Discussion: Massively.com Recounts CoH Griefs




Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement.

Writer Adrian Bott continues Massively.com’s mission to highlight aspects of City of Heroes lore and culture with the article The five most annoying griefs in CoX, and how they were quashed. In the piece, Adrian lists some of the most notorious griefing tactics, the history around them and how the City of Heroes Development Team squashed the problems.

Click here to read the full article.

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Thanks for the link LH

<Starts reading during his lunch break>

Wait... the Kronos doesn't have a hold?!?



Taunting into the controllers was far worse than the Kronos bit.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Nostalgia doesn't mollify our need for I13 news, LH!



This is really doom.



OK. The Nova in Atlas Park one is awesome. I hadn't heard about that one.



If you log into an existing character, switch characters and create a new one, it inherits all the settings of the previous character.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



They pulled the same "confuse and nuke" stunt in Pocket D, too.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Hey the Kronos Titan is classic. I can see the need for it to be changed, but when it was first done that was impressive and funny.



that article reminds me sooo much of Justice.

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



Nostalgia doesn't mollify our need for I13 news, LH!

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The Teleport prompt is on by default?

*goes to check on a new character*


Nope, it's not on by default. The article either got that wrong, or something on my end is borked.

[/ QUOTE ]

New Characters inherit settings from existing characters now.



While I in no way support griefing, that video of the Kronos Titan at the Hamidon Raid was cool.

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




My favorite quote from that article.........

...and asshatery ensued.

LOL loved it.



Hey! Where's the somehow get control of someone's SG when they go afk for 15 days, kicking everyone out and keeping the base to yourself go on the list?

Or if you can't kick everyone just stealing everything, cranking up the plot size an burning through the prestige until the group just leaves and restarts elsewhere.

I'm just thankful this happened a year before inventions lol.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



As annoying and painful as they must've been, the Atlas Nuke and Kronos at the Raid videos were pretty funny. I was thinking these guys are real jerks, then I found myself LOLing.



Hey! Where's the somehow get control of someone's SG when they go afk for 15 days, kicking everyone out and keeping the base to yourself go on the list?

Or if you can't kick everyone just stealing everything, cranking up the plot size an burning through the prestige until the group just leaves and restarts elsewhere.

I'm just thankful this happened a year before inventions lol.

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They actually touched on that toward the end of the article.

There are, of course, many more examples of player-on-player annoyance. We haven't touched on bases, for example: the golden rule is to be careful who you trust with base permissions, as a nastily-inclined player can empty out your salvage bins, or sell all of your base furniture and replace it with several hundred identical water coolers.

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Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



My question is, what ever happened to massively's City of Heroes In Game item from Comicon 2008. You know, the one that was posted here:

The Official Community Announcement

And here is the massively.com web site

Massively.com, still waiting

Yet almost two months later and still says we will inform everyone ASAP. Now at least, from a marketing standpoint they could at least say "hey, picked out 10 and have informed them". it's almost as it they seem to have forgotten.

1394 posts, the last on the 30th of July, at least an alert or something.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



If you log into an existing character, switch characters and create a new one, it inherits all the settings of the previous character.

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I find that to be a bonus. I wish they would have the option to save a costume setup.

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I'm talking about setting, not costume creator (and at least you can now save your settings, save chat channel settings, save window positions). Yes, an option to save costume settings also would be nice.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



As annoying and painful as they must've been, the Atlas Nuke and Kronos at the Raid videos were pretty funny. I was thinking these guys are real jerks, then I found myself LOLing.

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There is a certain style in figuring out a new way to cause chaos that no one else did, putting it into effect, taping it and letting everyone know. The first time the hami raid I was on, as annoying as it was, there was an element of "OK, at least they put something special into it."

The problem is when it's done again, and again, and again, and again...either the people doing the same thing over and over, or reading about it and saying "hyuk hyuk hyuk we can do dat too". That's where the style is gone, and it's just griefing.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



OK. The Nova in Atlas Park one is awesome. I hadn't heard about that one.

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Neither did I.......

P.E.R.C. Senior Pinnacle Rep

[url="http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=217406&TabID=1833355"]PERC Site[/url]

"Nothing grabs your attention like a pink fluffy bunny with imps dancing around it" -Kranny



Wow... no one else but me has figured out that you can still EASILY pull Giant Monsters over from Monster Island?

Perhaps I should educate the populace with a video...

Then again, now that Cimemora has arrived, PI isn't quite as filled with annoying pests as it used to be...

Anyone want to vote for me making an educational video?

I personally don't consider it griefing. I think they deserve it.

I hate PLers... with a passion.

Now if someone wants to just team with friends on their low level toon and SK up to a reasonable level to enjoy PLAYING, well that's a different story...



Wow... no one else but me has figured out that you can still EASILY pull Giant Monsters over from Monster Island?

Perhaps I should educate the populace with a video...

Then again, now that Cimemora has arrived, PI isn't quite as filled with annoying pests as it used to be...

Anyone want to vote for me making an educational video?

I personally don't consider it griefing. I think they deserve it.

I hate PLers... with a passion.

Now if someone wants to just team with friends on their low level toon and SK up to a reasonable level to enjoy PLAYING, well that's a different story...

[/ QUOTE ]

You may not consider it griefing...but the GMs do. And the problem when you do something like that, not only are you griefing the PLers, you're griefing the people who SK to others and even the at-level people who went afk there or just are a bit squishy.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



There's always casualties in war, you should know that.