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  1. I would love to get my stalker in and I could bring any other toon needed on my second account if needed.
  2. Thanks for the help Just something I noticed the progress bar in the badge window doesn't move like when I damage farm.

    When I have damage farmed in th past the progress bar seemed to move in real time . The heal badge the progress is updated sporadicly. Seems to be moving along fine got the first badge halfway yo the second in just a few hours.

    Again thanks for all the help!!
  3. Setting the match type to kills seems to work Thank You for the help!
  4. Okay did as instructed and the wardens started healing right away but no credit to the badge.

    The match wouldn't start as last man standing had to do timed not sure if that is the issue or not.
  5. First off let me say my search fu is weak this morning.

    I have looked several times and tried following the instructions I have found to set up the Warden heal farm...

    I have not been able to do it.

    I have 2 accounts each with a stalker with the warden number 2 other than that I am at a loss.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
  6. Big_B2200

    The 600 Club!

    Currently I am at 623 Red side and I have yet to wrap my head around the Blue side at all. By my countting there is less than 25 badges left that are in game and I can currently get with a good chunk of badges left being the 6 healing badges I think it might be a while before my badge count goes up.
  7. How about once you get all the Day Job badges you get the Unemployed Accolade Power giving you a 25% reduction in Day Job accolade power recharge rate.
  8. Big_B2200

    Can you do it?

    I did it on my DS/DM MM lvl 30 took alot of staying away from my pets and tasking them on each of my clones once down to 4 it got real easy. Demonic Purps and Greens were needed though.
  9. Hell on earh is great for solo'ing. I to am DS/DM only level 34 right now but the helfire imps do a great job of holding agro off of you and your demons. Plus they allow you to use the recharge intinsive procs and it is up 2-3 times a mission. Heck on the aura mission I died with 2 CoT left and the Imps finished the mission for me. They also last much longer than 90 seconds I am not sure if this WAI or not.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caleb_Nokama View Post
    Again I say, taking XP out of the MA will have next to no impact on how those who have a clue farm. For the purposes of this example, "farmer" and "PLer" are not conducive. Farmers use the MA for tickets, inf and prestige, so a lack of XP will not impact their activities in the slightest. Taking XP out of the AE entirely will, however, create only two groups who still use the AE:

    - Those who want non-canon distractions, RP fodder, etc
    - Farmers

    As for the MArc babies - is it annoying to get hit with a tell or see Broadcast hammered with questions about how the game works? Maybe. Then again, I'd argue that these people are trying to learn the game's "normal" content, even if it's somewhat out of order, and slamming them for PLing their characters instead of offering a hand only serves to drive them back into the AE, instead of further filling out PUG teams, SGs and the like. From their perspective, the AE was at least friendly and somewhat accommodating, where those outside of it are grumps who yell at and condemn them for wanting to know how to fly, or get to a specific zone. Everyone was new to this game at one point or another, and none of us came into it as vets. Personally, I think it's wonderful that we have so many new people around.

    This seems like the point where I start getting the "How to play the game the 'right™' way" argument, but since that's entirely subjective, I won't get into that. Everyone has a slightly different 'right' way to play, and short of exploits, I don't see a wrong way.

    Frankly, I don't see where any one player has a right to "force a casual player" to do anything. It's their money, they can play how they like.
    I run a top 10 VG on Freedom helping people or showing the ropes about this game has never been an issue for me. I do also agree there is a difference between farming and PL'ing. It's the AE pl'ng that needs some help.

    1-50 in AE almost means for the new casual player that they don't understand the game or how to play their shiny new unslotted 50. It has gotten so bad that on some teams I now see leaders checking badges and booting people off the team so it can run "efficient" so in turn it's off to the rtm'ers to buy inf to slot the shiny new 50.

    That is how outside of AE game play when I dump my 60-80 salvage on the market (which I list for 1) I avg 2 mill for common and uncommon salvage. I don't even play the market anymore been there done that.

    They "AE baby " if you will has what has destroyed the supply and demand ratio on the market driving prices so high that it is just way to easy for a more experienced gamer to make 2 bill inf in a very short time, thus the need to raise the cap.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caleb_Nokama View Post
    Taking XP out of the AE will have next to no impact on how anyone who has a clue farms. It will, however, serve to destroy any incentive casual players had to use it.
    I thought AE was for user created story arcs not for farming. The incentive would be if your tired of stealing Egons ID for 3000th time you could look to new intresting missions.

    It would also force the casual player back into the correct zone playing on teams what an intresting concept. Getting to lvl 50 and know what sirens call is or how to get to grandville. Prior to AE I dont remember those kind of questions in broadcast several times a day.

    And as the devs have done since the release of AE is to discourge and delete farms to make the content easier to find.

    There will always be farms in the game but since AE the game has centered around farming not around the game.
  12. And what happens to they guy/gal that has 1.5 bill inf lucky enough to get a pvp io that has sold for 1 bill inf it cant be taken of the market without an inf swap or you lose half a billion inf.

    As far as few people capping at the 2 bill mark I think over half if not 3/4 of our sg member has hit the mark on one toon.

    Right now the market is so lucrative that you can eeasily make a bill to 2 bill a day just playing the market.

    The cap needs raised! It is to low given the climate of the market.

    Issue 16 may lower over all inf because of the ability to turn in game email off or only allow friends or sg to email so there goes the rtm spam which should mean less rtm inf introduced back into the game. There are builds right now that market brice into the 20 bill range a 2 bill cap is nothing but a hassle.

    Prices on the market wont go down till they take exp away from AE and that really needs done.

    I dont see the lack of bridges effecting pl at all will make it easier not harder. After all you can join a team take sg tp to RWZ and get teleported to AE and start pling at lvl 1 in I16

    You want the game saved or fixed raise the cap and take exp out of AE
  13. We have the largest base and it is not ment as a decorative base although I have seen some that are just amazing! Agata the 2nds base comes to mind.

    There are 2 thing that would be very usefull in bases as it stands. The ability to hold more storage 16 items back in the day might have made sense but to have that limit accross base sizes does not make sense to me. The other thing that I think would be neet as anything is customizeable history plaques that can be placed in the sg. That would be a great way for new recruits to learn quickly about your sg/vg.

    Plz dont pick apart spelling or grammer issues just 2 sugestions I know one has been made before but the history plauqes would be neet as anything.

  14. Just an update customer support credited me with the merits but more people need to know about this potential issue.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem here is that people just assume that defeating Reichsman is the end, but it isn't.

    This is not a bug. You should stay in your group until you know the SF is over.

    After defeating Reichsman, the last mission of the SF is to speak with Lord Recluse.
    LR is not the contact, Barracuda is.

    You get the merits when somebody talks to LR and completes the SF...

    This has nothing to do with "calling it in". You can get the merits and quit without the leader ever "calling it in" to Barracuda.. as long as somebody talked to LR to complete the last mission first. lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That might be it all togther never leading one didnt realize last mission was a talk to. No other sf or tf vill side has a talk to mission for the last mission chalk it up as learning curve
  16. If you quit the team after completeing the BSF before the leader calls it in you will not receive the 30 merits.

    FYI I /bugged it petitioned it and sent a PM to Castle
  17. can they both be slotted on the same toon?
  18. I Hate the J-force because they are heros and I am a Villian!!

    Just because other than a forum entity even though we both play on freedom I have never seen them they are still heros.

    Who wants to be a hero when you can be a villian!
  19. Arc Name: Get the glowie
    Arc ID 46127
    Faction: Heros or Villians
    global/forum name: Alt Big B2200

    Difficulty Level:
    Easy Villianous
    Recommended Team Size: 1-8
    Typical duration: 1 min 30 sec couningt zoning in and out
    Arc Synopsis: This is a u shaped map at the end it has a glowie that just needs to be clicked to get mission end. I made the arc to help with several badges there is a costum enemy group that if youu choose to kill would only add anoter 2 mins to arc length.

    I did take a few mins to add som neet text hope you like it for what it is!