROM is the "Cider" program (aka Windows Emulator for the Mac) itself, not City of Heroes specifically.

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But the Cider code is wrapped around the PC code, so to a Mac user, they're one and the same. Again, I'm hoping that in the process of setting up for the process, you can choose to run SecuROM free. Because even if the limitations aren't bad, on Windows at least, it installs a program that remains even if you uninstall the original program. I don't want that malware on my PC, and if it does the same on the Mac, I don't want it on my Mac either.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Finally! My wife has vowed never, ever, ever to put Windows on her Intel iMac, but now she has no excuse not to play. She will submit to my will and play City of Heroes/Villains! She shall! She must!

Champion: Luminous Diva, Megamax, Trinity Divinity, CoV: Crime Minister., Mr. Puddums, Hot White Chocolate, Uranium.,
Guardian: Aura., Sparx-, Zero Lad
Infinity: Supertodd, COV: Golden Calf
So, so many more...



Great news!

Will the Cider version require a dedicated graphics card, as I have an oldish Mac Mini (core duo) and that has an intel graphics chip.

Just the right thing to run an alt account on!

BTW, Cegada runs CoH very well, for a while I ran it on Linux as Vista and Dell where conspiring against me. It runs faster than it does under VISTA!



Ok..here is the hardware specs....Mac Mini is out :-(

(From Macworld, with thanks)

System requirements call for Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later, Intel Core Duo processor, 1024MB RAM, ATI X1600, Nvidia 7300 GT or ATI X3100 graphics, and 2.9GB hard disk space. You’ll also need an active Internet connection in order to play.



Very good news! I'm glad that current subscribers can choose which system they're more comfortable with and definitely happy to see even more players joining us that previously never had the choice!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Ok, this may be quite shameful of me, so I'll be hiding in my shame closet for the rest of the day!

But - here goes - One of our PR guys said, "Why isn't the CoH on Mac story on the front page of Macworld?" Someone else replied with "Well, it's probably because only 7 people have recommended the story."

So, if you like the story at Macworld ( http://www.macworld.com/article/1364...coh.html?t=109 is the URL) click the little recommend button at the bottom of the article.

< hides >

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I gave it a recommendation on Firefox, Explorer, and even on my PS3. >_>

< hides as well >

Edit: By the way, the article is on the front page now.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



PC users will be able to play and team with their Mac friends.

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Umm, there are PC users who have Mac friends? Impossible!

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Yeah, though several of us had to break down and get cheap PCs once our PC friends had their brainz eaten by spandex.

Speaking as one of those cheap PC owners, I am thrilled for a Mac port. Unfortunately *my* mac is powerPC instead of intel based. Are there any plans or intents towards a powerPC compatible version, or should I look into upgrading my hardware instead?

Mostly Triumph with a side of Guardian
@mangagirl & @mangagirl2
AKA "Noah Bailey"



PC users will be able to play and team with their Mac friends.

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Umm, there are PC users who have Mac friends? Impossible!

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Yeah, though several of us had to break down and get cheap PCs once our PC friends had their brainz eaten by spandex.

Speaking as one of those cheap PC owners, I am thrilled for a Mac port. Unfortunately *my* mac is powerPC instead of intel based. Are there any plans or intents towards a powerPC compatible version, or should I look into upgrading my hardware instead?

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You'd need to upgrade. The way they are doing the Mac version is using Transgaming's Cider code which wraps around the existing Windows program to make it think it's running on Windows. Won't work on non-Intel machines.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Ok..here is the hardware specs....Mac Mini is out :-(

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No surprise there. Apple made sure the Mini was worthless for heavy lifting out of the box. My G4 dually runs circles around my boss' C2D Mini w/2g RAM. Its *really* pathetic. Like Mark Rein, I blame Intel's integrated graphics with shared memory for being the source of all gaming evil. Even the old G4 Mini's had dedicated video



Devs, thank you for this. I've been running CoX on a Mac since Boot Camp was in beta, and never guessed NCSoft was even thinking about this. And the Mac edition comes with goodies, too! So very cool.



Just because Cider can use SecureROM doesn't mean it must use SecureROM. TransGaming's extending the option to companies who use the moronic DRM on their games so they'll actually use Cider and release Mac versions. But, just like City of Heroes on the PC doesn't use SecureROM even though it could, technically, City of Heroes on the Mac won't incorporate SecureROM because it would have no advantage for doing so. And no, there is nothing innate in Cider that requires it, any more than there was in Cedega or WINE before it.

The link in question is indeed jumping to a conclusion and spreading a rumor. Since it's not in NCNC's best interests to restrict the copying of the client software (indeed, they want people to copy the client, because those people need an actual live account to play anyway), they're not going to poison the well with the heavy negative publicity attached to SecureROM.

This, I firmly believe.



So in other words, that website linked is griefing us?

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



So in other words, that website linked is griefing us?

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One can only hope.

I've subscribed to the open beta and voted for the article on the other site. Now we just sit and wait... impatiently.



HA! I finally get it up and running with Crossfire and now this. Sure, I'll help Beta this...



Cool, now this game just needs to support Windows Vista!



Congratulations, you've just got me to re-up my sub. I was going to let it lapse when Champions Online came out, but with a native Mac client I can play CoX while monitoring my Work Email. =)

And I'm an old-timer here. Been here since before the beginning.

Thanks for this and see you guys in Mac Beta!



1) Will non-mac users be given access to the bonus power and costume in the future.

2) How will this affect people who have macs and already have accounts? (I dont have a Mac, I'm just wondering)

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Yes, just like the Good vs. Evil edition of the game, the Macintosh version will include some special in-game items, including:
<ul type="square">[*]Mission Teleporter Power - Players can save time and get right into the action by teleporting directly to their active mission.
[*]Exclusive Valkyrie Costume set - Costume pieces include two varieties of wings, a cape, a skirt/kilt, pants, boots, shoulders, chest, gloves, belts, and helmet with multiple details.[/list]These items will be available separately for purchase in early 2009 for customers who are not playing on a Mac. We’ll have further details of these exciting options, including screenshots, in the near future.

We'll have the above posted in a separate forum announcement, along with information about the closed beta test of the Mac version, shortly.

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I hope you plan to make that cape available at lvl 1 like you did for the aura's, since no matter how you slice it people will be paying for this content, whether they bought the box set or the pieces separate in early 2009.

[/ QUOTE ]I paid for my Cape of the Four Winds and my Arachnos Cape, but I can't use those until level 20.

In other words, no precedent for that with capes.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.




The link in question is indeed jumping to a conclusion and spreading a rumor. Since it's not in NCNC's best interests to restrict the copying of the client software (indeed, they want people to copy the client, because those people need an actual live account to play anyway), they're not going to poison the well with the heavy negative publicity attached to SecureROM.

This, I firmly believe.

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Exactly. If, as positron indiciated, you'll be able to just download the client for free anyway...there's no point to including SecureROM in that, because anybody can just download it.

It doesn't add up.



**pets his dual-dual Xeon** Yessss my precious.... you too will have Coh....



Ok..here is the hardware specs....Mac Mini is out :-(

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No surprise there. Apple made sure the Mini was worthless for heavy lifting out of the box.

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I use MacMinis for my DNS and DHCP servers, and the web server portion of it for minor items.

I use XServers for the heavy stuff.

My MacMini also has Vista and XP running through Parrallels Desktop.

Going to the DRM issue, it might be that they don't want Mac People to dual box on a single machine, because most Mac applications can run two instances at once, if you have enough horsepower.

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.



You can dual box CoH on a windows machine too if you have enough horsepower. There's nothing stopping you from doing it on windows.



i am so psyched by this! using boot camp was easy enough, but now it's gunna be the best. PLUS mission teleporter?! sweet.



Has macbook pro, will beta! *bouncing excited for this*



Finally!!!! I can get rid of Bootcamp.. This game is the only reason I have bootcamp installed on my Macbook Pro.. after it comes out, bye bye windows partition (I only use it for this, other than that, I use everything else in mac).




Now that you guys are working with Transgaming is there a Linux version in the future? I'd really love to stop dual booting my computer just to play CoX.

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Transgaming's Cedega has supported CoH for a long time (over a year that I know of) and it plays really well, so I don't know why you still feel the need to dual-boot.