Discussion: NCsoft Acquires City of Heroes!




Wow.. this honestly made me do a double take.

I am hoping for good things to happen with the game under new management, to Statesman & Cryptic I wish good luck in future Endeavors. To those Devs staying with us I say: "Thanks, and HA! You fell for the bait and are trapped! Muahahaha"


Kinda nervous to see what will happen in the future, but I trust NCSoft won't let anything too bad happen - it is a successful game after all.

(Please though.. DO NOT integrate the NCSoft Launcher with this game! Please Please Please Please! I know the chances are slim that y'all will.. but I got tired of it with TR beta, I am tired of it with DR, and I can't run the launcher under Linux )



I've seen this movie. The ending sucks.

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Out of curiosity, to the doomsayers, knowing that almost all the current devs are still going to be working on the game, what brings on the doom? I'm honestly not seeing a reason for it.

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I think it comes from the history of acquisitions mainly, with regards to games. Usually whenever a company buys out a game, it's because the game is tanking, like when SOE bought Matrix Online or when EA bought Mythic and now owns Dark Ages of Camelot.

However, the case with this acquisition doesn't come from the fact that CoH was doing poorly. CoH is doing great.

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First I am not a doomsayer. This could be good, could be bad.

I see where your coming from, but my reservation (and I'm sure others) is that reguardless of how well COH is doing; companies rarly buy other franchies with the intention of maintaingthe status quo. It's pretty safe to assume that with full ownership Ncsoft will be looking to make some pretty ambitious changes (ie great things). As of yet there hasn't been a successful transition between changing hands of and MMO as such changes are meant to gain new players usually at the cost of upsetting the loyal current fan bas. This inability to balance the new and old is far to common I think to assume things will be AOK. All, that being said I have more faith in NCsoft then almost any other production company in the business (which wouldn't take much).



LOL yeah, I'm sure that was their motavation for buying out Cryptic. I'm pretty sure you can bet on the fact that NCsoft has an idea on how they are going to make COX "better." And with Ncsoft and the announcement that everyone is going to have hero/villian it's a sfe bet that much their vision is going to be based on PVP.

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I would say that your safe bet isn't so safe at all. Keep in mind that NCSoft has been the publisher/manager of COX since before it launched. They have had someone who worked with the cryptic team and had a fair amount of influence with them from long ago. In the past that was actually Richard Garret, but then he moved on to TR.

I'm pretty certain it is this other guy in the announcement who has been the NCSoft manager for the COX property for the last few years.

There might be reason for this pessimism if COX where moving out to a completely new controller. Instead one of the partners managing it has bought out the other partners share and move the people working on it to new digs.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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[...] or combined with one or more of the existing titles to increase the scope of the game as a whole.

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...and four more character slots per server with each iteration.

Stupid altoholism.

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How do I get on CoH?

I have a paid CoV account, but whenever I use the CoH Updater, and choose a server, it just takes me into CoV..

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Once your account is set up, you will be able to create a hero character.

Keep in mind that the flagging process will take a bit. Currently estimated at just over 24 hours for active accounts.

Thanks for your patience!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.




City of Heroes 2?

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Well my computer'll never run a sequel, so this one had better keep going :-)



I want to take a moment to raise a glass to Jack Emmert and Rick Dakan, and others with names unknown who are no longer associated with the City, but who conceived of it and made it a reality.

You did great work, and laid a masterful foundation upon which we continue to build. Especially you, Jack. You will always be Marcus "Statesman" Cole to me.

Good job, and thank you.

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Here here!



SOE was not the company that did Matrix Online did. That distinction belongs to Monolith. SOE's attempts were to save an already destroyed game -- in essence, they got a pale and tried to save the Titanic after it started sinking. You can shovel all the water you want out, but the huge gaping hole still existed.

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Oh yeah, agreed. They didn't actually pull the trigger, they just bought the thing afterwards. I was just trying to emphasize that whenever a game gets bought up by someone, it's because the game wasn't doing well or is nearing the end of its run. The players were expecting it, so no one is surprised when it is bought.

In the case of CoH, I don't think anyone was expecting NC Soft to pull a move like this. We were just chugging along innocently




City of Heroes 2?

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Well my computer'll never run a sequel, so this one had better keep going :-)

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I think EQ and EQ2 are running at the same time.



I've seen this movie. The ending sucks.

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Out of curiosity, to the doomsayers, knowing that almost all the current devs are still going to be working on the game, what brings on the doom? I'm honestly not seeing a reason for it.

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I think it comes from the history of acquisitions mainly, with regards to games. Usually whenever a company buys out a game, it's because the game is tanking, like when SOE bought Matrix Online or when EA bought Mythic and now owns Dark Ages of Camelot.

However, the case with this acquisition doesn't come from the fact that CoH was doing poorly. CoH is doing great.

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First I am not a doomsayer. This could be good, could be bad.

I see where your coming from, but my reservation (and I'm sure others) is that reguardless of how well COH is doing; companies rarly buy other franchies with the intention of maintaingthe status quo. It's pretty safe to assume that with full ownership Ncsoft will be looking to make some pretty ambitious changes (ie great things). As of yet there hasn't been a successful transition between changing hands of and MMO as such changes are meant to gain new players usually at the cost of upsetting the loyal current fan bas. This inability to balance the new and old is far to common I think to assume things will be AOK. All, that being said I have more faith in NCsoft then almost any other production company in the business (which wouldn't take much).

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Ah, gotcha.



I do however have to hope that NCsoft doesn't decide that they need to make major changes to CoH - its a good game *now* - it can be better yes; but I fear the possibility of "WoWitization".

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Since they bought the game and are keeping the Dev team of a successful game, I can't imagine why they'd want to put their noses into the development and make too many changes. If they're smart, they'll simply let the Dev team do what they do so well, only with more money, more people, and more support.

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That's pretty much what Robert Garriot (NCsoft North America CEO) reiterated to us on the team when he was here to talk with everyone on Friday.

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.




City of Heroes 2?

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Well my computer'll never run a sequel, so this one had better keep going :-)

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I think EQ and EQ2 are running at the same time.

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They are. You can't really kill a successful MMO. It just slows down. Even EQOA the PS2 version that wasn't successful is still chugging along with its tiny playerbase.

CoX players have nothing to worry about.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



In this case, it seems that NCSoft just wants to create a franchise around their most successful North American product. CoX is going to be NCSoft's Everquest. The product they invest in and grow.

I see nothing but good things coming from this.

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Exactly, NCSoft has been positioning itself to fight it out with Sony for some time. I'm certain they see nothing but good from taking direct control of COX and pouring development money into it.

It already is a solid, successful, growing MMO for them. Cryptic had a small dedicated team working on it but no longer was directing major development time into this IP. NCSoft wanted to see it developed and expanded so to do that they went ahead and purchased it from Cryptic. A win win for both sides. It frees Cryptic up to focus on their new game while allowing NCSoft to give the COX IP the development resources they want.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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I do however have to hope that NCsoft doesn't decide that they need to make major changes to CoH - its a good game *now* - it can be better yes; but I fear the possibility of "WoWitization".

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Since they bought the game and are keeping the Dev team of a successful game, I can't imagine why they'd want to put their noses into the development and make too many changes. If they're smart, they'll simply let the Dev team do what they do so well, only with more money, more people, and more support.

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That's pretty much what Robert Garriot (NCsoft North America CEO) reiterated to us on the team when he was here to talk with everyone on Friday.

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And not to put too fine a point on it, but CoX is their proven money-maker. This is going to be their baby, their cash cow. She's going to be well-fed and taken care off I bet.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



With the people playing either CoH or CoV being able to play both for free now(meaning, not having to purchase the other half of the game), how about giving all the people with more than one account full vet rewards and bonuses to match their account that has been established the longest?

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~



I do however have to hope that NCsoft doesn't decide that they need to make major changes to CoH - its a good game *now* - it can be better yes; but I fear the possibility of "WoWitization".

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Since they bought the game and are keeping the Dev team of a successful game, I can't imagine why they'd want to put their noses into the development and make too many changes. If they're smart, they'll simpley let the Dev team do what they do so well, only with more money, more people, and more support.

[/ QUOTE ]LOL yeah, I'm sure that was their motavation for buying out Cryptic. I'm pretty sure you can bet on the fact that NCsoft has an idea on how they are going to make COX "better." And with Ncsoft and the announcement that everyone is going to have hero/villian it's a sfe bet that much their vision is going to be based on PVP.

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I hope at least part of it goes to PvP. The game has a lot of potential for PvP. It's probably one of, if not the, fastest PvP in an MMO.



Chiming in on this for bit. I find myself shocked, but...not really surprised in the long run.

Basically, and I think it has been discussed before, how could Cryptic support COX knowing they were creating a similar, but competing system for Marvel/Microsoft? Especially, if rumor is correct, that it was also going to be catering to the console market plus PCs. Well, we know the answer, in spite what might have been said, it didn't look like it was gonna stay that way.

Generally thinking would be Cryptic was using COX as a basis for other projects; as the workhorse of the studio. I think releasing it to NCSoft meant freeing up resources, and probably garnering some incentives from the companies they are working with. Given Microsoft's penchant for involvement, ala Bungie's annexation with the Halo franchise, I think Cryptic may find themselves both more successful and tied down at the same time in their future projects. One other slightly less noted detail in the release - Cryptc's design systems will be used by NC Soft in the future. That's a nice bonus for Cryptic.

I think what shocked me in this statement is that Jack Emmert would just let it go without either leaving Cryptic or having his name included in some manner ( Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa, anyone?) Despite what may be said, it was his vision for the game that started COH - I'm just surprised he didn't claim more ownership of it in some form. Maybe its all in the details.

As for COX, I suspect it will be a workhorse for NC Soft - one of the cornerstones of their North American division at least (Guild Wars being another one I suspect). The good news for us players is that they will probably be willing to greenlight some developments that Cryptic couldn't/wouldn't do for manpower/resource reasons. This will probably mean some great stuff for us I have no doubt!

However, will NC Soft be demanding results with every change? Will they want to mandate directives that have more to do with marketing than gameplay? Will we start seeing, for example, in-game advertising for on all those signs around Paragon City and Rogue Isles, ala Sony? That kind of stuff is two-edged - there are things we may love but I'm sure there will be those crying "DOOM" over the next set of changes.

What does reassure me is that the core team remains intact - the team we've seen develop this game so well in many respects. I hope that they are allowed to continue doing neat things; that NC Soft allows them to successfully expand both depth and details in the games.

Nobody "gets" me, Baby! I'm the wind...
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Ok, here is a question on the full access rights (sorry if this had been asked before). Are the special powers for purchasing things such as GvE or the premier editions (things such as special costume options, That slide pwoer etc..)) going to be added into the accounts also?

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None of those goodies, no. Just access to the other side like you'd bought the base game.

If you want the GvE goodies, you can still upgrade your account with that stuff stand alone for I believe $9.99 via the PlayNC store. Well actually log into account management here and you can upgrade your account to include the GvE goodies (jump pack, prestige sprints, Pocket D VIP recall, etc.)

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.



I want to take a moment to raise a glass to Jack Emmert and Rick Dakan, and others with names unknown who are no longer associated with the City, but who conceived of it and made it a reality.

You did great work, and laid a masterful foundation upon which we continue to build. Especially you, Jack. You will always be Marcus "Statesman" Cole to me.

Good job, and thank you.

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Amen! Thanks to everyone, from whatever company, who got us this far! We're certainly stoked to take it all to the next level!

Community Relations Manager

If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.




That's pretty much what Robert Garriot (NCsoft North America CEO) reiterated to us on the team when he was here to talk with everyone on Friday.

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Too be fair, LH, CEO's always say that during an acquisition.

But Mr. Garriot doesn't strike me as a man to break what's working, so I'll keep the faith.

Be well, people of CoH.



Not sure where this is all going but... to quote Willy Wonka from the original movie..

"The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts."



Ok, here is a question on the full access rights (sorry if this had been asked before). Are the special powers for purchasing things such as GvE or the premier editions (things such as special costume options, That slide pwoer etc..)) going to be added into the accounts also?

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None of those goodies, no. Just access to the other side like you'd bought the base game.

If you want the GvE goodies, you can still upgrade your account with that stuff stand alone for I believe $9.99 via the PlayNC store. Well actually log into account management here and you can upgrade your account to include the GvE goodies (jump pack, prestige sprints, Pocket D VIP recall, etc.)

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Ok, that makes sense. The way things are being stated almost makes it all sound as if the game itself is being revamped to really be 1 game overall, and was curious.

Hopefully that will appease those that purchased special editions of the game(s).

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Ok, let me see...

We have the team, check.

We have the game, check.

Ok, now NCSoft... about that port to Linux and Mac OS X.....



Just wow...

1. Devs have lives, homes, and roots in their current communities so there is no guarentees they will move with the project.
2. If enough designers dont move this could mean sad news for the project.
3. The move for cryptic makes perfect sense from a buisness sense to me at least.
4. Depending on how corporate NCSoft makes things and who if any dont come to the new studio will determine if I stay subscribed.

I am patient and can wait but not forever.


A port to Linux or Mac... good luck with that LA.

Golden Avatar - 50 Invul/Mace Tanker (Infinity)
Police Drone GA - 50 Fire/FF Controller (Infinity)



Just wow...

1. Devs have lives, homes, and roots in their current communities so there is no guarentees they will move with the project.
2. If enough designers dont move this could mean sad news for the project.
3. The move for cryptic makes perfect sense from a buisness sense to me at least.
4. Depending on how corporate NCSoft makes things and who if any dont come to the new studio will determine if I stay subscribed.

I am patient and can wait but not forever.

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Read closer - the City of Franchise development team has moved with the game in majority (Minus Statesman).