Consolidated List of Base Suggestions




Oh and i forgot. A clown.
You go in your base, trip on a banana. Then Bubba the clown comes running out from behind a corner wall, honks his nose, and sprays you with a flower on his shirt.
Random clown spawn every 25th time an sg-mate enters the base for the low cost of 55000 prestige for "sg base clown".



One that I didn't see. Please make empowerment buffs into a click temp power (1 charge) so that we can build them and activate them when needed rather than have them running as soon as they are created.

[/ QUOTE ]

Love this idea. Especially since most of those buffs last 15 minutes or so.

[/ QUOTE ]
They last for 60 minutes, not 15. What you are reading is a text error.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This post was copied from another forum, some one pointed me in the right direction to put this stuff. I apologize if all these ideas have been brought up already:

I recently started building a villain group and a base to go with it and I thought of a number of things that could be added to bases. I figure since Devs mentioned recently wanting to get engineers to fix base raids, maybe they could add things to the bases as well.

First off, opening and closing doors. They have them in mishes, itd be nice to have actual doors between rooms of the base.

Secondly, more floor, wall and cieling options. I Kind of would like plain solid color for all 3, also some carpets would be nice for floors, like in office buildings and such.

More recreational items. IE poker tables, pool tables etc, my villains need a place to kick back and relax you know!

Also, could we customize the entrance portal? Itd be nice to make it a wall portal like the ones in the RWZ or even like a big portal like at portal corp, just for flavor!

Mini Arena- Itd be nice to have a room where we could do some sort of sparring\training with each other. Test my char in PvP with other villains. Perhaps in a special sectioned off room or something? An arena style thing like in Pocket D would be nice.

Multi level bases. It might be tough, but could we make our bases be more than one story? maybe some spiral stair cases?

Secret rooms- Id like to have some sort of room where only people with certain ranks could get in, like a secret conference room or something. - This could go with my opening and closing door option.

Lastly, we can have vaults and invention computers in our base, can we get a remote black market or WW uplink? Something that will let us connect directly to the auctions from the base and our items can be "teleported" to us? Itd be nice to be able to do all the invention stuff from the comfort of home instead of having to go to SC or CaD to get vaults, auctions and invention tables all in the same spot.

I may have had one or 2 other ideas, but i'd really like to see these in game.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Haven't read through the whole thread yet, but the one thing I'd like to change about bases, is to make the square sections of the room 1/4 their size to allow for more customization of the shape and size of the room.



It's definately low priority, but it would be a lot more immersive if you could assign a mission door to your base entrance rather than on central inexplicable portal. Minor and generally inconsequential, but I think it would be nice.



The thing I'd like to see most, is the multi-level bases, made possible by Z-Axis control.

And I'm surprised no ones mentioned - Craftable Base Teleport temp power. Could be made by empowerment station. Lets you Teleport to base from anywhere.



I would also like for the dev's to consider, that when you have to destroy an item that required you to build, that it is not destroyed ora at least you do not have to keep rebuilding the same item again and the cost of it.

As someone already posted, sometimes you have to destroy or delte items to move a room or delete a room.



how about being able to rotate base items in smaller degree incrmnts. right now i believe its 90 and somethigns just dont look right, or wont fit into a corner the way you want.

i say let us be able to rotate items in 10 or 15 degree incrmnts.



...Training Room (i.e. alternative trainer) ...

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I'm suprised to only see this mentioned in this thread once -- This would be pretty handy. Great convenience for lvling, then creating or placing IOs in new slots

... or whatever.



...Training Room (i.e. alternative trainer) ...

[/ QUOTE ]\

I'm suprised to only see this mentioned in this thread once -- This would be pretty handy. Great convenience for lvling, then creating or placing IOs in new slots

... or whatever.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even just giving us the Rikti Dummy's to practice attacks on would be something. Same goes with the targets in the Vanguard shooting range.



Ability to place doorways side by side to join rooms together. (from your list above)

And please remove the 18 storage container limit. I mean seriously. A large or active SG can fill this stuff up quickly and, if it's not being cycled out quickly enough, leave members with no place to put more stuff.

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Looked like the best place for this, so I'm practicing a little thread necromancy...

I have wondered why they didn't go for a dual-base system - one headquarters, with all the decorations, ability to put in multiple doorways (and decorate them), all the 'social' base stuff, but no pathing and no items of power; and one vault with items of power, and no decorations (who decorates the inside of a vault?). No need for pathing when everything is destroyable. That allows for everything we get out of bases now, but still allows base raids as they were originally envisioned. (And likely resembles the code as it is now, with raid and pathing sections commented out or not referenced.)

Travel to one or the other or from one to the other should be simple to implement as another portal option, the same way they do teammates SG bases. Hidden plots become headquarters plots and are the only option when editing the headquarters, secure plots keep the name, I guess, and are the only option when editing on the vault side. You'd presumably have to spend some amount of prestige (100k, 250k, 500k?) to register the smallest secure plot for the second base, and then it's just a matter of which plots have what limits on item placement. Possibly duplicate the defense items as decorations (ideally at a lower cost) and not allow actual defense items in the headquarters, or just leave it as is and up or remove the limits on 'defense' items for headquarters use. They could remove a lot of the limits from the headquarters plots and allow people multiple energy or control devices for the sake of appearance - base functions other than defense don't really push the limits of the low-end (not starter) energy and control items, so it isn't as though allowing two or more of those would be all that much better than bumping up to the middle items. And people might still want multiples of ridiculously expensive higher-end gear just for looks.

Seems to me that in terms of 'bang for the buck' this would be about as good as it gets - answers the pleas of base decorators and base destroyers both, using mostly code they already have, that has already undergone a fair amount of testing. And with no decorations, there would be a very small number of items in the vault side - so no worries about "pretty base lag" during a raid.



We have the largest base and it is not ment as a decorative base although I have seen some that are just amazing! Agata the 2nds base comes to mind.

There are 2 thing that would be very usefull in bases as it stands. The ability to hold more storage 16 items back in the day might have made sense but to have that limit accross base sizes does not make sense to me. The other thing that I think would be neet as anything is customizeable history plaques that can be placed in the sg. That would be a great way for new recruits to learn quickly about your sg/vg.

Plz dont pick apart spelling or grammer issues just 2 sugestions I know one has been made before but the history plauqes would be neet as anything.
