Art Submissions For City Scoop




Just to keep it a non-issue, I'll have everyone submit their *FINISHED* artwork here.

I generally collect the links from Tuesday to Tuesday. So if you want to have your commissioned piece or own artwork featured somewhere in the paper, post it here. note: This is for new pieces

I want - at all costs - to avoid any complications by my searching out and submitting the artwork that is in the Scoop. I haven't heard anything negative, and actually get comments of seeing it featured being 'pleasantly surprising'.

I'm going to have this thread stickied so it's easier for me to collect. If you can put the title of the piece and the artist as well as a link to the submission, whether its on DeviantArt, a personal site, etc. so I can access it, it would be greatly appreciated!

Disclaimer! [*] Not all pieces are guarunteed to appear in the Scoop, do not take this personally or offensively[*] Pieces submitted must be family-friendly (I know how naughty ya'll get )[*] Additional comments attached to the piece probably will not be added[*] If you have an idea for the Scoop, or have an artist you'd like to see interviewed, send me a PM if you'd like to have an article submitted to the Scoop, Harass Marcian_Tobay



Neat-O idea Dirtwolf! Well I just got this: Tundara Victorious by The_SlaveDawg as part of an art trade. I really love it and I hope he doesn't mind if it goes in the scoop, assuming you use it of course.




Neat-O idea Dirtwolf! Well I just got this: Tundara Victorious by The_SlaveDawg as part of an art trade. I really love it and I hope he doesn't mind if it goes in the scoop, assuming you use it of course.


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I don't mind, and would actually be flattered to have it featured in the Scoop.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



I would like to submit a piece that was done for me by Joseph Caesar Sto. Domingo. I call it simply "Britannia vs. Warfox", and it features one of my heroes locked in mortal combat with her arch nemesis.



I'd love to submit Baroness Samedi, by Funkyeti... she's my homage to Geoffrey Holder and one of the cooler more creepy James Bond villains...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I'd like to submit Comrade Hero in Red Son. Done for me by Ryan Stegman and colored by Kieran Oats



Cool! Keep them comin'!



Mostly new, finished Art, so I can avoid any repeats from old issues. However since I forgot to add that in until now, I'll just go ahead and take everything up there



Well considering none of mine has been in the Scoop yet, all my art is new. Woo Hoo!

Well, its not my art, its art done by other people but you get the idea.
I'll see what I want to give you.



I'd like to submit this piece: Kilotonnage drawing by Crimson Jimson, coloring by me...



I'd like to submit this piece: Kilotonnage drawing by Crimson Jimson, coloring by me...

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Beat me to it



Harass Marcian_Tobay

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Just swoop in to see how my team is doing, and I see this quote.

Now you won't get mah stick figures!



*whispers* Harass him harder



Very cool. Are you looking for new art or just art in general.

One of my favorites that I have is this one by Gill Bates of fame.

Paragonian Knights

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That pic is pure gold.



Ah here's another.

My Succubus Mind/Fire Dom from Virtue, La Diablesse by Ebony-Chan

Although she might get cut due to the posing... not sure...

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Ah here's another.

My Succubus Mind/Fire Dom from Virtue, La Diablesse by Ebony-Chan

Although she might get cut due to the posing... not sure...

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I love the picture, but I'm going to nix it. Sorry... too suggestive.

It's wonderful art, though!

Edit: Actually, I shouldn't be so rash. I'll talk with the team, should the picture ever come up. Sorry to jump on it.



Oooh... so suggestive pictures are 'maybe'?

*thinks about linking a very recent picture by HitmanN on deviant art* Hmmmmmmm :P



Oooh... so suggestive pictures are 'maybe'?

*thinks about linking a very recent picture by HitmanN on deviant art* Hmmmmmmm :P

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*Goes to DA to look for said picture.*



*whispers* Harass him harder

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