24 -
Quote:http://www.twit.tvIf they were smart i say you find a way to bring back Leo Laport and his group to make a few shows a week about new tech, modding gaming ect. and atleast get a block of shows that will have general appeal to your base, and save the crap like cops for 2am.
He's been doin' it for awhile, just in podcast form. Even DOES IT LIVE, too. (Say goodbye to your bandwidth XD) -
Giant Monsters in mission architect?!
Dear Guardian server, my dream of Action Cat vs. Kronos (or better yet, giant Council robot?!) will finally come to fruition. > -
Quote:I must respectfully disagree, sir, and counter that I have always thought that Dr. Aeon should have been voiced by Liam O'Brien.Dr. Aeon always sounds like Vizzini from the Princess Bride.
Dude does the best mad scientist laugh EVER.(See: Dist from Tales of the Abyss)
Action Cat.
Ideally this would pave the way for a heroside version of the Television contact since Action Cat is an actress for a ridiculously-hammy "live-action" TV show that lampoons the whole "war on terror" thing.
Her key "moment" takes place during an outdoor shoot of her show-- while filming a shootout with actors dressed up as Council, the real Council deploys their giant freaking robot in Peregrine and Action Cat takes it down, thinking it was a surprise plot twist that the producers threw in. XD -
Dude, Ninja run + robot ninja scrapper (Dinah Fujibayashi) = YESSSS. Instant buy!
...however, minutes after, Paypal freaked the smoo out and put my account on restricted mode. Buh? o_O I've never had it whine about buying from the NC store before (I paid for all the other boosters with Paypal) so, um... o.O; -
...well, this is partially Weapons Customization-related, too.
Since MA and SS are getting alternate animations, it sure would be nice if some of the weapons-based sets could get some loving too.
Broadsword and Battle Axe would be a good start. For one thing, one could perhaps copy relevant Katana animations over to Broadsword. (To name a selfish pipe dream, I have wanted for a very, VERY long time to remap Golden Dragonfly's animation onto Headsplitter, as it seemed more in line with Hikaru's style than Headsplitter's default "CHOP.") As far as Battle Axe goes, surely I can't be the only one who would like to be able to look like I'm holding a really heavy axe? :P
Archery/Trick Arrow could be an interesting candidate, too. After all, more than one way to hold a bow. (Like... sideways.) -
I should probably finish my night widow (Maria Arakuni). I should also consider /petitioning a very long-standing bug that causes the "1" key to continually rebind to "noop" every time I zone (seriously, even if I manually bind, or reset binds, it just changes back). Considering that is my Build Up key... yeah.
As usual, I'd like to either polish off with either of the two classic (at least in my mind) level 50 villains missions: Tavish Bell's Baphomet (*cough* "ARCH-A") brawl that STILL gives me flashbacks of the start of Super Metroid, or the Recluse fight in the last Patron arc.
*still a dork who likes her epic finishes* XD
EDIT: Or I could finally get around to touching AE and rig a single mission that ends in a slugfest between Maria and Rei (Dragonia, who Maria tried to have killed but came back for revenge... with NINJAS.). Sorry, boys, no mud, pudding or oil involved. :P -
The only Yoshi hub you'll ever need. (Seriously, blog + twitter + RSS of artwork all in one place.) -
I know this is extremely unlikely but if i14 hits, um, next Wednesday (the 1st)...
...well, forget automated emails, that would be such an awesome birthday present. XD -
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Hikaru Dragonia
Global Contact: @Yoshi Ayarane
Level of Classification: 50
Origin: Natural
Super Rank & Super Group: Leader of Across Guild -
I'd just like to say...
I may not own a Mac myself, but I think this is pretty freaking awesome.
This announcement was out of left field for me, but in a good way.
*gives cookies* -
Backstories for Numina and Ghost Widow. Well, technically they're already out there, but we hear about it second-hand. Stick 'em in Ouroboros, I want to see what they looked like beforehand!
Now, the big question on my end....
Level the night widow, the bane spider or my archery blaster? o.o
(and Papa Johns is getting some of my money at some point during the weekend... I think >_> -
Totally freaking approve. I just saw it right now when I was going to buy the Wedding and GvE packs. Yay!
*thumbs up*
I don't have a checking account, a debit card or a credit card. I don't want one. I have a savings account and that's it. Don't need anything else. I also have no experience with PayPal. How do you pay....for PayPal? Credit card? Debit card linked to your PayPal account? Well, if you have a debit card, why do you even need PayPal? You can just have the monthly payment deducted from your debit card/checking account each month. I don't see how this is worth rejoicing - it seems more redundant to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
You can link any bank account (including Savings, that's how I operated until just a couple weeks ago) to Paypal. This new addition is highly useful for, say, minors who want to buy the ingame packs but can't get their parents to buy the stuff on their behalf (yet still fund the subscription. Weird, but I've seen it happen!).
It's also useful as an obscuring measure for your credit card, for those who are a bit averse to chucking that number around. -
I like this. Very much DO WANT, and doesn't seem broken at all.
If anything, my Corruptor would get a LOT more mileage with this. -
Oh dear. Looks like my big ol' Notepad file (and the character story arc entries in my SG's global wiki) is finally going to see some action. o_o It would be nice if Task Forces are included since a couple of my drafted things are better suited for them, but they can be converted into normal story arcs, too.
Possibly... this may supplant the Archnemesis system that's been speculated upon? Especially if you're allowed to design the boss. (I hope one can! Some of my characters also serve as enemies in others' story arcs!)
I also predict that some of us villainous folk may want to "rewrite" certain patron arcs so they can choose not to betray them (even if said patron still fails due to Arbiter Daos butting in as he loves to do). :P -
YES! */The Brain*
This amounts to 4 character slots for me. And all of them get slotted on Guardian. :3 Why, I'll actually be able to make more kitties, thus enabling Legion of Catgirls to take over the world. Mewhahahahaha!
(no... I'm not streaming Pinky and the Brain via Slingbox... not at all >_>;;
Though, I wonder... visually, would adding slots to a server be like adding slots to a power? That'd be hilarious, actually.
I wonder if this means we'll get to see more of Numina ingame? :O
She's one of my favorite signature heroes and I think she doesn't get enough screentime as is. (Her TF doesn't count, it's more about the Woodsman than herself) Aside from TFs and Ouroboros, she's only seen in one mission Villainside via the first Ghost Widow arc.
I would be so very amused if Numina's, say, an NPC ally in one of the missions. ^_^ -
Phil Ayarane, art by me.
The character is crafted in the likeness of my late father (he really did have pointy ears >.>and I had a print of this made, to be displayed during his funeral this Wednesday. ^^;
Well this felt a little bit out of left field, but after reading through the whole thread, the how and why of it makes a lot more sense now. I'll nth the "this is freaking sweet and things will be better" sentiments being tossed about in this thread.
(More, faster and bigger Issues? Yes, please!)
I bought both games separately but at the same time. (To be specific, Heroes was marked-down, Villains was full price.) I consider it money well spent. ^_^ However, yay for opening up both sides to everyone.
Debt resetting... nice, but I'm pretty careful about not dying so this doesn't affect me much.
That prestige bonus, on the other hand... *drool* Legion of Catgirls is going to have a metric smoo-ton of prestige to play with, and my own little cardboard box might just get a little bigger. -
Name: Across Guild (Heroes) / Hell Legion (Villains)
Allegiance: Both
Motto: "Taking over Paragon, one zone at a time" / "Because being good little dragons is for chumps!"
Leader(s): @Yoshi Ayarane (as Hikaru Dragonia for Across and Rei Dragonia for Hell Legion)
Player Type: Casual, I suppose... really, anyone but the unscrupulous types >.>
RolePlay?: If you wish. Each SG has a backstory tied to it and my characters, but you are under NO obligation to follow it or even acknowledge it.
Membership levels: Any
Supergroup Colors: Black and Red
Normal time: Typically late afternoon and onwards, but this varies greatly ^_^
Other Information: Oh boy. Here's where it gets fun.
- Across actually spans multiple games. This is simply our CoH branch (Hell Legion is, concurrently, our Villains chapter and is fairly new). For the curious, we currently have a branch in Phantasy Star Universe and also previously operated a branch in Guild Wars. I am what we internally call the "mommy kitty" for the global group. Thing is... I also seem to be the only one from the global group who actively plays "City of..." at the moment, but I'm keeping the lights on anyway for when I can at least drag my beloved first officer back here. >.> I operate a TeamSpeak server but for obvious reasons it's not getting much use at the moment ^.^;;;
- Yes, we're named after THAT ideal secret organization from Excel Saga. It's a really long story. Basically, it's one of those "the name STUCK" things.
- Across is allied with Legion of Catgirls and Buttkickers of the Fantastic (eventually I need to get Hell Legion coalitioned their Villain chapters), as when I'm teaming it is very frequently with players from those two SGs and I am friends with the leaders of both. Across also unofficially serves as an alt SG for non-kitty alts from Legion of Catgirls who still want access to LoC facilities.
- Across's SG base (nicknamed Lazrigees Station-- in every game that Across has a presence, we call our base of operations Lazrigees) is fully functional with telepads/storage/hospital (albeit operating on the smallest plot size), so SG mode is not required, *ever.* Functionally, the base is done; my personal characters run in perma-SG mode to fuel future cosmetic tweaks and other nonessential upgrades, but nobody else is required to run in SG mode unless they really want to. *shrug* I stock the storage bins with set and common IOs (and the occasional Hami-O) for anyone to take/use/sell as they wish.
- Hell Legion is a VERY recent addition to the Across network (Rei is currently its only member at the moment, eheheh...) as I have recently gotten back into playing Villains, but even if one were to be recruited in there, SG mode would STILL be optional, though very helpful to get everything up ASAP. ^_^;
Recruiting?: Not particularly. Across' "City of..." branch was initially intended for the exclusive use of its global group members but circumstances have since changed. Because of its alliance with LoC and the 'Kickers, I have been known to give alts from those two SGs spots in Across so they can still have access to the original SGs' bases. I have also offered spots to global friends who operate soloist characters but would still like the conveniences of a SG base (zone travel/hospital/storage). On a case-by-case basis, really. ^_^; If I know you well and you're looking for a SG, poke me ingame and I'll see what I can do.
In the future, it is possible Across/Hell Legion may begin operating like most normal SGs, but for now they seem to be content operating as coalition nodes.
Website: Across @ XFire (the closest you get to a global group website :P) -
<-- extreme Painter addict here, and just obtained X myself!
Pen: As far as I know, every "instance" of the Pen tool (as in, every time you make a new line segment) creates a new shape layer. Very annoying and there is nothing you can do about it (which is why I personally use Illustrator for vectors rather than Painter or Photoshop), so you'll have to merge the shape layers when you're done (and when you merge them, they become a raster layer! Another thing that can't be helped!).
As a quasi-workaround, I suggest doing all your linework first, and then all the colors underneath the lines (keeping line and color as separate layers, of course)
Brushes: These are why I HIGHLY recommend Painter over Photoshop for drawing/sketching/painting. You get a LOT. Each brush has its own set of subtools (ex: Pencil has a bunch of subtools, default is 2b pencil but there are others... my preference is Cover Pencil). To make a cheesy ingame reference, think of each tool as powersets and the subtools as individual powers.
Finallt, the Essential-series, while I've never used it, is little more than a stripped-down version of the full program. It's often bundled with Wacom and off-brand tablets and mainly exists to entice you into upgrading to the full version. :P