Discussion: NCsoft Acquires City of Heroes!




What worries me is not the change over, there is no point complaining it is done. It was a single sentence in one of the announcements pointing out that while they are continuing with the free release of issue they are also looking at other things.

I suspect that means paid expansions or CoX 2, for some reason this is really making me uneasy. Maybe its just the whole no sequel ever outdoes the original kinda thing (generally).

I will wait and see, but if this game starts becoming a money sink (beyond the monthly payment) then I am gone.

- Raith

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This was my take as well. obviously issue 12 was mentioned in the press stuff, so thats a go for .....january? maybe feb i spose depending on whats in it.

but after that..... whos to say any new power sets or even major zones will be free issue content? looking at NC and heck, most anyone else's game, zones and new "classes" are things to buy in a box.

that said, free issue stuff as it has been to me is one of the top 3 reasons i havent looked elsewhere for my game time. the other 2 are the ability to solo in an MMO( at a fair pace, and with a feeling of accomplishment in short sessions) and the simple game mechanics and powers. despite all the pvp and nerfing thats in the games history, and the departure from the real "corny" or "gimicky" super hero comic book stuff (it used to be more comic feel then now, the animations for the leadership toggles sums up the feeling i am talking about) it really is a unique fun game for me.

One thing i am glad for, the States is leaving now. for some reason, i think we will see some return to days of old power creep and more pve centric development from Posi and NC soft.

i dont want to shun the pvp crowd, but the holy grail of balance the States was after is unobtainable. driving away customers in droves to try to catch a pipe dream was bad for this game.

I am excited for the language of "full development team" and talk of more recourses in the press stuff too. maybe some long standing bugs can get squashed. maybe some of the "hard to do " sets can see light of day with more labor thrown at them, like sheilds and the giant growth ideas. all in all, leaving a balance crazed leader behind in favor of a team focused on new goodies has to be positive for the future of this game.

if all the goodies have to be purchased for 35.99 in a box though.....

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



I'm looking forward to seeing what NCSoft will do with CoH/V. It could be good, it could be bad. I hope it will be good, only time will tell.

And as for the people whining about the free stuff...

C'mon! Are you kidding me? They're giving us free stuff? Ok, so maybe it's not exactly what you wanted, but at least they're doing something! When you open Grandma's Christmas gift do you whine; "But Grandma, this isn't what I wanted?"

Gift horse mouth open? Check! Looking all the way in! That's exactly what some of you are doing.

You do realize that they didn't have to do anything at all right? They could have simply said; "We want to thank you all for your business and hope you stay with us in the future." And no free stuff for you. Instead they give us a couple of free thingys to be nice and kinda say thanks and what do people do? "But Grandma that isn't what I wanted!!!!" Geez, and I thought I was a jerk...



While the thought of this is awesome to say the least. Considering we'll have a team totally dedicated to the growth of CoX. Will they be able to address the concerns of things that have been honestly looked over in the past. Things such as Base Edit, IoP's, and dare I say some form of PvP balance.

Will you have smaller teams within the new studio? If so can get a list of teams so we're aware of the inner workings. Also this could help because we could post our questions and or ideas to the proper team.

Gratz on the new studio and gaining full rights to CoX

On another note to the doomsayers:

I run another online game and recently the original owner had lost his vision for the game. Moved on to work on other projects and the game laid there with the player wondering whats going on. Because it was owned by someone else we couldn't make any major changes. He has now left the game and we're now able to make changes w/o restrictions. Lots of changes have been done and more are planned. Not all of the players have loved every change. But changes are coming fast and more frequent, which we have recieved no complaints.

I look forward to the changes that come. What its got right now works, I'm sure NorCal understands that. They would be fools to make huge changes to the game that would affect the current playerbase. CoX now being its bread and butter, we can hope to expect only good things. I mean I'm sure the devs enjoy spending our money on new cars :P



Are you people for real? Only this community could put such an absurdly negative spin on this whole thing. If I had the money, I'd gladly pay each of you the price you paid for the game to quit being such giant crybabies.



Always good to meet a fellow UO vet!

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Still have my house near Minoc and in Malas - eventually my wife will notice and I'll have to move into my bankbox and mothball the accounts.

<UO discussion deleted at Lighthouse's request.>

For me, I've had the feeling that since Statesman left "the powers that be" have been treating CoH and CoV as 1 game. The press release just confirms that the suit wearing bean counters think that way.

For the record: IMO What is good for CoH, isn't necessarily good for CoV. The games should be thought of separately, and should have fully staffed teams assigned to each.

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If that happens, then things like PvP between the sides and Co-Op zones (both highly desired) get Much Much harder. I can't see anything in the recent history that didn't benefit both sides - or what you could add to one side that wouldn't also benefit the other.

PS: So MUO gets Statesman, Synapse and Manticore, and CoH gets Back Ally Brawler and Positron? And you call that a even deal?

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Given the inactivity of the former three and the activity of the latter two... Yeah, it's even.




I dont want nothing to far out there hell even just a shirt ingame that say * I spent all this money and all i got was this crummy T-Shirt* just lil something more then just debt removed but i do thank them for trying and it is better then nothing. i understand some stuff is to much to ask.But it just something i aint picky

And please dont ever bring in paid expansions.

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]




Not bad thinking . . . but let's take that further, then, and give bases a purpose besides for just storage and insta-TP-travel.

Like, maybe the original intent they were to have 2 years ago . . . ?

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Rome was not built in a day - but scripts to grant prestige, clear debt and flip authentication are not far behind that. Sure, while perhaps we could have pulled some dev time for something else as a "thank you" we do have Issue 11 beta in full swing and the team has the grindstone turning hard to polish that up and get it ready for launch.

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Me thinks you misunderstood my post.

I wasn't refering to a "Thank You" gift in the form of actually getting bases functional to a purpose other than Storage or Insta-TP. I was refering to: once this transition is complete and your new Devs are hired to fill-out the ranks, let's also start working on some of those promised features.

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That's actually the concern he was addressing, I think; regarding "Rome wasn't built in a day." The other things he mentions as generalized traits -- scripts, not the actual events. In other words, keep your teeth in, stuff's in progress.



Free Stuff you say, and I use this announcemnt as the guage. (S) Heroes and Villains available. (R) I already have that, on my personal 2 accounts and the 2 I bought for friends. (S) Debt Amnesty. (R) What is that, something that I could do myself by playing anyways which I will do anyways. (S) 20K more to prestige for SG. (R) This might be a bonus but its not an individual one. No help if your not in an SG or are not concerned with it.

And once again crybabies, gift horses, whiners and will pay me back for my losses. Do you purposfully go out of your way to insult and demean people for stating thier own opinions? Ok peachy, you love this. Fine. Enjoy. Was there any insults thrown your way?

I don't want money. Obviously if I bought as many accounts and pay monthly I don't need it. Yes they could have made these changes, not said thank you and moved on. But they did, and they obviously wanted to give back. I appreciate it, I honestly do. But the way they chose to give back does nothing for me. It gives back most to those people who gave least to this game, not the people who did. All I ask is that the people who did buy both games, have 12 slots per server on their account keep them and those that didn't buy both games stick with their 8. If in the event they get 12 slots then the people who did buy both games get maybe 2 additional. The first doesn't do anything in addition for me, it just doesn't reward those who spent least. The second gives me something tangible. Agree or disagree, just don't insult me.



Free Stuff you say, and I use this announcemnt as the guage. (S) Heroes and Villains available. (R) I already have that, on my personal 2 accounts and the 2 I bought for friends. (S) Debt Amnesty. (R) What is that, something that I could do myself by playing anyways which I will do anyways. (S) 20K more to prestige for SG. (R) This might be a bonus but its not an individual one. No help if your not in an SG or are not concerned with it.

And once again crybabies, gift horses, whiners and will pay me back for my losses. Do you purposfully go out of your way to insult and demean people for stating thier own opinions? Ok peachy, you love this. Fine. Enjoy. Was there any insults thrown your way?

I don't want money. Obviously if I bought as many accounts and pay monthly I don't need it. Yes they could have made these changes, not said thank you and moved on. But they did, and they obviously wanted to give back. I appreciate it, I honestly do. But the way they chose to give back does nothing for me. It gives back most to those people who gave least to this game, not the people who did. All I ask is that the people who did buy both games, have 12 slots per server on their account keep them and those that didn't buy both games stick with their 8. If in the event they get 12 slots then the people who did buy both games get maybe 2 additional. The first doesn't do anything in addition for me, it just doesn't reward those who spent least. The second gives me something tangible. Agree or disagree, just don't insult me.

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Now see i can see that ones that didn't buy both only getting 8 spots.Instead of the 12.

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]




I'm gonna try and make this as to the point as I can... It's a little late for me right now...

I have been playing CoX for over 15 months now. I started w/just CoH to get a feel for the game and then got CoV 'cause I needed the base access (I picked up the Collectors of CoV for a cheap price). I also paid the $10 for the GvEgoodies. To say I maybe got involved in CoX at a real good time in the game's life is true. BUT, I don't feel I deserve any kind of special compensation now that the single game accounts are getting the full access treatment now.

I have been working retail for the last 3 years or so and come to find the devaluation of and/or replacement product a constant in the retail marketplace. (and if any of those complaining don't believe this isn't a retail service... think again...) All this is is a way to expand the player base and make unsold product move a little bit better. Because consider that GvE essencially replaced the single purchase CoH/Cov boxes. Now if someone manages to pick up a single box, they are getting twice the game for the price.

And think of one other thing...
NCSoft is timing this with in weeks of I11 going live. I look at this as a way to bolster their player base considering what other pay services offered (GvE stuff, Transfer, and Rename services) at this time.

If anything I have mixed feeling about this transition. I worry about how long NCSoft will support CoX. Along with that worry is a sense that the game as a whole will get better. All I hope for is that there will still be 3 issues released next year for no cost other than subscription.

And one other thing...
Please give them a little bit of time to get things straight. When their ready, they will tell us what's going to happen. Gawd, sometimes I really dislike this age of "the masses wanting everything right now".


@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



I'm going to chime in with my $0.02 here (well, I have already with a question, but I never saw an answer to it before I logged on and found out firsthand... anyway, I digress).

I've worked a retail position for close on to seven years. And let me tell you all something. Just because there's a sale today on Item X doesn't mean the store must refund you the difference between what you paid and the sale price.

Is it nice if they do it? Yes. Have I seen it happen? Yes. (Actually, more often then you'd think, but then, how often have you rung up jobs that ran $3000 and the customer didn't bat an eye?) But the store doesn't have to do it. Part of it depends on how much customer goodwill they want to maintain, and whether they can reasonably afford to. If you're talking some small chain store or a stand-alone retail outfit, yeah, they probably could give you store credit for the $10 you could have saved if you had waited another day.

Some company like NCSoft, where if they give everyone a free month, it's hundreds of thousands of dollars that they're out? A lot less likely.

Ultimately, if you feel that strongly that you're being cheated and you absolutely must crap yourself into a frenzy over this.... door's over there. --->



I think the whole "Thanks" idea is cool but what about those of us who bought G vs E? I feel very jipped right now. So I wasted cash buying something I would have gottten for free. Though it IS cool to think my GF (if she plays again) will now be able to play Heros and Villians. It still doesn't help ME feeling less ripped off personally though. I'm really not that upset about it though. I just want I11 to be live already. Or did it go live while I wasn't playing? :-p



SOE was not the company that did Matrix Online did. That distinction belongs to Monolith. SOE's attempts were to save an already destroyed game -- in essence, they got a pale and tried to save the Titanic after it started sinking. You can shovel all the water you want out, but the huge gaping hole still existed.
Oh yeah, agreed. They didn't actually pull the trigger, they just bought the thing afterwards. I was just trying to emphasize that whenever a game gets bought up by someone, it's because the game wasn't doing well or is nearing the end of its run. The players were expecting it, so no one is surprised when it is bought.

In the case of CoH, I don't think anyone was expecting NC Soft to pull a move like this. We were just chugging along innocently

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Damn it I know now I SHOULD have posted my suspicions before now but I knew I would have probably been labeled a conspiracy theorist. I was chatting with several of my friends not only at work but in game just a few weeks about but about the future of the game. I just KNEW that eventually there would be a parting of the ways with Cryptic and COH.

The big factour which I kept telling my friends about was the obvious conflict of interests. NCsoft was essentially a partner with Cryptic which would in a very short time be releasing a DIRECT competitor of the COH slice of the MMO pie. Sort of a "Cryptic is in bed with the enemy" sort of thing. I seriously doubted that NCsoft would be embracing the fact that the ones who made out like champs here was Crytpic. They (Cryptic) would be receiving monies from both NCsoft and Microsoft for two properties they had created.

Something would eventually have to give and my money was on (though not specifically NCsoft) somebody buying out Crytpic or Cryptic passing their rights onto another developer thus ending the state of affairs.

I so called it and now if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna collect some money that is owed me

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



With the people playing either CoH or CoV being able to play both for free now(meaning, not having to purchase the other half of the game), how about giving all the people with more than one account full vet rewards and bonuses to match their account that has been established the longest?

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Now THIS I could get behind. I have friends that played blues longer than reds but they mistakenly bought the game and registered it (not computer savy) under a different NCsoft account so they started from scratch when it came to vet rewards. If they could somehow merge these two in some way that would be cool.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Well this felt a little bit out of left field, but after reading through the whole thread, the how and why of it makes a lot more sense now. I'll nth the "this is freaking sweet and things will be better" sentiments being tossed about in this thread. (More, faster and bigger Issues? Yes, please!)

I bought both games separately but at the same time. (To be specific, Heroes was marked-down, Villains was full price.) I consider it money well spent. ^_^ However, yay for opening up both sides to everyone.

Debt resetting... nice, but I'm pretty careful about not dying so this doesn't affect me much.

That prestige bonus, on the other hand... *drool* Legion of Catgirls is going to have a metric smoo-ton of prestige to play with, and my own little cardboard box might just get a little bigger.

@Yoshi Ayarane -
Ayarane Project | Character Listing




That's pretty much what Robert Garriot (NCsoft North America CEO) reiterated to us on the team when he was here to talk with everyone on Friday.

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Too be fair, LH, CEO's always say that during an acquisition.

But Mr. Garriot doesn't strike me as a man to break what's working, so I'll keep the faith.

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Now that I did not know. Robert GARRIORT is the CEO? heheh Hmmm.. I wonder how RICHARD GARRIORT found support for his new game Tabula Rasa? To be fair though. Robert is gonna kick his brother's butt when he loses a bundle on TR. Good thing he has a good game like COH to keep feeding NCsoft cash

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



I'm not sure what to think. More money is good but..

Well let me sum up my thoughts in one sentence.

The only good thing to come out of NCSoft has been CuppaJo.



I'm not sure what to think. More money is good but..

Well let me sum up my thoughts in one sentence.

The only good thing to come out of NCSoft has been CuppaJo.

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I'd even go so far as to debate you on that point. Cuppa may have been well liked by the community. But Lighthouse and Ex are 10X better at modding the community then Cuppa did.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



There has been a general feeling from NCSoft because of certain actions..

And I won't say more because I enjoy having a forum account(at least until I know which way this game is headed now).

Ok. I will say that this is a shock to more than just me because there was the feeling that NCSoft disliked this game.




That's pretty much what Robert Garriot (NCsoft North America CEO) reiterated to us on the team when he was here to talk with everyone on Friday.

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Too be fair, LH, CEO's always say that during an acquisition.

But Mr. Garriot doesn't strike me as a man to break what's working, so I'll keep the faith.

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Now that I did not know. Robert GARRIORT is the CEO? heheh Hmmm.. I wonder how RICHARD GARRIORT found support for his new game Tabula Rasa? To be fair though. Robert is gonna kick his brother's butt when he loses a bundle on TR. Good thing he has a good game like COH to keep feeding NCsoft cash

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Richard Garriort doesnt make games now, he makes tributes to his own ego. I find plastering your own name on an upcoming product comical.



I'd really like to see them at least give those of us who bought both games, (Like myself, I bought both of the DVD Collectors Editions) all the Goodies from the Good Vs. Evil Box =

* Jump Jet Prestige Power
* “Pocket D” VIP Card Teleport Power
* Exclusive Hero and Villain Costumes

Sure, I may find a cheap copy at Walmart eventually, with the 1 month of game time inside it it wouldn't be too bad I guess.

But I'd like to get the stuff from the "Good Versus Evil Edition In-Game Item Pack" without coughing up another $10 for it.

The retail Good vs Evil box comes with "First month of play included" but IDK for certain if that works for those of us who already have CoH & CoV?

Either way, it would be mighty nice of them to kinda "throw me(us) a bone here"

Maybe even, "sharks with frickin lasers" for our bases

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



There's a distinct lack of DOOM here.

I find that odd, like everyone's walking down the railroad tracks whistling a merry tune...not hearing the "CHOO CHOO" in the distance, getting louder and louder..."

Business change hands in two situations:

First, cos they are new and extremely, unexpectedly successful and a big company snaps them up.

Second, because the end of the business' lifetime is on the horizin and the original owners want to cut and run so they can pursue better things. The new owner then maintains the products until they naturally wind down.

I don't see how anyone could think the first scenario is active here. The kiss of death for an MMO is the moment when people are no longer required to pay a subscription. This isn't *quite* what we have here, but the "opening up both sides to everyone" smacks a little of that idea.

I'll keep an open mind and see what happens, but I'm worried(tm).

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
Champion Server
Tee Hee!




Here's to hoping this announcement is DOUBLE good news for me. Staffing up GOOD!

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For those interested in gainful gaming employment, check out the NCsoft North America Jobs Listing. Positions for "Mountain View" would be in our newly formed NCsoft NorCal Studio.

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Bah, you only need a Windows PC Technician/Administrator. Windows is so 90's! UNIX is king now, with Linux, BSD and OS X on the rise! (plus, Windows sucks for development)

j/k, altho Server Engineer is veeeeery tempting, as that is what I do now. Admin'ing an MMO server would be a lot easier to admin'ing a Magazine server....



There's a distinct lack of DOOM here.

I find that odd, like everyone's walking down the railroad tracks whistling a merry tune...not hearing the "CHOO CHOO" in the distance, getting louder and louder..."

Business change hands in two situations:

First, cos they are new and extremely, unexpectedly successful and a big company snaps them up.

Second, because the end of the business' lifetime is on the horizin and the original owners want to cut and run so they can pursue better things. The new owner then maintains the products until they naturally wind down.

I don't see how anyone could think the first scenario is active here. The kiss of death for an MMO is the moment when people are no longer required to pay a subscription. This isn't *quite* what we have here, but the "opening up both sides to everyone" smacks a little of that idea.

I'll keep an open mind and see what happens, but I'm worried(tm).

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You'd have a point, except that NCSoft set up an entire new studio just for this game. If this game were on the decline, I somehow doubt that a big multinational company such as NCSoft would set up a new studio for a fading enterprise.



There's a distinct lack of DOOM here.

I find that odd, like everyone's walking down the railroad tracks whistling a merry tune...not hearing the "CHOO CHOO" in the distance, getting louder and louder..."

Business change hands in two situations:

First, cos they are new and extremely, unexpectedly successful and a big company snaps them up.

Second, because the end of the business' lifetime is on the horizin and the original owners want to cut and run so they can pursue better things. The new owner then maintains the products until they naturally wind down.

I don't see how anyone could think the first scenario is active here. The kiss of death for an MMO is the moment when people are no longer required to pay a subscription. This isn't *quite* what we have here, but the "opening up both sides to everyone" smacks a little of that idea.

I'll keep an open mind and see what happens, but I'm worried(tm).

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You'd have a point, except that NCSoft set up an entire new studio just for this game. If this game were on the decline, I somehow doubt that a big multinational company such as NCSoft would set up a new studio for a fading enterprise.

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Yes but you haven't seen their new facilites yet. I have. BEHOLD THE NEW COH OFFICES!

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]