Austin Meet & Greet ~ Dave & Busters ~ Sept. 22nd!




Ah, there I go again, spelling words correctly.

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What are you doing using the British version anywho?!

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Isn't that funny? I think we ditched the king and went "And you know what? Screw all your extra letters, too! We don't need two Ls in stuff! And what's with the u in 'colour?' No way we're putting up with that! And just to REALLY stick it to you, we're going to rearrange the last two letters of 'theatre' and call them toh-MAY-toes. So there!"


Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Ah, there I go again, spelling words correctly.

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What are you doing using the British version anywho?!

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Isn't that funny? I think we ditched the king and went "And you know what? Screw all your extra letters, too! We don't need two Ls in stuff! And what's with the u in 'colour?' No way we're putting up with that! And just to REALLY stick it to you, we're going to rearrange the last two letters of 'theatre' and call them toh-MAY-toes. So there!"

[/ QUOTE ] gut hurts from laughing so hard from that one Miss!



Hey guys! Sorry Disco and I couldn't make it yesterday morning to breakfast, we were just exhausted from the night before and we stayed up pretty late after Opal's. It was a sincere pleasure to be able to meet you all and hang out like we did. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend and it proves just how awesome NC Soft and CoX are.

I'll def be keeping in touch more if I'm up near the Austin area and hopefully they do hold something in the Bay area in the future. Disco and I will def fly out there to meet up again.

There are some other pictures *cough* that I'm currently trying to get a hold of, but I'll need to send those via PM And thank you very much for the Lethal Weapon shot TJ. It hit like a I did another one later that night

Thanks again for setting everything up Missy and Moggie. Hope everyone got home well after everything!



I wanna see ALL the pictures.

Be well, people of CoH.



I wanna see ALL the pictures.

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You will in time :P

Your pic is evil lookin'

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.







So I meant to get this up sooner, but as soon as I got home after lunch today, I passed out on my couch. Anyway, better late than never.

I didn't take too many pictures at the event. In fact, in this small Flickr set, I only four photos. (Two are group shots of our dinner/drinking groups for Friday and Saturday, one is the sign at D&B, the fourth is just before the drinking contest was underway.)

I also have a quick video of the drinking contest up on YouTube. Sorry about the poor quality. Light was low and the camera is primarily for stills. The video starts right after they counted to three, and you'll see Ex Libris pwning everyone else. She was done in no time. You'll also see poor CuppaJo coming in dead last, and by a long stretch at that.

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights




Looks like it was a blast and I'm still POed about missing it.

I was about an hour from heading out the door here in Ft. Worth and hitting the road when I got a call from work. Kept hoping we could clear the issue up quickly, but as the hours passed, I realized I'd never make it. <sighs>

I consoled myself by catching the 10:30p showing of Resident Evil.

Maybe next time, if they come to the Dallas area, and my terrible luck strikes, I'll still at least be able to make some of it.

Nec Hostium Timete -- Nec Amicum Recusate
Mains (All Virtue)
Cold Kitty, Ice/Ice Blaster
Pistol Packin' Polly, Thugs/Traps MM
Alts (Many servers)
Too many to list



I shoulda gone for the after party. (At least I stayed 3 hours this time instead of 20 minutes like last time. Baby steps on Bill Z's re-socialization.)

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm a bit glad the first place we tried this morning was full, since it gave us a chance to switch to Rudy's and have The Worst BBQ in Texas. And no, I'm not being rude, that is actually their slogan.

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I don't care what their slogan's still a zillion times better than any BBQ that you'd get in California! Californians just don't know the difference between BBQ and "grillin'"

Kerbey Lane looked pretty interesting and if I'm ever back in Austin, I'm going to have to give it a try. But Rudy's was fantastic! I'm still full from yesterday's lunch!



ghost widow is hot.

and yes kerby lane is also wonderful.... killer breakfast.



I had a great time, both at the event, and at our gatherings before and after. Glad you folks from out of town enjoyed it too. It was great meeting you all!




Hey All,

I have a few pic's to add and will post them up soon along with a recap. Yes, I am still alive and I made it home safely.

They did however confiscate my BBQ sause (Spelled the way Rudy's spells it) at the airport. Seems that the National Security Act does not allow BBQ sauce out of Texas.

Liquid or gel....bah!



Didn't you know that BBQ Sause is a threat to national security?

It's a real bummer to hear that the Sause was confiscated by airport security. I almost bought some myself, but was concerned something like that might happen. I was thinking about ordering some from the Rudy's website...shall I order an extra bottle for ya?



Hey All,

I have a few pic's to add and will post them up soon along with a recap. Yes, I am still alive and I made it home safely.

They did however confiscate my BBQ sause (Spelled the way Rudy's spells it) at the airport. Seems that the National Security Act does not allow BBQ sauce out of Texas.

Liquid or gel....bah!

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For the sake of National Security, no BBQ sauce shall leave the state of Texas!

The fate of the free world demands that no other state in the Union shall possess the awesomeness of Texan BBQ!



They did however confiscate my BBQ sause (Spelled the way Rudy's spells it) at the airport. Seems that the National Security Act does not allow BBQ sauce out of Texas.

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We do take barbeque seriously here...

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



Im in ur yard
grillin ur burgerz!

Still sad I couldn't make it, sounds like people had a lot of fun.



Moggie and I had a great time and it was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones! We're bummed we couldn't make it to the event proper, but we were glad to be there for as much as possible! I'm already looking forward to the next one!




I also have a quick video of the drinking contest up on YouTube. Sorry about the poor quality. Light was low and the camera is primarily for stills. The video starts right after they counted to three, and you'll see Ex Libris pwning everyone else. She was done in no time. You'll also see poor CuppaJo coming in dead last, and by a long stretch at that.

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Hey - If it wasn't for me that video would have been so short no one would have believed anything really happened. That's right folks, CuppaJo is there to extend your pleasure long after everyone else has finished. :P

I had a great time seeing everyone again, meeting a ton of new folks - and throwing swag at all of your heads.




I also have a quick video of the drinking contest up on YouTube. Sorry about the poor quality. Light was low and the camera is primarily for stills. The video starts right after they counted to three, and you'll see Ex Libris pwning everyone else. She was done in no time. You'll also see poor CuppaJo coming in dead last, and by a long stretch at that.

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Hey - If it wasn't for me that video would have been so short no one would have believed anything really happened. That's right folks, CuppaJo is there to extend your pleasure long after everyone else has finished. :P

I had a great time seeing everyone again, meeting a ton of new folks - and throwing swag at all of your heads.

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LOL now now Cuppa..

w00t Radio




I also have a quick video of the drinking contest up on YouTube. Sorry about the poor quality. Light was low and the camera is primarily for stills. The video starts right after they counted to three, and you'll see Ex Libris pwning everyone else. She was done in no time. You'll also see poor CuppaJo coming in dead last, and by a long stretch at that.

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Hey - If it wasn't for me that video would have been so short no one would have believed anything really happened. That's right folks, CuppaJo is there to extend your pleasure long after everyone else has finished. :P

I had a great time seeing everyone again, meeting a ton of new folks - and throwing swag at all of your heads.

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Must not take this out of context...






I had a great time seeing everyone again, meeting a ton of new folks - and throwing swag at all of your heads.

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Oh, yeah! I forgot all about this part. It was great! Once the prime prizes had been given away (the challenge coins), and the secondary prizes had been called (iPods, wireless mice and keyboards), CuppaJo still had a bunch of shirts, hats, beanies, and AutoAssault time cards (!!!) left over. She started throwing them to the people crowded up in front of the stage. Now, she was getting some good air on those, but then the Defuser got up on stage and started helping her out. That's when things got serious! Defuser was all business about throwing them, and he chucked some stuff pretty far. Many a hat sailed well over the front crowd and landed on the raised area toward the back. Defuser got a bunch of caps, beanies, TR dogtags, and a couple time card boxes into the far part of the room. I think a time card box hit a guy, but he didn't mind, since it was a time card. Heh.

And, CJ, don't think I'm below bribery for a challenge coin. I'll sink to great depths for one. Far greater depths for one of those silver ones.

Proud member of the Paragonian Knights



Oh yeah...I forgot to claim bragging rights regarding prizes! This little hula girl won a time card, an Arachnos cape and a copy of issue one of the COH comic signed by the devs, Ex and Lighthouse.



i got a rock.

Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster