Discussion: Configuring Your In-Game Web Options




I would like to make one minor suggestion which isn't really what this thread is for, but I'd still like to put it out there.

If player level is made available to Web Sites, could it include tenths of level, as well? One thing I've found annoying is that with all my alts, the character select screen only shows whole level. So I can't see if any of my alts are close to levelling, or still at the beginning of the last level.

I ended up putting together a spreadsheet of all my characters to track that, and I've suggested adding the tenths to the select screen, but if that data was available on the Web Site (or if this data is being made available for fan pages) then I could check it there.



Nice to see those options come into play finally

To those worried about RMT.. well people have their character data in their signatures already right? They have characters on SG websites, tracking websites, and a bunch of other places... how will this option change anything? Time to forget the tinfoil hat for once and just focus on the fact that NCSoft is going to bring a pretty good idea to the table. The much maligned WoW has the Armory and it hasn't increased RMT to specific characters.. I do not think that this option will be any different; especially since you have the option of turning off that data.



well since no ones said it in 16 pages DOOOM!!!!!!!!
actually wait i like the idea alot have been waiting for it
tho i do really agree with all on the gold farm spammers can we please get a forward to and/ignore spam function with the email soon we might need it more after this heck i need it now



To those worried about RMT.. well people have their character data in their signatures already right? They have characters on SG websites, tracking websites, and a bunch of other places... how will this option change anything?

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I won't speculate whether it will make the spammers task easier by having something like this to gather names instead of taking time to log into every server and wait.

However to address what i quoted, for my case it would be a change since i don't make use of any of what you mentioned. The only way to get my alt names is to catch me online or if someone happens to put them on their friend list with or without my knowledge.

And a side note, i never make any alt names that remotely resemble my forum name although others have.



What I would love to see is a way to copy one's settings to other characters. Something where you would set one char's options and then set that as default, so whenever you created a new Alt, it would be your default.

And some way of resetting to your default.

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!



Possibly this has been covered, but I don't want my characters' names listed on a web page for RMT spammers because a friend has changed their settings to display their friends' list.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Nice to see those options come into play finally

To those worried about RMT.. well people have their character data in their signatures already right? They have characters on SG websites, tracking websites, and a bunch of other places... how will this option change anything? Time to forget the tinfoil hat for once and just focus on the fact that NCSoft is going to bring a pretty good idea to the table. The much maligned WoW has the Armory and it hasn't increased RMT to specific characters.. I do not think that this option will be any different; especially since you have the option of turning off that data.

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You cannot turn off your friends displaying their friends list which your character(s) are on though.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Nice to see those options come into play finally

To those worried about RMT.. well people have their character data in their signatures already right? They have characters on SG websites, tracking websites, and a bunch of other places... how will this option change anything? Time to forget the tinfoil hat for once and just focus on the fact that NCSoft is going to bring a pretty good idea to the table. The much maligned WoW has the Armory and it hasn't increased RMT to specific characters.. I do not think that this option will be any different; especially since you have the option of turning off that data.

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You cannot turn off your friends displaying their friends list which your character(s) are on though.

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MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Doomity doom doom doom doom doom doom!
Doomity doom!
Doomity doom!



If this means I get to have my badge list online, always updated, without having to download and run herostats to verify them... YAY!!!

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Yes, THIS is something I can behind.

Enhancement stats? No.
Friends list? No.

I'll keep these options turned off for a majority of my heroes, especially those I use for pvp.

Other, goofy characters, options (except for Friends) will be turned on.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Nice to see those options come into play finally

To those worried about RMT.. well people have their character data in their signatures already right? They have characters on SG websites, tracking websites, and a bunch of other places... how will this option change anything? Time to forget the tinfoil hat for once and just focus on the fact that NCSoft is going to bring a pretty good idea to the table. The much maligned WoW has the Armory and it hasn't increased RMT to specific characters.. I do not think that this option will be any different; especially since you have the option of turning off that data.

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You cannot turn off your friends displaying their friends list which your character(s) are on though.

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MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Doomity doom doom doom doom doom doom!
Doomity doom!
Doomity doom!

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't calling doom, I was pointing out a valid concern.

However, thank you for joining my ignore list.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Dogface, your big Doom broke the board. Please fix. (Edit: Thank you, Lighthouse)

For all of those people complaining about invasion of privacy, I suddenly feel compelled to point out something obvious:

These are fictional characters.

They have no social security numbers. They have no phone numbers. They have no ID to thieve, no lives to steal, no privacy to lose. They won't be associated with YOU in any way, shape or form.

They may be your avatars on a game world, but they are not you.

There is no reason for them to not be shown; they are, in fact, demonstrating your creativity and the creativity of the others of this game.

I am very glad that the "friends" are being blocked by default, not because of any concerns of privacy, but because I am not fond of riding the drama llama and I can see far too may stupid, hateful things being said and done as a result of the choices people make in who they play with and who they choose to keep an eye on.

But I ask you to please take a step back and ask yourself why you are so very concerned with the concept of privacy for fictional characters, when you, your very selves, are not being affected in any way, shape or form by this decision.

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Dogface, your big Doom broke the board. Please fix. (Edit: Thank you, Lighthouse)

I am very glad that the "friends" are being blocked by default, not because of any concerns of privacy, but because I am not fond of riding the drama llama and I can see far too may stupid, hateful things being said and done as a result of the choices people make in who they play with and who they choose to keep an eye on.

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This is the only thing in your post that I agree with.

I'd like a global opt out button also.

But if not I'm fine with the friends list not being published by default.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



But I ask you to please take a step back and ask yourself why you are so very concerned with the concept of privacy for fictional characters, when you, your very selves, are not being affected in any way, shape or form by this decision.

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Worst-case scenario:

Hero X has their features on the web, including global. People make web searches to find that player's rl names and such. From there, more searches yield more personal info.

As a matter of fact I recall some threads here about dev info (including phone numbers (!!!) ) which make my point abundantly.

From a PvP perspective though, I certainly would not want people's builds unless they were from our own SG or volunteered...more information means an edge...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



As I already said, I think the "friends" thing will get a serious re-examination.

I'd wager that the original intent was to provide a social-network-like structure, where "friends" are akin to myspace friends, linking to character pages (if you didn't have your character appearing, the friends links to your page wouldn't appear).

Unfortunately, that idea ignores the many uses of "friends" tech in-game that have nothing to do with the actual "friendliness" of the relationship.... or the fact that if someone's a global friend - a much more likely "true" friend- I don't need to waste time using /friend on all the sub-pages.

If that is the case, they'll probably dump the in-game friend data pull and give the web-page-user the ability to build his own social network through the web interface, not using the flawed in-game data.



I'm glad to see these options finally getting put to use though the way they are now I think creates confusion and a sense of lack of control. LH already mentioned clearing up the wording to make things clearer but below find my suggestion for this. My views are based on using eq2players.com to show off my characters for as long as I've played eq2, using CoX tracking sites, and other games/services that do similar things.

Every character should have a page (RMT spamming isn't a real concern sorry guys. I've always displayed my info in EQ2 and get maybe a single RMT spam a month at most between all my characters). Here's a list of what the page can show

Page Information:
- Name (always shows)
- Paperdoll (either blacked out, no image placeholder or default image by default). Let the players use a screenshot feature to create/update the paperdoll they display so they can show off powers in effect/pose, etc. 1 paperdoll per character.
- Server (always show since diffefrent players may have the same character name on different servers)
- Side (always show)
- Archetype (always show since even in PvP you can see this info just by mousing over)
- Origin (always show, see AT)
- Level (toggable, default to off)
- Powers (toggable, default to on, only in PvP areas is this not viewable and that doesn't stop someone from tracking you down with a toon on the other side, sure this makes it easier but isn't a big deal really)
- Ehancements (toggable, default to off, this is a touchy enough area in PvP as some IOs can be a deciding tactic)
- Badges (toggable, default to on, probably the most used feature of this and fan sites)
- Bio (toggable, default to on, people who don't care about bios usually just have a blank one anyway)
- Souveniers (toggable, default to on, they're like the poor redheaded stepchildren to badgs)
- SG/VG (toggable, default to on)
- Influence/Infamy/Prestige (not shown, there's no reason this should show up on the website or anywhere else for anyone but the player to see)
- Friends List (multiple settings, default to 'player only' - you have to be logged in to see it and only on your own characters, possibly with online/offline status like in-game. Available settings: Off, Player only, Friends only, SG only, Friends/SG, all. The list should only show online/offline status for the player though, nobody else.).
- Global Friends List (viewable by player only and should show the global channels they are in as well)
- Online Statu (toggable, default to off. For privacy sake do not show if the character is logged in at the time by default).
- Show in search (toggable, default to on. For privacy, let the player opt out of having the character be searchable through the site so only if they give a direct link to the characters page can you see it)
- Show alts (toggable, default to off. Some peopl don't mind people knowing their different characters so have the option of turning this on so when someone looks at a character they can see the other characters the player has).

Possible future enhancements:
- Badge progress/checklist (for players looking at their own characters only)
- Access to global chat channels from website if logged in
- Access to SG chat channel from website if logged in (would have to specificy which character to chat as and can only chat to the SG, not coallition, the character belongs to).
- Gallery spot (allow other paperdoll uploads for those who want to show off multiple costumes besides the one paperdoll they get for the character. Can have settings for who can see it: All, Friends, SG, Friends/SG)
- Abilty/option to generate a sig for the forums based on one character or a selection of characters using templates (with possible room for a catchphrase)

- Instead of the current set of options it should be a set of checkboxes or dropdowns with Yes/No for each of the toggables and a dropdown with all the possible options for those with more than just a Yes/No selection.
- Ability to manage these settings via the webpage after logging in, either per-character or per-account (make a global change).
- Give the chance on first character log-in after feature goes live (or in a patch before it goes live) to set global defaults for all characters on the account. This saves people having to log in to all alts and they only get this option once via the game (but could make global changes via the site later if they wish). Have these options stored on the account as the default so all new characters created take these settings. If they 'opt out' of this one time global setting then they get the system default settings. This popup/form could also be a good place to explain the features and what it means, avoiing people being able to say they weren't aware of the option.

Now I know part of this, especially in how to set/manage the options is fairly ambitious and as much as I love the feature I'd be more than willing to wait to have it come out after these could be done so that it gets done right and does a decent job of addressing peoples concerns and QoL while still making the feature useful, utilized, and usable.

Of course this doesn't cover some of the more general site side of things like its search capabilities, browsing by side, AT, origin, server, level range, powerset, power, etc.

EDIT: Also would like to add the abiltity to browse should be limited unless the viewer is logged in with an active account (like posting here on the forums). Searching should be limited as well in the same way. Direct links to character pages of course would not requir a login (so people could share with non-playing friends, put in sigs on various forums and sites, etc). This would also cut off some of the concerns with RMT spammers datamining the site (though honestly all they'd need to do is have an active account, log in, and go happy but then its easier to track such behavior to an account and flag it for potential spamming activity).



I wanted to follow up on this announcement to say that I'm sorry it is a tease of what is to come. At this time I don't have more clarification of how these settings will be used.

Also, we understand that the "Enabled/Disabled" option settings are not as intuitive as they could be. For these, and other, settings "Yes/No" options would likely work better.

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In my extremely humble opinion, it would make a lot more sense if you were to replace the four instances of the word "Hide" with the word "Show", and then use the "enabled/disabled" selections that you currently have (with the sense reversed, obviously).

That would make it the most intuitive, at least it would for me.

Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.




Every character should have a page (RMT spamming isn't a real concern sorry guys. I've always displayed my info in EQ2 and get maybe a single RMT spam a month at most between all my characters).

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For you.

I have a character getting several of them every week in the wee hours of the morning because that stupid "company" got the character's name once.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.




Every character should have a page (RMT spamming isn't a real concern sorry guys. I've always displayed my info in EQ2 and get maybe a single RMT spam a month at most between all my characters).

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For you.

I have a character getting several of them every week in the wee hours of the morning because that stupid "company" got the character's name once.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I'm just pointing out that just by having the char names up on a website doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to get more/any RMT spam. My Vanguard account with no activity and no info on a website got the most RMT spam I've gotten anywhere. Others milage may vary but there's enough evidence to show that putting character names up on a site does not increase the per-character spam received, especially if the site requires a login to browse/search.



I, too, would really rather see it default to enabled (hidden) so that people who don't want this information out there to display or those ignorant of this feature don't get caught with their pants down, so to speak. Not everyone reads the message boards and these announcements (even if listed on the launch screen)... I've seen plenty of folks ask questions about things that have been announced.

Is this tied into/display global? Globals are a big pain in the neck for a lot of people and there are some folks who still dislike the entire global name system (I'm one, I still want global tells separated from normal tells so I can take them out of the chat box since CSR/GM staff does jack squat about harassment).

I'll be going through all my characters and turning all these features off.



All of these settings are configured per character. Characters who have not logged in for over 90 days, regardless of whether they are tied to an active or inactive account, will not be viewable.

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It's too bad there's no way to access those options on an inactive account ; I'm not too happy with the two options I have (1: everyone can see my friendlist for the next 2 months, 2: I pay 15$ just to turn those options off).

As others said, hidden by default would be a better choice.



About dang time and thank you NCSoft. This was a feature that Jack promised in a pre-release interview and finally the new management delivers. I think I'm gonna like NCSoft being completely in charge now.



Since we know the feature will be going through regardless of feedback, can we get an addition of "hide character from web page" to hide a character entirely? That will make life a lot easier for those of us who don't want to participate.



To clarify, information could include such things as: statistics found on the in game kiosks, your different costumes, friends lists, powers and what enhancements are slotted into them and badges obtained.

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Why is there so much complaining about things that no one have even said will definately be on the site yet? If you're going to complain about things that aren't even set yet, Why isn't everybody complaining about hte icecaps melting and flooding all the major coastal cities of the world? Because it'd be stupid to complain about it when it hasn't happened yet, that's why. My God, people, get a grip on reality.

*Remembers why she stays away from the forums and runs to wash the inanity off*

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



Since we know the feature will be going through regardless of feedback, can we get an addition of "hide character from web page" to hide a character entirely? That will make life a lot easier for those of us who don't want to participate.

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For Omega:

These Web options will soon be used. If you do not wish to have your character's information be displayed on the World Wide Web, you will want to configure them to be Enabled.

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The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



Since we know the feature will be going through regardless of feedback, can we get an addition of "hide character from web page" to hide a character entirely? That will make life a lot easier for those of us who don't want to participate.

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Enabling the "Hide Statistics from Web Page" will do exactly that. The character will not have any information displayed.

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