Consolidated List of Base Suggestions




I can help you out with that........I have a way to put stone under stone. @artilleryofficer

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sweet! mind sharing it here?

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Agreed. Why the proprietary info? Is it because of MSDRM?

[/ QUOTE ] PM sent.

[/ QUOTE ]
Understood, and snarky comment withdrawn. Thanks for the explanation




I second the suggestion for taller stair pieces.

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This is a great idea - a stair with the same dimensions as the current stairs, but twice as tell for double-stacked flooring. I could seriously use something like this for my teleporter floors, which are double-stacked for hanging beacons.

Which brings to mind another request I have - stackable spiral staircases. When creating a room with multiple "floors" (like with those arcane wall-mounted platforms, etc.), a spiral staircase would be the perfect addition to help get to the top "floor". Something 1x1x1 for example, with the ability to stack another on top for rooms with higher ceilings.

And also - why are there no tech wall-mounted platforms? Seems unbalanced in that aspect IMHO.



(SG: RO networks - 800+ members since 2006)
(Primary Role: Strategy officer. 2ndary: Base-maintenance)

Some nice ideas on the First list but I don't see it focusing on the current and much-more annoying Limitations, Functionality, and QoL issues which should take priority over Atmosphere and "Decorations".

-"Going to Hospital" in a PvP Zone... allows multiple Teir-9, INSP, and Buff exploits. FIX 1ST PLZ
-Item of Power: Mez Protection -- Way way overpowered. Plz tone it down before allowing CoP again
-CoP Trial: Was a ton of chaotic FUN! We don't need Base-Raiding, just fix the CoP
-Individual Rank-based Access permissions ON each Storage Widget
-Coalition access to Storage or Cross-Coalition "community bins".
-Storage capacity gets maxed out too soon on ALL Plots.
-How bout a REAL upgrade to the Medi-Doc store fer cryin out loud? LUCKS & BREAKFREES....PLZ!
-Track "Damage-Mitigation"... Healing shouldn't be the only Metric used for the MediDoc Badge!!
-Too much Base Invention JUNK, no reason for there to be that many different kinds of Salvage
-New Empowerment buffs plz... especially ones that require a team to "Chain Cast" for a more powerful effect.
-Portal orientation: Tired of entering base facing a WALL, please allow rotation of entry-points.
-"Sign Stand" widgets for Teleporter flags when there's no Wall-space available.
-Private Portal-Mission portal so we can avoid the FARMER-HELL in Peregrine Island.

Apologies for any that were already mentioned.
Thank you, and plz keep up the good work



Aside from correction of previously-mentioned bugs...I will note that I've not seen anything on the list that I disagree with.

The ability to select color and logo specifically for banners and tiles *without* having to change the SG colors and logo. As it stands, in order to place banners which are different from your SG colors and logo, you have to change your SG colors and logo, place the banner, change again, place a second banner, etc. You also can't use the same model of banner for two different color/logo settings.

Kitchen utensils such as pots and pans and place settings for tables. A wider variety of papers, cups, and office-type items. A wider variety of decorative items for Arcane and non-Tech (home, office, shop, basement) type bases. Actual BEDS that look like beds. Give us the ability to make our bases look like homes or offices, if it's too time-prohibitive to make individual apartments available to players.

Rescale items for appropriate normal height, I.E. 6 feet-ish. Huge characters *should* appear huge when trying to use these items. They shouldn't appear normal sized in comparison while my female model looks like a gnome.

Vines, water effects, a wider variety of plants, flowers, trees, and earth-type/grass-type floor textures.

Outdoors or skylight textures for ceiling tiles - probably prohibitive in terms of technology for it to be dynamic, but static with options of daylight, cloudy, and night-time would be quite acceptable. The same goes for wall art "windows". Static choices of "wilderness", "city", "rural", "ruins", etc...

The ability to completely remove the bordering on rooms - I would rather not have to put something along every wall in order to not have half of my walls bordered and the other half naked. Alternatively, options between non-suppressable bordering and suppressable bordering.

Access tiering seperated for each individual type of storage bin. I.E., allowing all members to access Inspiration storage, allowing 3rd rank members to access Salvage storage, and allowing 1st rank members to access Enhancements.

Personal Enhancement storage for all SG members, using the same technology as current Invention Salvage storage. Scaling storage quantity with levels would be acceptable, provided that it's at least equal to the quantity of Salvage storage available at that level. For that matter, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing Enhancement banks in general...

That's all I can think of at the moment that hasn't already been covered.

@SithRose and @Sith Rose
Permanent resident of Virtue
"Mommy, I need Cthulhu. He keeps the bad dreams away."




I second the suggestion for taller stair pieces.

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This is a great idea - a stair with the same dimensions as the current stairs, but twice as tell for double-stacked flooring. I could seriously use something like this for my teleporter floors, which are double-stacked for hanging beacons.

Which brings to mind another request I have - stackable spiral staircases. When creating a room with multiple "floors" (like with those arcane wall-mounted platforms, etc.), a spiral staircase would be the perfect addition to help get to the top "floor". Something 1x1x1 for example, with the ability to stack another on top for rooms with higher ceilings.

And also - why are there no tech wall-mounted platforms? Seems unbalanced in that aspect IMHO.

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Going to expand on the Stairs:

Stair placement in doorways. Decoration concerns sometimes force designers to have a room be one level and the next room be a different level, with no actual ability to place stairs and Doorway "Rooms" do not allow ANY Items.

Hell if possible allow the doorway to be stairs to the next room.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Hell if possible allow the doorway to be stairs to the next room.

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Excellent idea! I also agree with being able to place items in doorways (please!), but that is a great solution also. Have two versions for the actual "doors", for single-stacked and double-stacked floors. Brilliant!



Sorry after reading Ex Libras' announcement, I went to MadScientist's thread. But Now looking at this thread I think this is the right thread to post this. Sorry for the double posting.

Let's see...
Here is a short list, some of these may already have been posted. Sorry for the repeats if so. Just consider them as restating the necessary.

Yes, most of these are WAY on the Wish/Never gonna happen, but I figure the big things like "More Stackable Items" and "NPC's" like Tomb Raider Butler, are going to be said, over and over.


<ul type="square">
Huge Should not = Usable. Followed by possible solution[*] Some objects are far too large. The editor seems to have two sizes, small = unusable but decorative ((Cubical, etc)) and HUGE = usable but far too big ((Supergroup Tables, etc)). Some players look ridiculous sitting at the supergroup table. You feel like a little kid sitting at Grandma's dining room set.[*]Solution: Goldilocks Items 3 Categories of usable items. Small, Med, and Large so that Small Characters, Medium Characters and Large Characters can sit in various sized chairs items. ((The Thing wouldn't sit in a chair made for Susan Storm, and Sue Storm would be uncomfortable sitting in The Thing's chair.))

Base Editor Preview/Save[*] Base Edit should not take place in "real time." Create Preview Base Instance where you can edit base and save for editing at a later time. Then you can hit an "Apply Changes" and the base will change in Real Time.

Wish / Auras[*] Placeable auras. Applied On Style Objects or In room spaces under lighting. "Apply Aura to Room" where a room's walls or floor will glow, myst, smoke, sparkle, etc.

New Object Box code[*] All Object Boxes drawn closer to actual object size/shape. AKA Back of Counter/Desks not allowing for their placement flush against each other's backs. Corner Desks should be able to be placed to face in any direction without object box interference.

Same Type Object box Not matched[*]Objects boxes of Same-type objects seem not to "Match" up exact, but are off by a few pixels, like Blue Straight Couches and Blue Curved Couches do not match up with each other or with themselves. Grey Desks Corners do not match up with Grey Desks, etc.

New Items[*] Placeable Keyboards.[*] Less Unusable Decorative Items like "Cubical." And more items like "Use able Cubical Walls, Computer Towers, etc.[*] More Generic Items that can be used as building materials. Like how many use the Lateral Files. Boxes, Cylinders, Pyramids, Stones, Blocks, Angled Stones, Basically Stackable Lego like building blocks.

Bulletin Board[*]Clickable board that can open an Email/Forum Screen or some type so members can leave messages for the entire group.

Off Angle Placement[*]Everything is only placeable in a NSEW direction. Full rotations or at least quarter rotations of object placement would be a nice touch.

Wish[*]Bridges that can interconnect.

Other Origins[*] Gear for Natural, Science, Mutant Origins Base Power/Med/Control: Everything is magic and tech. Neutral Control Items like meditation chambers or Mutant Medical pads as Mutant revival goo pools. Come on! I want my "Hamster Wheel" for Natural Power! (LOL)[*] Gear for Natural, Science, Mutant Origins Decorative Items: So far we have Magic, Tech and , Sewer... Sewer?

Styles[*] New Styles: Tired of Brick, Sewer, Archaic, Tech, Asian. Would like Cave, Trees/Nature, Space, Wood-paneling, Chrome, Drywall, Spanish Tile/Stucco, Adobe, Hide/fur, Bio-organic, Insect hive, Alien, Cabin rustic, country barn, etc. [/list]
P.S. I still want my Tomb Raider butler to follow me around with a plate of tea.



Yeah I'm rather suprised Ex didn't include a link to this thread.



Well ladies and Gents i recently got a PM from Ex Libris, Here it is:
__________________________________________________ _
Base Builders Collective!

I like it.

So I have already received some negative feedback for locking the thread but I think that getting everything so far up at the top and clean, clear, &amp; direct will be more helpful than a dog pile of one liners.

So if we can expedite that process so we can reopen the thread that will be awesome.

I'm not sure what can be done, and I really can't promise anything but in my opinion it is an element of the game that could explode with potential.


__________________________________________________ _

I apologized to her on behalf of those who gave her negative feedback for temp locking the official thread. We cannot afford to be rude, and we cant afford for the thread to be perma locked due to it degrading into a discussion thread. We have one chance for this, so lets make ourselves polite, concise and to the point.
Thanks and keep up the suggestions guys.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Some of those people have never tried to hand out humanitarian aid either.

You can bum rush the Aid workers and military and overload them.

Or you can have an organized pass out of food........everyone gets what they need, and those that dont are identified.

Many threads end up like a disorganized rush. The reader will get overwhelmed.

We owe Ex much more than a disorganized rush as Ex does a great job of helping us.

View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here:
my email



Just going ot on a limb here but: MGC and MadScientist (and yes I know there are others) really seem to be spearheading quite a bit of this.

Let them be the primary POC (assuming they want to be) and we filter the info through them as we have been (through the multiple issue consolidation threads)

It keeps the input sane and reasonable. A level of trust is built and we have a better chance of being heard.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



Ex Libris wrote:
[...] from those who are most actively participating in the base building and functionality [...]

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Pardon the slight paraphrasing there, Ex, but ... this is, I believe, the single biggest issue with bases: "those who are actively making them". The possible costs and losses of having inexpert hands applied to a carefully-planned and long-labored-for base (resulting in loss of salvage-built items, losses of entire rooms, and/or just something aesthetically displeasing) ... causes most SG leadership, IME, to severely "limit the franchise".

We need a more robust way to assign base editing rights. We need to be able to define the ranks needed by (a) area and (b) level of edit control - rather than the current "base-wide, all-or-nothing" model.

I'd love to be able to plant, for example, a nice 2x2 "decorative" space, and set it so that ANY member can do ANYthing purely cosmetic in that space yet nowhere else ... and then tell the membership "that's the sandbox room. Play, practise, and futz about to your hearts' content. Offer suggestions for how other spaces could be done over in terms of aesthetics, even. Just don't expect anything to remain permanently, it's a shared space."


The problem, you see, is that most people don't care abotu bases ... because they have little or no input into how those bases are laid out, how they look, nor how they function. There's no feasible way for a player to make their own base, just for practise-and-play ... well, at least, not for the majority of non-forum-going players who might not know about the Test server.

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My biggest suggestion solely for the sake of improvement (rather than fixing what I see as a problem), is actually a SIMPLIFICATION of the artwork for the pieces and parts in a base:


Seriously. Right now, we have ... how many sectional couches? At least black and grey, and I think white too. Why? Why not just ONE leather couch, and a color-selection palette? Heck, a two-done palette ... one color for the seat-cushions, the other for the body of the chair ... that way, I can do a couch in my SG's colors. Or maybe, a white or grey couch, with cushions that alternate between my SG's colors. Or something else entirely.

Countertops, again: it's the same shape, only the skin is changed. Why not make them all one object, with multiple skins, and some coloration options?

You could extend this to the various monitors and "TV" pieces - let us choose between two or more image sequences; maybe I want one that's set to silly cartoons; another that's set to a couple web-pages; another that shows a nes program. Doesn't have to be anything more than the current 3-5 image slideshows, either. Just ... different slideshows, that can be chosen between ... yes? All on the same single part, too!

... then again, I remember suggesting that during COV's open beta and it has yet to even be commented on, but ... eh *shrug* I can still keep on pluggin' away, yeh?

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My other issues &amp; suggestions are, in no particular order:
[*] A lack of actual doors between rooms and corridors.
[*] A lack of control over lighting levels and colors in "doorway" blocks.
[*] The inability to place even purely decorative items in those same "doorway" blocks.
[*] Limited vertical space - I would love to be able to have the same sort of balcony-like spaces we see in certain mission maps. I'd also like the ability to include deeper pits. Frankly, I want to be able to create at least some places you can't get to without (a) using the stairs, and (b) using a power other than Sprint.
[*] Partitions - I'd like to be able to raise full or partial partitions between two otherwise adjacent blocks, making a thin wall. This way, I could take that 3x3 decorative space, set aaside six rooms (three to either side) as personal space for various SG members, and deocrate the remaining area as a corridor or hallway. Partial-height partitions owuld mean, by the by, railings.
[*] The rope-railing-ed "suspended bridges" are neat, but I'd like some that can be put down not adjacent to a wall.
[*] Hirable NPCs. Even if they're just decorative elements, I'd maybe like to have a few lab technicians wandering about X or Y room, or maybe the whole base.
[*] Arena kiosks. Why not? ^_^
[*] More styles. I'm particularly fond of the "ruined super-base" maps in Faultline, and would love to be able to apply the same musty, dusty look to my own bases. As well as, in fact, using some of the same "broken down" artwork elements.
[*] Multiple floors. I know, it's been said before, but you know? I'd like to be able to make an entry space, maybe done up as a fake restaurant, video carcade, library, house, or whatever. Then, open a hidden door (which closes again after a few moments) to reveal a hidden elevator, etc, which leads into the actual "Secret base".
[*] Windows and outdoor areas. Look, it does't have to sync up with what's actually going on in any particular place in the actual game, but it would be nice to have the big meeting room fitted out with a huge skylight, and one wal of floor-to-ceiling windows overloking a nice, peaceful forest/park (IOW, "generic nonurban exterior map"). Or a cemetery. Or space. Or the Shadow Shard. Or the bottom of a tropical bay, complete with fish.



Just going ot on a limb here but: MGC and MadScientist (and yes I know there are others) really seem to be spearheading quite a bit of this.

Let them be the primary POC (assuming they want to be) and we filter the info through them as we have been (through the multiple issue consolidation threads)

It keeps the input sane and reasonable. A level of trust is built and we have a better chance of being heard.

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Ex Libris' PM to me about the topic seemed to indicate that she supports this very idea. And frankly, that's good enough for me.



I am all for Sanity Pax. I dont care who does it so much as only a handful really speak to her on it directly so that our concerns, wishes and fishes are truly heard and with little energon and alot of luck see a good bit come to life for the editors about.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



A list of items and votes from the Post I9 Review - Base Items thread that was unfortunately deleted

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>

Item Name Votes
Base Arena/Danger Room 5
Invention Base Storage 5
External Windows 4
Alternative base entrance styles 3
Method of connecting to coalition base 3
Wentworths/Blackmarket terminal 3
Advanced Telepads 2
An Influence bank 2
Base NPCs 2
Beacon mount 2
More stair options 2
Multiple floors 2
SG Portraits/Statues 2
Subdivider walls 2
Tech Catwalks 2
1x1x1 block 1
A proper bed 1
A throne 1
Ability to change colour of base items 1
Ability to texture 1 wall 1
Ability to toggle off items 1
Advanced Reclaimators 1
Barracks 1
Base sound effects 1
Better security on storage items 1
Combo Unit that allows Aux Energy/Control connections 1
Control Room (1x2) 1
Cornerr staircase 1
Database of enemy groups 1
Database terminal like in zones 1
Glass Items 1
Half floor raises (i.e. 4 where we have 2) 1
Hanging plants 1
Med Bay (1x2) 1
More room size options 1
More room styles 1
No trim option 1
Off-line invites 1
Personal Rooms 1
Real Grass 1
Real Water 1
Resize arcane items to match tech 1
Scrolling Marquee 1
SG Missions from Mission Computer 1
Submarine pen tile set 1
Training Room (i.e. alternative trainer) 1
Trees (not in pots) 1
White boards you can leave messages 1
</pre><hr />

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



How about an entrence aux item that lets you go too other bases that your coalitioned with without having too leave the base, it could be an item or maybe just have the selection screen on the portal.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Sorry, in a hurry, don't have time to read the entire thread.

1. Allow telepads to go to 3 destinations. This would allow the 5x5 teleport room to go to all 21 hero-side zones, and subsequently free up a lot of room in the base for other rooms.

2. Standardize the size of tech-vs-arcane crafted items. It is ridiculous that the Mystic Orrery requires the 5x5, 5-million-prestige control room, but the exact same item in its tech version fits in a much smaller and cheaper room. The aesthetic preference for arcane over tech should not entail such huge costs.

3. Add more arcane decorative items, particularly for lighting options and wall details.



Sorry, in a hurry, don't have time to read the entire thread.

1. Allow telepads to go to 3 destinations. This would allow the 5x5 teleport room to go to all 21 hero-side zones, and subsequently free up a lot of room in the base for other rooms.

2. Standardize the size of tech-vs-arcane crafted items. It is ridiculous that the Mystic Orrery requires the 5x5, 5-million-prestige control room, but the exact same item in its tech version fits in a much smaller and cheaper room. The aesthetic preference for arcane over tech should not entail such huge costs.

3. Add more arcane decorative items, particularly for lighting options and wall details.

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Your requests are in about 2 other threads as well. You aren't the only one.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



How about an entrence aux item ...

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devil's advocate here a moment.
why ask to add an Aux item, and to alter the Portal to accept an Aux attachment (which obviously can't be easy to code seeing how long the Rez Rings have been broken) and have it work together to change the entrance's menu?
why not just come in this thread and ask "How about making the entrance take you to other bases, too?"



One that I didn't see. Please make empowerment buffs into a click temp power (1 charge) so that we can build them and activate them when needed rather than have them running as soon as they are created.


"40 characters is my limit... okay, 50... 50 is my limit... okay, 60... 60 is my limit... okay, 70..."



Good ideas, but you guys forgot (unless I missed them) Maids, butlers, pet hamster.



One that I didn't see. Please make empowerment buffs into a click temp power (1 charge) so that we can build them and activate them when needed rather than have them running as soon as they are created.

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Love this idea. Especially since most of those buffs last 15 minutes or so.