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I know this may be an odd post for this thread, but somehow I personally find it appropriate.
Actor Michael Clarke Duncan died today at age 54. He was the inspiration for my character 8Baller, a big guy with a big heart....and unmatched voice.
Obviously the timing couldn't be more ironic with my character's "life" now counting down.
I'm sure it's stupid, but hearing this news gave me a really strange...unexplainable feeling. In any case. We truly lost a big man today that will always be a hero in my book.
See 8baller's backstory and comic....and rendering of MCD as 8 on my site http://8baller.toddworld.com -
I too have been pretty quiet around here the past couple of years, but like TA, I've been watching and playing when I had the time. CoH, the game, was great. It didn't attempt to do everything, but what it did, it did better than most (if not all). But as everyone here knows, it wasn't just the game that made CoH great. It was the community. I've taken part in my fair share of MMOs and without a doubt, the CoH crowd was by far the best.
I can definitely say that if it wasn't for you guys (this forum section specifically) I wouldn't have gotten back into illustration, which for me would be a big loss, since I use it now to destress and just create.
I really can't describe what that's worth to me but I wanted to say "Thanks" (which in incredibly big 'fail' of a word for describing the feeling).
So you all take care. I'll still be on Deviant art, and I'm on Facebook quite a bit a tcowden or Twitter @toddworld and there's always www.toddworld.com, so finding me is not all that hard.
It's been a pleasure folks. Whatever you do, be heroic.
a.k.a. 8 Baller -
Thanks for the comments all. Yeah I admit, I'm a fan of the bat butt.
Ok, so here's step 2 a rough value painting.
Made a couple of tweeks. Not really thrilled at the moment, but we'll see where it goes.
Since I went with the 'wind blown hair' look I really need to do something to accent the motion of the bats flying around her. -
Time to learn some more...so I figured I'd run through an ImagineFX workshop and post my progress as it goes. (Should be interesting...one way or the other).
The character, another of my villains (seems almost a theme), her name is Battitude. She's a fire corruptor so don't be surprised if this one has a lot of warm tones in there.
Next step...gray scale value painting. -
Thanks for the feedback. One thing to keep in mind is that's is a study on a Timms stylization and not textbook anatomy. He tends to elongate most of his female characters which may account for lengthed the arms.
Personally, I agree, they may still be a tad long even with the style but that's why I drew her, just to get a feel of it.
Good eye.
Todd -
Thanks, she was a quickie but I think she turned out ok.
Hi all. Figured I'd create a place to post any CoX themed stuff I do. I tend to lock onto a theme and work in waves, so I apologize for the seemingly random nature I'm sure this may take.
First up I wanted to do a Timms Study. I chose Yellow Jasmine as the subject. I've featured her in art before but this is her more evolved, more evil look.
It's mainly a study in proportions and linework, but I hope you enjoy.
Todd -
So, did they announce the winners at the player summit...or maybe I just misunderstood your last post.
Todd -
Oh, and I still haven't heard back from anyone official about how well this will all go over with them.
Todd -
Ahhhh, ok I'm back. Sorry about that as you've guessed by now my account lapsed. I'll send instructions this evening to those that have already prepped all the dropbox stuff.
But be aware, I haven't had a chance to iron out the feed bug, which makes the feeds a little wishy-washy. It WILL however give you a feel of the navigation and sections that will be available.
Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it this week.
If you want into beta, please read my post (back in this thread somewhere) about the instructions.
Thanks all.
Todd -
Update: Here are some screenshots in the Android Simulator. They look identical to app running on my Android...it was just easier to take screenshots in the sim.
Having a little argument with my "Futura" font right now, as it doesn't want to play well with Corona. That's why there's more 'comic font' in place of where it should be Futura.
I still have to write a custom parser for the server status xml since it's not formatted in any kind of standard rss format, but the rest of the data is live.
The forums section may have to go since I'm getting some odd formatting/character encoding from that feed, and that's out of my hands data-wise. Too bad to, cause it almost works.
Intro Quote
Main Menu (with a new logo). The 'forums' section may disappear if I can't find a way to clean up the data.
Fan Art
Fan Sites (placeholder list of sites until I can aquire permissions from each)
Ok, version 0.1 is about ready for initial testing.
For those interested this is what you'll need.
1. An android device...it can be a phone or tablet.
2. a Dropbox account, it's free and it's a great service anyhow. Create your account at www.dropbox.com (again, it's free)
3. Download the dropbox app to your Android Device.
4. IM me via the forum IM and include your name, forum name, and the email address you used to create the dropbox account. That way I can send you an invite to share a specific folder on Dropbox (where I'll be sticking the app).
That's pretty much it. For those with a Kindle Fire, you're welcome to test (I have one and I'll give it a shot)...but compatability is iffy with the license I have. There is not a Dropbox app for the Kindle Fire, but you can hit the shared folder via your web browser on the Fire and download from there.
In fact, I guess anyone could skip step 3 and just use the Dropbox website to download the app, it's just not as convenient and fast.
Any questions?
Todd -
Thanks all.
About the US/UK servers I'll see if I can't get them included as well...sorry they were omitted.
@Kheldarn: Actually the look and feel is very directly from the new CoX character creation UI. I am using Red Circle...it's just the version I downloaded doesn't include an 'italic' character set (thus the straight up and down characters). The other acception is the button label for the sections. I did prefer the hand written comic type...I thought it made it a little more well...'comic'.
But I have to admit I haven't played Champions since the beta...so I don't know what they UI looks like. I probably should look at the fan kit since I haven't seen it in a while.
@ddgryphon: As snow globe mentioned afterward...the data I can get unfortunately doesn't include server load, just 'up' or 'down'.That would be cool though.
I IM'd Zwillinger to take a look, and give any input but with it being a weekend and all I haven't heard anything so far. But I'll continue forward and see if I can't get some of this operational.
Thanks all,
Todd -
Ok. So here's a look at the initial overall look and feel, with some indication of features.
First up, I did a little quick research and found quite a few interesting quotes centered around heroes. I thought that might be a good way to start while things load up. I've gathered a few from some pretty interesting people; Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Miller, Will Rogers, Christopher Reeve (one of my personal favorite heroes), and even Elvis.
Following that to the main menu. I didn't spend a lot of time on the logotype since it's still up in the air. I thought maybe we have a few random background images, and I threw in the image location time and temp at the bottom just for fun.
Next is the CoH news feed. Not much gloss here, just info.
Then, in no particular order, is the server status page. Green equals good. Red equals...well it's pretty obvious.
Last but definately not least is the Heroic Art section, cause I have to admit I have a bit of a soft spot for that. Ol Lego States is thrown in there cause he was handy.
I figure that's enough screens to show a general direction. I'll IM Zwillinger and get their official take on things. Hopefully it will be green lighted and not red lighted.
Todd -
Quote:Good point. I just didn't know how "accessable" they were to requests and such. I'll tell ya what I'll most likely post screenshots of the design tonight and I'll send Zwillinger a PM then to come check it out. That way the request and everything is perfectly clear. They can see a sample.Wouldn't hurt to PM Zwillinger though, and ask for a bit of advice. I highly doubt they will have an issue with it... Hell, they may even want to promote it a bit on their Facebook or something if it turns out well!
@Dark_Respite: Hey there! Hope you're doing well. TPN sounds kinda interesting as well. Has a bit of a "News Organization" sound to it.
@thirty-seven: Yeah, if PS has an issue with a CoX look then going a bit steampunk/Nemesis would be cool.
Todd -
Design/Style wise, if we're creating an app for City of Heroes then it would make sense that it would have the same look and feel of CoH correct? Currently working on two designs...one is very CoH, the other is more "inspired by".
It's just the more I think about it, the more I think the CoH look and feel just makes more sense.
Thoughts? -
Quote:That may help out tremendously! Thanks.RSS feeds can be accessed like this:
Todd -
A character planner.....ahhhhh. Good idea but yes that gets pretty involved. Let's start off quick and simple and see how things go. We'll go with a quick interative process. So for now I'll file that under "Great Ideas", but holding for a future release.
@Kheldarn: Good point. I have a Fire as well so I'll be more than happy to give it a shot.
@the_fox_Rox: I'll poke around the forums...if there was an RSS feed for the forums it wouldn't be a problem...but I haven't noticed anything like that so far. But I'll take a closer look. At the very least I could provide a link to the site and you could gain access to the forums from there.
Moving pretty fast I realize, but do y'all have preferences over "HeroNet" as a name or "Citadel" as name?
Todd -
@thirty-seven: ooooh, awesome idea on the character based name. Citadel has a nice ring. But maaaaaay be too specific. Well have get more feedback on it.
I'll see if I can pull in FB updates...not sure if I can since I'm not the 'owner' of the CoH page and thus don't have admin permissions...but I'll do a little digging and see what I can find.
@Kheldarn: If all goes well (honestly more with another project than this one), but anyhow...if all goes well I'll be able to create a Kindle Fire version in the future. It's a cost issue for me. The version I have of Corona is the Indie version. It requires the Pro version to export to Fire and Nook. So at the present time I'm afraid I can't do that...but in the future...hopefully.
@Da_Captain: Forgive me if I'm asking a dumb question but help me out on the "Mids" reference. I'm unclear on what you're asking for.
Thanks all. Great feedback. May have designs to post this evening.
Todd -
Ok, all kidding aside on the name. I think I may have an idea forming...what about this?
Hero Network
I totally understand there are villains here too, but I think I'd really like to stay focused on the hero side if possible. It wouldn't effect the info contained in any way.
Todd -
How about iHero....sorry couldn't resist.
I don't know if PS would have a big problem with it...not if it's free and promoting their game. Dunno. I'm not looking to get into a legal battle, just trying to help and have fun.
"Paragon" seems like a pretty open word. I mean it's not like I could claim that it doesn't have anything to do with CoX
But, at the same time, that's why I'm looking for suggestions.
*I think the acronym has a nice ring to it* -
Quote:I agree a push notification would make that the most useful. However I did a little digging and the software I'm using to create the app (Corona) doesn't yet support pushes on Android. But it supposedly is coming VERY soon. So, even if we don't get it in in the initial launch I will look into adding it in the future.Sounds like a great idea. I'd use it. I saw that someone else is working on an iOS server status app. They mentioned that they would have notifications that show up when the servers go down/up and I think that is a must if you're doing server status. Also, need to make sure to have a "servers I care about" list so I, a Guardian player, don't get notified when Victory is up or whatever. I think they're all in the same location now so not likely to go down/up at different times, but it has happened.
Also, I'll gladly help you with testing.
So, taking ideas now for the app name. I'll throw out a few for starters.
- Paragon Communicator
- Hero Com
- Bat Phone (sorry, I had to)
- City of Heroes Extremely Cool and Useful Mobile App (may be a tad long)
Any other ideas? Speak up. -
Fair enough. Looks like I'll get to designing this evening.
Now the fun part. Let's hear suggestions on what you would want. (disclaimer: just cause you suggest it doesn't mean it will be in there.)
And let's make it 'fun' in the spirit of heroes everywhere.
What would you find useful or fun?