Direct TV drops G4




this kind of sucks, but i do have to agree that lately they have been playing COPS way too much, and i hate that show lol

because of the overabundance of cops, i havent hardly watched G4 in the last 3 months, im really gonna miss this channel for E3 coverage and all that though



I think G4 would be better off as a YouTube channel.



I've disliked G4 ever since they destroyed TechTV. Charter stopped carrying them in our area several years ago and I didn't miss it, to be honest.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Gonna miss web soup and campus PD. Campus PD was filming in my city for awhile, it was interesting to see locals on TV.



Campus PD is hilarious and depressing as it makes me realize I was having the wrong type of fun at college, apparently.

And I can't blame G4 for moving away from being tech-centric/tech-exclusive. With the recent success, both critically and commercially, of cable stations like AMC and USA, cable has gone from a niche network meant to cater to individuals that the Big 4/5 braodcast networks didn't want to, to something that can not only produce quality fare like broadcast networks, but can compete and even beat those broadcast shows. So in diversifying, cable networks have been shown to grow and gain in stature. Something that a lot of TV heads want (and frankly, can result in better TV overall if it is done right).

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Thankfully (if can call it that), DISH Network still carries G4.

Though I'll agree, outside of the occasional X-Play or the E3 or Comic-con coverage, there's really not much there. AotS is a geeks 'Man Show'. Never really cared for Web Soup either. Ninja Warrior and the other Japanese brought over show are entertaining now and then. And the rest of the stuff... There's like no focus for G4 anymore.

And the Tech TV merger... still makes my blood boil now and then.

Thank you for the time...

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Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



For a while I watched Ninja Warrior on a regular basis. Loved that show but got tired of all the crap they'd overlay it with. I didn't care about what they considered big headlines and I wanted to watch Ninja Warrior, not the viral video of the moment. Not to mention their big *** station ID bug that often obscured the action. It was like they didn't believe I actually wanted to watch the show I'd tuned in the watch. Eventually I got frustrated and just stopped watching G4.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



I love G4 but come on how does tha of all channels not HD yet!?!?!



Originally Posted by KnG View Post
I love G4 but come on how does tha of all channels not HD yet!?!?!
It is available in HD.

It's owned by Comcast so that may or may not have something to do with it getting dropped by DirectTV. Pure speculation though.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



i love watching AOTS and i got rid of directTV a long time ago...



eh I have no cable atm but I was dissapointed when g4 swallowed up tech tv as well. Then they turned it into a bad Spike channel, which didnt have much I personally would watch. Then X Play went into more general vid game coverage, and they stopped doing 2 to 3 reveiews per show, which I thought was the best part of the show since they usually didnt cater to any one company and say "Oh buy this (insert peice of garbage here) for (insert system here) it really good." Sure there was maybe a touch of bias depending upon reviewer vs game but if it really stank they said so. I do understand why X Play is the way it is today, I just miss when they covered more of the games out there.

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



The real reason people stopped watching G4 is the Killer guinea pig died of old age. Without her fear induced campaign people gladly put on something else. (and someone shot that Deer.)

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This i think has been long time coming. Ever since G4 dismantled techtv they basicly took out the competition and then started doing just about everything but gaming television.

I can understand to a point off subject shows like Ninja Warrior, but cops and cheaters are nothing to their general demographic. The basicly i dont think even have a solid nightly lineup of gaming related shows anylonger.

If they were smart i say you find a way to bring back Leo Laport and his group to make a few shows a week about new tech, modding gaming ect. and atleast get a block of shows that will have general appeal to your base, and save the crap like cops for 2am.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
This i think has been long time coming. Ever since G4 dismantled techtv they basicly took out the competition and then started doing just about everything but gaming television.
funny thing is, from what i have read on the subject, techtv basically absorbed g4 , then became g4 because tech paul allen wanted out of the biz and g4 employees were paid less, so they got to screw-over the employees.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
funny thing is, from what i have read on the subject, techtv basically absorbed g4 , then became g4 because tech paul allen wanted out of the biz and g4 employees were paid less, so they got to screw-over the employees.
No other way around. It was billed originally as a merger between Techtv owned by Vulcan and G4 partially owned by comcast. They co-branded for a bit as G4TechTV, but eventually g4 and comcast basicly fired all but about 80 people from techtv in san francisico and told them if they wanted to move to LA they could keep their jobs.

Basicly every good show that techtv had was then ruined except xplay which is likely the only reason g4 wanted to shut down the network anyway, because it was so much better then the drivil that g4 produced as game related programing.



I do think this is due to low ratings from going so far from its roots and lost its core audience. I do no the success of some of the other cable networks does tempt some cable network owners, but the fact is, the market can only support so many USA Networks.

Looks at other channels that I don't watch anymore b/c their not the same as when I first started watching them
-MTV, there really isn't much music left in MTV anymore, I really would like to see how its ratings now compare to what it was 10-15 yrs ago.

-SyFy- I'm watching this less and less these days, as it changes.



I gave up on G4 years ago mainly when they changed to having a seperate east coast and west coast feed. Not a big fan of the whole live show being simply a replay when it used to be live for everyone. As it is, I don't have a reason to watch G4 anymore and I completely understand DirecTV dropping the channel seeing no value. 1/5 of their programming is Cops with Campus PD and Cheaters combined some days to make up another 1/5. AOTS alone makes up another 1/5 with the 4 times it airs during the day.

I think the only show I might watch now is Effin Science but why watch that when there is Mythbusters.



there is a joke here in a way,
back in the day Tech TV was mainly directed towards the computer software/ audience, and some of it was interesting even if you weren't a techie type. G4 was geared fowards the computer gamer market.
Now I'm sure there was more going on at the time, but here is the joke. While both channels were moderately successful at the time, Comcast decided to drop carriage of Tech TV (in a way not unlike how DirectTV is doing now for G4 if for other reasons), Tech TV's value went down, and Comcast ended up purchasing Tech TV, and then merging it with G4.
However even though they now had a monopoly on computer related channels, the combined Tech TV/ G4 Channel didn't work out too well ( in part to poor choices in programs, poor management, and what turned out to be distinct markets), they ended up droping the Tech TV content for the G4's, and then decided they needed to abandon that niche market, to compete with Spike by becoming the Cops/ Cheaters channel, which is when things really started to go down hill. In a way I view the DirectTV thing, as the Ghost of Tech TV striking back.



Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post
If they were smart i say you find a way to bring back Leo Laport and his group to make a few shows a week about new tech, modding gaming ect. and atleast get a block of shows that will have general appeal to your base, and save the crap like cops for 2am.

He's been doin' it for awhile, just in podcast form. Even DOES IT LIVE, too. (Say goodbye to your bandwidth XD)

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