Issue 11 Wallpaper




Snakes on a Game? No.
Nemesis redux? Maybe.
From one J.S. to another, Arctic, you're a magnificent b**tard and you will be missed. Way to tease us.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Crisis on Infinite Servers!

Rularuu the Ravager regains his power and threatens to destroy the Multiverse. Only the brave actions of heroes from every server can stop him!

In the end, Synapse and Miss Liberty die, and all servers become one... and DC prepares a lawsuit.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Yeah, but killing off all those NPCs? That's a major blow to the content of COX.

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Unless of course we can go back in time and stop the outbreak... Sounds like flash back to me. 1) you have the outbreak and you have breakout referenced in that article... Where else would you begin again.





That's just the new snake bra costume piece.

Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)



Crisis on Infinite Servers!

Rularuu the Ravager regains his power and threatens to destroy the Multiverse. Only the brave actions of heroes from every server can stop him!

In the end, Synapse and Miss Liberty die, and all servers become one... and DC prepares a lawsuit.

[/ QUOTE ]

heh.. good one.

Be well, people of CoH.



Crisis on Infinite Servers!

Rularuu the Ravager regains his power and threatens to destroy the Multiverse. Only the brave actions of heroes from every server can stop him!

In the end, Synapse and Miss Liberty die, and all servers become one... and DC prepares a lawsuit.

[/ QUOTE ]

You sir, are awesome. I got a good chuckle out of this, thank you

Edit: First post after a Billz...?



Ouroborous, check.

Infinity symbol instead of standard circle, however.

The style of the woodcut looks Nordic to me.

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Infinite Number of Space Vikings!

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Crisis on Infinite Servers!

Rularuu the Ravager regains his power and threatens to destroy the Multiverse. Only the brave actions of heroes from every server can stop him!

In the end, Synapse and Miss Liberty die, and all servers become one... and DC prepares a lawsuit.

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Sign me up for those Issues... and nicely done.



I was also thinking that next issue could be related to time travel. We may end up with a whole new set of missions to go back in time, which could allow us to flashback.

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Funny that you mention that, because that symbol theme, Ourburous, was used during the time-travel-like episode of Lost, where Desmond interacts with his past.

Hooray for fanboism!

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Count me in as another who thinks this lovely symbol has a definate nordic look. I too noticed that it was twisted into a stylized infinity symbol.
Overall, Amanita likes! A metal version of this would make a lovely clasp for the cloak I just finished making.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Infinity symbol, that looks like something devouring itself. Implied sense of infinite unity.


The Rikti's creators are coming.



This is really doom.



Whoa. Yeah Paragon Times is up. Any theories on this wallpaper need to be combined with this article



If it does have to do with Nemesis, maybe we'll finally see that trojan horse from paragonwiki?



Awakening of the Leviathan!!!!!!!!!
All will die!!!!!!!



Hey Arctic.

This + Today's Paragon Times = Oh you jerk, youuuu jerk, no fair. ;_;

(ps: tell me what's happening! )

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at



Having now read the paragon times articles, which have both Outbreak and Breakout going wrong, I have two further theories on the meaning of the symbol:

The first others have said already, and would be kind of boring after exciting this much speculation, Flashback.

The other idea, which might include flashback, was brought to mind by thinking of Recluse's Victory and Ubelmann the Unknown. What better symbol would there be for the time police than infinity? Time travel was, if I remember right, second after moonbase in terms of settings people wanted to see. Perhaps combining it with the Flashback everone's been clammoring for pushed it further ahead on the list? Only one place we can find out for sure, the FUTURE!

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters



Infinity, eh?

One Issue to Patch them all
One Issue to find teams easier
One Issue to bring them all and in the Paragon level them.

Anywho, after the, ahem, various NOT greek stuff in the Rikti invasion (the TF was cool but they coulda used something better than lamo Revelations), I'm super glad to see them returning to more greek culture. Even if it is the use of the Ouroburous symbol for something less than greek.



or the past.


@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Pure pure pure speculation:

Would be cool if there were "Causality Police" missions where you get to do old or missed arcs, and they have new "time disrupting" enemies added in.

DJs for The Cape Radio

Makes videos & podcasts about reviewing toys, covering conventions, and more at



Pure pure pure speculation:

Would be cool if there were "Causality Police" missions where you get to do old or missed arcs, and they have new "time disrupting" enemies added in.

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The Inquisitor ?

Yet another Red Dwarf connection.

I11 City of Lazy Spacebums!

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



INFINITY symbol?!

Server transfers just happened.

You all realize what this means don't you?



The Comish of the Liberty PVP League!
Can't find it? Use the Robo Button!



Hmmm, interesting. Looks like a woodcut, maybe the World Serpent from Norse mythology. The World Serpent was an offspring of Loki that was destined to fight in a mortal battle with Thor during Ragnarock. Until then, it was fed it's tail so it wouldn't be able to cause trouble in the meantime.

It was so huge, it could wrap around the world. Since the woodcut shown is in a shape that's referencing 'infinity', that's makes it more intriging.



INFINITY symbol?!

Server transfers just happened.

You all realize what this means don't you?



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That's because we (Infinitites) rock!



I think that it is definitly Nemesis Based.. Look at the coloring and shaping of the symbol overall.... Maybe that nemesis Warhorse or whatever was posted before might be fully implemented with I11 into the Nemesis army... The Infinity portion of it might just be something as simple as Nemesis being pissed and showing "he is forever" and "can't be taken down that easily".... or something like that showing to us that he is Infinite.... idk...

I thought space missions and moonbases and such were going to be in I11 so idk... With the Steel Canyon launch site and whereever the other ones are still being built I would think that would be sometime soon... and yese... what about the 5th?.... Thought about them too where are they are they maybe coming back to take back what was theres and if so is Nemesis maybe involved with that?.... we'll just have to wait and see i guess but i hope 5th are indeed coming back sometime soon I liked them a lot better than I do the Council...

As far as the new powersets and such I don't see anything like that in this symbol... but hope they are still coming... especially like the dual Sworded one and such that would be sweet...