Fun stuff to do! (In COH/COV)
Find the "Easter Egg" badge without looking on any map sites. That will keep you busy!
You can always hold weird contests. Like have a bunch of lowbies at the Atlas park gate in Hollows, run to the lower east side and have them reach you. Keep them in the team so you know they are not using travel power. Winner gets 1,000,000inf or something.
Or a themed costume contests. Announce that in 20 minutes you'll hold a costume contest for the best <something> themed hero. Winner will get some inf to the alt of their choice. Have people go to the character creator and make something up.
I got nothing.

Find and do the arcs of secret contacts villainside. Each secret contact requires a badge (well, one of them requires a lot more) to unlock their story arc. Some hints:
Port Oakes has one at level 10-15, very easy to outlevel. She's standing near the only place to get the prerequisite badge.
Sharkhead Isle has three, one 20-25 (don't think I've done his arc fully), and two 25-30. One of those you have to talk to for some other peoples' missions, and he has a badge that is required for one of the villain accolades.
Nerva Archipelago has three as well. One is 25-30, his prerequisite is a badge for fighting a group you've probably fought plenty of by that time. One is 30-35 and requires a badge from Sharkhead. The last is 35-40 and is possibly my favorite secret contact because of two of the missions he gives.
St. Martial has two secret contacts. The 30-35 one is deceptively artificial, but deep down really just wants your help. The 35-40 contact is a popular name in Martial.
Finally, Grandville houses the four remaining secret contacts. Two are 40-45, one of which most people stumble upon as he's standing in a high-traffic area. The other I generally outlevel before getting the prerequisite badge unless I'm really trying to get his arc, but the best place to farm for his badge is right there in Grandville.
The 45-50 contacts are probably the most entertaining and cool arcs. One you probably have heard of, a direct competitor to another inanimate contact much earlier in the CoV game. The last one has about 7 different prerequisites to unlock, but is well worth the effort.
On the hero side, yeah, once you get to level 20 or so (15 in Faultline) the regular story arcs really improve in quality, and are absolutely worth doing at least once each. They teach you a lot of the backstory of the game, and some of them are moderately suspenseful. Although I should warn you: if you're not the lead sled dog, the view never changes. One of the game's design flaws is that too much of the mission text is only exposed to the team leader.
Striga Islands TF is one of the best in the game. Its got some great unique maps, its not too long, it can be completed with a small number of players (Its even Duo-able!) and the final battle is epic stuff.
I totally recommend it if you want to see what a GOOD TF can be like.
Other thoughts - fight your way through the sewers from Atlas Park to Kings Row with low level toons - thats not too difficult either, but its cool to sya you've gone from AP to KR UNDERGROUND!
I also second the Faultline arc. great.
The Frekolympics arc finishes with a nice mission too.
An additional comment to the CC suggestion - a Bio competition? Bios are sometimes sadly neglected by players I feel.
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
There's some interesting little side things you can do in and about Paragon City- I occasionally enjoy going up for some Gladiator matches, where you can enjoy having the stupid, brain-damaged AI working for you! Kind of fun, although you may wish to bar Night Widows (er, the NPCs) and Agony Mages, since they're hideously unbalanced. Getting any kind of a decent team built takes some badging, though.
Or you could go nuts, and, if you can find enough people (with Knockback powers), pick a low-damage, high-defense/health enemy (Devouring Earth Boulders, maybe?) and see if you can't get a game of hockey (or maybe volleyball? >.> going. Designate a couple of goal areas (a bubbler or two with Dispersion Bubble running would work), and have some fun punting some hapless foe all over the place.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates
MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"
Go to one of the PvP zones and join in on some team PvP
Everything is fun, OR ELSE!
Seriously tho, try heading to Ouroboros and doing either one of the Task Forces, or a flashback arc. You can even set specific conditions, like the whole team being debuffed or getting the arc done in a certain time limit. Pick an arc with a cool name and have at thee (of course, stop to read the text during and between missions... that's half the fun).
Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.
Most fun thing to do with a Bubbler:
Go to the hollows to the rim of the sink hole, switch force bubble on and begin a troll and outcast launching session. Continue this session till insupressable giggling subsides.
Just make sure you do this during off hours when you least risk throwing baddies into some poor lowbies lap. They will fly for nearly a quarter mile in some cases.
Like tormentoso said. Maybe find some people with a travel power, warp, speed, or jump (considering you have one) and hold races. Maybe even put up wagers or bets.Have a little marathon or olympics.
You also might want to hit every map and clear them completely. Its actually very time consumeing. If not go to Rikti warzone.
Most fun thing to do with a Bubbler:
Go to the hollows to the rim of the sink hole, switch force bubble on and begin a troll and outcast launching session. Continue this session till insupressable giggling subsides.
Just make sure you do this during off hours when you least risk throwing baddies into some poor lowbies lap. They will fly for nearly a quarter mile in some cases.
[/ QUOTE ]
Unfortunately, with ED and the nerf to Power Boost, it is no longer as much fun to play Hellion Golf, where you take your high-level En/En Blaster into Atlas or Galaxy, light off the Vanguard Medal and Power Boost, then use Power Push on a level-1 mob for distance; back when you could six-slot Power Push for knockback, a level 50 character could just about get a level-1 Hellion all the way across Atlas Park from north to south. The old-style AoE Nemesis Staff temp power was almost as much fun; you could launch an entire spawn of Hellions or Skulls, but the damage done would defeat them before they get launched, so you just had bodies getting flung around. The single-target version and the veteran reward power would let any character play, but the reduction in the veteran NemStaff knockback has nerfed its utility to play Hellion Golf.
"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers
One of the game's design flaws is that too much of the mission text is only exposed to the team leader.
[/ QUOTE ]
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
Most fun thing to do with a Bubbler:
Go to the hollows to the rim of the sink hole, switch force bubble on and begin a troll and outcast launching session. Continue this session till insupressable giggling subsides.
Just make sure you do this during off hours when you least risk throwing baddies into some poor lowbies lap. They will fly for nearly a quarter mile in some cases.
[/ QUOTE ]
More fun with Force Bubble:
In the final Croatoa mission where you must protect the henge from the Red Caps, stand at the top of the road and turn on Force Bubble. As the Red Cap ambushes come up the hill, move down to meet them and send them into landscape below. Make points for getting them in the corner vs off to the side.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
just trying to find more to do in the game to make it last.
[/ QUOTE ]
Stop and take the time to actually READ all of your missions, clues, souvenirs and so forth. You'd be surprised at all the great and enjoyable stories that you're missing out on because you're just "grinding the missions". Find out WHY you're punching that zombie in the face... that'll slow things down a bit and let you enjoy the game a bit more.
Quick tip for big fun.
1) Go to Warburg.
2) Launch Rocket.
3) Find sizable spawn of hated enemy group.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Run around a city zone and click on as many civilians as you can. They can say some crazy stuff to you!
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I'm a fan of the "Sparta" method of having fun. Use any melee range knockback power on an enemy in a high place. For added fun, scream "THIS IS <Zone Name>!" before doing so.
Wittiness Goes Here.
Thread marked as saved, whatever you do, don't do an Admin broadcast on Liberty calling folks to Pocket D, or you will see what a swarm of blue names looking like killer bee's really does look like.
One of the game's design flaws is that too much of the mission text is only exposed to the team leader.
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I have fun with this... when I play with my RL friends, we use Vent. As the team leader, I read the mission description in a dramatic voice. It's particularly entertaining with missions from female contacts... my friends think it's a riot.
Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.
One of the game's design flaws is that too much of the mission text is only exposed to the team leader.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Not really. You just have to look for it. By clicking on the "Explosion" next to any mission's short description (including the current active mission) the window will pop open that has the whole mission's "story" in it as it was displayed when the mission owner received it.
Most fun thing to do with a Bubbler:
Go to the hollows to the rim of the sink hole, switch force bubble on and begin a troll and outcast launching session. Continue this session till insupressable giggling subsides.
Just make sure you do this during off hours when you least risk throwing baddies into some poor lowbies lap. They will fly for nearly a quarter mile in some cases.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is also a lot of fun to do on the rooftops of buildings.
Another fun thing to do is see how many civilians you can get to chase you. You've seen how they will run up to thank you after you arrest the person trying to snatch their purse, right? Well, if you can hover and keep arresting mobs, you will get quite a crowd of civilians all chasing after you like a wild bunch of groupies.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Have you considered "/e walllean"ing against famous Paragon landmarks? Prefably someplace public where you can be seen moodily leaning against cede landmark. Maybe add an AFK message with some sort of rebellious and hip phrase to spice up the walllean.
Or, you can travel around the city taking pictures of all the billboards before they become extinct. Than pay NCSoft to put up a billboard of the commemorative pictures you took.
Top Ten Things I like to do When I get Bored with arresting bad guys:
10. Goto PI and harass the powerlevelers. (ask a lotta questions... ie; why would some1 PL that guy, he's only got one badge?.... whats a farm? Does old McDonald live there? )
9. Goto different zones that my /gfriends are in, and just shout their names in request
8. Go for a walk in Perez Park, at super speeds.
7. Hop from zone to zone, and say hi to people standing still
6. Sing in request, or any global channel will do really...
5. Goto any low level zone, and answer any questions that pop up in broadcast (my favorite question... Where are the lost? A. Well, if we knew, they wouldn't be lost now would they?)
4. Play shuffle board with the hellions in PP (ok, you guys call it golf) I use thunder kick.
3. Put bunny ears on my penguin, and let him hop around and "hand out presents" to random players
2. Play around with the colors in my SG's base... (yes, I wanted hot pink to be the color this week!)
and the number 1 thing i like to do when I don't want to arrest bad guys.....
Hold an Event (adopt-a-n00b nite, freedom's char auction, throw a party, play simon seyz, hide and seek...)
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
I have a kin def that I like to break out every now an dthen just for sillies. Repel has so many uses.
Perhaps my favorite thing was to stand at the edge of a building, TP a mob to the edge of the roof, slide up close and launch them. Repeat til they have only a sliver of health left, TP, brawl... find next victim.
Also, trying to launch mobs over the police drones and into the central part of Atlas is fun.
My friend and I have been playing COH for the past few months, and we've been leveling like crazy in groups.
We decided to slow down the grinding, anyone have any ideas of some fun things we can do for a change? Not so much into the badge hunting, scavenger things. And we usually don't like wasting time getting huge groups together so task forces and things are not too great.
I was thinking maybe something more along the lines of going to look for sally, or lusca or something different exploring wise.
Or I heard story arcs are a lot of fun, would anyone recommend we did one?
Sorry I know its a slightly dumb question, but im just trying to find more to do in the game to make it last.