Splasher Contest! Vote the best screens now!




This posting is not officially sponsoring this contest it is merely me utilizing a tool our event sponsor does not have access to use. (small print out of the way.)

Splasher Contest! Vote the best screens now!

For the last two weeks, players have been creating custom login screens, using plain screenshots. And the results are pretty amazing! Now it's time to decide who gets the prizes for creating the best screens, and it's up to YOU to decide!

Take a look at all the entries here!

There are five sections, one for Full Sets (four screens, with a theme) and one for each individual screen. Pick your favorite in each section, and vote for its creator! The poll only includes the names of the creators because the list would be too long otherwise and I'm not sure the forum can handle it. Even in this format, there are 17 nominees for the Best Hero Selection screen!

As stated in the original thread the prizes are:

* 100 million influence to the best set of screens.
* 25 million influence to the best City of Heroes login screen.
* 25 million influence to the best City of Villains login screen.
* 25 million influence to the best City of Heroes character selection screen.
* 25 million influence to the best City of Villains character selection screen.
* 10 million influence to five honorable mentions, which I'll pick from all entries.

Thanks to everybody who entered, and feel free to post on this thread which particular screen was your favorite!

The event organizer will post the official cut off point of this contest as the poll has been set to show results once a poster has voted as requested by the event sponsor.



!?!? Obsidian Farmer and RakuAspara are different pics but they have the same characters to select in the hero and villain select category. Did something get crossed up?

Edit: and Pangea and Johnny Nails!



Zloth, it was mentioned in the other thread. The submitters didn't submit at an appropriate size (probably wide screen) and so Leandro put them into his own game and took new sample pictures.

Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)



!?!? Obsidian Farmer and RakuAspara are different pics but they have the same characters to select in the hero and villain select category. Did something get crossed up?

Edit: and Pangea and Johnny Nails!

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Read my comment in the original thread -- a few preview screens had problems (bad aspect ratio, missing frames, or no preview at all) so instead of ditching the entries I just re-created the previews on my computer and replaced them. The chars you see are mine.

Edit: Culex beat me to it!

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Leo... Leandro... hehe, I should have known!!



Congratulations in advance to all of the entrants. There is some amazing creativity here. I especially like how a few entrants took very simple things and made them look really cool.

I hope that there will be a second contest in the future, cuz I will definitely want to try my hand at this!



These are *really* well done.



Thanks! There are even more in the archive thread. The contest had to put some limits on the entries to keep it competitive but in there, it's all open!



I'm so glad I decided to click on Community Digest for the first time today.

Those babies are bootiful! All are great, and there's at least one from every person I thought were like "omg" outstanding.




Wow, mine actually made it? And it's in second place so far? Hawt damn. Good luck to all entries, a lot of them look absolutely fantastic.



These are totally sweet awesome sauceness.

I have my favorite one. Absolute favorite. But I don't wanna sway anything (like I have that kind of Inf. Right.) but if it doesn't win the big prize, I will be shocked and outraged.

And I'm not even in the contest, so I don't get anything either way.

You all have been warned. Vote accordingly.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Damn if I had known there would be a contest I might have taken the time to do a splasher



Great work all!

question: since some artists have multiple entries, doesnt that slant the vote count in their favor?



Great work all!

question: since some artists have multiple entries, doesnt that slant the vote count in their favor?

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I was thinking the same thing, though, I'm in the contest, so I didn't want to come out and say it lol



Great work all!

question: since some artists have multiple entries, doesnt that slant the vote count in their favor?

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Note the current "winners" in the hero select screen and villain charselect screens: they both entered with one screen each. Quality, not quantity.

(Honestly I wanted to do it with one item per screen but I doubt the forum could have handled that many items per question. I'm surprised it handled 17 for the hero login one.)

www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Nice job to all! NCsoft ought to do an official contest for this! I'd love to see some of those in the game after looking at the same ol, same ol for the past 2 years!

Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!

Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?



Great work all!

question: since some artists have multiple entries, doesnt that slant the vote count in their favor?

[/ QUOTE ]

Note the current "winners" in the hero select screen and villain charselect screens: they both entered with one screen each. Quality, not quantity.

(Honestly I wanted to do it with one item per screen but I doubt the forum could have handled that many items per question. I'm surprised it handled 17 for the hero login one.)

[/ QUOTE ]

In villain char select, each entrant only has one entry. Therefore, I submit that in a study of correlation between # of entries to # of votes, it can't be considered.

In the remaining 4 categories, 3 are being won by entrants with multiple entries. 2 of these have at least one more than any other entrant, and the third is tied for most entries.

Therefore, I'd say it a fair assumption to say that those who have multiple entries do have an advantage. This should be obvious though without any real analysis. Assuming two entrants create images of equal quality, and therefore each image created by these two garners the same number of votes, but one entrant enters two images, then that entrant will obviously win.

I also felt it would be improper to mention this at first, being as I'm an entrant, but at this point even if the top placed contestant in my category had his votes divided by his number of entries, I'd still be far behind. So I'm not protesting in hopes of changing the outcome for my own favor, so much as in desire of seeing a fairer contest. Ideally the images would be presented without being attributed to their creator as well, in order to avoid the "I'm voting for the person I like" bias, but thats another subject entirely. Plus, I'm guilty of asking friends to vote for me, so I'd be a bit hypocritical to suggest that, and the names attached to the entries are all available in the original thread anyway.

That being said, I understand why the voting was set up this way. Technical limitations suck.



Honestly, a much more important feature than fancy splash screens would be the ability to change the order of our toons at the login screen.

Also, you are about to dump 250 million info into the economy. You realize that has an inflationary effect, right?

How about you counteract that by dropping 10 LotG recharge, 10 Numina's recov/regen, and 10 Miracle regens onto the WW at 10% below the current sell cost.

Then at least you've done something to counter the inflation a bit.



Ummm...wow...thanks for trying to take the fun out of this Cambios. Gessh....

Anyways, awesome screens by everyone! I'm already using a few of them & need to get the rest. It's really tough choosing!

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Honestly, a much more important feature than fancy splash screens would be the ability to change the order of our toons at the login screen.

Also, you are about to dump 250 million info into the economy. You realize that has an inflationary effect, right?

How about you counteract that by dropping 10 LotG recharge, 10 Numina's recov/regen, and 10 Miracle regens onto the WW at 10% below the current sell cost.

Then at least you've done something to counter the inflation a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fun question, how exactly is it inflationary? The 250 mil inf was already in the economy. It's not being 'created' by an artifical force.

And re the order of the toons appearance, well, can you figure out a way to do that currently with the game? If so, kudos, make your 3RD PARTY PROGRAM to do it and help everyone else out .

Let's Dance!



OMG, stop the sidetrack. Please. And don't feed the trolls.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Meh - I wouldn't worry about it. The whole point is really to get people motivated to make some screens for everybody. That mission is already accomplished. This isn't Wimbleton, it's just a fun little pick-up tournament so folks can see how the game is played.

If NCSoft was doing this, they would be giving away real life stuff like video cards or free game time. Then we have to start getting more hard core about the rules.