Discussion: PAX- Seattle Aug 29-31st




That said, yeah, add me to the people annoyed that they're giving these permanent in-game things to people who make the conventions, that those of us who for one reason or another cannot go can NEVER get (in spite of having given them $15 a month for four years--but that's less important apparently than stopping by a booth at a convention).

There are other things that you can only get at conventions...a chance to talk to people face to face, a chance to walk away with some schwag, a chance to get a sneak peak at whatever they're showing off (like the sneak peak some got for the City Vault). But those are inherent to going to a convention where NCNC has a presence, and I can accept that, as jealous as I can get about it. Things like this, permanent things in-game, that you COULD give to everyone, is just an extra slap at everyone else.

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Hello GadgetDon. NCNC understands that there are many players on the east coast who would like them to meet at conventions there. At this time, they don't have any plans for any east coast conventions, but it's definitely something they're considering in the future.

Also, I would like to point out the CoX does currently reward its long-time subscribers via the Veteran Rewards system. They understand that the costume powers are nice, and you'll get a chance to earn some temporary costume pieces during the Halloween event.

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Exactly....They have no plans to come East in the near future. I travel often, rarely to the west coast though.

Quite frankly I think it's crap that NCNC doesn't support it's East Coast Subscribers in their Cons.

Vet rewards you say??? I have almost 51 months and 54 months they needed to recycle a Vet Reward.

The in-game items they are giving away just become future ebay items. One guy has several of them and is CASHING IN!!!
See here.
This item at $200.00 now and already sold one for $295.00.

Looks to me like this guy will be able to pay for his trip to PAX and scam more people for your temp power trinkets.

Want to give visitors something.... Make another t-shirt or some other non in-game trinket. At least those going to make a buck can't scalp the costume junkies or in-game toy junkies.

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Dear _OSHA_,

Although we on the forums appreciate constructive feedback, trolling and nonconstructive rants are a violation of the forum rules. If you have any continuing concerns, please feel free to PM Lighhouse or Ex Libris.

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You sir are the Troll..... You are not a Mod... stop trying to act like one.



You sir are the Troll..... You are not a Mod... stop trying to act like one.

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I am acting civilized. I'm merely asking for an iota of calm in an otherwise flame-ridden thread.

As for my humorous remarks to the thread in general, please see my signature. I apologize in advance.



You sir are the Troll..... You are not a Mod... stop trying to act like one.

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I am acting civilized. I'm merely asking for an iota of calm in an otherwise flame-ridden thread.

As for my humorous remarks to the thread in general, please see my signature. I apologize in advance.

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Iota of calm LOL...... You are a funny guy... I am quite calm. I don't consider my comments flaming, I explained a situation that has come from a previous give away. Seems to me you should reread my original post.

And regarding your apology, I have no need for it.... Stop acting like a mod... I know that is against EULA.

Have a nice life.

Time for Bed..... This EAST COASTER needs to sleep.




Wow, what a pile of dog crap did NC step into by announcing this lol.

Hopefully by seeing the amount of negativity it's caused, they will reverse their decision to make it ONLY available to attendees of PAX and make it available to all via purchase in the NC store.

I see that as the only logical outcome here where NC can save face with their customers.




Wow, what a pile of dog crap did NC step into by announcing this lol.

Hopefully by seeing the amount of negativity it's caused, they will reverse their decision to make it ONLY available to attendees of PAX and make it available to all via purchase in the NC store.

I see that as the only logical outcome here where NC can save face with their customers.

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They stepped in the same mess with the SDCC Freak Tank costume giveaway, and didn't bat an eye. From the evidence, they frankly don't care if some people are upset over this and won't care until a large enough portion of the population decides "well if I can't get it all, I won't have any" and votes with their wallets. That's is the only way to get NC (or any company) to change its direction on something like this.

There's a good number of "completionists" playing the game but I don't think there would be enough to force their attention by exiting even if they all got together and bailed at once.

So, get accustomed to it. It ain't changing until NC is good and ready to change it and a few voices in the wilderness aren't going to sway them even if you have an airtight argument backed with the most sterling logic ever presented on Earth and a signed letter from the gods themselves.



You sir are the Troll..... You are not a Mod... stop trying to act like one.

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I am acting civilized. I'm merely asking for an iota of calm in an otherwise flame-ridden thread.

As for my humorous remarks to the thread in general, please see my signature. I apologize in advance.

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Iota of calm LOL...... You are a funny guy... I am quite calm. I don't consider my comments flaming, I explained a situation that has come from a previous give away. Seems to me you should reread my original post.

And regarding your apology, I have no need for it.... Stop acting like a mod... I know that is against EULA.

Have a nice life.

Time for Bed..... This EAST COASTER needs to sleep.

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Mr. _OSHA_,

"Flaming is defined as posts which are designed to personally berate or insult another." Even using words like "son" in a derogatory fashion can be an example of "flaming."

"Trolling is defined as deliberately posting derogatory, inflammatory comments/threads in order to bait other users into responding. " Clearly, my OP to you was not baiting a response, but actually requesting that you take up this subject with the forum moderators "offline".

"A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and helpful in the development of the game, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise, clear manner and avoid going off on rambling tangents." I believe that your first post in this thread falls into this category, hence my request to ask you to desist.

As for "acting like a mod": it is every poster's duty to ensure that the forums continue to be a friendly, constructive place in which we can discuss issues in relation to CoX. Anything that is nonconstructive or hostile in nature doesn't belong here. Some may call that "acting like a mod", but I prefer to think of it as "looking out for my community" or a "neighborhood watch." Certainly, one wouldn't object to a neighborhood watch. It's also why the "Notify Moderator" button exists: so that any poster can alert moderators to questionable posts, regardless of if they are a regular poster, redname, or another moderator.

Additionally, some may question my impersonation of Lighthouse's posting style:

7. Impersonating another forum user, moderator, volunteer, administrator or NCsoft employee is strictly prohibited.

You are expressly forbidden from impersonating anyone else, including those named above, on the forum or in the game, even in jest. This may be grounds for permanent loss of your PlayNC® account.

[/ QUOTE ]
Clearly, I was not trying to pretend to be Lighthouse; I did not change my icon or forum name, nor otherwise attempt to alter my online identity to pretend to be Lighthouse, Ex Libris, or any of the other moderators. I was simply imitating Lighthouse's unique posting style, in the hopes to help calm the flames in this thread.

If you have taken any personal offense to this, it was not my intention, and I sincerely apologize.

Please get some rest _OSHA_, you seem a bit frazzled.



I'm on the this is unfair to non-west coast people bandwagon. Great for people in that area, shaft for anyone who is not. Using developer time to add content (however non-game changing it is) that players are not on equal footing to obtain is a real PO factor for subscribers. Something NCNC might want to think about.

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This is a permenant version of the temporary power you can earn during the Halloween event. It simply changes your appearance into that of the PPD Hardsuit.

It is not a set of player costume pieces and it required very very little time to create as the PPD Hardsuit was already made and the power to change you into it was already made for the Halloween event.

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Wow you think you have no chance of getting it, im in Australia champ. Sure Id love it but hey its not really essential to my day to day playing.

Sure it seems unfair or bias. Deal with it, there are people, like myself, who have far less chance of getting to said events for little goodies like this. and again, its not essential to you playing the game so really, try not to lose sleep over it hey



Does this latest stunt really shock anybody...i13 late...Nerf City...now this.I tried to get mad,but now I just laugh and wait for the next one.



Does this latest stunt really shock anybody...i13 late...Nerf City...now this.I tried to get mad,but now I just laugh and wait for the next one.

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... you (or a proxy) can make it to Germany, but not the East Coast?




... you (or a proxy) can make it to Germany, but not the East Coast?


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In all fairness, I think we're talking about the german coh crew who already live and work there.

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.

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I'm not beating this dead horse again. People will either agree that having an incentive for visiting NCNC is cool, or they're going to lament not being able to get ever item in the game.

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... and why can't the in-game item be something as innocuous as a badge?

Or, here's a thought: why does it have to be something in-game, at all?



I think it's pretty crappy that they're giving out a permanent in-game item that everyone isn't reasonably able to get.

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Read my lips: its a marketing hook.

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Read mine: it still sucks that these aren't available to more of the playerbase.

Make them available EARLY to con-goers ... then put them on sale to everyone else, a month or so later? Sure, go for it.

Making it so ONLY the hundred or so people who attend, will EVER have it? Not cool.

Its a great way to bridge awareness of the game in non-gaming communities [...]

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Bull. It's anin-game item. The people trying to get these will be those who already play the game.



In the end we wanted to create a special gift for those folks that come out to our booth and show us love.

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The problem is, you only ever have booths on the West Coast of hte U.S. - and apparently, all the way in Germany, too. NEver in the middle of the country, nor on the East Coast.

If you came to Boston or New York? Most folks on the East Coast would at least have a chance of attending. Not to mention, plenty of folks in eastern Canada might be able to try and get in on it.

It would cost me a couple MONTHS' income to get to the west coast for a weekend ... more, if I wanted to actually eat, or sleep indoors.

Hopefully it is something we can continue to do as we grow and reach out to shows and live gatherings in the future.

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No, hopefully it is something you will recognise as a collossal mistake, and stop doing. Exclusive, nonpurchasable, permanent in-game items SUCK ...!



Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.

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I'm not beating this dead horse again. People will either agree that having an incentive for visiting NCNC is cool, or they're going to lament not being able to get ever item in the game.

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... and why can't the in-game item be something as innocuous as a badge?

Or, here's a thought: why does it have to be something in-game, at all?

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If it was a badge the call to arms would be FAR greater than this, IMHO. Remember Isolator (I know Liquid does), the current-ish discussions over not fixing the broken Empath Badge, Anniversary badges, and the (now defunct) discussions of old Halloween/Winter Badges, the addition of a new way to get Isolator and the outcry it causes because VIllians didn't have another way to get Jailbird, the inherent "Dev Whim" feel of Bug Hunter?

No, a badge is a very bad idea if the goal is to keep some semblance of peace. And, again, entirely my opinion, you would see people get not only angry over a badge, but some would pack it up since badging is THE thing they enjoy in the game and many feel they've already been "dissed" a bit. They didn't put a badge in the Wedding Pack because of the possible outcry and everyone had a chance to get it, imagine the outcry if only a VERY limited number (say 1% of the games population) could get the badge no matter what they did, and then compound that by doing it at every con they attend with a different badge at each.

The Devs know there's a number of people that stay mostly for the badging, and know not to rock that particular boat.



Yeah, it's not going to change my gameplay that I can't get this, but it's annoying. I'm another Aussie and it's fairly clear that if you don't live in the States or mainland Europe then NCSoft doesn't consider you worth attention.

It's not like we pay the same amount for our gametime - oh wait, we do!



In the end we wanted to create a special gift for those folks that come out to our booth and show us love.

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The problem is, you only ever have booths on the West Coast of hte U.S. - and apparently, all the way in Germany, too. NEver in the middle of the country, nor on the East Coast.

If you came to Boston or New York? Most folks on the East Coast would at least have a chance of attending. Not to mention, plenty of folks in eastern Canada might be able to try and get in on it.

It would cost me a couple MONTHS' income to get to the west coast for a weekend ... more, if I wanted to actually eat, or sleep indoors.

Hopefully it is something we can continue to do as we grow and reach out to shows and live gatherings in the future.

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No, hopefully it is something you will recognise as a collossal mistake, and stop doing. Exclusive, nonpurchasable, permanent in-game items SUCK ...!

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I'd love for them to do something like this east coast.

This is one thing I hate about WoW. My favorite Blizzard character is Tyrael. There's a Tyrael pet in WoW. A pet you only got if you went to some stupid gathering I think they had in France or some such. Or I can buy it off Ebay for $500+ bucks.

Yeah right spend several k going to France or 500+ on ebay for a vanity item. However it's a vanity item I am completely cut off from which really ticks me off.

Ya' know I find WoW a funner game, but as a community and company I always thought these guys really ranked up there.

Everything was available to everyone with either a time (vet rewards) or minor financial investment, like the good vs evil goodies or the wedding pack.

Now they're pulling the same crap that Blizzard is pulling.

You already know how ticked many people felt at vet rewards, and anyone can get those with the time investment. Now you're introducing items that are for a select few.

Why does someone who lives within driving distance of the event deserve this item more than me? I'd go if it was reasonably close but ya' know... kinda' stuck in RI here so can't say either of these events is considered reasonably close.



I'm not paying $15/month for non in-game items so I don't feel that it's my right or priviledge to expect to be able to attain those items for free.

I am however paying $15/month and have been for over 4 years now and if something is made available in-game, I feel like it should be made available to all someway or another.

Going to a convention on the west coast is not one of those ways. Either make this a future vet reward or be able to purchase it like the Wedding Pack.

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I pay my 15 bucks a month too and feel the Dev's should code me a pony while in game Signature characters follow me around and do all my fighting for me, but that doesen't mean its going to happen, nor that it's any less rediculous for me to expect it to happen either.

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Now you are just arguing for arguments sake and sounding like a buffoon or worse a shill for NC.

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No, I'm arguing because this "Ohmygod! NCSoft is giving something out that I can't get! THEY ARE EVIL NAZI'S WHO KICK PUPPIES AND HATE RAINBOWS AND HAPPINESS!" crap is getting old.

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Liquid, it's not just "can't get", it's a matter of "will never have a chance to get".

That's the kick-in-the-face part; it's not like NC^2 goes to a variety of conventions around the country - if there were only 3 a year? One on the West coast, one on the East coast, one in the Midwest - and I simply happen to be unable to show up to the East Coast convention that year?

Oh well. At least there WAS an East Coast appearance, and I might have been able to go.

With them all on the West Coast? They might as well be on MARS, as far as my ability to get there is concerned.



You sir are the Troll..... You are not a Mod... stop trying to act like one.

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I am acting civilized.

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You are acting in a way that has earned me an Official Warning in the not-so-distant past. Just FYI.



... you (or a proxy) can make it to Germany, but not the East Coast?


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In all fairness, I think we're talking about the german coh crew who already live and work there.

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Hence, the "(or a proxy)" bit.



Just to clarify, too: I'm not acting out of any sense of entitlement to the actual item itself - there's plenty of stuff I will probably never have, already in the game.

However, I do feel that I should be equally entitled to a reasonable CHANCE to acquire this item. And the relative difference in costs to fly from the U.S. Northeast, compared to the cost to drive for a couple hours across one or two states, is significant enough that those chances are not equal.

<ul type="square">[*] Start showing up at non-West-Coast conventions. NYC, Washington D.C, Orlando/Tampa, Boston ... I'm sure there are suitable conventions in those cities, at least intermittently. (In this thread, we've heard of a Comic Con in Tampa, FL; I've already posted a link to Arisia, a Massachusetts-based Science-Fiction convention who will be holding their 21st this January); I'm also sure there are suitable Conventions towards the middle of the country as well.[*] Offer these in-game perks for sale, say, three months after the event they were given out at.[/list]



Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not beating this dead horse again. People will either agree that having an incentive for visiting NCNC is cool, or they're going to lament not being able to get ever item in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]
... and why can't the in-game item be something as innocuous as a badge?

Or, here's a thought: why does it have to be something in-game, at all?

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"Innocuous" as a badge huh?

If the SDCC item was a badge, the scalping prices would be much...much...MUCH higher.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!



Nah. This sucks. Some of us on the east coast that can't squeeze in a trip to the west coast for Pax are getting shafted. I would have preferred a temp power reward that expires after N uses that something more permanent like a costume set.

While I still think PA, PAX and CoX rock, this move is the fail.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not beating this dead horse again. People will either agree that having an incentive for visiting NCNC is cool, or they're going to lament not being able to get ever item in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]
... and why can't the in-game item be something as innocuous as a badge?

Or, here's a thought: why does it have to be something in-game, at all?

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"Innocuous" as a badge huh?

If the SDCC item was a badge, the scalping prices would be much...much...MUCH higher.

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*shrug* "Conventioneer", handed out at any such event - and maybe M&amp;G's too - would be less an issue to me, than [u]costumes[u] (be they costume-powers, or costume-PIECES).

Costumes are visible from a distance, just by being in others' field of view.

Badges, they have to at LEAST mouse-over you to see the badge title, or adjust their options, or even right-click and select "info", then tab over to your badge list.



I believe one of the moderators mentioned in the San Diego thread that they were considering future east coast conventions because of the...constructive feedback.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



You know? I'd like to know if these things are ever going to be available to those of us who are barely able to afford to keep our accounts online.

I know I'm going to sound like I'm whining, but I'm on a fixed income, and honestly, I can't afford to go to Germany to pick up a pass to give me this.

Is there EVER going to be a "costume parts collection" expansion pack? Cause it gets a bit on my nerves when I see things that could be available to all, or unlocked through actualy gameplay be made available because you were able to flaunt your ability to pay for a ticket.

I am going to get SO flamed on this.....