Consolidated List of Base Suggestions




Consolidated List of Base Suggestions

The list contains suggestion from numerous Threads on the base construction boards.

I make no assumptions or omissions biased on viability, and included all for completeness. Individual items which would fall under a general category (ie plates and kitchen equipment) are assumed include in general and not individualized.

Price adjustments on items, and changes

I’ll try to update the master list once a week as suggestions come in.

Last Updated 08/14/2007

Ability to place doorways side by side to join rooms together

New Item or Aux item to:
Increase destinations on Teleporter
Increase amount healed from Reclaimators
Teleport to mission doors
Different Portal designs of base entry
Other types of Inspiration dispensers
Trading Terminal (allows connection to Wentworth or Black Market)
Beacon Mounts (so beacons don’t have to hang on walls)
Message boards\
Arena Kiosks
Influence Bank
Personal Vault (similar to Invention Vault, but allows other types of items)
Supredyne Lab (as per game)
COT crystals
Low G Field (hover effect or enhance jump/slow effect)
Targeting Dummies (always targetable/indestructible)
Supergroup Costume creator/editor

Personal Rooms
Flight Operations
Starship Dock
Missile Storage
Maintenance Bay
Submarine Bay
Training Room (danger room)
Barracks (work with Gladiator Badges)
Alternate Oversight Room
Secure Storage Room
Arcane Doorway

Have mission souvenirs unlock a base item of souvenir to place
Supergroup portraits
NPC’s for base
Trees without planters
Tech style bridges
Mannequins (ie icon) (also allow costume to be modified on mannequin)
Hanging plants
Scrolling marquee
Divider curtains on movable racks,
Medical beds
Hanging IVs
Storage cabinets that can have items placed on top
Torch and propane canisters
Block (allows items to be placed on, including stairs)
Long Stairs (lowest floor to the highest floor)
Corner staircase
Smaller bonfire (campfire)
Decorative versions of Raid items (nonfunctional)
Hand shaped chair
Kitchen equipment
Single Wall Placement (Places a 1x1 Wall for dividing rooms)
Pipe Organ
SG Banners which hang from ceiling

Grass Tile set
Water Tile set
Archanos Tile set
Sky Raider Tile set
Glass Tile set
Sky Horizon Tile set
Forrest Tile set
Cave Tile set
Lava Tile set
Arched ceilings
Organic Tile set

Bloody Bay
Siren’s Call
Pocket D

Ability to set security level to individual storage devices
Super group Invention Storage (accessible by all in SG)
Icon employee or item costume workbench
Mystical version of Invention workstation
Multiple levels
Option to remove trim
Ability to log off and in Base
Uniformity in size regarding items with identical functions (ie supercomputer/orbits of control)
Portal in base give same zoning options portals outside of base give
Unique Room Dividers (Railings, glass walls, half-walls, etc)
More variety in room sizes (ie more 1x3)
Edit colors on base items (or add custom colored lighting to them)
More SG Computer missions
Base Sounds
Ability to turn items which cost power/control on and off
Have doorways be able to hold decorations
Seasonal Decorations (Christmas, Halloween, ect)
Make bookcase stackable
Minimize all footprints
Increase storage size on items or craftable better storage items
Bathroom fixtures
Gym equipment
Trash barrel fire

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv



My Top Five from your list:

Last Updated 08/14/2007

1. Ability to set security level to individual storage devices

2. Increase destinations on Teleporter (perhaps through craftable aux)

3. Trading Terminal (allows connection to Wentworth or Black Market)

4. Super group Invention Storage (accessible by all in SG) (for recipes and salvage)

5. Portal in base give same zoning options portals outside of base give (ie, coalition-portal)



actually only a couple things rom the list are mine, The rest were posted on numerous threads. None of your top 5 are my ideas.

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv



Two things top my list.

1. Styles (Grass, Water, Lava)

2. Blocks (with the caveat that they can stack endlessly (Creation of temples and pyramids) as long as they dont block LOS) i.e. you can wall off a room as long as you arent breaking LOS from an object or doorway.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



Here's one for ya:
Complete overhaul of base design system. Scrap it. start over. Try again. Round 2. However you wanna say it.

Make the base editor more like common FPS level designers (ie. UnrealED). To be quite honest, I'm suprised the current system even works. It seems like it's barely holdin' together.

At the very least, a primary suggestion would be to re-code where... I guess "collision markers" (or something like that) are. Atm every item is placed on a squre grid and each item takes up a certain amoutn of squares. This means you can place somethign "inside" of obvioulsy open-spaced items like that giant arcane cirular floor thing... the one w/ the "hooks" forming a circle and closing up at the top.

Anyway, that's my main 2 things. Add these to ur list too:
1) We need the ability to add Descriptions to various items in the base. For example, I need the ability to place a sign or Mouseover deteail that would describe what a Storage Bin is for. I want to be able to display what the Base Veteran rewarsd Rewards are. I want our base Nap to list the names of the Rooms.

2) We absolutedly need the ability to Write in a short name or desription of what the Storage container is for. Something like "Community Chest" or "Dragon's Enhancements". A secondary line where you can expand on who has what rights to the container wiould be very useful.

3) Individual Permission settings for each Storage Container would be Invaluable.

4) The Inspiration Storage Unit is TOO LARGE!! You buy a 4x4 Workshop Room and you can only fit FOUR Inspiration Storage Units to it!!

5) The addition of other sized "Doorways" would be invaluable in helping us fit rooms into a base. Perhaps this could also be accomplished by adding a variety of small "Decorative" connecting rooms?

6) You give us Veteran Rewards and then charge us 500 Prestige to place them? That's just wrong and it adds insult to injury when you LOSE the Item if you ever have to delete that room!!

7) Add the Cost of actually Installing a Base it to its description. I am sooo tired of finally creating an item only to be told that it costs 1.2 MILLION Prestige to place it!!!

8) Trying to manage who's IO or Enhancements is whose is intolerable!! Give us Individual permission settings for Storage Bins.

9) Trying to manage IO or Enhancements is intolerable!! Give us the ability to sort the contents of storage bins by type and then to alphabetize them.

10) Cut down the cost of some of the minor Enhancements. A small SG has to labor a year to save up enough Prestige to afford even a small upgrade from the standard items. It is disheartening to find that you have to pay more for an upgrade to your Power or Control items that it cost to set up the whole base in the first case.

11) The Editor needs an upgrade. Trying to Upgrade or fit in a new room is now a dreadful experience.

12) The Arcane Base Items set is mostly items that are so large as to make them unusable. Please get rid of the Megaliths and give us some MODERN (not Midevil) Arcane items that we can use.

I tried to limit my list to 12 items.... I hope and pray that Positron or someone will give it some attention.

[/ QUOTE ]



I'd like to see a larger ramp. In my teleport room, I've lowered the floor to the minimum and then raised the floor to maximum where the teleporters sit. This allowed me to put the Tech Teleport Beacons on the wall created there. Makes it easy to see/change destinations. However, I have yet to find a way stacking something to put a second ramp so you can get up those 2 floor levels.



I'd like to see a larger ramp. In my teleport room, I've lowered the floor to the minimum and then raised the floor to maximum where the teleporters sit. This allowed me to put the Tech Teleport Beacons on the wall created there. Makes it easy to see/change destinations. However, I have yet to find a way stacking something to put a second ramp so you can get up those 2 floor levels.

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Use a few desks (like the guy mentioned in the thread you started asking the same question) as mentioned in the stacking guide in my signature. Good luck.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Use a few desks (like the guy mentioned in the thread you started asking the same question) as mentioned in the stacking guide in my signature. Good luck.

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Yeah, but there aren't any stone/arcane desks, so anything you can put under them ends up looking like... well, a desk holding up a stone staircase.

I second the suggestion for taller stair pieces.



Oh, I definitely agree that it will look weird. Unfortunately, it's the only "workaround" we have.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Make the base editor more like common FPS level designers (ie. UnrealED). To be quite honest, I'm suprised the current system even works. It seems like it's barely holdin' together.

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After using UnrealED and other FPS level desingers, I would have to say that this suggestion should NEVER be used by the developers. Given the amount of re-coding needed, and potential copyright abuses this would enable not to mention making some bases unusable, I am thankfully glad that this will never happen. Also given some of the load times for FPS maps, a lot of people would surely mapserve before one of these base maps would be loaded.

While simple, most of the times it is easy to get a base made using the existing system. I do enough programming that I would instantly give up building bases if this was put in place.

Adding more items, textures, fixing prices, etc I can see, but not this.

At the very least, a primary suggestion would be to re-code where... I guess "collision markers" (or something like that) are. Atm every item is placed on a squre grid and each item takes up a certain amoutn of squares. This means you cannot place something "inside" of obvioulsy open-spaced items like that giant arcane cirular floor thing... the one w/ the "hooks" forming a circle and closing up at the top.

[/ QUOTE ]
(Hopefully corrected to say what you meant, context being everything.)
That would be art time, not coding. Art time is often cited as having even less free time than coding.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



weird, I can no longer seem to edit my post... :/

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv



Strange. Were you signed in when you tried? Beyond that, I can't think of what else could be going on.

And it's not the whole thread. This post edits just fine.



weird, I can no longer seem to edit my post... :/

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there is a time limited on editability of posts. IIRC its long (12 hours or so) but it is present

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



After using UnrealED and other FPS level desingers, I would have to say that this suggestion should NEVER be used by the developers. Given the amount of re-coding needed, and potential copyright abuses this would enable not to mention making some bases unusable, I am thankfully glad that this will never happen. Also given some of the load times for FPS maps, a lot of people would surely mapserve before one of these base maps would be loaded.

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I'm not saying they should copy UnrealED, I'm not that stupid. They should create their own "level designer-ish" program like many companies have. No IP rights broken.

Second, neither am I saying it should be as robust as programs like UnrealED. Many of the features in common level designeres are not needed in a CoH base designer. A much more light-weight version would NOT cause the issues you described.

Third: It doesn't have to REPLACE the current sytem, but rather be an addition. Current bases made w/ the old system can stay as they are. You could have the option of choosing which system to use. That way if this new system were incorporated current bases would be un-affected and ppl would have the OPTION of created a new one w/ the new system. Upon completion the old one would be replaced. It should also go w/o saying that the pres spent on the current base would be available while making the new one.

... Ok I think that's it, but I"m sure somoene will bring up something else I assumed was obvious and I'll add more later....... :P



Third: It doesn't have to REPLACE the current sytem, but rather be an addition. Current bases made w/ the old system can stay as they are. You could have the option of choosing which system to use. That way if this new system were incorporated current bases would be un-affected and ppl would have the OPTION of created a new one w/ the new system. Upon completion the old one would be replaced. It should also go w/o saying that the pres spent on the current base would be available while making the new one.

[/ QUOTE ]
From a cost/benefits ratio for development time that will never happen either. Maintaining two codebases for base design would be a logistical nightmare, make bases more prone to errors, and mean even less time for developers to add new things to bases.

Again, it will never happen.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



weird, I can no longer seem to edit my post... :/

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there is a time limited on editability of posts. IIRC its long (12 hours or so) but it is present

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It is somewhere between 48-72 hours, actually.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



From a cost/benefits ratio for development time that will never happen either. Maintaining two codebases for base design would be a logistical nightmare, make bases more prone to errors, and mean even less time for developers to add new things to bases.

Again, it will never happen.

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Understandable, which is why it could just be a temporary arrangement to give ppl time to convert their base into the new format.

In any case, I'm not arguing the likelihood of such features being implemented. I'm just as skeptical about their acceptance as you are. I'm merely stating what would be an obvious improvment if done correctly.



I can help you out with that........I have a way to put stone under stone. @artilleryofficer

[/ QUOTE ]

sweet! mind sharing it here?



Two things I'd want.

1) An easy way to move fully furnished rooms while editing. I find myself having to completely delete a room and starting it over when all I want to do is change its location.

2) Increase the max amount of items you can have in your base. We have 6 workbenchs at one time (all 3 tech and all 3 magic) but when the invention tables came around, I had to delete 2 to make room for 2 invention tables. I tought about increasing my base size, but saw the max limit for all the bigger bases were the same... we're currently on a 20x20 plot size.

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




My major peeve with my Bases is that when I zone into it, I'm always facing a wall. I've tried rotating the Base Portal thingy, rotating the room, moving the room to a different spot on the plot, adding more doorways (well, up to 3) and I'll still wind up facing a wall. Please, let me come into my base and not face a wall.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



I can help you out with that........I have a way to put stone under stone. @artilleryofficer

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sweet! mind sharing it here?

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Agreed. Why the proprietary info? Is it because of MSDRM?

Also, my suggestion: Allow some floor or stackable items to be paced at angles. 45 degrees vice 90 degrees, for example. This would be especially good for decorative items on desks, etc.



I can help you out with that........I have a way to put stone under stone. @artilleryofficer

[/ QUOTE ]

sweet! mind sharing it here?

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Agreed. Why the proprietary info? Is it because of MSDRM?

[/ QUOTE ] PM sent.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
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