Discussion - Dev Diary: Designing Day Jobs Feature





I think this system is great. I expect to enjoy it immensely. I love making lots of characters, but don't have time to play many of them (even on summer vacation, I only got to each character maybe once a month... and now I'm back in school, so some of my favorite characters get played rarely and other ones I like not at all )

This system is for people who like making alts. This system is for people who are happy to see a badge pop up after a month or two of not sweating over it. This system gives you something for the time you're PAYING FOR, but cannot reasonably play during (so please stop saying you're paying to not play.)

It's not for people who farm badges.

You can't satisfy everyone all of the time.

When I can, I sometimes farm for badges. I like badging. And I like this system. I'm going to think of it like vet rewards. When I see someone with lots of vet badges, I think "Oh, this person's been playing a while!" And when I check someone's badges and see lots of Day Job badges, I'll think, "Oh, this person doesn't get to play much. I'll try to make sure our team is fun!"

As for having multiple day job badges, couldn't you think of them as former jobs? It's not that hard to get around. I mean, a lot of the other badges can't really apply to your character all at once...

All in all, I say to the devs: Thumbs up. Thanks!

Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!

Full, detailed character list



Actually, I have one question....for villain: there is a thief one for logging out in a vault...other than mayhems or a few other missions, how do you log out inside a vault? Seems like a hard one to get 30 days of.



This is totally off track. I doubt anyone but the poeple forum-jousting are even reading this anymore. Venture is just baiting and antagonizing the Collecter guys with OCD, and they are bickering back. I was hoping to see some sort of redname response to the opinions of the forumites, but 40 pages of personal arguments isnt going to garner any official response. Cut it out guys.

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Nature of the beast, unfortunately.

However, it's in discussions like this where valuable information is found: 1.) There's significant concern from a segment of the community; 2.) It's not a deal breaker, and can be modified.

The trick is to add constructively to the discussion. Some are less capable than others in that regard.



This is totally off track. I doubt anyone but the poeple forum-jousting are even reading this anymore. Venture is just baiting and antagonizing the Collecter guys with OCD, and they are bickering back. I was hoping to see some sort of redname response to the opinions of the forumites, but 40 pages of personal arguments isnt going to garner any official response. Cut it out guys.

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I don't see that at all. The conversation has been pretty legitimate actually. Very few personal attacks.



I don't neccessarily agree that the world shouldn't try to accomdate you, but there is a difference between accommodating and focusing completely on your personalized needs. There really should be a meeting half way.

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He played the "disorder" card. I have no patience with people who do that, and since I'm one of them I have no trouble calling them out for it.

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Oh <bleepity!>ing hell, I didn't say "cater to meh!" I stated that I do in fact have a legitimate problem (and in another thread, that medication breaks other aspects of my life so it's not an option).

The point I wanted to get across: what do YOU gain from putting the carrot on a longer stick?

How the <bleeeeeeep!> do you suffer if they reduce the time from 30 days to 10-15?

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Actually, I have one question....for villain: there is a thief one for logging out in a vault...other than mayhems or a few other missions, how do you log out inside a vault? Seems like a hard one to get 30 days of.

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I assumed they meant the salvage storage vaults.

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



Badge Collection is one of the mini-games within CoX that attracts and retains players

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Exactly. So to me it makes sense to have badges that take varied amounts of time to play. Like, the ones you can farm for 2 hours in Striga for, all the way to the ones that take months upon months. What fun is a mini game once it's already been won?



Actually, I have one question....for villain: there is a thief one for logging out in a vault...other than mayhems or a few other missions, how do you log out inside a vault? Seems like a hard one to get 30 days of.

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I'd assume this referred to the Vault Reserve.



This is totally off track. I doubt anyone but the poeple forum-jousting are even reading this anymore. Venture is just baiting and antagonizing the Collecter guys with OCD, and they are bickering back. I was hoping to see some sort of redname response to the opinions of the forumites, but 40 pages of personal arguments isnt going to garner any official response. Cut it out guys.

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Nature of the beast, unfortunately.

However, it's in discussions like this where valuable information is found: 1.) There's significant concern from a segment of the community; 2.) It's not a deal breaker, and can be modified.

The trick is to add constructively to the discussion. Some are less capable than others in that regard.

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Exactly. I don't want anyone I've disagreed with to think I'm discarding their views, I am just explaining why I am favor of it



Actually, I have one question....for villain: there is a thief one for logging out in a vault...other than mayhems or a few other missions, how do you log out inside a vault? Seems like a hard one to get 30 days of.

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Vault Reserve



Actually, I have one question....for villain: there is a thief one for logging out in a vault...other than mayhems or a few other missions, how do you log out inside a vault? Seems like a hard one to get 30 days of.

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I'd assume this referred to the Vault Reserve.

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LOL! Shows you how redside I am...I think vault, I automatically think "Break into it" You guys are right. Duh!



I'm confused....was that at me? It's my birthday (as you can see from the cake), but I didn't say that....



I'm confused....was that at me? It's my birthday (as you can see from the cake), but I didn't say that....

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Sorry, I was referring to Venture. It's his birthday too. You're cool in my book.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



OH! I was gonna say, we've been disagreeing, but pretty civil. I was confused



I'm confused....was that at me? It's my birthday (as you can see from the cake), but I didn't say that....

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He was referring to Venture, with whom you appear to share a birthday. He's been particularly virulent and pompous in his replies. He'll prolly make my ignore list too by the end of the day. I'd prolly do well in avoiding his home server too, if this is any indication of what to find there. :P



I don't neccessarily agree that the world shouldn't try to accomdate you, but there is a difference between accommodating and focusing completely on your personalized needs. There really should be a meeting half way.

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He played the "disorder" card. I have no patience with people who do that, and since I'm one of them I have no trouble calling them out for it.

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Oh <bleepity!>ing hell, I didn't say "cater to meh!" I stated that I do in fact have a legitimate problem (and in another thread, that medication breaks other aspects of my life so it's not an option).

The point I wanted to get across: what do YOU gain from putting the carrot on a longer stick?

How the <bleeeeeeep!> do you suffer if they reduce the time from 30 days to 10-15?

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Not a thing. My point is, you don't bring up the disorder without expecting people to react to it. I know.

You most certainly were asking for special consideration based on your needs.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



If ten days is what it takes to max out a day job's bonus, why not make that the requirement for the badge?

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at the beginning 10 days maxs out your bonus. After you get the badge, it switched to maxing out in 8 days. THAT is why the 30 day timer. Getting maxed out ONCE, doesnt qualify you for quicker max out. They did not consider "How quick can a dedicated badger get every single badge", they considered how long they think you should be logged out before you get the bonuses a little quicker. This looks to be 3 max out cycles at the moment. They want you to have to EARN getting bonuses quicker.

I am NOT complaining about the time at all. I will only get the badges of the ones with the rewards I want, or ones that fit thematically. However, for the OCD badgers out there, Maybe 500 hours instead of 720 hours would be better, but still require some work.



Seriously, we should be able to see the blue message = "X items sold" (or whatever), each time we Exit to the Login Screen and then "Re-"Login into an Alt on that server.

As it is, It only seems to do this properly - when I Exit to the Desktop, then Re-Launch the game.

I think it will occasionally also work properly - if I Exit to the Login Screen & then Log back into an Alt on a different server than I was just on. But, I'm not certain that works reliably.

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The message stops showing up if you have "too many" things on the market. The display system essentially isn't able to handle a large number of items properly.

So, "how" you login shouldn't matter, it's a question of what (how much) the characters in question have on the Market.

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OK, that's new info to me...
I would've sworn there was some issue with the client not always checking in with the Market server, but I don't doubt there is something like going on.

It would be nice to know how much is "too much".

Although - I'm not worried about seeing the numbers in the message.
I just want to see that message, because AFIAK that is an indicator that you've "officially" logged in that Character so far as the Market is concerned & you've reset the 60 day timer for that Character...

I don't know how else to put it - the mechanics of "Day Jobs" appear to be very much at odds with the current incarnation of the 60 Day Market "Inactivity Wipe"...

Only for people who NEED to have their first badge the very first minute possible. And that's for people manipulating the market for extra storage, so I'm not crying for them anyway.

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To be clear, I'm not really complaining about the 30 days to get whichever badge and another 30 for the second.

I was just saying that it doesn't seem particularly wise to have to have it setup at 30 + 30 days offline for the badge + badge = accolade. when 60 days is when the market would clear your Slots.

Let's just say I can see a fair number of people getting screwed - if they aren't careful (Surely, that's not just me?)
And yeah I do realize you'd have to login at 30 days and move to the second spot - I was 'just saying' *shrug*

Personally, I'm not on my PC right now - my PSU (on my Shuttle XPC which uses a non-standard PSU) went out on Sunday morning & I just FINALLY got the replacement in *checks watch*
About a half hour ago thankfully - IDK, if I'd have made it through the weekend without my PC *twitch* and of course all the new info was released when it was down, and I've had to wait till odd hours to borrow the office PC - just to check the boards.

I'm about to go do surgery on my Shuttle (gotta disassemble a lot of it to get to all the power connectors) and pray the PSU didn't takeout anything else with it - I'm fairly sure it didn't - it was just a 4 year old PSU.

BUT this relates to my point - IF something else actually did go out, and I couldn't/can't get it running again really soon - I could be fairly close to losing stuff on some of the servers I haven't played on much recently.

I'd been focused on trying to finish getting the Rikti Badges on my lesser played alts, during the Invasion last week & a lot of time on a Themed-(Alt) VG the week or 2 before that.

So, I'm fairly sure I'm getting pretty 'close to the wire' on a couple servers, and I'm gonna have to start logging in a bunch of Alts before they reach the cut-off (by the time I get through the rotation).

If I were worrying about where I'm logging out my Alts & having to go run to the market (to be "better safe than sorry") - And last I read about it, you pretty much have to visit the Market & open the UI to assure you don't lose stuff.

But this could really suck in combination with the new DayJob Logout Spots...
Now, I'm not a rabid badger, or worried about rushing to getting these new ones ASAP...
But when this goes Live, I'm going to want to Logout my Characters in the "right spots" I've picked for them & "needing" to run to the Market to keep my stuff, and then back - would get old quick!

Does that make more sense?
Am I alone on this one??

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



The time is not consecutive. You don't have to stay offline 30 or 60 days straight to get the badges.



if you notice it says consecutive days or non consecutive days, so you do not have to be out for 30 days at a time, maybe your off for 1 day then on for 6 then off for 3, thats 4 days off total

thats how I read it



Yeah, and also, if you're specifically going for an Accolade or a different badge or whatever, you have to log in after 30 days (when you get the first badge) to move to a new location for the second.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Posi answered this earlier in the topic. Non conceutive. If you are logged off even a second, you will get credit towards the badge.



Yeah, and also, if you're specifically going for an Accolade or a different badge or whatever, you have to log in after 30 days (when you get the first badge) to move to a new location for the second.

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Also true.



30 days is fine, and extending the length of time required to earn these rewards/badges/powers allows players to further differentiate their characters from others. No complaints there - these are rewards for doing nothing, after all.

CoH is one of the easiest games to duplicate another player's achievements in. PvP rep degrades over time (and is easily farmable to boot), most badges are mindless grindfests, builds/costumes can be stolen with the printscreen button, and almost every item that can be considered "loot" can be purchased from the market.

Time-released rewards like this force players to make decisions that will define their characters and set them apart from others. After four and a half years of virtually unlimited character respecs and repeatable events, it will be nice to see some uniqueness added to characters.

As for the "OCD badgers" who argue for the removal of badges from the day-job system, ignore them. Once the more ambitious badgers start reporting in their badge counts a year from now after they've accrued all of the day-job specific badges, they'll start to be impressed with how "hard" it was to accomplish this task and forget about this whole ordeal. Shortening the time investment for these badges will only devalue a player's accomplishments. Remember the old quota for Zookeeper? Remember Sally's spawn rate at Croatoa's launch? Good times.

If anything, we need more unique badges that require substantial time and skill investments.




if you notice it says consecutive days or non consecutive days, so you do not have to be out for 30 days at a time, maybe your off for 1 day then on for 6 then off for 3, thats 4 days off total

thats how I read it

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Assuming you are not playing 144 hours straight, you'd be getting more than 4 days credit.