Why I Can't Convince My Friends to Play CoX




I've posted this before in other areas of the board and am posting it here because it seems fitting

Vet Reward Solution

The vet rewards seem to really rub many people the wrong way and do discourage some new players and frustrate other mid-length players, especially in the costume department where specific ideas can't quite be realized until you've gotten said rewards. This is a visually appealing game and people put great stock into how their Characters look.

The Solution is to have a variation on every vet reward that is given to every player, with the fancier version being given to the vet.

<ul type="square">[*] 3 Month Trenchcoats: All Players Normal Tail / Vets get Split tail and Ragged Tail.[*] 6 Month Greek Alphabet: All Players lowercase / Vets get upper &amp; lowercase[*] 9 Month Belly Shirt &amp; Kilt: All players belly shirt &amp; formal kilt / Vets get an alternate pattern belly shirt &amp; formal/war kilt.[*] 12 Month Prestige Sprints / Melee weapon / Base Items: All Players 1 sprint, weaker axe/sands (3 hits for sands instead of 5 etc), 1 sci fi, magic, tech, enemy weapon display / Vets get all 4 sprints, full str attacks, all base items.[*] 15 Month Wings: All Players angelic &amp; demon wings / Vets get Alternate Pattern Angelic Wings &amp; Demon Wings (torn, spiky feathers, glow or fire on them, something slightly fancier)[*] 18 Month Samurai Armor: All Players 1 style of armor / Vets get all 3 styles.[*] 21 Month Shoulder Capes: All Players Should capes / Vets get some extra shoulder cape patterns.[*] 24 Month Base Transporter &amp; base posters: All Players base transporter &amp; 2 posters/ Vets get Base Transporter on faster refresh &amp; all posters &amp; titles.[*] 27 Month Anime Style Armor: All Players anime armor / Vets get anime armor &amp; fancier pattern anime armor.[*] 30 Month Signature Group Logos &amp; Signature Items: All Players 2 good 2 bad of each/ / Vets get All items.[*] 33 Month Ranged Weapon: All Players weaker &amp; smaller ranged items Nemesis Rod &amp; Blackwand wand. / Vets get Full powered version also.[*] 36 Month Non Combat Pet: All Players a specific pet (like cherub) / Vets get additional Choice of pets[*] 39 Month Boxing Outfit: All Players boxing outfit / Vets get Alternate pattern outfits + neck towel.[*] 42 Month Assemble the Team: All Players assemble team power longer recharge / Vets get same power faster recharge &amp; quicker activation.[*] 45 Month Respec: All Players freespec / Vets get respec &amp; costume tokens.[*] 48 Month Buff Pet: All Players a specific buff pet (target drones) / Vets get choice of 4 different types in addition to the target drone. Pets mutually exclusive can't have more then one out of any type of buff pet.[/list]
You basically give a basic version of the same thing to the playerbase and fancier versions for the vets with a few more perks but not total exclusivity to them. This lets the vets get something a bit fancier then the normal player but still lets the normal player get something too and not felt left out, then when they get to that time they get the fancier versions.

[/ QUOTE ]

no. let the players who have been playing for 2+ years have their fluff. if a new player is going to whine and gripe about not being able to have a belly skirt or a kilt chances are they wont be playing long anyway.

not only that but the costumes they give away can easily be made with some imagination and creativity in the character creater. a lot of this stuff wasnt around a long time ago but people still fashioned their character concepts anyway. quit trying to whine your (general not you) way into getting stuff you dont need but will get eventually.



Sorry but that is unacceptable to just tell people to suck it up. This solution keeps most of the general populace happy, gives the vets something slightly more special then everyone else, yet not enough for the regular playerbase, outside of people who can only whine, something to whine about. It also doesn't deter new players like the current system can do.

Appreciate the feedback / discussion though

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



the only problem is that it shouldnt deter new players. theyre just perks given to people who have been very loyal to one game for a looooong time. and they are arguable not even very good perks. i see all this rabble rousing from people on the boards all the time about not being able to get such and such item until 30 whatever months but i just dont see it in game. i think people are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

anyhow its just my opinion that they should keep the same system they have in place now. play for a long time, get something shiny and relatively interesting for about a week until they clamor for what else will be coming out cause theyre bored already.



I'd rather see the vet rewards eliminated than watered down. They're not that great to start with.



i see all this rabble rousing from people on the boards all the time about not being able to get such and such item until 30 whatever months but i just dont see it in game. i think people are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I'm in a rather large sg and I never see members complain about vet rewards. They might say something like "can't wait until I get there", but I've never seen them make negative comments about vet rewards.



Sorry but that is unacceptable to just tell people to suck it up. This solution keeps most of the general populace happy, gives the vets something slightly more special then everyone else, yet not enough for the regular playerbase, outside of people who can only whine, something to whine about. It also doesn't deter new players like the current system can do.

Appreciate the feedback / discussion though

[/ QUOTE ]well, yes and no, if new players are upset that they cant have something shiney like the vets have, then some of them will still be put off by the fact that vets have a better looking version of their item than they do. they still are going to have to "suck it up", and you now add the fact that if the vet version isnt sufficiently impressive, then you ticked a portion of the vets off too, because they feel they werent given their entitlement. and thats what the problem comes down to, an inflated sense of entitlement, some people, either through luck, higher skill, a bigger support network or simply more time will have more than other players, and some of those players will be jealous, nothing is going to fix that because the system itsself is bad, but because people have the natural inclination to want it all, now, and all the proposed ideas wont really fix that. you sometimes just have to acknowlege that some people are going to be unhappy because of their own unrealistic expetations, and do your best to keep those people happy that can be reasonably dealt with.



Sorry but that is unacceptable to just tell people to suck it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, "suck it up" is rather harsh-sounding, but the thought is valid.

Long-term customers are rewarded for their patronage. Common COMMON practice. Widely accepted and generally very popular with the customers. Does it make everyone happy? No, of course not. Nothing makes everyone happy.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Okay, a lot to address, but I'll try to address them all.

Teaming: Yes, we probably would have benefited from teaming with more people. Why didn't we do that at first? Because in most other MMORPGs I've played, we usually start by soloing the first 10 levels or so. The idea is that we want to get an understanding of the UI, the battle system, and the other various systems and concepts that make up the gameplay experience, so that in the end, when we finally do join a team, we can do our part to contribute properly when other people are depending on us. Plus, in the other MMOs I've played, your class/AT abilities don't start to bloom in a party setting until you've mastered those first several levels and unlocked some crucial abilities, so beginner soloing is pretty much a standard operating procedure in my book, and still is. Begging for a team to help us figure out the game seemed counter-intuitive at the time, not to mention a damper on our pride. Also, not once in-game do I remember reading that the Hollows zone (and all other hazard zones) were meant for entire teams. Only in the Frostfire mission were we told to bring teammates, but obviously they would have been useful long before then. Perhaps this piece of advice could be added to the message for the contact that first sends you to Wincott?

Asking for Help On Broadcast: I don't know if you've seen the Broadcast chat in Atlas Park on Virtue, but it's not always pretty. Between advertisements for MRP SGs, mundane conversations about TV shows that hold no interest to me, requests for Old Man Bob to put on some clothes, and repeated references to "sewer groups" (YOU know what they are, but I sure didn't), it doesn't inspire much confidence. In my first impression, 5 minutes of Broadcast was all I could stand before I thought, "This must be the random spam channel," and I turned it off in my chat tabs. Regardless, maybe this is exactly what Broadcast was meant to do, and so perhaps instead it would be more useful to implement a default-available, moderated Help channel where experienced users can be available to answer questions without additional spam from Broadcast.

City of Villains: It took me some time to find a villain I liked, but when I finally stuck to one, I had a lot more fun. And oddly enough, I didn't even realize that the specific improvements InfamousBrad noted were helping my gameplay experience -- everything just seemed so fluid that I was letting the game draw me in. So yes, CoV's early game is significantly better, and it would work wonders to improve CoH to mirror this achievement. If I have any complaints, it's that the abundance of cave missions are difficult to navigate because they're so dark. After playing CoV for awhile, my confidence and knowledge of the game afforded me new opportunities to enjoy CoH once again, and that's why I'm still here today.

Mentioning negative aspects to friends: I really wasn't kidding when I said I didn't realize how stupid these things sounded until I said them out loud. I was initially excited about these things, until my mouth gave my brain a chance to process it some more. For instance, when I heard there was a new expansion out, I thought: "Great! Maybe this can convince my friend to consider returning to the game."

Me: "Hey, guess what? There's a new expansion coming out."
Friend: "Really? What's in it?"
Me: "Umm... hold on, let me finish looking it up. Umm... it features... a wedding dress costume, a tux costume, and some party emotes."
Friend: "Oooookay. And?"
Me: "Eh.. I think that's it. Oh, wait, a couple new versions of costume parts for females."
Friend: ". . ."
Me: "Hmmm..."
Friend: "That is the &lt;politically incorrect expression&gt; thing I have ever heard."

Similar conversation for discovering vet rewards.

Me: "Hey, you can get wings!"
Friend: "Really? How?"
. . .

Differences In First-Impression Experiences: I wanted to say thank you to the people that valued my perspective as a new player to City of Heroes. I realize things were probably different when most of you vets first started, and there were handicaps you faced that I now take for granted (the Jump Pack has spoiled me for sure, I know). On the other hand, I'm guessing it was a larger community effort involved, and that you all faced those challenges together, trading information and ideas across the forums that now you take for granted and I knew nothing about when first starting. I'm hoping my experience (along with that of my friend) can be useful in suggesting tweaks that can make the early game of CoH more intuitive and enjoyable for new players. I hope to start writing a topic for the Suggestions forum tomorrow.

And now, onto the touchy subject.

Vet Rewards Successful in Other MMOs: The only other MMOs I've played are World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, and Phantasy Star Online. I do not remember any type of "veteran rewards" program in any of these games. From my experience, this idea was completely new to me.

Vet Rewards Are Only Cosmetic: First, many of the rewards are not cosmetic, but practical. Base teleport and Vetspecs, in particular. As a new player who is unfamiliar with many of the game's powers, builds, challenges, and gameplay, I would kill for at least one free respec available at early levels. Unfortunately, the only options available to me at the moment are to live with my poor power choice until at least the mid-20s, or reroll the character. Sadly, I have exercised the latter option more often that I would have liked to.

Secondly, one of the biggest draws of City of Heroes/Villains to me is simply put: character customization. Cosmetics are the reason I play this game. I like how I can choose different costumes for my character and I don't have to worry about altering their appearance based on whatever practical armor/weapons I need equipped at any given point in time. In that I am denied access to existing costume pieces that would be the perfect match for a character I have imagined, it really does diminish my enjoyment of this game. Knowing that I won't have access to these costume pieces for years? I really can't express enough how heartbreaking this is for me.

Veteran Rewards In General: I like that there's an incentive to keep players coming back, I really do. It's the large, unbridgeable gap of waiting for new players that disturbs me. Those of you playing from Day 1 did not have to wait four years for your pet with team buffs. Yes, you played the game for four years, but it was not spent waiting for something you never knew existed. I, on the other hand, have to wait until the next leap year to have the fairy I'm sure I'll see everywhere else in-game until then. Now to be honest, I don't care much about the 48-month pets -- they don't go with any of my character concepts so far. But what if the 51-month reward is revealed to be helmets with long hair for females? I would probably cry.

Do I like the idea of an incentive to keep players sticking with this game? Yes, I really do. I just wish they applied to me as equally. Please realize these incentives are more effective for you long-time veterans than they are for us newbies. For you, each reward every 3-months is fresh and new, and the wait is insubstantial because you don't even know what you're missing until you almost have it. For me, I have years to mull over what I can't have, and by the time it's finally available, I'll have become so desensitized to the reward that its worth is diminished. A four-year wait is not an incentive for me; it's an indication that this game might be wasting my time.

So what to do about Veteran Rewards? Am I advocating the abolishment of the Veteran Rewards program? No, not specifically. Could it be changed or rewritten to alleviate some of the risk of alienating new players? I think that's worth looking into. I am open to ideas of a compromise that continually rewards the business of faithful subscribers while giving a window of opportunity for new players to feel like they're actually "fitting in." Granted, this is closer to becoming a Suggestions topic, which I'll probably start tomorrow, but I'll throw out a couple ideas anyway, just to help express the kind of ideas I'm looking for.

<ul type="square">[*]Player's Choice: Has everyone else gotten the impression that most of these rewards are picked somewhat at random, and the order in which they're received is more an indication of what the developers had available at the time instead of an established hierarchy in which later rewards are more valuable than earlier rewards? If that's the case, why not let the player choose a single reward every three months from the list of currently available options? This way, the veteran players still have more benefits available, but the newer players actually have an accelerated option to obtain the rewards they feel would most benefit their current gaming experience. Sure, I still have a tough choice for my first reward between a vetspec, a base teleporter, or a desired costume piece, but at least this decision would now be in my hands and I could delay the less important rewards until a later time. And if those helmets with long hair came out as the 51-month reward, I could pick it up right away instead of having to wait four years. Sure, as a rookie, I would have access to the latest new thing. But then again, you would still have your fairy, your Nemesis Staff, your teleporter, your vetspecs, your shoulder capes, your trenchcoat, your badges, etc.
[*]Accelerated Accumulation: Perhaps all players below the maximum possible total of paid subscription months could accumulate 1.5 months towards their rewards total each month instead of 1 month as usual. This would mean players below that threshold would earn a new Vet Reward every two months instead of every 3 months until they caught up to the people who started on Day 1. This method would eventually broaden the top tier, which I'm sure would get mixed reactions, but it would probably be far more inclusive and enticing to the low-middle tier subscribers. And it's still a rather slow game of catch-up. At this rate, it would still take me 2.7 years to reach the 48 month mark, and it would take me almost 8 years to catch up to Day 1 people entirely. All in all, I don't think I even like this idea, especially since it's rather numerically confusing, but it's an example of potential ideas that could be evaluated.[/list]
And finally, to address one last topic of concern...

Quit whining, you need to change your attitude about this: I believe this statement could be plausible for both sides. Please, for a moment, consider if you are just as defensive about this issue as I am sensitive of it. Because despite several comments that the rewards aren't worth that much and they aren't frequently flaunted in front of other players, there seems to be a remarkable amount of resistance to the idea of making any of these even slightly more accessible to newer players. I have to conclude that, whether you think you flaunt it or not, a lot of you really see these rewards as a status symbol and are diligently concerned with maintaining the status quo. Unfortunately, these feelings help create a barrier between you and me, and because of the linear nature of the current system, it is one that will exist perpetually. I am not asking for instant gratification with everything made equal across the board. I am asking for a compromise and a hope that, one day, with enough time and investment into this community, I could become one of you.

Thank you,


Edited for spelling and formatting



Sorry but that is unacceptable to just tell people to suck it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, "suck it up" is rather harsh-sounding, but the thought is valid.

Long-term customers are rewarded for their patronage. Common COMMON practice. Widely accepted and generally very popular with the customers. Does it make everyone happy? No, of course not. Nothing makes everyone happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

This vet claims are rubbish Anyone who plays a lot knows that players get upset about things like small doors and 9 MM pets stuck in them, no one ever says Waaa I can't have boxing gloves so I am gonna quit. Its that magical time before an issue when people start making up problems where them getting their way is the only answer.



Why can't I convince my friends to play CoX?

They're all hard drinkers. Really hard.

Whatever money would go into recreational activities winds up drained into their various selections of booze.

Of course, they also don't get D&amp;D, Shadowrun, WoD, WoW, or any other Roleplaying experience. So... Yeah, booze is the way they go.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I'll chime in as well...

1) Getting to mission difficulty. This is just part of the game. It really can't be helped...yeah running away might make it seem less heroic, but the game has to give somewhere.

For the most part, once you get a travel power (temp or otherwise), I find this issue rarely shows itself.

2) Paid little expansions. Was the Wedding One to much? Maybe. Was it really game breaking to not have? Not at all.

I bought it. Why? Cuz I liked one costume option out of the whole thing. That, and I happen to have 10 bucks I could spend on it (mind you, I'm not rich).

CoX gives lots of free costume options to the players every issue pretty much. The fact that this one required you to pay for it...no big deal. It didn't break your game, you lost out on nothing.

3) Vet rewards. Yeah, they can be cool. Know what? I have one character that uses a Vet Pet. I have more then one character btw.

Those few other temp powers? Like Sands of Mu and the staves? Really, hardly ever use them. On some of my characters, I don't even bother activating them.

The costume pieces? Well...I'll admit...I use one of them alot. But that's only because I wanted that exact costume piece before vet rewards were ever introduced. :P (That's the female belly shirt).

All the rest, I've used the trenchcoat on one character.

I have one concept character Id like to get boxing gloves for. Guess what? Doesn't bother me not having them.

And really, I can't picture anyone using every single costume option in the game? Only ones who really seem to want them imo, are those who HAVE to have every costume option available...when it really seems like a waste...:P

Like those who get all the costume wing options, when you can only have 5 costume slots anyways. :P Yeah, I know you can change them in and out...but are you really gonna?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I am asking for a compromise

[/ QUOTE ]

If you enjoy the game, keep playing. If you don't enjoy the game, quit.

Forget veteran rewards. They didn't even exist for the first two and a half years of the game. You want my boxing outfit? If I could give it away and never have access to it, I would. Want my wings? Take 'em. I don't care. I'm here to play the game.



I'd rather see the vet rewards eliminated than watered down. They're not that great to start with.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except the original ones for the vets wouldn't be watered down. A lesser version is what becomes available to everyone. Vets still keep something special but with less whining and negative feelings from the rest of the playerbase.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Sorry but that is unacceptable to just tell people to suck it up. This solution keeps most of the general populace happy, gives the vets something slightly more special then everyone else, yet not enough for the regular playerbase, outside of people who can only whine, something to whine about. It also doesn't deter new players like the current system can do.

Appreciate the feedback / discussion though

[/ QUOTE ]well, yes and no, if new players are upset that they cant have something shiney like the vets have, then some of them will still be put off by the fact that vets have a better looking version of their item than they do. they still are going to have to "suck it up", and you now add the fact that if the vet version isnt sufficiently impressive, then you ticked a portion of the vets off too, because they feel they werent given their entitlement. and thats what the problem comes down to, an inflated sense of entitlement, some people, either through luck, higher skill, a bigger support network or simply more time will have more than other players, and some of those players will be jealous, nothing is going to fix that because the system itsself is bad, but because people have the natural inclination to want it all, now, and all the proposed ideas wont really fix that. you sometimes just have to acknowlege that some people are going to be unhappy because of their own unrealistic expetations, and do your best to keep those people happy that can be reasonably dealt with.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree the system itself is bad and remembering the old axiom "You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time" then the best thing to do, as they're not going to remove the vet program any time soon, is to please as many people as possible in some way.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Sorry but that is unacceptable to just tell people to suck it up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, "suck it up" is rather harsh-sounding, but the thought is valid.

Long-term customers are rewarded for their patronage. Common COMMON practice. Widely accepted and generally very popular with the customers. Does it make everyone happy? No, of course not. Nothing makes everyone happy.

[/ QUOTE ]

CoX is the only game I know of that gives out veteran rewards in an mmorpg. I've played quite a few of these games for many many years, way back when UO first came out and up to now. I can't recall another vet reward program, but then I've not played every single mmorpg on the market by a long shot

Common practice in some businesses to reward customer loyalty in some way, yes. Common practice to entice new customers with perks that long time customers also get, yes. The crux is customer retention and attraction. After all you catch more flies with honey then vinegar.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Everquest 2 has a vet reward program. It's structured a bit differently but the principle is the same.



The game has gotten a lot more complex since most of us who have been around from the beginning started out. Really, at launch, the game was very linear in terms of content progression; now, new players are given several choices fairly early on, and some of these choices are clearly not as newbie-friendly as others. I'm looking at you, Wincott.

Back in the day, we dealt with a lot of frustrations like frontloading and bosses in standard-difficulty missions (since there was no other kind!), but I really think that they were preferable to the current newbie experience. The Hollows is a neat zone, but players should be referred to it by their second 5-10 contact, not the first one. By then, they probably understand that they can work for more than one contact at a time, and they'll be exposed to King's Row and know that they have a viable alternative to Wincott.

[/ QUOTE ]

All good points. Plus, all of us were in the same boat in the early days, going through everything together. And there were more of us, to boot, so we always had a ready supply of teams to join, which lightened the load. Nowadays I can tear through the early content in a matter of hours because I know where all the early missions are (and which ones I like) and I'm adept at avoiding trouble I can't handle.

Not true for newbies. Plus nowadays they don't have the old trick of "door heal" when the trouble does get heavy.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



A four-year wait is not an incentive for me; it's an indication that this game might be wasting my time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, are you playing the game for the game or are you playing it for the Vet rewards? If you are, then you're here for the wrong reasons anyway.



SWG vet rewards.

I played MUDs that didn't have vet rewards but they did have preferred membership where those that paid more each month got access to more in game. I'd rather have vet rewards.



SWG vet rewards.

I played MUDs that didn't have vet rewards but they did have preferred membership where those that paid more each month got access to more in game. I'd rather have vet rewards.

[/ QUOTE ]


48 Month Veteran Reward: Familiar Pet

Star Wars Galaxies veterans have an exciting new reward available at the 48 month milestone: a special pet that can buff its master.

Depending on the familiar you choose, you can gain a companion that can enhance your precision and strength, agility, or constitution!

[/ QUOTE ]

WTH? Are we just ripping off the SWG vet rewards system?



Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

May the Force be with you.



SWG vet rewards.

I played MUDs that didn't have vet rewards but they did have preferred membership where those that paid more each month got access to more in game. I'd rather have vet rewards.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks, when I tested SWG years ago they didn't have such a thing

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Some of the SWG vet rewards were REALLY GOOD too. Back when being a weaponsmith was it's own skill, getting a big chunk of the best ore ever to spawn on your server was huge...

But I have to agree with the points on the early CoH game. When I think back to my experiences on my first hero (and I played with about 3 other friends, and thought that getting to the Frostfire mission was the only thing there was to do), and then compare them to how much simpler things are in CoV...

I could reiterate the list, but I would have to second the suggestion that new players should make villains. Even though most of my friends would want to make heroes first because they want to be 'heroic'.

Sure, there are things that individuals new to the game can do to be better, but the reality is that if people who would have continued to play CoH end up quitting due to frustration at low levels, it's really NCSoft who's losing out.



I started playing this game not long after it launched. It wasn't just my first time playing CoH, it was my first time playing a MMO at all. I ran around confused for the most part of a week, somehow managed to get a hero to level 6 then quit basically deciding this game just wasn't for me.

Then a few months later I got the idea for a new hero, I found a good SG through some google searches and restarted the game as a member of Legion of Valor. The game experience with a bunch of helpful people in my SG was totally different. Anytime I had a question I just asked, they offered to teach me a lot, and I'm still here.

So the part of the equation every new player needs: A good SG.




First off, hats off to the OP for making an intelligent post like this.

I whole-heartedly agree low-level CoH needs a revamp. New mission maps to remove the monotony, more convientenly placed mission maps, less travel. While I don't have any problem flying from Atlas Park to Kings Row every once in a while, it's not particularly fun at level 5. The idea of the Hollows being a self-contained zone for quicker missioning is great, but it defeats it's own purpose by sending you through +5 mobs to a mission over a mile away. I'd rather take the train to Skyway and hike it there...

I also agree with Veteran Rewards. Sure, they are nothing that important, and I really don't give a flying hoo-haw for the temporary powers and costume tokens. However, I want the costume pieces. I'm of the opinion we should be able to choose which rewards to take at certain veteran rewards. For example, every veteran reward with a temporary power should let us choose which power we want, regardless of it's level, for our entire account. Perhaps the magic wand fits more of my characters than Sands of Mu. Or at a landmark that awards a costume set, we should pick. Perhaps I want the Tech Armor now, and will leave the Kilts for later. Just to reinforce it, I'd much rather have the faction chest emblems rather than the Greek alphabet. If the rewards get incrementally better, as I don't believe they do, this should not be overpowered, and if it was, then we'd have a problem right now.