Discussion: Massively.com Recounts CoH Griefs




If you log into an existing character, switch characters and create a new one, it inherits all the settings of the previous character.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't do that. Started the game, created the character (didn't log any existing one in first), and checked the settings. The prompt was off.


New Characters inherit settings from existing characters now.

[/ QUOTE ]

My existing characters have the prompt on, because I turned it on for them. It's always been the case that when I create a new character, I have to manually turn that on. Been that way since day 1 for me.

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My existing characters have the prompt on, because I turned it on for them. It's always been the case that when I create a new character, I have to manually turn that on. Been that way since day 1 for me.

[/ QUOTE ]If you click the "save options to file" button, you won't have to any more.




1. The Police Drones in Portal Corps courtyard don't work worth a squat. I've seen a GM prance around Portal Corps for a good 5 minutes while teams assembled then fought it and the drones not react at all.

2. If someone ups your plot size and burns through your prestige, you can buy your plot size back down again. This isn't permanent. Sell off additional rooms, if any, to get the space back down to size. Then go into the increase plot size editor, click on the smaller size plot you want, and it will refund the difference in prestige. This has happened to one of my SGs before.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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I was surprised to read that pulling GMs to Portal Court is a bannable offense. If the GMs don't approve of it why don't they "tether" the GMs to their islands (ie not allow them to go beyond a certain distance from it). The police drones don't do [censored] and it's really sad how many people it takes to take down a GM (I say sad because I know that me and 4 other SG mates can take down a GM no problem -- we've tested this at Monster Island). Personally, I think it's fun when GMs are pulled, it's something different to fight.



The monsters on Monster Island are not Giant Monsters.

Those would be Jurassik, Babbage, Kronos Titan, Lusca, et cetera.

The Monster Island denizens are monsters, yes, but not unique.

Just trying to keep that straight.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I know the AP Nova bit was bad, but I, like so many others, still laugh my butt off at the creativeness of it. I still wish the video was a better quality so you could read all the reactions.

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I still wish the video was a better quality so you could read all the reactions.

[/ QUOTE ]My best guess...



"&$*#@(!!. Go the @#$% away!"

And etcetera.



Personally, I think it's fun when GMs are pulled, it's something different to fight.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you think fighting the (non-Giant) Monsters is fun, why don't you... I dunno... go and fight them on Monster Island?

Character index



My existing characters have the prompt on, because I turned it on for them. It's always been the case that when I create a new character, I have to manually turn that on. Been that way since day 1 for me.

[/ QUOTE ]If you click the "save options to file" button, you won't have to any more.

[/ QUOTE ]

My point is the article says the prompt is on by default. As far as I can tell, it isn't.

The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!
WARNING: I bold names.



I still want my toggle to disable the average moron's ability to spam heal other and similar effects... like ice shield. >.>



The Atlas Park nuke shouldn't infuriate anybody. YES the ability to do it should absolutely be taken away, but the idea of doing it is creative and fun and really pretty harmless, (The victims wouldn't have even got debt, am I right?). That it happened is funny. That it has been stopped is right.

In the case of the confuse chain, obv spamming nukes under atlas would get annoying, but two players with confuse powers could totally chain confuse eachother and then go pick on lowbies in atlas or anywhere else for that matter. THAT would be even worse.

My "favorite" grief is the one where somebody takes a squiddy kheldian, (or any flying blaster, really), and wastes spawns in atlas, freeing their hostage, but never lands so the hostage can't thank them and just keeps following them forever, and then the player keeps building up hostages.... It looks funny if you've seen it. Not positive it works anymore but it should. It's MOSTLY harmless, unless you keep it up for a prolonged period of time - if I understand correctly the spawns won't RESPAWN until the hostage thanks you, which essentially cuts down on the available spawns for lowbies to hunt, which isn't cool. If this was a top 5 list of "funniest/weirdest" griefs, this would make it - absolutely not worthy of top 5 "worst" griefs though - unless it had ever gained so much popularity that it ever annoyed the community, but it didn't/hasn't.



How is standing under Atlas all day and getting nova'd "Ruining your fun"?

I can understand if you're actually doing something, but sitting there trying to be all cool by walleaning like a total retard doesn't really count as "doing something".



Funny thing is, with the Atlas Park nuke video that was shown, most of the people there were part of the same SG as the one doing the nuking. The video was made and shown in a widespread enough manner that the bug that allowed it (which had been reported for some time before then) seemed to have become a much higher priority. It got fixed REAL fast after that.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



In that video, maybe most of the people were in on the trick. But it was used to mess up an Angels party in Pocket D, and happened more than once.

The problem is, once a way of griefing gets some publicity, there are lots of idiots who go "hyuk hyuk hyuk I kan do dat too and den dey will no dat I are kool two hyuk hyuk hyuk". So as undeniably clever as a single inventive grief can be, getting it repeated ad nauseam wipes out any respect for the cleverness.

And yes, if your fun is standing under Atlas, talking to people, trying out emotes, getting novaed is ruining your fun.

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In that video, maybe most of the people were in on the trick. But it was used to mess up an Angels party in Pocket D, and happened more than once.

The problem is, once a way of griefing gets some publicity, there are lots of idiots who go "hyuk hyuk hyuk I kan do dat too and den dey will no dat I are kool two hyuk hyuk hyuk". So as undeniably clever as a single inventive grief can be, getting it repeated ad nauseam wipes out any respect for the cleverness.

And yes, if your fun is standing under Atlas, talking to people, trying out emotes, getting novaed is ruining your fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, absolutely. It happened at the Golden Giza fight night once before too. The main point I was making is that the video shown wasn't made to go "look how cool I am griefing dis place" but rather to get more attention to something that had been happening for months before it was even acknowledged.

Also, does anyone remember the Patron Pet summon bug? Now THAT was brutal when used in the D.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



In that video, maybe most of the people were in on the trick. But it was used to mess up an Angels party in Pocket D, and happened more than once.

The problem is, once a way of griefing gets some publicity, there are lots of idiots who go "hyuk hyuk hyuk I kan do dat too and den dey will no dat I are kool two hyuk hyuk hyuk". So as undeniably clever as a single inventive grief can be, getting it repeated ad nauseam wipes out any respect for the cleverness.

And yes, if your fun is standing under Atlas, talking to people, trying out emotes, getting novaed is ruining your fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, absolutely. It happened at the Golden Giza fight night once before too. The main point I was making is that the video shown wasn't made to go "look how cool I am griefing dis place" but rather to get more attention to something that had been happening for months before it was even acknowledged.

Also, does anyone remember the Patron Pet summon bug? Now THAT was brutal when used in the D.

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Given the posts made by that vid's poster, it seems like they did it to grief.

What Patron Pet summon bug are you talking about? I don't think I've heard of that one.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



Basically, you could set yourself up to quit (30 second countdown) with the patron pet ready to summon. At about the 3 seconds left mark, you activate the power. This would summon your patron pet, but without you around as an "anchor" so to speak. So it would be summoned as an enemy mob and attack anything within aggro radius. Considering you'd have to be level 47 or higher just to get said pets, it could really do some damage inside of a well packed Pocket D (like say, on Virtue).

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Basically, you could set yourself up to quit (30 second countdown) with the patron pet ready to summon. At about the 3 seconds left mark, you activate the power. This would summon your patron pet, but without you around as an "anchor" so to speak. So it would be summoned as an enemy mob and attack anything within aggro radius. Considering you'd have to be level 47 or higher just to get said pets, it could really do some damage inside of a well packed Pocket D (like say, on Virtue).

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG, I never heard of that. That's terrible. They fixed that, right? I thought you were talking about when MM minions were attacking people in Pocket D and that it also applied to the Patron Pets.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



Yeah, it got fixed pretty quick before it could do TOO much damage.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I never go into to this forum section & I stumble upon this little pearl.......yayyyyyyyy

I think it's awesome they used the Kronos vid from the griefing session on virtue, not only do we have the best Rp on CoX but the best griefing too

It is my pleasure to show ALL the creativity that virtue has to offer all vids below were performed on virtue except the atlas park classic.....the freedom griefers beat us to it, but I think we made up for it w/the pocket D experience enjoy!

Black market

even the PvP'ers get griefed -=)


Pocket D

PvP'ers get griefed part 2

The REAL atlas park slaughter


Rp version of the vid above




Very funny stuff i must say



My "favorite" grief is the one where somebody takes a squiddy kheldian, (or any
flying blaster, really), and wastes spawns in atlas, freeing their hostage, but never lands so
the hostage can't thank them and just keeps following them forever, and then the player
keeps building up hostages.... It looks funny if you've seen it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahhhh, yes ... Herding Citizens...

During an evening of pure boredom (a couple years ago, in early I4) I did that with
a PB Nova and managed to get a couple dozen of them in the entranceway to the Hollows...

I've had a lot of fun in this game, but the reactions of the various folks zoning between
AP and the Hollows into a crowd of mulling citizens, were among the funniest broadcast
comments I'd ever seen.

There were no griefing complaints (most folks didn't know that trick was even possible
back then) but there were lots of confused "w-t-h?" comments, which, tbh were hilarious...

Thanks for reminding me of that one - I'd forgotten about it...


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If you log into an existing character, switch characters and create a new one, it inherits all the settings of the previous character.

[/ QUOTE ]

I find that to be a bonus. I wish they would have the option to save a costume setup.

[/ QUOTE ] actually sometimes the costume IS saved, I've had it happen before, the colors and scales were off but otherwise it was the same costume, not sure how it happens though



Well I noticed on Test that they ARE checking a save & load costume feature in the character creater. Just an FYI for you all.

LoL I was in Atlas one time on Guardian when we had a "Friendly" blow-up player due to confused effects. Everyone was like WTH! How did they go Bloom & hurt/Kill us? NVM what happenned the 1st couple of Self Destructs that went off & we realized they had no body for us to target & rez when the Cyber Pack was released!

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