Discussion: Purchasable Character Respecs





Thanks for the option; I usually have enough with my vetspecs and the Task Forces, but this looks nice.

So...will we be able to nab respecs for free on Test Server, since we do with the name changes already?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



yay infinite respecs on test!

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Huh... I hadn't thought of it that way

[url="http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/User:SaintNicster"]ParagonWiki User Page[/url]

[url="http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/214#list"]City Info Tracker[/url]



Do you choose which character it's applied to at the time of purchase? Or do you purchase it, then log into a character and give it to that character?

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The respec goes to whichever character you have selected when you click on the Store icon. It tells you that it's for the "currently selected character."



Why cant you guys use developer resources for something we really need like email transfer of items/inf? That to me would have made more sense than this. The only times I ever got respec recipes were on characters that didnt need them anyways but the ones that did were on another server. That would have helped me alot more than this.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



As of right now I own 459M Infamy, after market fees, worth of Respec Recipes. I will let you know how much these are worth in two weeks.

I like this move a lot. However, it butchered my schemes.

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I wouldn't worry too much. There are always impatient people that will pay 10s of millions for Respec recipes. Now, myself, I won't be anymore because $9.99 real cash >>>>>>>> a bunch of ingame influence for ease of availability.

Again, great news!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Well I have to say that I am disppointed with the pricing structure they chose. I believe for this type service, $5.00 is much more in line.

But it is not my business and I personally doubt I would ever use this type of service.

Grats to more options (I guess).

Member of Team Awesome���
Justice Server



It might be perceived as a little sleazy, and a way to milk players for more money. That was my first impression regarding charging for more slots or paying to move a toon between servers. As a computer programmer, I know that these are completely automated, and cost NCSoft nothing at all per transaction.

I haven't paid for either, and may never. I do like that they are there, and that there is some kind of barrier (ten bucks) from people doing it chronically.

I guess for those who've run out of options, and still want to respec, at least it adds another possible route.

Is there any danger to those of us who plan heroes carefully, and have never even needed more than the respec trials traditionally (and now, don't even need those because of veteran rewards)? Nope! It won't costs me anything!

In fact, if it's a way for NCSoft to making a little more money, which keeps our virtual stomping grounds up and running, then it's all good.



yay infinite respecs on test!

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Huh... I hadn't thought of it that way

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Only if the [censored] button works. Half the time they're turned off.




Yay for more options. A quick question for the "disappointed" folks. Have they taken anything away with this? Do you suddenly not have "Vet-respecs"?

Once again.. yay for more options.

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."



I can't imagine that I'll ever have the need for this personally, but hey, more options is always nice. And if it brings in some additional cash flow to help with development, so much the better.

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Be safe.



why would you do that though. why pay 2/3rds of a monthly fee for something you could earn the cash for in less than a week? (less than a day if you want to)

I understand why they'll make this option available but still, why do this when you can earn it easily in the game?

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Because some people don't feel they CAN earn it easily in the game. This gives them an alternative. That doesn't violate the EULA.



As of right now I own 459M Infamy, after market fees, worth of Respec Recipes. I will let you know how much these are worth in two weeks.

I like this move a lot. However, it butchered my schemes.

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Heheh. Maybe they noticed your stash!




why would you do that though. why pay 2/3rds of a monthly fee for something you could earn the cash for in less than a week? (less than a day if you want to)

I understand why they'll make this option available but still, why do this when you can earn it easily in the game?

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why do people buy infamy/influence from RMT sites? why do people buy accounts off of eBay? why do people buy powerleveling services off of RMT sites? because for some people, a little bit of money is easier to give than a week of playtime. it's that simple. some people love playing, love building, and love not having to play a week straight on a character to buy something. they want it now, and they have a spare 10 bucks laying around. no biggie.



As long as this doesn't make freespecs go away, I'm all for this option. If 10 bucks is too steep or you don't need it, don' t buy it. I probably would never use this but more options are good within reason.

I think perhaps the wedding pack was a test of many more purchaseable packs to come.

They could probably charge 200 bucks for the power customization pack and the fanatics would complain like mad and buy it anyway to have yellow laserbeam eyes and purple sonic shields.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



i hope this doesn't effect the free-specs that are given out now, but i atleast do appreciate the more options it does give those that havn't earned the veteran reward respecs yet. Though IMO, it's way over priced, $5.99 and even $4.99 would have been a much better price point.



As of right now I own 459M Infamy, after market fees, worth of Respec Recipes. I will let you know how much these are worth in two weeks.

I like this move a lot. However, it butchered my schemes.

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Heheh. Maybe they noticed your stash!


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Eeeh I wouldn't go that far Tripp, but one of my wishes always was that there would be events, precipipated by the Developers, that would affect the markets.

For example, crashes due to sudden availability of items, either ingame or out, or to events. Maybe an increase in some of the Pool C drops lamented by many as being too rare.

Anything that shakes me, as an occasional marketeer, out of my comfort bubble is a good thing.

Remember folks:

Everything ingame is property of NCSoft and you are renting it from them. No room to complain if ingame items lose or gain worth at any point, it's their items.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes




9.99 for a free respec, free tailor token and a kick in the nuts!



Disappointing.. Another step towards CoX developing a "Cash Shop" that developes more have and have nots.

Very disappointing to say the least.


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There are other ways to get respec's in this game. You don't have to use it, that's why its called an "option".

A lot of people must have been asking for them or else they wouldn't have added them.

I think this is a great add. I personally won't be using it because I'm stocked up on vetspecs but the more options the better.



I don't like this idea but since there are still all the in-game options I can live with it. Color me disappointed if this means less freespecs in game, though. New players don't necessarily know to build a toon to different specifications. It didn't even occur to me to do a respec until I got a freespec and was told by my sg mates to use Mids to figure it all out. Then my eyes were opened to what a mess of a build I had and on that particular toon I'm on my fourth try attempting to get her the way I want her.

It seems a bit shady to charge for something that is almost required for new players and that has to be used with third party software in order to gain its full benefit.



Just a quick follow up:

We have no plans of getting rid of freespecs. Each Issue that brings with it major power changes (which is pretty much every single one, eh?) will bring a freespec with it.

We have no plans of getting rid of the respec trials.

We have no plans of getting rid of the dropped Respec Recipes.

We have no plans of getting rid of the Veteran Respecs that your account earns.

This is simply another way to get a Respec onto your character.

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Disappointing.. Another step towards CoX developing a "Cash Shop" that developes more have and have nots.

Very disappointing to say the least.


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Yeah, because being able to respec makes you uber... Lame

I agree with the "doubt I'll ever exercise the option," but nice for people who screw up their builds so badly that 3 earned respecs can't cover them until they get a vet respec.....

Edit: whoah, first post after a redname!
Just a quick follow up:

We have no plans of getting rid of freespecs. Each Issue that brings with it major power changes (which is pretty much every single one, eh?) will bring a freespec with it.

We have no plans of getting rid of the respec trials.

We have no plans of getting rid of the dropped Respec Recipes.

We have no plans of getting rid of the Veteran Respecs that your account earns.

This is simply another way to get a Respec onto your character.

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Wouldn't have expected any less Posi, thanks!



Good to know, thanks for the update Posi.



Just a quick follow up:

We have no plans of getting rid of freespecs. Each Issue that brings with it major power changes (which is pretty much every single one, eh?) will bring a freespec with it.

We have no plans of getting rid of the respec trials.

We have no plans of getting rid of the dropped Respec Recipes.

We have no plans of getting rid of the Veteran Respecs that your account earns.

This is simply another way to get a Respec onto your character.

[/ QUOTE ]What about a way to email the respec recipes you got on your other toons to the ones that actually need it????

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



Great idea, but the price is bit out of whack. $10 is simply too much for this.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Disappointing.. Another step towards CoX developing a "Cash Shop" that developes more have and have nots.

Very disappointing to say the least.

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In what sense?

A buyable Respec? We've had that for a while already: the Respec recipe that's already in-game. It's just that there's now yet another route to get one.

... that's not any of the three Trials.

... that's not any of the many, Many, MANY Freespecs they've handed out.

So far, the Devs have been only putting knickknacks in the Store. I fully believe they'll continue the trend and save anything actually, y'know, good for the vast majority of the populace.

So to your disappointment, I say, Cheer up.

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This opens the door for them to start selling other ingame items. We have worked hard to chase out RMT. I for see this as just a stepping stone into a place where NCSoft shouldnt be heading.

This is totally my opinion, I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
