Discussion: Announcing Visual Sounds!




If this was real, I'd want them to have my pulse rifle go: PEW-PEW-PEW.

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We have GOT to make these user-defined! My full auto power is going to go "ikky ikky ikky peh-TANG!"



Once again, I'm justified in getting really paranoid on 4/1...

Although this could be good, if it were optional. But it still seems to fit better with Freedom Force's style of humor than with this game.

An MMO closure is definitely not a joke, and I have no intention of making light of it. And it can be a tough and emotional thing for players to go through, speaking from personal experience. And I know that it's often much harder on the developers than on the publisher. However, I also know that it doesn't necessarily turn you into a sad, depressed sack of tears for the rest of your life. People can move past it, and heal.



<QR> In keeping with the perceived slight of redside always gets less, Villains will not see Freeeeem, they shall only see Freee. Evil Ka-Boom! is pronounced Ka! Also, all stalker text shall be invisible.

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In Issue 12 they are changing Assassin Strike to Assassin Heal, didn't you hear? Stalkers now heal the enemies.

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I don't care if they get even moar damage, if I have some chance to see them. The routine of AS/run like a girl gets old fast. I don't die but can only kill them if they are n00bs.

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I know the feeling, I hate runners with a passion. I usually only PvP when I can get an organized fight of some sort, since people run like pansies in PvP zones.

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Hate to break the news to ya, folks, but "running" is part of "manuevering". Standing toe-to-toe with an opponent who outpunches you isn't butch, it's stupid.

Well, okay then, I guess it IS butch.

That said, granted the Super Jumping (which actually happens much more than "running away", since SJ is the preferred movement mode of PvP weenies) can be very annoying, but what's most annoying is the fact that Assassin Strike has an animation time almost as long as the four-second Travel Power Suppression period... which starts when they implement the attack, not when it's resolved.

That means they get an incredibly powerful whomp on you and can move away immediately. You may get one return strike on them before they are gone. If you don't stop them somehow, look for more of the same until you die or get bored.

And if the Stalker has a high Stun rate attack power (like Energy melee) you will be wobbling helplessly for the few seconds it takes him to finish you off. What fun!

Add this to the fact that their perfectly reasonable Hide power can be combined to UNreasonably STACK with other Concealment powers, and you have the most childishly imbalanced PvP AT in the game.

Well, PvP is for kids anyway, so I guess that's all right.


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I do agree with this assessment, on both parts. But there is a big difference between running like a chicken and a tactical retreat. I will often run behind a building to get a better handle on the situation (Usually either to ambush an opponent, use something interruptible, or pop some insps in an sneaky way) and then jump back out with guns blazing. Stalkers run like a chicken, because just about anything that can see them can kill them, but then again the same can be said about many other squishy ATs, but stalkers are the only one that gets such a cheap mechanism, damage mitigation and mezz protection. Even blasters that are way too overpowered take skill to play, and even then all you need to do is stun them or force them into melee range and they are screwed.

It would be ok if they couldn't stack stealth IOs, stealth and Hide, or if they were visible when they went to strike, but as it is it is just completely unfair, I can stand anything but hide. I'm fine with permadom, gimped brute fury (although that should be fixed), blasters, poison MMs, controllers confusing my masterminds, you name it. But when it comes to Stalkers I end up leaving the zone, they usually show up in retarded numbers and swarm a single target. Not even a tank stands a chance against 3 stalkers, and you can't see them coming without stacked perception, so by the time you realize they are there you are screwed.



"...as all the sounds in the game are being removed to make room on the players’ hard drives for the new Visual Sound graphics."

April Fools! (I hope)

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Y'know, they had me going there for a second...


Also on Steam



I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope this is an April Fool's joke. Because if not, this kind of negates everything else for me.

I like my sounds!!!


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The chances of it being an April Fools joke are... ummm... mighty mighty MIGHTY high. Their research indicates that many people building new computers tend to forget to include sound??? Video yes (fargin 6150 not-cards) but sound? And how would this look on a team of 8 against over a dozen enemies? And why is LIghthouse posting this in the wee hours of the morning? (A bit after Midnight in Hawaii, I suspect)



I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope this is an April Fool's joke. Because if not, this kind of negates everything else for me.

I like my sounds!!!


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The chances of it being an April Fools joke are... ummm... mighty mighty MIGHTY high. Their research indicates that many people building new computers tend to forget to include sound??? Video yes (fargin 6150 not-cards) but sound? And how would this look on a team of 8 against over a dozen enemies? And why is LIghthouse posting this in the wee hours of the morning? (A bit after Midnight in Hawaii, I suspect)

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Yeah, there is so much wrong with that article I don't know how so many people are getting caught off guard. I mean, just look at the sound effects they picked as examples, and the screen shots look like they were pasted together in photoshop.

I guess there really is a sucker born every minute. XD



while this might be a great change to the game for those who play w/o sounds. how about some ingame QOL fixes. like the arrows to move the powers tray from 1 thru 9. change it from left to right, to up and down. or moving the arrow that opens or collapses the powers tray from 1 to 3 tiers? i've gone thru to change powers trays to get to macros i like to use, or powers i don't use in missions, and clicked on something i didn't want, because it was beside those arrows that allow me to change which power tray i'm on. or gone to collapse the powers tray to a single row after respec, and had my recipe window open up on me.

or, how about a means to save settings as default or the account logged in. since most accounts don't have more than one person sharing it. and having to recreate all the same chat tabs, visaul setup, etc for every new character made gets annoying and old after awhile.

and for the chat windows, when will arena be allowed to be available for the active chat, so that you don't have to /ac or bind a key or setup a macro to use the arena chat? why are some of the defaults double up, like global has broadchast and request, when it'd be easier to leave it in the chat window itself. and not have the help window have the rewards and system mesages go there, it could be the default window for arena. my setup here has chat with broadcast, local, emotes and request only, help gets help and arena, global chats get their tabs, custom tab for team which has team sg, coal'd, pv't, and friends.

last, and probably among the most annoying, is the enemy chat. whether on heroes or villains, will this ever be enabled by default, like the hide friends from web page is enabled. what can be more annoying than someone wanting help and them not seeing because they don't have the show villain/hero chat, whether private or broadcast.

if the above could be changed, that'd be among the things that'd make me and probably a great deal of the other players happier.



*Looks at my Avatar*

This had better be real damn it! *Shakes Fist*

Also I want POW! BAM! THWACK! and BONK! added to the list.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Good one Lighthouse!!
You guys had me until the 'All sounds will be removed" bit.
Cant believe I been had!

Happy AFD!




QR: The best entertainment is the people who don't actually read the article, and still post. What a riot.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Man, this would be roughly the awesomest thing ever, assuming of course it were created. And kept the existing sounds. Especially so if "KLUDD" was a sound effect.

A shame, really. Of course, maybe if we whine hard enough.....



Black Starbeam - The Reciprocators

Making money, not earning it.




the upcoming Issue 12, which is being re-christened “Issue 12: Pow, Biff, Boom, Bam!” in honor of this new system.

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Nice prank NCNC! Happy April Fools!

BTW...can we at least keep that name? It's really great!



QR: The best entertainment is the people who don't actually read the article, and still post. What a riot.

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Oh, yes indeed. I'm laughing far harder at the people frothing than the original joke, and it really was lulz-worthy. The devs and all the other NC people must be reading through this thread and simply HOWLING.



I've been had!!



Please tell me this is an April Fools joke...

/t @Flame Enchantress, /em sends tell




Good one Lighthouse!!
You guys had me until the 'All sounds will be removed" bit.
Cant believe I been had!

Happy AFD!

[/ QUOTE ] Ditto, I thought it was going to be optional til I read the removal of sounds bit. Very well done, give those devs an A!

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



You think that's bad, imagine Grandville now!!! The lag from the geometry is bad enough... but consider how many atmospheric sounds are in that place! My computer will FREEZE the moment I get close to a TV, and my screen fills up with visual sound effects!

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LOL... Lord Recluse talking on those monitors to be replaced with "Blah, Blah, Blah" ... the thought just cracks me up! <<Though, I guess as actual words they'd show the words he was saying... But since it's fantasy anyway I can have him say what I want :P >>

<-- prepares to bind her sonic blast's Shout with,
/bind p "say wheeeeee-BRRAAAAAAAAaaaaaaauuUUUUUUUUMMMMMM$$powexec_name Shout"



QR: The best entertainment is the people who don't actually read the article, and still post. What a riot.

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Oh, yes indeed. I'm laughing far harder at the people frothing than the original joke, and it really was lulz-worthy. The devs and all the other NC people must be reading through this thread and simply HOWLING.

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Yeah, I'm laughing my [censored] off as I read this, so they must be splitting their sides over some of these hastily written paniced replies. Especially the guy who just registered here to make his first post in this thread, that was priceless.

To be honest, I want some of what ever the devs are smoking, because what ever it is, it must be awesome stuff.



I understand getting nailed by this one. I took it in, hook, line and sinker...until the "sounds removed" bit.

But people, come on. Read at least a LITTLE of the thread and you're realize it IS, in fact, an April Fools Joke.

Some people are just WAY too serious.


35218 - Shocking Developments - Where's Gameamp!?
44395 - Walkin in a Winter Wonderland - Fun and Soloable Holiday Arc.



very funny....very funny....My wife already laughs at me when I make comments out loud when I play this game...like Oh that hurt...and here comes the PAIN TRAIN....shrugs...now she is going to seriously have me take a 72 hour vacation now whenever I scream FREEM!!!! Everytime my blaster opens up on some targets...thanks...

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)




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Hmmm.. WAAASPOOWW!! KRUNJ! KAJOOOOODDDD!! Oh yeah, lookng forward to this....




This got the wife completely , she was reading out loud while I was making some toast, and it had me until the "Removal of sound" ... but not her hehe. I had to ask her what the date was, got a good groan out of it. Good thing was, it reminded me to call into work and tell them I won't be coming in today ... Being my day off ... got my boss pretty good.