THE COMIX RACK: Freedom's Architect Issues!
Arc Name: Journey to Become a Hero
Arc ID: [u]5314[u]
Faction: Hero & Villain
My global name: @Master-Blade
Difficulty Level: Medium
Recommended Team Size: 4+ members, lvl 30-38+
Typical duration: 30-60mins
Arc Synopsis: When great success is achieved, the early years are sometimes forgotten. This exercise brings back the memories of how your character became a successful Hero. Reformed Villains may also want to see what the Hero life is like. We've set up a series of 5 tasks, each increasing in size, level and difficulty. It starts at the very beginning of a character's life when they first begin to fight crime, and takes you through the Journey to Become a Hero.
Link to a more info/comments thread: Arc 5314 (Live) - Journey to Become a Hero
Teaser Poster HERE!
Arc Name: Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine, Act I
Arc ID: 1013
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Turgenev (Live and Test)
Difficulty Level: Best played from 35-50. Middling to Hard.
Recommended Team Size: Solo for best effect due to story elements, but full teams are just bloody.
Typical duration: 1-2 Hours
Arc Synopsis: Wherein the old is new again; the dead may live; and our hearts will sing where our mind knows not the tune. - On one fateful day, our hero comes across an old Arachnos training simulation regarding a mysterious enemy. And on that fateful day, your life will never again be the same. (Act I of III)
Link to a more info/comments thread: Comments and Feedback found HERE.
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Hope you like this first of three parts to my "maxi-arc" concept for Architect. I'm really hoping for constructive feedback on my stuff, so please message me at any time via my global if you have opinions or find flaws in the mission execution!
@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE
Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Thread has been stickied and marked to save.
Please note Arcs transferred from test to live may be published under a new ID, please check this information once live. Any user that needs their post updated can contact any member of the moderation team, please include links and content to edit.
Thank you.
Any user that needs their post updated can contact any member of the moderation team, please include links and content to edit.
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That's very helpful to note. Thanks Ex!
@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE
Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Arc Name: The History of Captain Power, Hero of Two Worlds
Arc ID: 8882
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Captain Power
Difficulty Level: Best played from 35-50.
Recommended Team Size: Solo for story, but I can't wait to team on it.
Typical duration: "Long" sorry but there are 3 defeat all missions. Hopefully, Captain Power Issue 1 will have fewer defeat all's in it.
Arc Synopsis: This tells the story of Captain Power before and during the first Rikti raid. Captain Power is not a member of the Freedom Phalanx, but has worked closely with them on more than one occasion. This is how an alien from Thanan became a hero of both Thanan, and Earth.
Link to a more info/comments thread: I'll just put in what I want you to know. first, don't be afraid of the bosses, The last one's tough because it's a Rikti AV but even soloing you can get the entire Freedom Phalanx as well as Lady Grey to help you, so he'll go down. As for the others, they're EB's or lower, so don't be too concerned when the word "boss" shows up. What i like about this arc is I created a "war torn" Statesman for a Golden Age costume for the first mission, it's not much, but it shows why Statesman MAY have changed his costume simply so he could go fight the 5th column. Also Atlas's costume finally revealed! or at least my rendition of what I think he would have for a costume.
Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!
Arc Name: Knowledge is Power
Arc ID: 2362
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Firespray42 / Firespray
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
Synopsis: When a formerly good group of mystics and sages begins kidnapping random citizens, someone needs to find out what's going on.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours.
Please check it out if you get a chance and let me know what you think
Arc Name: Shaded to Black
Arc ID: 4996
Faction: Heroic
Your global/forum name: @Shadow-Rush (global) / Shadowrush (forum)
Difficulty Level: For levels 40-50, Moderate
Recommended Team Size: Solo (below Invincible) or a mid-sized team.
Typical duration: 30-60 minutes
Arc Synopsis: A new group of villains working with Arachnos; technology abound; Manticore on their trail, and you answer the call.
Notes: Story-driven. Has one EB and one EB/AV at the end, but the arc was made to be solo-friendly below Invincible (Difficulty 5), Difficulty 2-4 is recommended. Allies are provided as well.
Arc Name: Gambler's Addiction
Arc ID: 2862
Faction: Heroic
Your global/forum name: @Dyrnwyn
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
Recommended Team Size: Solo-friendly under Invincible, Great for teams.
Typical duration: Long - Contains 4 missions (3 small maps, 1 outdoor map)
Arc Synopsis: Stop a villain known as The Card Dealer from hypnotizing the citizens of Paragon City. You have to go through a series of casino table games (Blackjack, Baccarat, 3 Card Poker, and Ultimate Texas Hold'em) until you find him, and defeat him. You don't have to know how to play casino table games to finish this. Just go through the objectives and it will be cake. Contains 1 EB and 1 AV/EB.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Arc ID: 2862 - Comments Page
Arc Name: The Perils of the Tail!
Arc ID: 6997
Your global/forum name:
Global - @TechSpider
Difficulty Level:
Medium to Hard
Recommended Team Size:
Solo-able, but bring a team!
Typical duration:
Half an hour to an hour
Arc Synopsis:
Investigate the kidnapping of Kinetic Kitten and rescue her. She ally's with you and you find the real kidnapper
Contains 2 EB's, AV's on higher teams, contains created group, and custom EB/AVs. Come fight alongside and against my characters, lol, Kinetic Kitten and TechSpider.
Arc Name: High Fashion, High Danger
Arc ID: 1098
Faction: High Fashion Amazons
Creator Global/Forum Name: @AnotherDeadHero
Level Range: 1-50, best for 1-20
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium, Difficulty can ramp up on larger teams.
Synopsis: The High Fashion Amazons have come to Paragon City to fight abuses of style
Estimated Time to Play: 30-45 minutes
This mission is lowbie friendly, while higher levels or experienced players may not find it a difficult challenge. There are three missions in the arc, with no "defeat all" missions.
Please Leave Feedback Here or PM me directly.
Arc Name: The Suffering Syndicate
Arc ID: 1168
Faction: The Suffering Syndicate
Creator Global/Forum Name: @AnotherDeadHero
Level Range: 1-50
Difficulty Level: Medium-Medium/Hard, Difficulty can ramp up on larger teams.
Synopsis: A new organized crime faction "The Suffering Syndicate" is setting up operations in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.
Estimated Time to Play: 30-45 minutes
In this three mission arc, you will take on all levels of the Suffering Syndicate from the Interns to the CEO. These missions can be challenging, where defeat is a real possibility, especially on larger teams. Random maps are used to enhance repeatability.
Please Leave Feedback Here or PM me directly.
Arc Name: A Little Help Here
Arc ID: 1190
Faction: Freakshow
Creator Global/Forum Name: @AnotherDeadHero
Level Range: 1-50 (Recommended 25 and up)
Difficulty Level: Medium-Medium/Hard, Difficulty can ramp up on larger teams.
Synopsis: The Freakshow have stolen some hi-tech weapons and used them to capture some heroes.
Estimated Time to Play: 15-45 minutes
This is a quick "One and Done" mission against the Freakshow. It's good for solo players as there are many allies, but it can also be fun for groups. It is a very large map with bands of enemies, but you do not have to defeat all to complete the mission. It can also be fun to repeat because due to the map size and the random locations, you may not run into all the hostages all the time.
Please Leave Feedback Here or PM me directly.
Arc Name: Digital Love
Arc ID: 3571
Faction: Either Heroic or Villain
Your global/forum name: @Matres
Difficulty Level: Easy
Recommended Team Size: Any
Typical duration: 15-30 min Solo
Arc Synopsis: A tale of Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and the Carnies that love them
Link to a more info/comments thread: Warning! The song that came up on my playlist while I was creating this kinda influenced the last mish. And yes, these missions were designed to be stealthed if people want to stealth them.
@Aoide Muse
Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web
Arc Name: First Contact
Arc ID: 9190
Faction: Villian
Your global/forum name: @Promethia.
Difficulty Level: Not sure
Recommended Team Size: Any
Typical duration: Short
Arc Synopsis: Do some gopher work for GW
Link to a more info/comments thread: This was just something I whipped up to play with the new toy. Don't expect much.
Arc Name:Honor Among Villians
Arc ID:13006
Faction: Neutral but preferably Villian
Your global/forum name: Amethyst Wolfsblood
Difficulty Level:1-54 Recommended for 40
Recommended Team Size:3-8
Typical duration: Unknown
Arc Synopsis: The introductiong of two new factions. The Black Thorn and the Demonika Luprania. Possible follow up stories if enough interest.
Link to a more info/comments thread:
Arc Name: The History of Captain Power, Hero of Two Worlds
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Captain Power
Difficulty Level: Best played from 35-50.
Recommended Team Size: Solo for story, but I can't wait to team on it.
Typical duration: "Long" sorry but there are 3 defeat all missions. Hopefully, Captain Power Issue 1 will have fewer defeat all's in it.
Arc Synopsis: This tells the story of Captain Power before and during the first Rikti raid. Captain Power is not a member of the Freedom Phalanx, but has worked closely with them on more than one occasion. This is how an alien from Thanan became a hero of both Thanan, and Earth.
Link to a more info/comments thread: I'll just put in what I want you to know. first, don't be afraid of the bosses, The last one's tough because it's a Rikti AV but even soloing you can get the entire Freedom Phalanx as well as Lady Grey to help you, so he'll go down. As for the others, they're EB's or lower, so don't be too concerned when the word "boss" shows up. What i like about this arc is I created a "war torn" Statesman for a Golden Age costume for the first mission, it's not much, but it shows why Statesman MAY have changed his costume simply so he could go fight the 5th column. Also Atlas's costume finally revealed! or at least my rendition of what I think he would have for a costume.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because for some reason I can't edit my post, the number is 8882. I'm going to post or edit this to who my new arcs also.
Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!
Because for some reason I can't edit my post, the number is 8882. I'm going to post or edit this to who my new arcs also.
[/ QUOTE ] I'm sorry if this messes up the flow of this thread in any way, but I wanted to remind everybody that you only have 48 hours to edit a post on these forums.
Ex Libris stated above that if you need to update information in a post, you can notify a Mod with the link to your post and tell them what information to change. I'm guessing this applies mostly just to MA posts, otherwise it could really get out of hand having the Mods waste time editing other random nonsense.. so only do that if you need to change the Arc# or something else important.
Arc Name: The Artifact Smugglers
Arc ID: 1287
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Azdeph
Difficulty Level: Moderate, EB at end
Synopsis: Someone is smuggling dangerous magical artifacts into Paragon City and into the hands of criminals. You must find the distributor of these items and shut them down.
The story will be continued if people enjoy it. Last two missions are against custom enemies, and the final one has an EB.
Estimated Time to Play: 1 hour - 1 hour 30 min (really depends on the group)
Link to More Details or Feedback: Send feedback through the architect system or to
Arc Name: If you can find them...
Arc ID: 4823
Faction: Council
Your global/forum name: @Kilaw pilath
Difficulty Level: Varies
Recommended Team Size: Any
Typical duration: 1-2 hours tops. (2 missions)
Arc Synopsis: A crack commando unit went missing, and now you have to find them, rescue them, and then maybe you can hire..
Link to a more info/comments thread: None
Arc Name: Lessons in Pain
Arc ID: 4791
Faction: Custom
Your global/forum name: @Kilaw pilath
Difficulty Level: High
Recommended Team Size: Depends on Difficulty Setting used when running.
Typical duration: 45 min+
Arc Synopsis: The academy of pain was a training ground for many different types of people. From military tough guys to common thugs who just wanted to improve themselves. One teacher, Jason Lichborne, went over the edge. Now you have to face his view of a new Academy of Pain as you face off against HIS newest recruits who didn't quite make the cut!
Link to a more info/comments thread: None
Here is my first entry, its loosely based on Lewis Carroll's old tale.
Arc Name: Adventures in Wonderland
Arc ID: 30421
Faction: "The Red Queen's Court"
Your global/forum name: @Fierce
Difficulty Level: Medium-Hard
Recommended Team Size: 3-8
Typical duration: Long (4 Missions, no defeat alls) About an hour I guess.
Arc Synopsis: In this story you rescue Alice from the clutches of the evil Red Queen, to reclaim Alice's mind(Wonderland).
P.S. Don't be fooled by the tacky knockoffs!
Arc Name: The Fairy Tale Fiasco
Arc ID: 20538
Faction: Custom - Grimm Figments
Your global/forum name: @Firetalker
Difficulty Level: LvLs 45-54
Recommended Team Size: 2+ but can be solo'd
Typical duration: Short, 20-30 minutes
Arc Synopsis: Someone has stolen the Croatoa Fairy Tales & Legends books and summoned the characters from the storys to do their bidding. It is said that these books contain a powerful spell that could destroy the world, if you can figure it out. Your mission is to get the books, find out who stole them and defeat that person! Good Luck!
This is my first arc, so any and all feedback and tips would be greatly appreciated!
Arc Name: The Missing
Arc ID: 37636
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Shadow-Rush / Shadowrush
Difficulty Level: For levels 1-50, Easy to Medium
Synopsis: What starts out as a missing person case turns into something more sinister.
Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes
Notes: Story-Driven. Mystery. 3 short missions. Solo-friendly, only contains one standard-level EB. An optional Ally is also provided.
Feedback: Either send it through PM's to my global or my forum handle. There's also a feedback page here.
Arc Name: The Rise of S.C.R.E.A.M.
Arc ID: 13556
Faction: Neutral
Difficulty Level: Told hard if diff is set high
Recommended Team Size:
Typical duration:
Half an hour to an hour
Arc Synopsis:
Learn of a new mysterious corporation that opened and why graves near their offices have been unearthed recently.
Contains 3 EB's, AV's on higher teams, contains created group, and custom EB/AVs. Created characters just for this arc.
Feel free to join the Freedom Architect channel as well.
Arc Name: Coup d' etat @ home
Arc ID: 28313
Your global/forum name: @Cure1
Difficulty Level: 20 and Up
Recommended Team Size: Solo if not on Inv. all team sizes good.
Typical duration: 1 hour
Arc Synopsis: A coup has taken place in Raja's land. Exiling him in Paragon where he was in college. The Krool overthrew his father (the first Raja) and killed him and the other key roles of government. Now in power the Krool find out that you are helping Raja find the next seats of power and they will stop at nothing to stop you. They know that Raja will return looking for a fight.
Link to a more info/comments thread:Comment in game email to @cure1
Thanks for setting up this thread.
Arc Name: Ed's Army: Uncle Ed Wants You!
Arc ID: #41672
Faction: Hero
Your global/forum name: @Aeoleon
Difficulty Level: Challenging at higher difficulties, with out being arduous
Recommended Team Size: Written and designed for solo play
Typical duration: 45 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on difficulty, build strength, and whether or not you read the story
Arc Synopsis: General Ed, founder of Ed's Army, is in a bind and he needs your help. His two highest ranking officers have gone AWOL, and there's something fishy brewing in the backround. Fight for, and along side, Ed's Army (both past and present) as they take on the 5th Column, Circle of Thorns, and a group of custom foes. Arc includes 4 missions, 5 EB's and an AV.
Any, and (almost) all feedback is welcome!
Name: Robotic Mayhem
Arc ID: 36357
Faction: Any
Your global/forum name: @brian9824
Difficulty Level: Med
Recommended Team Size: Any - its been soloed but larger numbers can spawn AV's.
Typical duration: 30 minutes
Arc Synopsis: A mysterious virus has started effecting electronic devices. Can you stop it before its too late?
Would really appreciate if anyone were to test it out and leave me some feedback and any ideas you have.
Technoid - Lvl 50 Ice/Device Blaster
Mind-Render Lvl 47 Illusion/Forcefield
Hot-Pants - Lvl 37 Fire/Fire Tanker
Mr Pointy - Lvl 33 Spines/Regen
Welcome, Freedomites and server guests alike!
But when it comes to Architect... having to dig our arcs out amongst the thousands of My Deep And Tragic QQ Life Story arcs from all the other servers is going to add a lot of confusion, when all we wanna do is find out what our local peeps are up to in Architect. ![Smile](images/smilies/smile.gif)
Try any of these links for background info:
A CoX-community Wiki clearing house of all things spandex!
On April 8th, NCNorCal will be releasing 'Issue 14: Architect' to the general public. This is the first time the PLAYERS get to tell the stories WITHIN the City of Heroes gaming format itself!
Freedomites know each other; we hang with each other; we rumble with each other; and yeah, we get into some really awesome flame wars with each other. At the end of the day, we're all about "us".
TO THAT END: I propose a Freedom-focused "Comix Rack", where any of our local authors can post their published mission arcs, once Issue 14 hits! (This is meant for 'Live' server arcs only, as the Arc IDs won't match between Test and Live!)
1. So, how should I advertise my arc? Simple! Follow the basic format below!
Arc Name:
Arc ID:
Your global/forum name:
Difficulty Level:
Recommended Team Size:
Typical duration:
Arc Synopsis:
Link to a more info/comments thread:
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2. Should I comment here if I liked a mission arc? Preferably, no. Please keep this thread for announcements instead of commentaries. You can follow the mission author's "link to more info/comments" and express your opinions there, to keep everything in one place! (A good place for a feedback thread is in 'Stories & Lore' - see below.)
3. Where can I get more info about the Architect system? Good question. Have you been keeping up with the news?
The Mission Architect FAQ - The official CoX "Frequently Asked Questions" posting for Architect.
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore - The sub-forum dedicated to servers-wide discussions on arcs, background, mechanics, etc. Great place for feedback threads for your personal arcs!
ParagonWiki's 'Mission Architect' - When in doubt, check a wiki.
Why are you still reading this? Pick up a Freedom Comic, kick back, and have fun!
(Thanks to Ex Libris for the general formatting, and ElectroHawk from Champion server for the inspiration!)
@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE
Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!