Discussion: Configuring Your In-Game Web Options




I mostly just skimmed my way down to here, so maybe I just missed the answer to this question, but what exactly is the point of this?

Is it just so that people can find new people and contact one another, or does this feature offer a more useful service that I haven't figured out yet?

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More details and the full feature announcement will be coming in the near future.

The purpose of this announcement is to let people know that we will be doing something and, if they don't envision they want to be involved, can configure their in-game options as needed to limit their character's information availability.

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Is this the "sekrit" that Ex Libris refered to earlier?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I mostly just skimmed my way down to here, so maybe I just missed the answer to this question, but what exactly is the point of this?

Is it just so that people can find new people and contact one another, or does this feature offer a more useful service that I haven't figured out yet?

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More details and the full feature announcement will be coming in the near future.

The purpose of this announcement is to let people know that we will be doing something and, if they don't envision they want to be involved, can configure their in-game options as needed to limit their character's information availability.

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It would be better to be able to do more than just 'limit character's information availability'. We should be able to completely opt out, as in no character info at all being displayed on the net.



Please, please, please...

If you are going to do anything more with the options screen in any way or fashion, have someone go through the entire list and reword everything so that the options are not worded as a negative so we do not have to "Disable" a negative setting to enable it. As it is now, the wording for all of the web-stats options is:

Hide <info> from web page

If you enable the option in the menu, the actual result is to disable the option, which is stupidly counter-intuitive. Make all of these options read something like:

Show <info> on web page

Also, reword and make all in-game communication options ENABLED by default so the options read as:

Allow Enemy Local chat Enable

so that we have to take action to ignore enemy communications, instead of needing to take action to communicate with players of the opposing faction. I dislike interacting with almost all other players, but even I think it's stupid to have the default setting to disable cross-faction communication.

Also, enabling all of thse options to be set with slash commands so that keybinds and macros would set all the options as desired would probably be appreciated by more persons than just me.

For additional suggestions, I would like an option to hide all information for all characters on my account with a single setting and have a per-character option to allow the information on the web. My understanding is that we have to "opt out", which would be annoying to do with multiple characters that I play infrequently. I understand that it might be enabled by default to show a large population of characters for the sake of appearing "active" but that seems pointlessly artificial. Perhaps adding a global option to update characters as they are logged on might be good. I.e., if you do not set your global account to be hidden, then the system works as originally stated; if you set your global account to be hidden, you have an additional option to "Update characters to web page when logged in".

Obviously, if it requires too much work, it might not be feasible, but I, for one, would appreciate it.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |



YAY kiosks will finally be usable

SFC America Assault/Dev Blaster LVL 50
Cpt Patriot Inv/SS Tanker LVL 40+
Entropy MA/Inv Scrapper LVL 30+
Warbot En/En Blaster LVL 40 +



Please, please, please...

If you are going to do anything more with the options screen in any way or fashion, have someone go through the entire list and reword everything so that the options are not worded as a negative so we do not have to "Disable" a negative setting to enable it. As it is now, the wording for all of the web-stats options is:

Hide <info> from web page

If you enable the option in the menu, the actual result is to disable the option, which is stupidly counter-intuitive. Make all of these options read something like:

Show <info> on web page

Also, reword and make all in-game communication options ENABLED by default so the options read as:

Allow Enemy Local chat Enable

so that we have to take action to ignore enemy communications, instead of needing to take action to communicate with players of the opposing faction. I dislike interacting with almost all other players, but even I think it's stupid to have the default setting to disable cross-faction communication.

Also, enabling all of thse options to be set with slash commands so that keybinds and macros would set all the options as desired would probably be appreciated by more persons than just me.

For additional suggestions, I would like an option to hide all information for all characters on my account with a single setting and have a per-character option to allow the information on the web. My understanding is that we have to "opt out", which would be annoying to do with multiple characters that I play infrequently. I understand that it might be enabled by default to show a large population of characters for the sake of appearing "active" but that seems pointlessly artificial. Perhaps adding a global option to update characters as they are logged on might be good. I.e., if you do not set your global account to be hidden, then the system works as originally stated; if you set your global account to be hidden, you have an additional option to "Update characters to web page when logged in".

Obviously, if it requires too much work, it might not be feasible, but I, for one, would appreciate it.

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Hi Grumble,

Thanks for the feedback! As I noted earlier in the thread, we've already received feedback about the options and the desire to make them more intuitive.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I've seen these things earlier, when I was trying to find the option that used to be available for blocking people from seeing what badges and powers I had in the Player Info. Is that part of the web options, or is it linking actual character info directly to this or other websites?

The Friends part should definitely be set by default to 'No' or Disable or whatever it'd be called. If people want to let it be shown, then they could go ahead and click 'Yes'.



Let me be one more voice asking to set the options to Disabled by default for new characters. It's simply much kinder to have to opt in to an information service than to have to opt out. There's no reason to make it all enabled by default.



That would be way cool if it was like the World of Warcraft character web pages!



Great new feature.

I'll echo some other folks in saying that:

1. I agree with having everything enabled by default, except for the Friends list.

2. There needs to be an option to Hide All Characters Info, so you don't have to log into every toon you want to hide.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Let me be one more voice asking to set the options to Disabled by default for new characters. It's simply much kinder to have to opt in to an information service than to have to opt out. There's no reason to make it all enabled by default.

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There is a very good reason. If this system is made entirely opt-in then it will get used by very few people. If it's opt-out except for friends lists then it will get used by nearly everyone.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Let me be one more voice asking to set the options to Disabled by default for new characters. It's simply much kinder to have to opt in to an information service than to have to opt out. There's no reason to make it all enabled by default.

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There is a very good reason. If this system is made entirely opt-in then it will get used by very few people. If it's opt-out except for friends lists then it will get used by nearly everyone.

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Quite understandable. However, I would suggest opt-in by default, with a one-click, global opt-out for those who do not want to be involved with it and want a quick and easy way to deal with this besides not playing for 90 days.

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |



Hopefully they will include, the code, for a XML or Feed so it can be put onto SuperGroup Websites, and other stat sites.



Haven't read the whole thread, but has it been asked if this applies to test server as well?

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



I think its awsome it expands the game comuntity to a much larger addiance.



I'm liking the sound of this. As for all the people worried about spam and privacy and blah blah blah...I skipped most of their stuff.

What I would *like* to see, is maybe a test page on how this is going to look. Nothing final...though I'm sure if you posted anything you'll get another 15 pages of "I don't like that" or "Fix that, make it do this" But maybe just a peek?

I have lots of ideas of what I would like to be able to see and have easily updated and visible. I'm proud of my toons, this'll make it easier to show them off.

Thanks for keeping us updated, LH.

Jordan Lee 50 ma/regen scrapper
ReapersAdvocate 50 BS/regen scrapper
Sara's Screams 50 sonic/dev blaster and 510 badges
Anarchy's Maiden 50 kat/regen scrapper
Olivete 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
@Jordan Lee



Haven't read the whole thread, but has it been asked if this applies to test server as well?

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I don't imagine it would. Or why they would want to. I could see it being a problem for future closed betas if they did.

Jordan Lee 50 ma/regen scrapper
ReapersAdvocate 50 BS/regen scrapper
Sara's Screams 50 sonic/dev blaster and 510 badges
Anarchy's Maiden 50 kat/regen scrapper
Olivete 50 Stone/Fire Tanker
@Jordan Lee



Oh god i'm not reading through 15 pages, but...

Wouldn't this be a boon to RMT spammers, that is, having everyone's names? I get enough tell and e-mail spam as is.

Other than that, i think this is spiffy =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



As has been mentioned, they already have everyone's names, for the most part.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Hi Lighthouse.

The default of "disabled" sounds alot like how most States implemented their "No Call Lists". Sure they give ya this
feature to stop TM's from calling you.... but it's up to you to
jump through hoops to get your name on the list. When the
easiest thing would have been to just put everyone on it.

It is only a Boolean variable after all.

Also, most of your player base, 90+%, will no nothing about this feature. They don't come to the forums and this will be
such old news by then, it will be lost in time.

But I do feel the default should be "Enabled" for all options
with this feature.

Will I use this feature... I sure will. If only to check out my Action Figures.




If this means I get to have my badge list online, always updated, without having to download and run herostats to verify them... YAY!!!

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Agreed. I would love to no longer support the whole badge-verification function.

That isn't to say that sites like CIT and BH will go away. I think they'll just start getting information from NCSoft instead of HeroStats. The rankings, missing badge lists, badge requirements, etc. that those sites provide will still be in demand.

My Char. List and Market Transactions
HeroStats Developer
Legion of Valor
Iron Eagles



Very interesting.

Especially the powers/enhancements option. I'm actually glad that's not available in-game - there are plenty of people who get snippy about the power choices of others they're teamed with.
"That power is t3h gimp!"
"But I like it!"

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Well it could work out better for you. Because if they can see your power sets before they invite you, you may never encounter those people in game. This may make your quality of life better because you won't have to deal with people saying "why did/didn't you take this power?" The other option may be that you will be chosen for a team because of a certain power you have.

I know when my wife and I team together on our defenders, she does not like having stormies along. Normally, we like stormies, but because she's a rad/rad,her attacks are mostly aoe and having the baddies blown all around doesn't work best to our strategy.

I hope this information will be visible to view using the in game search option so that I know who I'm inviting to a team. Some times I've had problems with toons who I've invited having powers that clash with my powers. Having an aoe damage power just makes sleep useless.

I will be waiting for more information on this option as it becomes available.



As has been mentioned, they already have everyone's names, for the most part.

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I'm thinking that's a bit of an exaggeration. I know for me, the RMT spammers reguarly hit 2 of my alts on one server and the other 22 never get any spam.

So might be safe to say they do not have every alt's names.



Huzzah finally a place with more information about my pantless adventures then MySpace!



As has been mentioned, they already have everyone's names, for the most part.

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I'm thinking that's a bit of an exaggeration. I know for me, the RMT spammers reguarly hit 2 of my alts on one server and the other 22 never get any spam.

So might be safe to say they do not have every alt's names.

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I agree. Only two of my 37 characters currently get the e-mail spam.