J-Force: One Billion Influence Essay Contest
Could you have written a worse thread title?
P.S. We'll also back this tread up on our gp site just in case things get out of hand.
Can I be the grammer nazi?
Could you have written a worse thread title?
P.S. We'll also back this tread up on our gp site just in case things get out of hand.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't help it, I'm a fan of long accronyms.
My Entry:
I have played red side pretty exclusively since it was released. I have no idea who the J-Force are. But, they rock because of LegendaryJMan's forum avatar. Hot pants, tight butt, what more would anyone want?
My Entry (In Song Form of course)
Taken from Great White's Wasted Rock Ranger
Well I'm a wasted J-F-S-ER
I live the life of danger
On the road to find a higher high
I don't need no one's affection
All I need is a resurrection
The music of wild rock will get me by
I've been gettin debt since I was ten
I really can't remember when
I ever had any influence to my name
My ears are blown, my eyes are red
I got big holes inside my head
Staring at this game drives me insane
I have killed all the ghost ship ghosts
From my Talos Island post
Assorted purple mobs in between
I don't think a day's gone by
That I didn't get debt and die
It's the only way I keep my sanity
From Outbreak to Grandville
My flaming tricks have topped the bill
A thousand JFS's! I have claimed
Endless trains of beat up thugs
Sharing gigs with half-[censored] pugs
And let all the Tennies share the fame
Well I could have had a payin' job
Workin' for some Freakshow slob
Wife and family, true security
But I left that crap behind
For that super hero life
'Cause C-O-X is in my blood to stay
(among other things)
Hey! You're a wasted J-F-S-ER
You'll live life of danger
Sing this song and follow it till the end
When you're debt reaches one-o-one
You'll go run for debt for fun
And go and visit hami and his friends
Hey! You're a wasted J-F-S-ER
You'll live a life of danger
Sing this song and follow it till the end
When you're debt reaches one-o-one
Hey! You'll go run for debt for fun
And we'll hang out with Hami and his friends
Yee haw!
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
Nice Rose, I'll haven't heard this Great White song. The only works I know from Great White are "Once Bitten Twice Shy" and their cover of "The Roof is on Fire"
Too soon?
*sets off the fireworks inside Pocket D while the band performs*
J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.

Honestly, I can't say why or why not I J-hate or J-love J-man and his J-compatriots. I've never really understood them, as I'm reasonably sure that no one who isn't in their little collective can. They're a constant source of both entertainment and irritation, filled with an enthusiasm for the friendliness and audaciousness that makes CoX great. They're like concentrated supergroup.
I can't precisely love or hate them because of this. I'm absolutely jealous. It's impossible to love them because I could never belong to their group. I would stick out like a navy and gold thumb on an orange and blue body (with matching cape and super suit). All I can do is watch their antics and feel that, in some small way, I'm getting participate in what it's like to be as open and outright funky as they are. I can't hate them for pretty much the same reason. I'm getting to see the game through their eyes, temporarily getting to see the world through the evershifting beer goggles of the J-force. They make the entire experience of belonging to a community, both on the forums and in-game, all the richer. They're like bacon ice cream at a Baskin Robbins: totally not what you expect, completely perplexing at first, incredibly intimidating second, and, after you finally take a sample, pleasantly surprised (though not enough to choose them over the Chocolate Fudge Ripple whatever you came for).
I can honestly say that, having belonged to a group that is as old and, hopefully, as distinguished as the J-force, what I do feel towards them is respect. They've been around and active for 5 years. And I don't mean active in the sense as some of the other 5 year supergroups. The J-force has always been known throughout the Freedom server. They've had a thread wherein they keep us informed and laughing about all of their current escapades. In fact, they still have escapades. That alone is worthy of the respect of every other supergroup on the planet. What makes it truly great is that they're not afraid of letting in everyone else. Their thread lets everyone participate, rather than secluding everything they do behind a secret wall of privacy in which only members are privy. I personally believe it's because you don't care what anyone else thinks about you. You're happy just as you are: swimming in debt, injurious to the eyes, and laughing all the while.
So, here's to you J-force, on the anniversary of our game and our supergroups:
To 5 years of absurd people, absurd conversations, and absurd enjoyment. May we all be lucky enough to never get bored of it and never run out of it.
I Hate the J-force because they are heros and I am a Villian!!
Just because other than a forum entity even though we both play on freedom I have never seen them they are still heros.
Who wants to be a hero when you can be a villian!
I Hate the J-force because they are heros and I am a Villian!!
Just because other than a forum entity even though we both play on freedom I have never seen them they are still heros.
Who wants to be a hero when you can be a villian!
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Thank you, Mr. Quayle.
Heros should be heroes. Won't even address the rest of it. However, heartfelt and very sincere. I appreciate the deep meaning (in a very Narnian sense) of your message.
Rawr. Hear (read) me Rawr.
*slides up her J-beer-goggles and ponders deep meaning*
J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.

My Entry:
I love the J-Force 'cause the J-Man is in it.
The reasons I like the J-Force, are multi-tiered.
One - J-Man was the inspiration I had for making my comic books about my characters, and this inspiration was fulfilled when J-Man actually started giving advice, and then helped by scripting his own character's appearances in my books, and helping a lot. I returned the favor by getting him in the Super Secrit City of Comic Book Creators (which is no longer secret, but hey, still have our own part of the forums :P)
Second, When I had lost almost all my supergroup do to other games, I was 'allowed' to hang with the J-Force, and do some of the JFS Sunday night events with them, and had a great time! All of the JFS that I have met through this were accepting of me, and made me feel welcome, even though I wasn't J-Force. So thanks for that.
I've been in the game since the beginning, and had my current SG since 2005, but always considered myself to be a J-Man 'sidekick' for lack of a better term. He did comics first, I made mine because of it! He had a SS/Inv tank, and I got mine to 50 just to be in the same class with him! Check out my comics for the 'date' between his ss/inv and my catgurl ss/inv, lol!!!!!
So to sum it up! JFS Rocks as no other SG can. If you can't handle the debt, get out of the JFS mission team! No Healers allowed!
TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion inf for typing out eighteen words.
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion infamy for typing out eighteen words.
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Good job with reading comprehension there.
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion infamy for typing out eighteen words.
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Good job with reading comprehension there.
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I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion infamy for typing out eighteen words.
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Good job with reading comprehension there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe he is trying to trick us!
He thinks that he knows that J knows that we don't know that he knows what we know, so instead of knowing what we know we mistakenly think that he knows what he doesn't know and J knows that the answer is 41.
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion infamy for typing out eighteen words.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good job with reading comprehension there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe he is trying to trick us!
He thinks that he knows that J knows that we don't know that he knows what we know, so instead of knowing what we know we mistakenly think that he knows what he doesn't know and J knows that the answer is 41.
[/ QUOTE ]
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion infamy for typing out eighteen words.
[/ QUOTE ]
Good job with reading comprehension there.
[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe he is trying to trick us!
He thinks that he knows that J knows that we don't know that he knows what we know, so instead of knowing what we know we mistakenly think that he knows what he doesn't know and J knows that the answer is 41.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
But, oh Deep Thought, what is the question?
OK- here is my entry:
Ode to the J-Force by Mr E-Man
Do I love or
do I hate the J-Force?
The answer is quite simply:
Both of course!
Teaming with them can be
quite a lot of fun, yes it could
As much fun as getting impaled
by a sharp piece of wood.
Sucking chest wounds aside,
they have their good points as well.
There is J-Mans signature handclap,
not to mention his fragrant smell
Trix wont give you speed boost.
Its pointless to ask.
And when running a mission
they cant stick to one task.
Aggro from all sides
is a J-Force dream.
Never mind that it causes
a major wipe of the team.
Emps have their work cut out
keeping the J-Force alive.
With a bit of luck you will earn
the Empath badge by five.
To the J-Force debt is king,
debt is the master.
Js tank racked up more than
my squishy energy blaster.
Pie, not cake is the
dessert usually picked.
Disgruntled n00bs on a team
will soon find their @$$3$ kicked.
The /ems in their thread
means you should take heed.
Dont read for too long,
lest your eyes start to bleed.
Teaming with the J-Force
will bring a great big smile!
They are a great bunch of PUGs!
Needless to say, J-Force Style!
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion inf for typing out eighteen words.
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Monah. Nao.
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion inf for typing out eighteen words.
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Monah. Nao.
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You're not allowed to fix it. We've still got at least 3 more pages of insensitive commentary to get out of your inability to read several lines appropriately.
Why I Love the J-Force, by Turgenev
[/ QUOTE ]Let us pause and consider. What IS it that makes the J-Force not only a guild, but a movement? A paradigm, amongst a field of poorly-shaped copies?
[/ QUOTE ]It is the unmistakable effect of the LEGENDARY J-Man on the easily baited nanny-posters on the forums.
[/ QUOTE ]It is the singular cacophany of musical randomness of the JFS thread, against the drab sterility of some random server's "RP in my lap" diatribe.
[/ QUOTE ]It is the fecund birthing ground of the COH participant-turned-meme, "/jr-ng-r", whose name I will not take in vain in these unhallowed settings.
[/ QUOTE ]It is the invasively painful wincing of hiterto-unnamed-yet-fondly-forgotten fury-posters whose threats, arguments and plane tickets are received with an awesome and inspiring 'lol', not just from the militant spokespeople of the J-Force, but by dozens of free-thinking and chaos-loving participants of the Freedom server.
[/ QUOTE ]It is the inexorable march of a single thread, for half a decade, through the good times, the bad times, and the friggin' INSANE times.
[/ QUOTE ]It is the spirit of relaxed camaraderie, whose unfailing smirk paints the image of our server over all others.
[/ QUOTE ]Why do I love the J-Force? Because in an odd way, they are the best of us, and the worst of us; and in that delicate fusion, against all odds and logic, everything just ends up fine.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]Pause, and consider.
[/ QUOTE ]

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
I love J-Force because they are going to give me one billion inf for typing out eighteen words.
[/ QUOTE ]
Monah. Nao.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're not allowed to fix it. We've still got at least 3 more pages of insensitive commentary to get out of your inability to read several lines appropriately.
[/ QUOTE ]
I read them, they registered. I looked at the commentary. It wasn't even that effectively insensitive. Jy00 suX0r would have been more intelligent. And insightful. And slightly less off-topic.
Back to my original point:
Monah. Nao.
Monah. Nao.
[/ QUOTE ]
Here ya go.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
This is the official announcement for the JFS 5 Year J-Versery Extravaganza: Why you love or hate the J-Force Essay contest!!
The What: This is a contest for the J-Force's 5 Year J-Versery Extravaganza. You will be writing an essay about why you love the J-Force, or why you hate the J-Force.
The Where: All essay submissions must be submitted in this thread. Any submissions entered by an outside source will be disqualified, unless they are really good.
The Why: This contest is for the grand total of ONE BILLION INFLUENCE (1,000,000,000 inf). This is on blue side and is only to be given to a toon on Freedom. We are as lazy as it comes so don't expect us to go jumping around servers.
The When: This contest will run throughout the month of may, or until we declair a winner. Which ever comes first.
The Who: are an English rock band formed in 1964. The primary lineup was guitarist Pete Townshend, vocalist Roger Daltrey, bassist John Entwistle and drummer Keith Moon. They became known for energetic live performances. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990, their first year of eligibility. According to the New York Times, The Who have sold 100 million records.
The How: The essays have no word limit (yes I tricked you Turg). They can be as long or as short as you like. Just make sure you are disctinct about your reasons. You can submit as many essays as you like, but we will only consider your most recent submission for the contest.
If you have any questions feel free to ask, because we need to keep this thread on the first page.
-The Legendary J-Man-